Castlevania Dungeon Forums

The Castlevania Dungeon Forums => Hardcore Gaming 101 => Topic started by: Flame on August 07, 2011, 09:55:49 PM

Title: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 07, 2011, 09:55:49 PM
Ill start off by replying to a post by crisis on the street fighter thread.
I dunno if i'm correct, but I recall a while back some timeline that was featured on one of the Japanese Rockman sites (i think it was for the RMZ Collection), and every X game was included EXCEPT for X7, X8, etc. which may or may not imply that those games could've been retconned?? I don't even know anymore.
the Zero Collection website timeline. But it only covers events relevant tot he Zero series.

MM10, pre-X1, X5, and X6. by that logic, that also would mean X1-4 are not canon because it doesnt cover them. It simply doesnt cover non relevant events.

*Megaman 10- the factor which would make Light complete X with perfect virus countermeasures
* Zero's creation and sealing
*the events pre-X1 (X and Zero found, Sigma/Zero battle, Sigma revolt)
*The Earth Crisis of X5, and Eurasia's crash into the Earth, and the subsequent "Area Zero" of the crash being sealed off from entry for the next century, but due to an environmental system left in tact after the crash, nature reclaims the site during that decade.
*The Nightmare Incident which eventually leads the Government to learn that Zero is the source, and carrier of the virus, directly leading to his first sealing.

orbital elevators and new gens are not relevant to the Zero series. (only as background information- such as Neo Arcadia Tower being a damaged orbital elevator shaft left over from the wars, refitted as one large trap)

new gens and the copy chip are more relevant to the ZX series than the Zero series, what with Master Albert utilizing the A-Trans. (Trans-on)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: CastleToastM on August 08, 2011, 12:13:53 AM
*Megaman 10- the factor which would make Light complete X with perfect virus countermeasures

I never thought about that. The events in MM 10 could lead to the creation of X?

But also, wasn't it Wily who created the cure for robenza, or whatever the desease was?

Wily gave Dr Light the inspiration to create X?

It bothers me that MM 9 wasn't the game that connected to the X series. It could have been X, as in roman numeral 10.

But now we have to wait until MM 11, if it ever comes, to finally get a game that connects to the X series.

And if MM 11, if it ever gets released, does not connect the series, I'll have to throw an ALL CAPS RAGE fit.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on August 08, 2011, 12:34:25 AM
I also thought that Mega Man X was actually Mega Man 10. Until I read the story and wondered what happened to all the other numbered games in between. I think it's about time we got a game the fills in the century gap between the two series'. So far we have Mega Man 10 taking place in 20XX and Mega Man X starting off in 21XX. Not a whole lotta room left to fill...
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 08, 2011, 09:59:03 AM
Its never going to happen.
Classic is a lighthearted series. it will never actually end.

I never thought about that. The events in MM 10 could lead to the creation of X?
not to his creation- to the inclusion of perfect virus countermeasures when he was eventually built
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on August 08, 2011, 11:27:33 AM
Classic is a lighthearted series.

Yeah that's true. But I only remember the games after Mega Man 4 to be lighthearted. Mega Man 1, 2, 3 and 4 had a bit more of a serious tone to them as I remember it. wait-* Mega Man 7 for the SNES was also in the more serious league in terms of story. At the end of the game Mega Man was prepared to murder Wily cause he'd had enough.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on August 08, 2011, 11:48:06 AM
megaman is dead to me
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 08, 2011, 11:55:22 AM
Yeah that's true. But I only remember the games after Mega Man 4 to be lighthearted. Mega Man 1, 2, 3 and 4 had a bit more of a serious tone to them as I remember it. wait-* Mega Man 7 for the SNES was also in the more serious league in terms of story. At the end of the game Mega Man was prepared to murder Wily cause he'd had enough.
that was a localization rewrite. in the original he aims at wily, and wily says "you? shoot me? Im a Human!" to which Rock just goes "..."
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on August 08, 2011, 11:37:52 PM
that was a localization rewrite. in the original he aims at wily, and wily says "you? shoot me? Im a Human!" to which Rock just goes "..."

But it still looked as though Mega Man was considering breaking the first rule of robotics in order to permanently stop Wily. I'd have to wonder what was going through his mind at that moment.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Bloodreign on August 09, 2011, 02:40:32 AM
There's only 1 Mega Man series to me, that's the classic series, the rest I don't care much for.

This could've also applied to the speak your mind thread, but I speak my mind anyway when I post, so that thread is irrelevant to me (see what I mean).
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 09, 2011, 01:38:48 PM
But it still looked as though Mega Man was considering breaking the first rule of robotics in order to permanently stop Wily. I'd have to wonder what was going through his mind at that moment.
But the implications are far different. In the origjnal, he realizes Wily is right, and cant shoot him. in the localization, he says "I GONNA DO WHAT I SHOULD HAVE DONE YEARS AGO!"

whereas in the original its more along the lines of "Thats the same old aplogy over and over..."

in the localization he goes "IM MORE THAN A ROBOT! DIE WILY!"

in the original, he goes "..." realizing wily is right, he cant shoot a human, because he ISNT more than a robot.

Mega Man 7, and Mega Man X2 are the WORST localizations in the entire franchise.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on August 09, 2011, 06:04:55 PM
That does make more sense since the original Mega Man is supposed to be a robot while Mega Man X is a reploid and can go beyond the realm of a robot if he so chooses. Buy the way, what is the true localization for X2? I'd be interested in reading it since the English one came off as not really adding anything to what should've been a progressing story.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 09, 2011, 07:35:15 PM
what it changed are mainly the hits at Serges being Wily. Things such as, upon his defeat by X, "Being defeated by the robotic memento of Right... such regret..."

he is also the ONLY character besides Dr. Cain, to ever call X by the full name of "Rockman X"

in the origina script, Sigma upon dying utters

"However, Zero.. why... he was.. the last of... Wi.. num.. bers...."

the intro with the X hunters also carries a completely different meaning. in the origjnal, they are monitoring X and consicdering what they should do about him, when Agile asks Serges how
"the completion of that one Repliroid"
is going. They ultimately decide to let the lesser mavericks take care of X and see how it goes.

something like this.

