Castlevania Dungeon Forums

The Castlevania Dungeon Forums => General Castlevania Discussion => Topic started by: beingthehero on May 12, 2011, 12:47:31 PM

Title: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: beingthehero on May 12, 2011, 12:47:31 PM
Even though we nag each other on and off, Puwexil and I agree these are probably the top 5 Castlevania questions. What are your alls answers?

1. Why are there so few female heros? Should the LoS sequel have one?

2. Who do you think is the greatest Belmont of all time?

3. Kojima or the OoE artist?

4. Which Castlevania do you think feels the least like a Castlevania title?

5. Should there be more HOT female enemies?
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: Puwexil on May 12, 2011, 12:50:32 PM
I can't believe you're not banned yet.
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: beingthehero on May 12, 2011, 12:52:44 PM
I didn't know you didn't want question 5 posted. Don't jump down my throat on the IRC. >_>
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: crisis on May 12, 2011, 12:59:57 PM
1. cuz IGA's a sexist derpderpderp

2. Simon, or Leon's successor.

3. Kojima, although Masaki is an excellent replacement but we haven't seen any indications that he's still interested in doing more work for the series.

4. Judgment, or Encore of the Night

5. Succubus is overrated, give us more Diplocephalus/Astarte/Draculina

prunyuu edit: LoS sequel should only have a female costar if she's a Belnades. Okay?
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: Ridureyu on May 12, 2011, 01:24:13 PM
Even though we nag each other on and off, Puwexil and I agree these are probably the top 5 Castlevania questions. What are your alls answers?

1. Why are there so few female heros? Should the LoS sequel have one?

2. Who do you think is the greatest Belmont of all time?

3. Kojima or the OoE artist?

4. Which Castlevania do you think feels the least like a Castlevania title?

5. Should there be more HOT female enemies?

1. Because "typically, the women in a vampire story need to be rescued." -Igarashi.

2. I'd say it's definitely Simonchristopherjusterichtersoniavincen tdesmondjuliusleon.

3. I've only seen the OOE artist in one game, but he/she did a great job in that.

4. Curse of Darkness.

5. You mean there seriously aren't enough already?
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: Munchy on May 12, 2011, 01:36:15 PM
1. I'd only be up for a female hero if she breaks the prototypical spellcaster mold. I dunno, give her a spear or something. (Shanoa sort of did this, but even her weapon usage was written off as LOL MAGK)

2. Simon and/or Christopher.

3. Both have their merits. I'd say give Kojima a break for a while though.

4. The Kid Draculas. (Great games though.)

5. "You know what they say... the more the merrier!"
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: uzo on May 12, 2011, 03:26:23 PM
1. Because "typically, the women in a vampire story need to be rescued." -Igarashi.

Source? That's pretty true though.
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: X on May 12, 2011, 06:12:02 PM
1. Why are there so few female heros? Should the LoS sequel have one?

2. Who do you think is the greatest Belmont of all time?

3. Kojima or the OoE artist?

4. Which Castlevania do you think feels the least like a Castlevania title?

5. Should there be more HOT female enemies?

1. IGA's got issues with this and thus should seek help before making another game.

2. Most of us grew up wit Simon so...

3. OoE's art was refreshing. I found that some of the women (Laura the jeweler) was a very hot-looking woman.

4. Lords of Shadow.

5. Bring on the sexual equality. (This includes heroines too!)

Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: xscientist5000 on May 12, 2011, 07:25:08 PM
1. I agree with the stereotype that men do the fighting and women are for support / are to be rescued. I'd say 99% of people playing these games are men, and only a small portion are the kind of perverts who want a hot female main char just to get their rocks off.

2. Richter in SOTN, even if his moves and item crashes are way exaggerated.

3. Kojima

4. Never played it but "Judgment" probably. LOS did it right with the some atmosphere but wrong with the enemies IMO.

5. Definitely. In the form of vampire women, spider-women, and maybe a hot Mer-woman.
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: DoctaMario on May 12, 2011, 08:08:19 PM
1. Why are there so few female heros? Should the LoS sequel have one?

