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Re: Music you've been digging lately
« Reply #120 on: August 16, 2011, 09:26:30 AM »
Ghost is well worth checking out.

I've been listening to some of their material lately. They're really good and catchy.

Anyway, I've just learned to play this on my bass. It's one of my favorite Priest songs, and apparently one of the two or three songs of their catalogue with gay lyrics from Rob. According to Rob Halford it's about a guy going to a gay bar getting drunk and a little too frisky then getting booted out of the place at the end. "I'm going, no loss. Nightmare, just a bunch of goddamn, rotten, steaming, raw deal".

Judas Priest - Raw Deal
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Re: Music you've been digging lately
« Reply #121 on: August 16, 2011, 09:51:59 AM »
Been ripping my collection over a number of months now.... have got to the T's. Where I found a band I had forgot about - maybe for a reason. Throwdown - utter meatcore (meaning meat-headed hardcore. Not that any of these guys have anything to do with meat, as they're vegan, and straightedge). For your listening pleasure/displeasure, here is Raise Your Fist. Now get some beers in and eat a large t-bone.

Throwdown-"Raise Your Fist"
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Re: Music you've been digging lately
« Reply #122 on: August 16, 2011, 01:04:45 PM »
I recently listened to Iced Earth's 1992 album Night of the Stormrider.

Iced Earth - Travel In Stygian

Here I was, listening to the great songs, and I wondered: Hey, that vocalist kicks ass. How come they didn't stick with him in the band? The guy's Halford-style singing is fantastic.
And then I tried to look him up and found nearly nothing. Apparently he never was in any big band apart from IE. And he was kicked out of the band after one album because of some radical racist views he expressed.
Such a shame how talents are wasted.
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Re: Music you've been digging lately
« Reply #123 on: August 16, 2011, 01:24:00 PM »
I recently listened to Iced Earth's 1992 album Night of the Stormrider.

Iced Earth - Travel In Stygian

Here I was, listening to the great songs, and I wondered: Hey, that vocalist kicks ass. How come they didn't stick with him in the band? The guy's Halford-style singing is fantastic.
And then I tried to look him up and found nearly nothing. Apparently he never was in any big band apart from IE. And he was kicked out of the band after one album because of some radical racist views he expressed.
Such a shame how talents are wasted.

Stormrider was a great album, soaring thrash vocals... but I didn't know that John Greely was a racist knobend. Oh well.

Any Iced Earth album (at least up to when Ripper Owens joined) is a good one. Pure power thrash. I have a definite love for Horror Show myself. Dracula is an excellent tune - taking it's lyrical cue from the Francis Ford Coppola film version of Drac. Also Wolf, Jack (The Ripper), Jeykll And Hyde, Damien (inspired by The Omen), and a great cover of Iron Maiden's Transylvania.
Here's Dracula.
Iced Earth - Dracula
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Re: Music you've been digging lately
« Reply #124 on: August 16, 2011, 04:34:11 PM »
YAY ICED EARTH DISCUSSION! They're also one of my favorite bands. Didn't know much about that vocalist though. My favorite IE albums are a tie between Night of the Stormrider and Burnt Offerings. I like all their albums though, including the ones with Ripper Owens. Musically they aren't as interesting overall though as previous albums, I have to admit that. The Crucible of Man was great with the return of the now again retired Matt Barlow. I look forward to seeing what they come up with with that new Stu Block character.

Anyway, here's possibly the most positive IE song ever recorded. It pretty much says we're all screwed, but that if someone is willing to stand up and change the world we still have a chance.

Iced Earth - Come what May
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Re: Music you've been digging lately
« Reply #125 on: August 16, 2011, 05:05:39 PM »
Iced Earth is one of my favorite all time bands, that i'm listening to!!!