(SERGES)                       yatsuga EKKUSUnanoka... narubodo nakanaka
This is their leader.          yarioruwai.
His name is Mega Man X.        ----------------------------------------------
                               So that is X... I see he's becoming quite
                               a competitor.

(VIOLEN)                       FUN! taishitakotonaiZE!
Those who underestimated him   ----------------------------------------------
are now nothing but scrap.     HAH!  He is no such thing!

(AGILE)                        tashikani kareno nouryokuha kikendesune.
We won't make the same         imanouchini taoshite shimawanakuteha...
mistake.                       ----------------------------------------------
                               Certainly, his abilities are quite dangerous,
He is powerful, but he is      don't you think?  Surely we should not be giving
blind to what is happening     thought to defeating him now..
around him.

(SERGES)                       koyatsuno shoriha washirano bukani
Our Mavericks will keep him    makaserutosurukanou.
busy until we are ready.       ----------------------------------------------
                               I propose we leave it to our subordinates to
                               deal with him and see how it goes.

(AGILE)                        ...tokorode anoREPURIROIDOga kanseisurunoni
Yes. How is the plan           itsumadekakarunodeuka...
proceeding?                    ----------------------------------------------
                      the by, how long do you suppose it will
                               take to complete that one Repliroid?

(SERGES)                       PA-TSUha hobo kanseishite irunojyaga
Collection is proceeding as    ...(p)seigyokairoga fukanzennanojya.
scheduled.                     ----------------------------------------------
                               I've almost completed the parts, but... (p)
However, we are having         the control circuit is still imperfect.
problems with the control

(AGILE)                        watashitachino mokutekinotameniha
We have little time.           anoREPURIROIDOnochikaraga hitsuyounanodesu.

We must finish construction    isoganakuteha...
on schedule.                   ----------------------------------------------
We must hurry...               For the sake of all of our plans, that
                               Repliroid's power is indispensible.

                               To not hurry would mean...
completely different right?

the localization also makes allusions to a "prophesy" and Sigma having blueprints of Zero lying around.

im hesitant to post the translate script because it is not actually THAT accurate. it carries the original meaning over, but I dont want to cause misconceptions through it
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on August 09, 2011, 11:22:48 PM
Yeah I never got that whole prophecy thing either. however even if it's not accurate I'd still be interested. I'll just muddle my way through it and make the best assumptions about it as I can. This bit of info you've already shared is interesting to read. Did the rest of the X series come off this badly translated as well or did they spare the rod?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 10, 2011, 12:12:53 AM
I also thought that Mega Man X was actually Mega Man 10. Until I read the story and wondered what happened to all the other numbered games in between. I think it's about time we got a game the fills in the century gap between the two series'. So far we have Mega Man 10 taking place in 20XX and Mega Man X starting off in 21XX. Not a whole lotta room left to fill...

Keiji Inafune said in an interview something to the effect of that he didn't want to do the game that bridged the two series because he'd have to kill off Rock who he viewed almost as a son. I don't know if that might change now that he's out of the picture.

That does make more sense since the original Mega Man is supposed to be a robot while Mega Man X is a reploid and can go beyond the realm of a robot if he so chooses. Buy the way, what is the true localization for X2? I'd be interested in reading it since the English one came off as not really adding anything to what should've been a progressing story.

X isn't a reploid. The reploids are modeled after him and are inferior at that. For that matter, neither is Zero who is of a completely different design from X and the reploids. And although Zero was rebuilt the first time using reploid technology, the second time he was rebuilt by Wily presumably using his own original technology.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 10, 2011, 07:35:00 AM
X and Zero can and are considered Reploids. Reploids are made from the same technology and have the same mental capabilities. the term itself is used to refer to robots made with humanlike mental capabilities. (view the intro narration to Zero 4) X and Zero CAN be excluded as Reploids, thus making Sigma the first Reploid, but otherwise they are usually counted as Reploids.

Yeah I never got that whole prophecy thing either. however even if it's not accurate I'd still be interested. I'll just muddle my way through it and make the best assumptions about it as I can. This bit of info you've already shared is interesting to read. Did the rest of the X series come off this badly translated as well or did they spare the rod?

Eh. the rest, were not as bad. X2 and 7 both came out in NA the same year, so it's likely they both had the same localization team, which is why both were horribly translated and completely rewritten.
The manuals didnt help either. The Japanese X2 manual had profiles of all the characters, including the X hunters, which furthered the comparison between Seges and Wily, by saying he was a "super genius", "like the legendary mad scientist"

The localized version removed all that, and instead added a newspaper article about X defeating the mavericks.

The rest of the X series was alright. After X3, the localizations became MUCH better.

If anything, any translation differences there come more from the differences between Japanese and English, or vague meanings that are hard to translate. X5 for example, has Sigma mentioning that his partner, the "old man who acts like Zero's father" used to be a "comrade" of X's. So X has an old evil comerad who hates him and acts like Zero's father.

uh huh.

the origjnal japanese was more vague in this part, i think it instead implied that X might know him.

