Castlevania Dungeon Forums

The Castlevania Dungeon Forums => General Castlevania Discussion => Topic started by: Jeepy on September 25, 2022, 08:29:32 AM

Title: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: Jeepy on September 25, 2022, 08:29:32 AM
Hey everyone! Here's something my boy GP Belmondo was working on (and I was helping him with lots of stuff).

As you might know, Netflixvania sucked as an adaptation of Castlevanaia 3 and left a lot to be desired. "Thanks" to Warren Ellis and his inflated ego preventing him from doing proper research of the source material and respecting the property, the opportunity of making a good and faithful adaptation went right down into the toilet. It pissed us off how at the same time it has so much wasted potential with talented animators and voice actors on board, and with some scenes being actually good if presented right. But what pissed us off even more, is how the majority was praising it like the second coming of Christ, while in reality it's just another terrible Netflix adaptation from the pile, and it didn't deserve the praise it was getting.

This cut is an attempt at making something worthy of a Castlevania title out of the animated series, taking the direction of the old "animated movie trilogy" format - the end result is a 4 hour film divided into 3 chapters. This cut is meant to be considered as a critique towards the animated series, a big "let me show you how it's done".

Swearing, vulgarity, pointless banter, cringy humour, unneeded excessive violence, unfitting characters, "GoT with vampires" and such have been cut, as these have no place or don't fit the tone of Castlevania. Actual Castlevania music and mentions of Grant have been added. Most of the scenes are re-edited and shuffled around to make the flow feel more adventurous, dynamic and make sense in general. There are some bloopers, but we had to work with what we have.

Download (main link) (

Watch online/download (mirror) (

Feel free to spread the word and reupload in case this gets deleted.
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: X on September 25, 2022, 10:36:12 AM
Have you also fixed the sections so that Trevor Belmont is the one to actually kill Dracula and not Alucard? That felt like a cop out to me as historically (story/gamewise) Trevor was the one who delivered the fatal blow with the help of the others. Warren Ellis should've realized that this is CV3 and not SotN.

I also felt that the third and fourth seasons were completely unnecessary. And -let's be honest- a horrid mess of armature writing. It sounded like they were doing the CoD game and took it into a completely different direction. They made Hector look bad and be presented as a sexual pushover/slave. It should've been left out completely as the game itself was a shoehorned entry into the series and really didn't add anything overall to CV 3. Also, why would Dracula need to rely on Devil forge masters when he alone has the power to overrun the whole of the Earth with his monster army? It just makes no sense to me.
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: Jeepy on September 25, 2022, 11:29:15 AM
Unfortunately, no (while Alucard fights Dracula, Trevor is busy
(click to show/hide)
, and I don't think there's enough footage to edit it so it would work), but I wholeheartedly agree! CV3 is supposed to be the story of Trevor Belmont first and foremost, and Alucard stealing Trevor's thunder felt strange, if not outrageous.

Also agreed with the rest. With seasons 3 & 4 they were simply milking it after the success of the first two seasons (and even Ellis himself said in one of the interviews how he "had no clue what to do next"). I personally liked the addition of Hector and Isaac's characters into the canon and their chemistry in CoD (and I like CoD as a game a lot), but seeing what have they done to them in the show was sickening, to say the least. Complete butchering of their characters.
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: X on September 25, 2022, 02:04:27 PM
I tried through the website above but it was taking too long and the quota ran out on me not even a quarter of the way through. Believe me, I'd really like to see this and the effort of what you guys have done. Is there a way to download the video?
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: Darkmoon on September 25, 2022, 02:37:32 PM
Seems unnecessary. It's an adaptation. It's allowed to take liberties. You didn't like it. That's fine. But saying broad generalizations like, "everyone knows it sucked." It was it's own thing. It was watchable. Like it or don't but maybe tone down your vitriol, dude.
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: Jeepy on September 25, 2022, 04:44:15 PM
I tried through the website above but it was taking too long and the quota ran out on me not even a quarter of the way through. Believe me, I'd really like to see this and the effort of what you guys have done. Is there a way to download the video?
Oh, sorry, totally forgot about the quota thing with Mega. Try this one. (

Seems unnecessary. It's an adaptation. It's allowed to take liberties. You didn't like it. That's fine. But saying broad generalizations like, "everyone knows it sucked." It was it's own thing. It was watchable. Like it or don't but maybe tone down your vitriol, dude.
People are free to like whatever they want, and if my choice of words was rude, I apologize. I mean, I understand that adapting a story to another form of media has its quirks, and sometimes you have to change some things around, BUT if you're going to change so much that the source material is barely recognizable, what is even the point of calling it "Castlevania" anymore? There's a pretty big gap between "it doesn't have to be exactly like the games" versus "it's an adaptation so it can do anything". They should've just created an original IP instead, in my opinion.
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: zangetsu468 on September 26, 2022, 04:08:11 AM
BUT if you're going to change so much that the source material is barely recognizable, what is even the point of calling it "Castlevania" anymore? There's a pretty big gap between "it doesn't have to be exactly like the games" versus "it's an adaptation so it can do anything". They should've just created an original IP instead, in my opinion.

