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Off Topic => Off Topic => Topic started by: crisis on July 18, 2008, 10:24:00 AM

Title: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: crisis on July 18, 2008, 10:24:00 AM
I catched the midnight showing last night, and I never seen a movie theatre so packed out! My friends and I were lucky to find seats (even though we had to split up), but it was a mobfest.

I'm not gonna give any spoilers since some of you have yet to see it, but I'll just say the Joker makes it all worth it! Definately an awesome performance. Aaron Eckhart did a great Harvey as well. At some points during the movie I got kinda confused as to what was going on, but all the issues were resolved eventually. There's a lot of mayhem, did I mention the Joker is buckwild :o I'll give my full review later!

Oh yeah, I want a Batpod  :P
Title: Re: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: MDI on July 18, 2008, 07:58:45 PM
I was a tad confused for the like first 20 minutes of the movie.


Once it started, I have to say, one of the best films I've ever seen...and I hate it when people say that, but this is one of the few times I'll ever say it.

-Joker was insane, and frightening, as was other things...
-The drama was really intense, I never thought I'd see Batman so pissed and on the edge of killing someone.
-Lt.Gordon kicked ass
-Maggie Gyllynhall (Wrong SP, I don't care) wasn't as fugly as she usually is.
-Great fucking fight scenes
-Batpod was actually really cool
-There was no cheesiness in the film, and for the few jokes that were made it was actually funny.
-There was nothing in the movie that made me go, "Well...they should have done it this way.."
-My standards for comic-book films has greatly increased overall.
Title: Re: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: Slayer on July 18, 2008, 08:16:57 PM
This movie is not just a great superhero film, but a work of superb crime-drama that only the best of Hollywood is capable of crafting.  The acting is top-notch, especially Heath Ledger's interpretation of the Joker.  Additionally, the soundtrack successfully drives your emotions with its unrelenting percussion and dark tone, and the attention to detail throughout the whole movie is truly mesmerizing; I often forgot Gotham City was a town of fiction, since the setting looks so damn convincing. 
If you see one movie this summer, make this it.  While I can't say it is my favorite film of all time--a spot tied between Goodfellas and Pulp Fiction--I will say that it is without a doubt in my top ten.
Title: Re: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on July 18, 2008, 08:25:54 PM
In Reply To #3

Loved the movie, loved it lots.  Seriously, it's awesome.

There was a guy dressed up as the Joker and actually resembled him a lot (was a little stockier than Ledger) and when he got there all dolled up in the makeup and got in the theatre...

...the AMC staff asked him to leave the theatre...
...for PICTURES!

hah hah hah

When he walked out from the front, he got a round of applause from the crowd.  He made it back in later before the movie started.

Title: Re: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: Slayer on July 18, 2008, 08:50:59 PM
I went to an AMC theatre also, and there were a couple of people dressed up as the Joker.  Three guys in our theatre actually got a round of applause.  Some dressed like the comic book, others like Heath, so on.
Title: Re: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: Evil_Kitty on July 18, 2008, 09:07:42 PM
In Reply To #1

I loved it but I still liked somethings about the first one more. It's hard to explain but each film holds its own which is almost unheard of with sequels where they suually flop or completely butcher it's predesor.

 Many parts had me chilled but I found it hard to get into the same magic that the first one ignited simply because I was expected this to be better than the last. However, it's a better film than Begins. The script is brilliant and so clever, and the know what I'm not even going to add to the hype! So go with as few expectations as possible. It'll catch you off guard so many times.

It's brilliant and I loved how these films transend the typical comic movies and go deeper. They really got into the whole importance of myth and heroes.
Title: Re: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: Profbeanburrito on July 18, 2008, 09:17:36 PM
Absolutely amazing! Two Face looked great, he's my fav Batman villain and I'm glad they did an awesome job with him.
Title: Re: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: MDI on July 19, 2008, 03:54:29 AM
Absolutely amazing! Two Face looked great, he's my fav Batman villain and I'm glad they did an awesome job with him.