X6 has bad issues with it's localization, but only due to rushed work. Its still a mostly accurate translation. in fact, the only X game where the Japanese and English names are the exact same. 9with the exception of Metal Shark Prayer to Metal Shark Player, which is probably a mistake, since with his abilities, Prayer makes much more sense)

here's the X2 script though. (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 10, 2011, 08:17:50 AM
X and Zero can and are considered Reploids. Reploids are made from the same technology and have the same mental capabilities. the term itself is used to refer to robots made with humanlike mental capabilities. (view the intro narration to Zero 4) X and Zero CAN be excluded as Reploids, thus making Sigma the first Reploid, but otherwise they are usually counted as Reploids.

US or Japanese? I tend to ignore things written by localizers as they have a tendancy to make shit up that was not intended by the original designers.

Also, the term itself excludes X from being a reploid. Reploid is derived from the Japanese repliroid which is a contraction of "replicated android". Which begs the question, "replicated from what?" Of course, we know that the design they're based on is X. It is also clearly stated throughout the X series that X has a strong sense of compassion that is absent from his copies, the reploids. Dr. Cains biggest regret being that he could not replicate that in Sigma & the other reploids. This one thing that makes X superior to his copies is why he is not a reploid.

Zero also is not a reploid because of his completely alien design compared to X and the reploids. On top of that Zero does not have the same sense of compassion that X does, but rather has a very strong sense of justice that far out weighs his compassion. In the games story, characters refer to X and Zero as reploids out of either ignorance or convention. Outside of that, in reality, people also adopted the habit of referring to X and Zero as reploids for the same reasons.

As further evidence, Dr. Cain never refers to X in his limited dialogue as a reploid either. The thing that makes X and Zero special is the fact that in reality they are not reploids at all.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on August 10, 2011, 09:52:22 AM
Indeed.  Reploids are based on the mechanical parts of X (and possibly Zero in the later games) but not their minds, as the mind's compassion, something Thomas Light (and Justice from Wily) worked on extensively (though with Wily it may have been accidental).
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 10, 2011, 11:13:32 AM
Rokkuman X Saibaa Misshon Kanzen Kouryaku Gaido
If you exclude X and Zero as Repliroids, Sigma, whom Dr. Cain created was the first Repliroid.

Reploid/Repliroid NEVER meant "Replicate Android" that has always been nothing more than a fan assumption. It has NEVER been stated to have such a meaning in game or in any of it's sources. It's sole meaning is to define a robot with advanced humanlike mental capabilities.

further on reploids-

from the Rockman Zero 4 intro

Those are the robots
created long ago
to be as much like humans as possible...

Those Repliroids
given personalities
with their advanced technology
worked on humans' behalf
and walked together with humans.
They should have become
the best partners...

Reploids are not replicates of X. they are derrivatives. They are based on his design concept, as stated in Day of Sigma. that being, a robot with human like mental faculties.

take this for all it's worth:

Zero: [[to Roll]] What are you doing here? You're just a housekeeping Reploid... You should get home immediately before you malfunction. -- Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars

Roll, a robot of the past generation is considered to be a reploid by Zero. all humanlike Robots have fallen under the term. Including the likes of Roll and her kind. they certainly arent mechaniloids, right?

Even panthoens, "mentally degraded Reploid copuies of X" are considered, again- reploids.

This one thing that makes X superior to his copies is why he is not a reploid.

his "worrying" is his greatest feature. Not compassion. He has the ability to worry on a level far deeper than ordinary reploids. This is due to the suffering circuit installed within him, which constantly makes him worry about matters both Reploid and Human. It makes him unbiased as to those matters. therefore he must constantly balance the worth of both, an impossible situation.

either ignorance or convention. Outside of that, in reality, people also adopted the habit of referring to X and Zero as reploids for the same reasons.
they are referred to as Reploids because they are no different than the definition of the term. a Robot with humanlike mental ability, made to be as human as possible.

As further evidence, Dr. Cain never refers to X in his limited dialogue as a reploid either. The thing that makes X and Zero special is the fact that in reality they are not reploids at all.
What makes them special, is their origins and specialties.

X. Magnum Opus of Dr. Light. Has perfect Virus countermeasures, very powerful Weapon and Variable weapons system, and limitless potential; Abilities that grow as he fights, the ability to worry on a level far greater than any robot or reploid. the base the reploid race was based on.

Zero. Magnum opus of Dr. Wily, in his last ditch effort to prove his superiority. has imperfect virus countermeasures, but is unnafected by viruses. is a carrier and source of the Sigma Virus. has incredible combat skill and determination, the perfect soldier, does his mission because it is his job, despite personal feelings. has the Saber tactics system. Also grows as he fights. The catalyst for the creation of Cyber elves.

Axl is special as well. because he is special. Copy ability, immune to all viruses through his copy chip, unknown origins and mysterious scar. has intense hatred for mavericks that he cannot explain. prototype of the new generation.

(and Justice from Wily) worked on extensively (though with Wily it may have been accidental).

Zero's change from berserk maverick to hunter was a matter of circumstance.

When Wily created Zero, he contained a flaw in his cognitive program that made him overly violent and unwilling to obey orders, so Wily sealed him away.

During his battle with Sigma, they were both infected by the virus emanating from Zero's capsule. Zero's armor was breached somewhere along the line, allowing the virus easy access to him. it is what caused his malfunction right as he was about to kill Sigma. Sigma punched his head, knocking him out. something there happened, and his personality was changed. he became calm and level headed.

It is theorized that the virus was created to pacify Zero. dampening his emotions in addition to boosting his power. this can be observed with the original Sigma/Zero fight, where Zero after being infected became normal. and upon being infected again with the Zero virus in X5's alternate scenario, became a cold hearted killing machine, no longer caring about the hunters or the maverick, devoted only to his mission of killing X.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on August 10, 2011, 11:37:37 AM
Thanks! Good read though I had to work on it little by little.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 10, 2011, 11:51:04 AM
Once I get home I can post more stuff.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 10, 2011, 01:08:44 PM
Reploid/Repliroid NEVER meant "Replicate Android" that has always been nothing more than a fan assumption. It has NEVER been stated to have such a meaning in game or in any of it's sources. It's sole meaning is to define a robot with advanced humanlike mental capabilities.