2. Who do you think is the greatest Belmont of all time?

3. Kojima or the OoE artist?

4. Which Castlevania do you think feels the least like a Castlevania title?

5. Should there be more HOT female enemies?

Ahhh, Hero! You're always good for a controversial thread! ;)

1.I always thought it was because the games were set in times where women weren't allowed to do any fighting.

2.Simon. He was the first, he killed Drac a couple times, and his Simon's Quest armor makes him look like a BAMF.

3.Kojima. I liked Masaki's art, but I like the stylized Kojima thing even though I think she's a one trick pony as far as that goes.

4.Of the ones I played? Probably the Sorrow games. I liked them enough but they seemed like some JRPG-lite type of thing rather than a Castlevania game.

5.I think there should be a monster that's shaped like a pair of boobs. Anyone else with me? Guys? >_>
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: Munchy on May 12, 2011, 08:14:19 PM

5.I think there should be a monster that's shaped like a pair of boobs. Anyone else with me? Guys? >_>

Well, there's Max Slimer which solves... like... 45% of that problem.
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: DoctaMario on May 12, 2011, 08:19:53 PM
Well, he looks more like a breast implant really. But I'm talking about like a pair of perky, forward-facing tits. Ones that could possibly shoot sharp little cone things from the nipples.  :o
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: 赤月 on May 13, 2011, 01:34:44 AM
1. Why are there so few female heros? Should the LoS sequel have one?

2. Who do you think is the greatest Belmont of all time?

3. Kojima or the OoE artist?

4. Which Castlevania do you think feels the least like a Castlevania title?

5. Should there be more HOT female enemies?

1. Around that time, I don't recon women were allowed to do much but stay home, it would make sense only a selected few were allowed to fight. I personally like the fact that most Castlevania protagonists are male, the "saving the damsel in distress" stereotype is quite nostalgic .

2. Leon Belmont, simply because of his tragic nature.
(click to show/hide)

3. Kojima. I love her abstract gothic style. In some pieces of her work, she manages to turn an object into something it's not, creating a different image. She is by far my favourite artist.

4. LoS. Something is missing there.

5. I would love to see Ayami Kojima design some harpies, arachnes, or even some lesser female demons for future games.
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: Nagumo on May 13, 2011, 01:41:11 AM
hero why are you killing this board
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: Chernabogue on May 13, 2011, 01:43:26 AM
1. Why are there so few female heros? Should the LoS sequel have one?

2. Who do you think is the greatest Belmont of all time?

3. Kojima or the OoE artist?

4. Which Castlevania do you think feels the least like a Castlevania title?

5. Should there be more HOT female enemies?
1. I really don't know but adventure/action games have like a tradition of the male hero guy who pwns evil dudes. But I liked Sonia, Charlotte and Shanoa a lot. And no female hero in the LoS sequel, please, I want to see Gabe/Drac or something like a LOS Julius Belmont.

2. Grant DaNasty. Hum, I really like Trevor. I'd like to see his story more detailled in the future (a real scenario for Dracula's Curse or before the fme, for example). But please forgot the Pachislot things.

3. Kojima for sure. I like OoE's art, but Kojima seriously delivers a lot. Just look at her recent art book: fantastic.

4. Maybe LoS (though I really like it and its story), maybe all the "spin-off" stuff like the Pachislots or the Kid Dracula things.

5. Well, I'd rather have more HOT female heros!
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: paulstanley on May 13, 2011, 04:37:12 AM
hero why are you killing this board

Everyone's on to you, hero. Best to give up now.
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: Nagumo on May 13, 2011, 07:34:29 AM
Hi Nightmare.
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: beingthehero on May 13, 2011, 08:09:14 AM
Go away, Naggermo.
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on May 13, 2011, 08:38:10 AM
What is this crap?
Behave yourselves, Chapel people (I'm assuming?  Seems like you all know each other from somewhere else).

That is all.
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: beingthehero on May 13, 2011, 08:49:26 AM
Yeah, please don't derail my topic guys. ;_;
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: thernz on May 13, 2011, 08:50:55 AM
1. Why are there so few female heros? Should the LoS sequel have one?
Because Castlevania's post-SoTN pre-LoS protagonist design adheres to satisfying the female fanbase. LoS-verse can do whatever it wants. It's already head-deep in character study gruff.