I think I'm going to have nightmares for many months to come after seeing that Two-Face.

(Not to mention Joker as a nurse).
Title: Re: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: Evil_Kitty on July 20, 2008, 07:17:40 AM

(Not to mention Joker as a nurse).

lol, so funny, some things the Joker did reminded me of the Joker from the Animated Series.
Title: Re: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: cecil-kain on July 20, 2008, 08:58:21 AM
This flick is my second favorite of all time --comes very close to Return of the King, actually...

The movie just f*cks with you --Let's face it there's alot of superhero movie cliches that could've screwed the film over...  But everytime you think you know what's gonna happen next --you're either wrong or --you're right in the wrong way.  Ledger's Joker dominates the narrative.

With that said, I do have a couple small gripes.

1. ALOT of the music sounded tracked straight from Batman Begins --aside from the Joker's theme, there's very little fresh material.

2.  The setting was not consistent with the first film.  Gotham looks and feels very different --the change left me a little sour the first 20 minutes or so...
Title: Re: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: MDI on July 20, 2008, 01:26:30 PM
This flick is my second favorite of all time --comes very close to Return of the King, actually...

The movie just f*cks with you --Let's face it there's alot of superhero movie cliches that could've screwed the film over...
Title: Re: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: Blue Cheese on July 21, 2008, 04:19:17 AM
Whith a movie so well made and polished like this, the little, stupid things that bug me stand out even though they don't detract a damn bit from the awesome.
I hated Two Face's messed up side. It'd not that I wan't it to be purple or green or anything, but it seemed a bit TOO (two...heh) messed up. Almost zombie-like.
And then Bale's put on voice for Batman was a little too put on. Sometimes I couldn't even understand waht he was saying. "GROWLGROWL GROWL hero GROWL Gotham GROWL"

Stupid nit picks but when the acting and story is not an issue then that's all that's left.
Title: Re: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: Evil_Kitty on July 21, 2008, 05:16:20 PM
In Reply To #10

Yeah Gothem city's atmosphere was kind of dissappointing since that was one of the elements that made me love the first one BUT think about this, they're showing a different side of gothem by spending time on the political and business side.

My biggest issue is who can possible will the shoes for the next great villian. The Joker, Two Face, and Ras Al Ghoul(spelling?)are some of his biggest foes. But I have faith in the Nolan camp.
Title: Re: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: Slayer on July 21, 2008, 10:19:15 PM
In Reply To #10

Yeah Gothem city's atmosphere was kind of dissappointing since that was one of the elements that made me love the first one BUT think about this, they're showing a different side of gothem by spending time on the political and business side.

My biggest issue is who can possible will the shoes for the next great villian. The Joker, Two Face, and Ras Al Ghoul(spelling?)are some of his biggest foes. But I have faith in the Nolan camp.

It wasn't necessarily stated that Two-Face died, and if they wanted to, Ras Al Ghoul can be put in another film, at least according to comic book canon (which they may or may not follow...these movies seem to be taking a more realistic approach.)
On the other hand, I don't see how they could make another film with someone acting as the joker, unless enough time passed in the (supposed) series of movies that new cast members would be needed to replace the old...
Title: Re: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: Bloodreign on July 22, 2008, 05:38:57 PM
Just got through seeing it, the pacing at times can be a little slow, but the actors did a fine job with their parts, including some of the minor characters in the movie. Not a part was acted stiffly, was really well done.
Title: Re: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: A n t r a x x on July 22, 2008, 11:36:53 PM
I will definitely state this is my favorite Batman ever. Sorry I'll take a more realistic approach to comic narrative than the straight comic strip schlock we were given in the 90s. That has its place too, but I will always appreciate the more careful, artistic path.