That's a ridiculous argument, I'm sorry. You're saying that a plainly obvious Japanese contraction can't possibly have a connection to it's constituent parts because it wasn't implicitly stated as such?

And then there's this: (

It all depends on how you perceive the term though. Strictly speaking X and Zero are not reploids unless you're using a different meaning. However, just as you can point out that the constituent parts of the contraction "reploid/repliroid" is never implicitly defined in the canon, neither are X and Zero ever stated implicitly to be considered reploids because they have similar traits. At best you could say that they are called/call themselves that out of simple convention. Dr. Light, X's own creator, never refered to him or Zero as reploids.

Those are the robots
created long ago
to be as much like humans as possible...

Those Repliroids
given personalities
with their advanced technology
worked on humans' behalf
and walked together with humans.
They should have become
the best partners...

Not considering X and Zero reploids doesn't contradict that statement. And this says nothing about X or Zero specifically either.

Reploids are not replicates of X. they are derrivatives. They are based on his design concept, as stated in Day of Sigma. that being, a robot with human like mental faculties.

That's semantics.
replica: any close or exact copy or reproduction.
derivative: not original; secondary.

Reploids are based on Dr. Cain's best effort to reproduce X's design as stated throughout the series, and, as a matter of fact, Dr. Cain specifically refers to X as "that robot" in the third scene of Day of Sigma.

Zero: [[to Roll]] What are you doing here? You're just a housekeeping Reploid... You should get home immediately before you malfunction. -- Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars

Roll, a robot of the past generation is considered to be a reploid by Zero. all humanlike Robots have fallen under the term. Including the likes of Roll and her kind. they certainly arent mechaniloids, right?

And how exactly is Zero supposed to know that Roll ISN'T a reploid? Is there some external marking or text that would alert him to that fact? And more importantly, Zero has no memory from before he was repaired and modified by Dr. Cain. All he knows is that the current form of androids are called reploids and likely also that they are based on X's design. And besides that, it never occurred to you that an android with free will and the ability to learn couldn't be mistaken about something?

Even panthoens, "mentally degraded Reploid copuies of X" are considered, again- reploids.

Exactly, "reploid COPIES of X" and apparently they DON'T have to have human level intelligence and learning capability to be considered reploids either, so thanks for proving my point. That throws out the notion that a reploid is any android with human like mental characteristics being as Pantheons are barely more than mindless robots. And besides that, after a hundred years, the convention of calling all androids reploids regardless of the original definition of the work has most assuredly set in.

his "worrying" is his greatest feature. Not compassion. He has the ability to worry on a level far deeper than ordinary reploids. This is due to the suffering circuit installed within him, which constantly makes him worry about matters both Reploid and Human. It makes him unbiased as to those matters. therefore he must constantly balance the worth of both, an impossible situation.

The last time I check you couldn't worry about other peoples problems without feeling compassion for their plight. That is unless you had an invested interest in the individuals in question, and for X that would mean a personal invested interest in every intelligent being on Earth.

they are referred to as Reploids because they are no different than the definition of the term. a Robot with humanlike mental ability, made to be as human as possible.

That has never been explicitly defined out of context. The fact of the matter is that they've never explaind the reasons why any particular character has refered to X or Zero as reploids. That leave the most likely reason to be that  it's just the naming convention at the time.

What makes them special, is their origins and specialties.

X. Magnum Opus of Dr. Light. Has perfect Virus countermeasures, very powerful Weapon and Variable weapons system, and limitless potential; Abilities that grow as he fights, the ability to worry on a level far greater than any robot or reploid. the base the reploid race was based on.

Zero. Magnum opus of Dr. Wily, in his last ditch effort to prove his superiority. has imperfect virus countermeasures, but is unnafected by viruses. is a carrier and source of the Sigma Virus. has incredible combat skill and determination, the perfect soldier, does his mission because it is his job, despite personal feelings. has the Saber tactics system. Also grows as he fights. The catalyst for the creation of Cyber elves.

Axl is special as well. because he is special. Copy ability, immune to all viruses through his copy chip, unknown origins and mysterious scar. has intense hatred for mavericks that he cannot explain. prototype of the new generation.

And X and Zero's origins are that they were humaniod robots design to be the first of their kind to have free will and the ability to learn and feel. Thus, not being reploids by extension is what makes them special.

Axl is special because he is the prototype for the new type of REPLOID and is still based and X's design at the core. Thus, by extension, being not being a standard reploid is what makes him special.

Zero's change from berserk maverick to hunter was a matter of circumstance.

When Wily created Zero, he contained a flaw in his cognitive program that made him overly violent and unwilling to obey orders, so Wily sealed him away.

During his battle with Sigma, they were both infected by the virus emanating from Zero's capsule. Zero's armor was breached somewhere along the line, allowing the virus easy access to him. it is what caused his malfunction right as he was about to kill Sigma. Sigma punched his head, knocking him out. something there happened, and his personality was changed. he became calm and level headed.

It is theorized that the virus was created to pacify Zero. dampening his emotions in addition to boosting his power. this can be observed with the original Sigma/Zero fight, where Zero after being infected became normal. and upon being infected again with the Zero virus in X5's alternate scenario, became a cold hearted killing machine, no longer caring about the hunters or the maverick, devoted only to his mission of killing X.

I don't know what video you were watching but the one I saw didn't show any change in Sigma's attitude until right after the moment when he breaks the crystal on Zero's forehead. That is where the original virus was concentrated. Zero was the carrier of the original virus and actually became UN-infected during that fight. And later on in X5 when Zero is infected again, it isn't by the same virus. In fact, IIRC Sigma manipulates Zero into getting infected with the Sigma virus in an attempt to recreate the original virus.