Iced Earth-Melancholy
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Re: Music you've been digging lately
« Reply #127 on: August 17, 2011, 09:26:22 PM »
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Come on now this was going to happen eventually  :P

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Re: Music you've been digging lately
« Reply #129 on: August 18, 2011, 07:22:17 AM »
Iced Earth did this really cool song about my favorite battle in history. It's pretty awesome : p

Gettysburg (1863) - Hold At All Costs

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Re: Music you've been digging lately
« Reply #130 on: August 18, 2011, 07:36:11 AM »
So there's a healthy amount of metal heads here from what I can gather. Can any of you share some good remakes/covers done by metal bands? The other day I heard Dream Theater's cover of Perfect Strangers by Deep Purple and it was quite impressive. I can't believe I hadn't heard it till now! Dimmu Borgir's and Bruce Dickinson's version was good too.

Here's a couple I recommend:

Testament - Sails of Charon   --- Scorpions
Opeth - Remember Tommorrow --- Iron Maiden
Ghost - Here Comes the Sun --- Beatles
Lacuna Coil - Enjoy the Silence  --- Depeche Mode
Yngwie Malmsteen/Dio - Dream On --- Areosmith

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Re: Music you've been digging lately
« Reply #131 on: August 18, 2011, 10:15:10 PM »
Can any of you share some good remakes/covers done by metal bands?


You must have hit the spot here, because about a year ago, good-old master Freddy here not only hunted high and low the whole internet for those, he actually made a CD out of the best o' them.


1. Avantasia - Lay All Your Love On Me.mp3
2. Gamma Ray - It's a Sin.mp3
3. Guano Apes - Big In Japan.mp3
4. Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams.mp3
5. Doro - White Weddings.mp3
6. Turisas - Rasputin.mp3
7. Firewind - maniac.mp3
8. To Die For -  In The Heat Of The Night.MP3
9. HIM - Wicked Game.mp3
10. Ozzy Osbourne - Stayin Alive.mp3
11. Black Messiah - Moskau.mp3
12. Hammerfall - My Sharona.mp3
13. Megaherz - Rock Me Amadeus .mp3
14. Dungeon - Call Me.mp3
15. Northern Kings - Hello.mp3
16. Twilight Guardians - La Isla Bonita.mp3
17. Lacuna Coil -  Enjoy the Silence.mp3
18. Edguy - Hymn.mp3
19. Avantasia - Dancing With Tears In My Eyes.mp3
20. Yngwie Malmsteen - Gimme, Gimme, Gimme.mp3
21. Iron Savior - Crazy .mp3
22. Paradise Lost - Small Town Boy.mp3
23. Wise Crack - Come Undone.mp3
24. Dungeon - Hold the Line.mp3

Of course not all of those are by metal bands by definition, and there are dozens more I didn't include because I didn't like 'em. Some of those covers became classics by their own right.
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Re: Music you've been digging lately
« Reply #132 on: August 19, 2011, 09:08:27 PM »
I like Graveworm's cover of Pet Shop Boys' "It's a sin". Although the original rules supreme. PSB 4 life.

It's a sin- Graveworm
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

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Re: Music you've been digging lately
« Reply #133 on: August 20, 2011, 02:18:29 PM »
Since we're talking covers,
Avantasia's cover of "In My Defense" by Freddie Mercury is fantastic.

Also, it almost doesn't need to be said from me, but Judas Priest's covers of songs tend to become the most recognized versions of songs because they're so well done and properly mixed the original song with their own style. Songs like "Green Manalishi (With the Two-Pronged Crown)" originally from Fleetwood Mac, "Better By You, Better Than Me" from Spooky Tooth and "Diamonds and Rust" from Joan Baez are recognized as Priest classics. We don't talk about the "Jonny B. Goode" cover though.

Oh, and Iced Earth's cover of "Transylvania" is great.

Anyway, here's what I'm listening to. Incidentally another cover.
Skid Row - C'mon & Love Me
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Re: Music you've been digging lately
« Reply #134 on: August 20, 2011, 07:21:27 PM »
The best cover ever is unquestionably Blinded by the Light as played by Manfred Mann's Earth Band. I mean, how many people even know this was a Bruce Springsteen song? But EVERYONE knows this rendition.
Manfred Mann's Earth Band- Blinded by the Light
Nothing against Bruce though. He made Jungleland. I mean, yeah.
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