And this is art. Amazing performances by every single cast member, although, strangely, Bale's gets drowned out a little by such stellar work from Ledger. I mean seriously, this guy was acting ahead of his years here -- stronger than I've ever seen him, and it's just a shame such talent was taken from us so soon. Heath fucking stole the show, and the standards for comic villains in big blockbuster flicks has been raised. The character felt so palpable, and this time, human; not just insane. I like when he denies that he is crazy. It shows a deeper personality and psyche.

I love how the beginning of the film showed the criminals stooping to new lowness by betraying eachother and clearly showing their disrespect for life (love how Joker just points the gun behind him and slays his comrade without so much as a glance back). And then the end bookpiece to the show where the two boats face off morally and mentally looking inside to do what is right. When the convict threw the detonator out the window, it was the little ray of hope that all is not lost.

That scene was just brilliant.

I don't like how fast they did away with Two Face, but he served his purpose to the story well as Harvey Dent which then fed the sad switch to his alter side smoothly.

I also like how this Gotham could totally exist in our time (in fact it does as Chicago), and I prefer this new realistic city as opposed to the fantasy ones of the past. I also appreciate that they put an equal anmount of focus on the citizens themselves, culminating with their triumph on the ships.

All in all, I can't wait to see what happens next, but it was a bittersweet affair in that that's the last we'll see of Heath Ledger. But then again, what a way for him to go. He'll deserve every bit of that Oscar, even if he's not here to enjoy it.

I would have liked to see a few more new gadgets, but that eye-sonar thing looks freaking sweet with the cowl. Also Batarangs weren't used enough.

Finally, I think Maggie is a cutie. :P
Title: Re: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: MDI on July 23, 2008, 12:46:30 AM
In Reply To #16

Well said!


My mom used to work in downtown, so she was telling me about when she looked out the window and saw a bunch of cops in black uniforms just standing around outside, and she didn't know what the fuck was going on because she had no idea they were filming Dark Knight out there.


Same thing with a friend of mine, he was all like "Bro, I was all like, what the fuck is Gotham City Bank?? That shit confused me man."

Title: Re: The Bat Rules
Post by: Mobius on August 03, 2008, 05:49:26 PM
What can I say? First film was great. Second one only got better. Yes, the Joker robs every scene he sets foot in (god, I loved that opening "magic trick" he pulled for the mob) and goes down in the books easily as the quintessential menace of Gotham. But major credit has got to be handed over to Two-Face. (it spoils nothing to state he appears in the movie) His genesis forms the most thought-provoking and, some would say, tragic arc in the movie's plot. And his confrontation with the Dark Knight, while simplistic on the surface, ends up carrying the most weight in the end.

Maggie was, well, just so much freaking better than little Mrs. Tom Cruise. She was actually effective and believable as opposed to just there this time. And while I kind of suspected she was going towards the direction they took her in during this darker, heavier story, when I saw it happen it actually left me a little shocked. Well heck, the twist they gave Gordon threw everyone for a loop in the theater I attended. Proof positive that no amount of white-knuckle action can ever top good, strong storytelling.

And then there's the Batman. Christian Bale's obvious talents aside, the character goes down an extremely grueling path this time around. It almost made me feel bad for the guy. I have never been a very comic book-savvy person, let alone a Batman follower, but I gotta say this movie depicts the most tormented and burdened of heroes yet. By the time the end credits started to roll, he'd made a believer out of me. And therein lies Chris Nolan's best accomplishment with his own vision of the series: A believable and realistic Dark Knight.
Title: Re: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: Jayster on August 11, 2008, 10:34:39 PM
I was pleasantly surprised at how good this movie was. When I first hear Heath Ledger was the Joker I was like, "How does that work?" He definitely pulled it off though. Overall, I just like the mood of it. It's darker and the atmosphere felt a lot like it should.
Title: Re: The Dark Knight - What'd ya think?!
Post by: The Last Belmont on August 15, 2008, 11:22:51 PM
Pretty good though too long for what they were trying to do, loved the 2 face cameo that was da shizzle.