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 10, 2011, 06:58:19 PM
That's a ridiculous argument, I'm sorry. You're saying that a plainly obvious Japanese contraction can't possibly have a connection to it's constituent parts because it wasn't implicitly stated as such?
Alright. give me any source that states factually that that is the definition of the word.

And then there's this: (
Dont use the MMKB. its horribly inacurate and prone to fanon.
If anything, use the Megaman network Wiki.
Much more factual (

It all depends on how you perceive the term though. Strictly speaking X and Zero are not reploids unless you're using a different meaning. However, just as you can point out that the constituent parts of the contraction "reploid/repliroid" is never implicitly defined in the canon, neither are X and Zero ever stated implicitly to be considered reploids because they have similar traits. At best you could say that they are called/call themselves that out of simple convention. Dr. Light, X's own creator, never refered to him or Zero as reploids.
Well thats what ive been saying all along. Im not arguing wether or not they ARE reploids. Only that they fall under the term's use. in the X series, Reploid is used to describe all humanlike robots with humanlike mental ability. Its up to the player to decide wether they think X and Zero should be counted as Reploids or not, and only for the sake of Sigma's status as First Reploid.

otherwise it REALLY does not matter.

That's semantics.
replica: any close or exact copy or reproduction.
derivative: not original; secondary.
By that logic, I can say that Spaghetti is a replica of chinese Noodles because they are based on the same concept.

or that lords of Shadow is a replica of God of war because they feature similar combat. ( OH NO I DI'NT!!)
Reploids are based on Dr. Cain's best effort to reproduce X's design as stated throughout the series, and, as a matter of fact, Dr. Cain specifically refers to X as "that robot" in the third scene of Day of Sigma.
are reploids not robots? I understand your point though.

And how exactly is Zero supposed to know that Roll ISN'T a reploid? Is there some external marking or text that would alert him to that fact? And more importantly, Zero has no memory from before he was repaired and modified by Dr. Cain. All he knows is that the current form of androids are called reploids and likely also that they are based on X's design. And besides that, it never occurred to you that an android with free will and the ability to learn couldn't be mistaken about something?
My point is that she is humanlike enough to fall under the usage of the word. Even if she is a robot of the past generation. It is the same way that the umbrella also can cover X and Zero.

Exactly, "reploid COPIES of X" and apparently they DON'T have to have human level intelligence and learning capability to be considered reploids either, so thanks for proving my point. That throws out the notion that a reploid is any android with human like mental characteristics being as Pantheons are barely more than mindless robots. And besides that, after a hundred years, the convention of calling all androids reploids regardless of the original definition of the work has most assuredly set in.
mentally degraded doesnt mean stupid. They are not mechaniloids, they are considered reploids. Which measn they have average reploid intelligence. Keep in mind they were originally just guards, peacekeepers and police. jobs like that. Do note that they were originally planned to have the ability to speak, as per an unused pantheon mugshot. Guess they figured that would be hard to do when they have no mouths. or something.

The last time I check you couldn't worry about other peoples problems without feeling compassion for their plight. That is unless you had an invested interest in the individuals in question, and for X that would mean a personal invested interest in every intelligent being on Earth.
Im just calling it as it is. the key word here is not compassion, but "worrying". Cain makes certain of that fact in Day of Sigma.

That has never been explicitly defined out of context. The fact of the matter is that they've never explaind the reasons why any particular character has refered to X or Zero as reploids. That leave the most likely reason to be that  it's just the naming convention at the time.
exactly. by the general nusage of the word, any humanlike robot or robot with advanced humanlike thought, falls under the umbrella of the term. This includes X, Zero, and robots of the past generation. And even robots like the Pantheons.

I don't know what video you were watching but the one I saw didn't show any change in Sigma's attitude until right after the moment when he breaks the crystal on Zero's forehead. That is where the original virus was concentrated. Zero was the carrier of the original virus and actually became UN-infected during that fight. And later on in X5 when Zero is infected again, it isn't by the same virus. In fact, IIRC Sigma manipulates Zero into getting infected with the Sigma virus in an attempt to recreate the original virus.

heres where my promise to posy more comes in. :D

From the Rockman Zero Collection timeline

At least 200 years ago
    The birth of X

    When an incident occurred where an unknown computer virus came from space and causes robots to become violent and riotous, Dr. Light completed the battle robot “X” worrying about the future of Earth. Hypothesizing X could battle robots infected by viruses, he gave X the perfect virus counter-measure. Meanwhile Dr. Light developed a great number of armors, but this presented the possibility of X becoming a threat to mankind. To confirm the safety of X’s cognition program, Dr. Light sealed away X in an analysis capsule.

    1XX years ago
    The birth of Zero

    Zero was produced by Dr. Wily, who schemed at taking over the world. But he contained a flaw in his cognitive program that made him violent and unwilling to obey instructions, so Dr. Wily himself sealed Zero in a capsule.

    1XX years ago
    X is discovered

    X is discovered by Dr. Cain, having been buried underground for 100 years.

    1XX years ago
    The birth of Reploids

    Dr. Cain carried out his research of X, and using this created highly advanced robots called “Reploids.”

    1XX years ago
    The Sigma Virus outbreak

    A subspecies of the terrible computer virus from long ago is generated, and begins driving robots mad locally. The human leadership acknowledges these infected robots as Mavericks, and orders them to be disposed of. The source was found to be an unknown computer virus that had prevailed over 100 years ago emerging from the capsule Zero slumbered in. Later, this virus was named the Sigma Virus, after the Reploid “Sigma” who led a revolt against the human leadership.

