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Re: Castlevania Resurrection prototype found
« Reply #60 on: May 02, 2021, 12:48:28 PM »
I'm hearing the sentiment that it's a little better than CV64/LoD...but I'm not seeing it from this demo. The character animation/pacing is incredibly stilted, as are the attacks. The biggest improvements I see are perhaps in textures and the ability to generate more enemies on screen at once. The level design is slightly better than I expected, and I like that it has real platforming, but nothing suggests it's better overall than CV64/LoD to me. I don't even see the R-button-type camera fix and lock-on than CV64 had. There looks to be a lot of blind whipping in Resurrection.

Just a reminder on CV64's movement:
One thing in that video I agree with was the criticism of relying on heavy combo systems rather than non-combo gameplay, which adds more of a manual touch to combat rather than a scripted one. That's something I disliked about the more combo-heavy 3D CV games (LoI, CoD, the LoS games), and would love the series to return to something less combo-driven. As noted in the video, when you have to think on your feet as you attack, it's more akin to a "fight or flight" type thing. I know people bring up the Souls games or Bloodborne, those games also feature a similar style of gameplay. I wouldn't want a CV game to be as unforgiving, but perhaps allow the player to learn from the environment and obstacles, rather than combo their ways through enemies, might be a cool change of pace for this series 3D future. Enemies wouldn't be damage sponges either (I swear enemies in action games are made damage sponges you they give the player enough time to pull of long "kewl" looking combos), could be taken out in a couple of hits, but DO fight back, aren't chumps and still keep you on your feet.

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Re: Castlevania Resurrection prototype found
« Reply #61 on: May 09, 2021, 09:02:26 AM »
Having tried the demo finally, (I love playing prototypes and demos like this) well, it's super clunky and the camera is clearly in the employ of Dracula, God forbid you go near a corner it flips out.

It tends to be hard to really judge the game though, compared to something like CV64, because well, this is really unfinished. As much as we can rail on CV64, that is still a finished product more or less.  I haven't played much of CV64, but the little i've played of that, it played much better than this.

Although the level design feels more PS1/PS2 game like than N64. not sure how else I can describe it. Still a fun curiosity of what could have been
Laura and Gabriel arrive in the deepest cave of the castle and... they find IGA.
