Kid Icarus Uprising. Up to the final chapter.
It's a decent game, the most of it feels like a decent transition from 2d to 3D and there's still a part that feels like quite a deviation from its predecessors.
For instance, Pit not being able to jump, which means the platforming itself is limited.
I appreciate that they've actually placed platforms with no edge in the game though.
It makes me feel as if the game is moreso like a 2d game extruded into 3D, which not many developers have the balls to do these days.
Not being able to see behind the player is probably the biggest issue with the controls, the other being that the 3dsXL (if you have a larger 3ds) can get tiresome to hold. It reminds me of Metroid Prime Hunters where even holding the regular DS Lite became tiresome. However,
I fully appreciate games that fully utilise the controls of a touch screen based system. Perhaps not for 2d games, but those which require accuracy, it makes me happy that the game was designed in such a way. I like that the player has to correct for player and enemy movement, particularly when charge attacking on the go.
It's a shame it also doesn't seem like it's that long of a game. I've liked the arcade style feel of the gameplay though, it's kind of taken elements from other games, particularly the grind rails from Sonic and the shooting from games like Starfox.
The difficulty system is also a very fair challenging and well thought out one imo, even though I prefer to opt for a classic difficulty setting which can't be altered.