    1XX years ago, Formation of the Maverick Hunters

    Following through with the disposal of Mavericks, the human leadership decides to have Mavericks exterminated by Reploids, and forms the Maverick Hunters. Ironically, the leader of the first generation of Maverick Hunters is Sigma.

    1XX years ago
    Zero awakens

    Receiving information of Zero awakening from his capsule and causing violence, the Maverick Hunter Sigma finds and intercepts him. during this incident, Sigma is infected by the unknown computer virus leaking out from Zero’s capsule, but at the same time Zero, having his armor damaged in the battle with Sigma, also becomes infected with the virus. Due to this, Zero’s personality completely changed, and he would turn to working as a Maverick Hunter.

    1XX years ago
    The Maverick Wars begin

    Infected by the unknown computer virus, Sigma defects to the side of the Mavericks and leads a revolt against human leadership. The wars between the Mavericks and the Maverick Hunters for the future of humanity begins.

    1XX years ago
    Fall of the colony “Eurasia”

    Under Sigma’s orders, the Reploid mercenary Dynamo causes an obsolete space colony “Eurasia” to crash into Earth. Along with recognizing the threat of the Mavericks anew, the human leadership professes its aim of eradicating all Mavericks. The site that became a contamination zone is dubbed Area Zero, and for the next 100 years would be barred from entry.

    1XX years ago
    The Nightmare Incident

    “The Nightmare Incident” occurs, an event where a subspecies of the Sigma Virus that attracts attention as the Nightmare Virus spreads throughout the world. The fact was proven that Zero was its source, as he was a carrier of the Sigma Virus, and was contagious to his surroundings as he worked across the world as a Hunter. In finding this, the human leadership decides for Zero to be sealed away, but due to the influence of scientists studying the Sigma Virus, his cognitive program was removed from his body so the two could be researched separately.

    1XX years ago
    The birth of the Mother Elf

    A Reploid researcher of this time (Dr. Ciel’s great-grandmother) studies Zero’s cognitive program and discovers an antibody to the Sigma Virus. She completes the Mother Elf, a program lifeform that can rewrite and erase the Sigma Virus. Afterwards, the scientists in the field of researching the Sigma Virus make researching Cyber Elves their focus.

    1XX years ago
    The Elf Wars rise from the Maverick Wars

    There are many historians who define the end of the Maverick Wars as the period when the number of Mavericks dropped significantly due to X’s using the Mother Elf. In actuality there is no enduring the conflict, and afterwards the latter period of the Maverick Wars came to be known as the Elf Wars.

    1XX years ago
    The proposal of Project Elpizo

    A member of the humans researching Cyber Elves proposes “Project Elpizo,” an operation to create a Reploid that’s a perfect ruler using the Mother Elf’s program rewriting ability. X opposed this operation, but out of fear of a long-lasting war support begins for complete control of Reploids. The confrontation of X’s “philosophy of coexistence” and the human leadership’s “philosophy of rule” begins.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on August 10, 2011, 08:39:05 PM
ummm, Why are people arguing over Reploids.

Do a little research and you'll find that all reploids are Replica Androids (as stated in one of the Manuals in the PSX games)
and, yes, they have derived from X
Zero was the source of the Maverick virus, possibly from replicated technology of Evil cores in MM8 (Since the Evil Robot was purple, and the virus is usually purple)
Axl, however, Doesn't exist to me. along with X7 (X8 and Cm were pretty fun, but I went Zero route)

Fact: X isn't originally X at all, the original X was Zero, which kinda explains his role in the first game and his "logo" to have ZX mark

Factoid: I was a Heavy Rockman Fan before reprising my fandom of castlevania
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on August 10, 2011, 09:45:42 PM
Factoid: I was a Heavy Rockman Fan before reprising my fandom of castlevania

Likewise... been an addict since mm2... but...
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on August 10, 2011, 09:51:24 PM
Likewise... been an addict since mm2... but...
castlevania came along? yeah, we can all relate lol
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 11, 2011, 12:21:16 AM

Do a little research and you'll find that all reploids are Replica Androids (as stated in one of the Manuals in the PSX games)
None of the Playstation Manuals from X4-X6 say any such thing. And all manuals from the localized versions should be taken with a grain of salt. Manuls from the SNES games, X1-3, should not be believed at all. Consider manuals inaccurate. The first 3 games had terribly localized manuals. especially X2.

Zero was the source of the Maverick virus,
His capsule was, not himself. he was infected and became a carrier. read the timeline.

possibly from replicated technology of Evil cores in MM8 (Since the Evil Robot was purple, and the virus is usually purple)
The Evil Energy has nothing to do with the virus besides inspiration. The Evil Energy does not cause robots to grow violent and riotous. Robotenza does. Wily got the IDEA for a virus with a body of energy from the Evil Energy, but nothing more. The Sigma Virus is a sub-species of Robotenza. Color should not be taken at face value. iof we go by color then, the Sigma virus is more of a purple-pink than pure purple.

Axl, however, Doesn't exist to me. along with X7 (X8 and Cm were pretty fun, but I went Zero route)
Except despite your personal tastes, they do exist as far as the actual line of events goes.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on August 11, 2011, 09:11:45 AM
His capsule was, not himself. he was infected and became a carrier. read the timeline.
Explain how he was infected if he was a carrier. Can't have both.

Except despite your personal tastes, they do exist as far as the actual line of events goes.
acutally no, Zero1-2 picks up from Zero's ending in X6 when he rests in a capsule, X7, X8, and CM belong to an alternate timeline based on X's ending in X6.

besides, If Cain Discovered X and Soon later the Birth of Replicate androids, and Speaking that very few docters could make robots in the original series, it would be safe to say that (at that time) Light was the only mind capable of making an Android with Free will, Soon after X was discovered, Reploids are made.

