Thank you for the transparency! Very much appreciated. Took some of the guessing out of my gaming plans. I'm still very excited for this game and am interested to see what the "big win" ends up being. While I know it perhaps might get pigeonholed as a "retro Metroidvania," your game has hit upon something that is different than other games right now and really compelling, even by the standards of its influences, and I hope it gets more exposure and finds a receptive audience.
I may have mentioned it before, but I've been through some rough things in recent years, including losing multiple family members, and the art, design, storytelling, and music of your work has been really encouraging and inspiring. And as you've seen, the delay gave me some time to do some fan art I've been thinking of doing. ( Really dig the Light Needles attack, and both CotW and LC2 have the awesome screaming to power up. I tried to figure out how to max Mateo's gear in one of the shots without him hurting himself. lol. Godspeed on the release! With a little extra polish, the quality of your work and vision will be undeniable!
PS: It's cool knowing an international project like this has someone creative from MN on it. While I've moved around, at this point, I've been there for about half my life.