Lords of Shadow did it… Then it said “Have at you!!” and swung its combat cross a few more times, to make its stance known by all..
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: Super Waffle on September 27, 2022, 08:26:11 AM
I never realized Castlevania has it's own "Should Moon or Venus kill Beryl"
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: X on September 27, 2022, 10:40:15 AM
Lords of Shadow did it… Then it said “Have at you!!” and swung its combat cross a few more times, to make its stance known by all..

And Konami paid for this blunder of a reboot. In some cases, literally (cash).
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: Darkmoon on September 27, 2022, 04:55:07 PM
eh, Lords of Shadow 1 was the best selling game in the franchise. Sure, there was some hubris in releasing the next two games back to back, and the big second one did fail pretty hard (arguably more because it came out at the tail end of a console generation and really should have been made for the next generation instead) but I wouldn't call it a total failure. At least they wisely ended it when it died.

Bearing in mind I hate the Lords of Shadow games and I do question why Konami had to call them "Castlevania". But players at least seemed to enjoy some of what Konami was laying down.
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: theplottwist on September 28, 2022, 01:06:48 PM
Lords of Shadow did it… Then it said “Have at you!!” and swung its combat cross a few more times, to make its stance known by all..

While this is true, LoS1 never advertised itself as something it wasn't. LoS1 is probably my favorite 3Dvania and much of it aged really well.

As for the post, interesting effort. I might check it out as I'm curious if it's possible to even edit that thing into something more palatable. Perhaps the Demon Castle Legend cut is not for some people and that's OK.
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: zangetsu468 on September 30, 2022, 04:40:29 PM
eh, Lords of Shadow 1 was the best selling game in the franchise. Sure, there was some hubris in releasing the next two games back to back, and the big second one did fail pretty hard (arguably more because it came out at the tail end of a console generation and really should have been made for the next generation instead) but I wouldn't call it a total failure. At least they wisely ended it when it died.

Bearing in mind I hate the Lords of Shadow games and I do question why Konami had to call them "Castlevania". But players at least seemed to enjoy some of what Konami was laying down.

If LOS1 had stayed as LOS1, I would agree. I actually liked it quite a bit, my issue is with MOF being a heap of shit and LOS2 I’ve never even bothered to unseal, due to the reviews, I’m not convinced I’d enjoy the experience.

The trilogy as a whole had cons that did not appear to be outweighed by pros, there was much lost potential to return to the series roots in a 3D sense, it ended up flopping as a series regardless of LOS1’s success and the Castlevania title was tacked on since the initial LOS trailer from way back when.

Think of it this way, if Zelda: Tears of the kingdom sells like a$$, fans will be saying BotW, despite being the greatest selling Zelda of all time, the ‘open world’ was a step in the wrong direction for the series(which a minority can be found online, saying this now)….

LOS solved the problem of “What is Castlevania?” but it was a temporary solution
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: Flame on October 01, 2022, 02:38:39 PM
LOS2 makes me angry. When it's good, it's REALLY good. But when it's bad, it's really bad. And all that could be forgiven if not for the infuriating way the game ends.

I'd say it's worth playing just for the good parts. Basically anything in the castle is some of the best Castlevania-fare to date, and I don't say that lightly. The combat, if you liked 1, is way smoother and refined. With the chaos/light energy attacks being changed to be less of just powerups and more their own unique attack styles.

As for Netflixvania, it has it's issues. There's plenty I dislike. But it's fine. There's plenty I like too. CV3 is kind of frustrating in spots, but it was fine. I'm willing to see where it all goes.
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: Kamirine on October 05, 2022, 08:18:48 AM
In my humble opinion, while I understand and respect the effort, there is no *fixing* it because they just got too many things fundamentally wrong.  It’s more a case of if the changes are so bothersome that it makes this adaption unwatchable for me at this point.

Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: GuyStarwind on October 22, 2022, 10:47:42 AM
Maybe I'll check this out. After season 2 I was done.
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: Jeepy on January 18, 2023, 08:00:25 AM
Small update:
-Classic Konami logo is now remade in widescreen.
-Added the church cross from The Castle of Cagliostro to the CV3-like prologue (at the frame with Trevor kneeling near the ruins, so now it looks more like the opening scene from CV3, where Trevor prays in front of the same cross).
-Other small improvements.