The Evil Energy has nothing to do with the virus besides inspiration. The Evil Energy does not cause robots to grow violent and riotous. Robotenza does. Wily got the IDEA for a virus with a body of energy from the Evil Energy, but nothing more. The Sigma Virus is a sub-species of Robotenza. Color should not be taken at face value. iof we go by color then, the Sigma virus is more of a purple-pink than pure purple.[/qutoe]
Its a theory since Zero originally had the Virus as a carrier, Zero was still more advanced than X in X1, and other factors in such. Granted of Wily's Robot making skills, it would be inpossible fo him to make Zero with his own resources, He Didn't with Bass.

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on August 11, 2011, 09:49:59 AM
Actually that ending in X6 that shows Zero being sealed is supposed to take place at a later date, presumably at the end of 21XX. And that was only the first time, he gets sealed twice. But the developers had to do "damage control" due to the X series continuing when it was supposed to end at X5 & the Zero series being active, and thenkdjrifiie&4!he

i am not getting baited into this shenanigans of the MM series again ive had these discussions 7 years ago
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 11, 2011, 10:14:24 AM
By that logic, I can say that Spaghetti is a replica of chinese Noodles because they are based on the same concept.

or that lords of Shadow is a replica of God of war because they feature similar combat.

I LOL'd at this because Spaghetti IS basically a replica of Chinese noodles since they were the earliest known makers of string flour dough. The legend of Marco Polo aside it seems likely that the idea for pasta probably did make it's way to Italy from China over the centuries.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 11, 2011, 10:54:01 AM
Explain how he was infected if he was a carrier. Can't have both.
how so?
let me reiterate. He became a carrier when he was infected. He did not succumb to it and go insane due to his unique connection with the Virus- it affects him differently than others.

acutally no, Zero1-2 picks up from Zero's ending in X6 when he rests in a capsule, X7, X8, and CM belong to an alternate timeline based on X's ending in X6.
Actually, no. There is nothing to say that is true. X6's Zero ending takes place at a further date in the X series.

besides, If Cain Discovered X and Soon later the Birth of Replicate androids,

Reploids. not replicates. The word has never been explained to mean such.

unless you can consider a robot whale a replica of X.

and Speaking that very few docters could make robots in the original series, it would be safe to say that (at that time) Light was the only mind capable of making an Android with Free will, Soon after X was discovered, Reploids are made.
not sure what your point is.

Its a theory since Zero originally had the Virus as a carrier, Zero was still more advanced than X in X1,
not more advanced. more powerful maybe, but only because X was not utilizing his full potential and abilities

Granted of Wily's Robot making skills, it would be inpossible fo him to make Zero with his own resources, He Didn't with Bass.
do not underestimate wily. he IS a genius. he is second only to light.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on August 11, 2011, 12:07:25 PM
Geez guys! I could just sit here and read all this juicy stuff for hours on end and still be fascinated! But personally I've always thought that the word 'Reploid' meant 'Replicated Humanoid'. I never considered them to be a form of androids cause X and Zero always came off to me as something much, much more then a simple Replicated Android.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Maedhros on August 11, 2011, 12:40:49 PM

Omae wa mou shindeiru! (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 11, 2011, 05:37:09 PM
Geez guys! I could just sit here and read all this juicy stuff for hours on end and still be fascinated! But personally I've always thought that the word 'Reploid' meant 'Replicated Humanoid'. I never considered them to be a form of androids cause X and Zero always came off to me as something much, much more then a simple Replicated Android.
if it were just "reploid" maybe. part of the reason people come up with that sometimes is because the japanese term is "repliroid"
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 12, 2011, 01:18:10 AM
If I ever get a chance to ask Keiji Inafune about Repliroid standing for "Replicate Android" or whatever I will do so and report back. It still seems highly unlikely that they randomly came up with the term repliroid without having the meanings of the two words in mind especially considering that the Japanese language itself often considers the meanings of both kanji when forming the a compound word. This is especially true of foreign words that are used as a contracted term. It is a very common practice in Japan. Plus add to that the term for mindless robots that are also based on X's technology, the mechaniloids (which was likely mistranslated and intended to be mechaniroids). It's obviously a contraction mechanical + android, although admittedly mechaniroids are often not of a humanoid form. Mechanical doesn't quite fit either until you consider that it is the derivative word for the term mecha which is a common term in Japanese culture for a machine.

And, yes, if the reploid whale is made using X's technology he does count as a replica. Why? DNA. All living things are in body is the end product of a very long line of replicated organic technology. The ancestors of whales were wolf-like terrestrial mammals, the technology that went into their descendants (DNA) is imperfectly copied (as Dr. Cain did with X's DNA) and results in something slightly different every time.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 12, 2011, 04:54:07 AM
X's DNA is not something so trivially copied.
His DNA along with Zero's, is unanalyzable. both X and Zero are unanalyzable. They are beyod the reach of 21XX science. Only Gate has ever come close to cracking Zero's DNA any time before the 50 year period of Zero's initial seal that yeilded Cyber Elves.

X is the prototype for all Reploids, much like Protoman is the prototype for robots of the last generation. Reploids do NOT have his DNA, otherwise Sigma wouldn't be so hellbent on getting it.

Reploids are based on his design concept, his overall type. They are not copies of X. they each have unique minds and bodies, and personalities, as well as individual DNA. The only "replicas" of X, are Copy X and Pantheons, they are the only ones ever directly referred to as replicas-

Mega Man is not a replica of Protoman. Splash Woman is not a replica of Protoman. Hard Man is not a replica of Protoman.

Reploids are to X what past generation robots are to Protoman and Rock.

also- consider this. The Big 4, are themselves made directly from X's DNA. They were made from the 4 fragments of X's soul when it was forced out and split into 5 upon sealing Dark Elf with his body. They are known as "X-Bioroids".
Even then they are still not replicas. Because they are not copies.

