So I added myself on the map.
Wow, Castlevania has fans in Morocco? That's f*cking awesome!
Lol yeah it's pretty cool. I was playing video games since I was a kid, and CV in particular , so it's not that weird. And you would be surprised at the amount of gamers you can find here in Morocco. I'm just obsessed by Castlevania ^^. That's why i said I'm the number 1 CV fan in Morocco. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of cv fans in here, but I don't think there can be someone other than myself that's so obsessed by CV .
You might think that owning a console in here is hard, since well we're not that rich as a country, but it's not the case. Other than the legal ways to buy a console, we also have one of the largest black markets in the world, and you can find any game or console you want . You just need the money for it