(Main download link updated)
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: X on January 18, 2023, 08:54:01 AM
I just remembered something. Even if there isn't enough footage for Trevor to fight Dracula there was a scene where Trevor did give Dracula a rather heavy blow with the Vampirekiller. That scene could be used to the effect as the final Deathblow against Dracula.
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: Jeepy on January 20, 2023, 01:01:52 AM
You mean the one when Trevor strikes Dracula after Sypha traps his leg with ice spikes? It's already used when the trio arrives to Dracula's room, and re-editing it to the very end in Alucard's room might look a little awkward, but it might work. Thanks for the feedback!
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: X on January 22, 2023, 10:06:49 AM
Welcome  ;)
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: mgfcortez on March 17, 2023, 10:40:31 PM
I think this be cool but watch a bit of it, and the voices are way too low sadly. makes it un watchable. you have to not get too carried away with the music too the point it drowns out the voices. but looks pretty cool. it cut off when Trevor met the learners or whatever their called. might download but 15 gbs. I hope this has 6 channel audio for such a big file size if not no reason for such a big file. anyway thank you for the work.
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: Jeepy on March 18, 2023, 04:50:53 AM
I remember trying to re-balance the sound channels, so both the voices could be audible and the music not being way too loud, but it's pretty hard, since the original show's sound channel had music on its own (and trying to remove it with an AI doesn't work perfectly most of the time, as it cuts out some sound effects and such),
 and to some degree I wanted to switch focus on the added music from the games (since Castlevania games always were known for godlike melodic and melodramatic soundtracks),
 so I decided to settle on what sounded acceptable for my ears (being able to hear characters' voices and listen to the added music without any distractions). Maybe I just got so used to it I didn't notice it.  :P

In any case, thanks a lot for the feedback! I'll see what can be done to improve the sound balance.

It's a 4 hour long film, so 15 gigabyte file size should be excusable, I hope. You can download it pretty fast from the main link on Dropmefiles.
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: Eric Roman on March 18, 2023, 10:17:21 AM
I never realized Castlevania has it's own "Should Moon or Venus kill Beryl"

Does now! XD

Tally another with the "where's Grant?", "Dracula's War Council made no sense", "WTF new random monsters instead of harvesting the Monster Dictionary", "Carmilla's clique was a waste of effort (even if Lenore's the hottest thing this side of Venus Weed)", and "the final season could've been A LOT shorter" sentiments. 

Slogra and Gaibon aside, after the three-part was finally done, disaster was to follow...according to my perspective, of course.  We're left in the end with a noteworthy, high-quality production accessible to everyone.  At the expense of those who know better.  Ey, they tried and it was an honest to goodness try. 

But it's one of those things I'll have to grin and bear forever (like so many things I've lived to see spoil).  As Portrait of Ruin, the adaptation had a lot of potential and awesome stuff going on but wound up tremendously flawed if you're showing up with expectations so calibrated as N's marketing commanded. 

Then we have scenes like this:

Cleopatra: Carmilla's house is on fire.
Guts: Yeah, I'm tired of fighting.  Let's elope.
::they leave::


Or one of my favorites:

::gets hung up on::

I'm intrigued to see this edit, it'll be fun to see how it runs with the fluff excised. 

Unlike how the Rondo preview left me curious about what of its robust cast and worldview will be ignored and supplanted.
Title: Re: [Netflixvania] Castlevania X: The Demon Castle Legend Cut
Post by: mgfcortez on March 18, 2023, 04:43:37 PM
I remember trying to re-balance the sound channels, so both the voices could be audible and the music not being way too loud, but it's pretty hard, since the original show's sound channel had music on its own (and trying to remove it with an AI doesn't work perfectly most of the time, as it cuts out some sound effects and such),
 and to some degree I wanted to switch focus on the added music from the games (since Castlevania games always were known for godlike melodic and melodramatic soundtracks),
 so I decided to settle on what sounded acceptable for my ears (being able to hear characters' voices and listen to the added music without any distractions). Maybe I just got so used to it I didn't notice it.  :P

In any case, thanks a lot for the feedback! I'll see what can be done to improve the sound balance.

It's a 4 hour long film, so 15 gigabyte file size should be excusable, I hope. You can download it pretty fast from the main link on Dropmefiles.

well take it from me if you got a blu ray with 5.1 6 channels. you can get the audio without the music. I myself took both Chinese movies monkey king 2014 and monkey king 2 2016 and removed the Chinese and then Dubbed them in English. most of Monkey king 2014 was done with the soundtrack, but part two was done with blu ray 6 channel audio. some sounds I was unable to remove. but most of the 28 minutes I did for MK2 before my pc died and they did a Dub of their own. lol was clean audio.

I will link the download in this reply if anyone wants to see them in English. also proof I know what I'm saying. you can watch the second movie online but got to download the first probably because of the two hour run time.

anyway if you should be able to rip the blu ray audio and use a program like Audacity to get the center track from the 6th audio channel track. it would be really nice to her the voices better. I did enjoy the old school Castlevania audio in the show. I plan to watch more now that I downloaded the 15gb file. take care

Monkey King 2014 English Dub. (

Monkey King 2 2016 28 minute English Dub. (