2. Who do you think is the greatest Belmont of all time?
Juste Belmont. Defeated Dracula's ghost. This is what the Belmonts do when not fighting Dracula. Fight Dracula more. Juste holds his own and proves to be more than capable, providing us the easiest Dracula fight in history.

3. Kojima or the OoE artist?
Kojima-chan. I do not like digital brushstrokes, and it is evident in Masaaki's work. I also think Kojima has more stylistic quirks and better designs and embroidery.

4. Which Castlevania do you think feels the least like a Castlevania title?
The question is:
What makes Castlevania Castlevania?

5. Should there be more HOT female enemies?
will they be as hot as kawaii nurse-chans from silent hill uguu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: crisis on May 13, 2011, 09:35:33 AM
This is what the Belmonts do when not fighting Dracula. Fight Dracula more.

You think you're sooo smart.. well I got news for you
Soleiyu never fought Dracula, he was just his bitch. That right there proves your theory wrong sir.
and I don't like how Juste acts like nothing happened after he rescues Lydie. He should've been honest if they are to have a relationship. But with Maxim as a third wheel that might've been rather difficult...

What makes Castlevania Castlevania?

COX answered this millions of times already, man with chain whip in world of nightmare. Pay attention!

/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

I'm stealing this.
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: thernz on May 13, 2011, 09:44:22 AM
i took the "what belmonts do when not fighting dracula" from a canon interview
also christopher belmont still fought dracula at that time so there was a belmont fighting dracula okay
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: Munchy on May 13, 2011, 11:42:38 PM
will they be as hot as kawaii nurse-chans from silent hill uguu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

I dunno man... those crunching sounds and the featureless skin-flap face give me the shivers.
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: 赤月 on May 14, 2011, 08:34:15 PM
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

^ they're multiplying!!
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: Odile Kuronuma on May 15, 2011, 07:00:42 PM
1. Why are there so few female heros? Should the LoS sequel have one?

2. Who do you think is the greatest Belmont of all time?

3. Kojima or the OoE artist?

4. Which Castlevania do you think feels the least like a Castlevania title?

5. Should there be more HOT female enemies?

1- Because the developers  think that a woman is unable to use a whip properly, unless if it's to fulfill their sex fantasies....Btw what's LOS?  ;D
2-Trevor,  because he's HOT!!
3-Kojima hands down. The OOE guy isn't bad, but his art lacks details(especially the faces) , while Kojima's art is very detailed.
4-Haven't played all the games so I can't tell which one feels the least like a CV game
5- Being a woman I'm more concerned about male heroes(and enemies?) . I'm still waiting for my incubus Konami   >:(
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: GuyStarwind on May 16, 2011, 11:42:50 AM
1. Why are there so few female heros? Should the LoS sequel have one?
Honestly don't know and don't care. Don't get me wrong I don't mind female leads but it doesn't bother me they have so few.

2. Who do you think is the greatest Belmont of all time?
Either Richter because he's a player!!! Or Julius because... Well, play the Sorrow games sometime and you'll know why.

3. Kojima or the OoE artist?
I like Kojima more but I wouldn't be sad to see more of the OoE person.

4. Which Castlevania do you think feels the least like a Castlevania title?

5. Should there be more HOT female enemies?
Um sure I guess? Kind of like female heroes I'm good either way.
Title: Re: Mine and Puwexil's Top 5 Castlevania questions!
Post by: Successor The Cruel on May 16, 2011, 12:41:26 PM
1. Why are there so few female heros? Should the LoS sequel have one?
Because the target audience for Castlevania is males, and the developers probably feel that males can relate better to male heroes.  I don't really have a particular desire to play as a female hero, so I'm kind of indifferent on them, but if I had to choose, I'd probably rather have a dude.

2. Who do you think is the greatest Belmont of all time?
Mmm... Probably Simon, but my favorite is Juste.

3. Kojima or the OoE artist?

4. Which Castlevania do you think feels the least like a Castlevania title?
Lords of Shadow.

5. Should there be more HOT female enemies?
Sure.  I have no objection to that, but the ones that there have been don't do a lot for me.  They're not ugly or nothing (from what I can tell), but I guess I just don't get off to things like video game heroes and villains for whatever reason, but I'm sure plenty of folks do, so... Although, strangely enough, I do find Tali from Mass Effect quite charming : p