Copy X himself, was created with the same technology that created the big 4. only the remaining fragment of X's soul, (X himself) refused to return.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on August 12, 2011, 06:45:38 AM
LOL @ DNA being used for Robots (I'd use what the game says "RNA" but there's a thing called "RNA" in real life- ribonucleic acid, though they meant "Robot Nucleic Acid"? xD)

And yes, Rock is a derivative of ProtoMan.
Rock's design perfected the supposed flaws of ProtoMan though.
The first six (Fire, Bomb, Guts, Cut, Elec, and Ice Man) are derivatives of Rock's design.

Wily's robots are using Wily's own technology, but that technology and knowhow comes from when he tinkered with the Original Six.  Wily essentially saw what Light was doing with his robots (he was Light's assistant at one point, wasn't he?  Regardless of whether he was or wasn't, he has seen the capabilities of the original six when he tinkered with their logic circuits) and once he failed at his plan on MegaMan1, got ideas of his own for creating his own robots.

While Wily may not be using the same exact code, one can argue that the Second Eight (Flash, Quick, Metal, Wood, Air, Crash, Heat, and Bubble Man) 'could' be derivatives of the Original Six (if they use the same software code), but could be their own robots with their own code.

So any Wily robot 'could' be a derivative of the Second Eight, all the way to the latest Wily Robot (presumably that would be Zero?), if they are all based on the same original codeset, much in the same way that you have videogames that run on the engines of other games, but have improvements and optimizations.

The same goes true for Light's robots, though I believe he stopped at Roll and then just optimized Rock constantly until when he started getting old, and realized he would need a new type of android (I've been using the term "Robot" up until now because the robots in the original series do not all have human designs and seem to be task-oriented; that is to say, they are meant to do certain tasks as opposed to having 'lives' as well as jobs... though Light's robots all seem humanoid enough...).

I'm with Inccubus on this one.  Flame, you're waaaaay too caught up in semantics.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 12, 2011, 07:07:01 AM
I live on about 3 megaman forums, and 1 wiki. Semantics is part of the member description.

EDIT: this is nothing. you should SEE some of the discussions we get into on megaman boards. lol.

besides, i made the topic for this reason. to argue about megaman like we argue about Castlevania.

ah, but you say "derrivative". im arguing against usage of the term "replica".

Wily wasnt Light's assistant though. that was localization. he was light's colleague and classmate at the institute, but beyond that they never worked together professionally aside from MM3.

Wily got access to light technology far before the original 6- he repaired Protoman when he ran away.

protoman, then just a robot similar to Rock pre- MM1, ran away when light planned to fix a defect in his energy system, feeling he would lose his originality and free will. (didnt trust Light much). he ran away and eventually collapsed from his defect. Wily found him, and repaired him, replacing his solar reactor for a Nuclear one, thinking the problem was the reactor itself. he also armed him with combat capabilities and a helmet with shades so Light wouldnt recognize him. Unfortunately, replacing the reactor did not solve the problem, and he retained the defect. So he was given a shield, and fights with a gun-and-run fight style. (reason he jumps around and moves alot when fighting)

From that encounter, he learned how to work Light's technology, eventually leading to his reprogramming of the 6 industrial Lightbots. Protoman stuck with him out of gratitude for saving his life, but he did occasionally drop by to challenge Rock, testing his strength, and helping him out and opening paths. by the end, he also saved Rock from the self destruction of Wily's base.

By 4, he realized Wily's ambitions, (or had enough of them after putting up with them for a while) and deserted Wily, saving Kalinka, thus ending his brother's fight with Cossack.

also- funfact. in the localizations from 3-7, Rock knows protoman is his brother. in the original scripts, Rock does not know this, and still doesnt. (its the racer X thing)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on August 12, 2011, 07:19:54 AM
LOL RacerX.
Man I remember that nomenclature.

But yeah, the usage of "derivation" to "Replica" (and also terms like "Mutation" and "Corruption")is ambiguous when it comes to robots.  After all, you can put a part of a robot (a replica) into another if you have enough skill.  It's not like animals where you (generally) cannot put an animal part into a human (though some advances in today's world have made some transplants possible).

A hardware part can be mass-produced or replicated if you know the source code for its architecture (which would be the engineering equivalent to DNA), and if you have the manufacturing schematics (which would be the physical parts).  Since you always start with a prototype (hardware) and an Alpha Source Code (software), one could conceptualize that any source code based upon the Alpha is, indeed, a derivative code, and modules from that code could remain intact from the original, thus serving as 'replicated' code, but one can MOST DEFINITELY have replicas of hardware.  Hell, it's the reason we have thousands of cars that are exactly alike.

So for cars, robots, androids, etc. you can most definitely have "derivatives" that use exactly the same parts as originals in terms of software modules in the code, as well as physical replica parts.  The best real-world example I could think of is today's cars and the computers that drive them.  Sure, you may have a 2011 Lexus but it's likely that a lot of its computerized code contains code from the original Lexus programming, and most definitely you may have similar or identical (replica) parts of past Lexus models within.  It's just better business sense... though I'm not sure business sense is something Light and Wily were thinking of, haha.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 12, 2011, 07:40:09 AM

let me post some arguments discussions we have had on other boards. DEEEEEEEP ones. ( ( ( ( ( ( (

id say this is nothing in comparison
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on August 12, 2011, 07:43:19 AM
LOL just kiddin'. :P
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 12, 2011, 07:49:18 AM
I would say "shameless plug" myself, but, spam works too.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 12, 2011, 12:06:38 PM
X's DNA is not something so trivially copied.
His DNA along with Zero's, is unanalyzable. both X and Zero are unanalyzable. They are beyod the reach of 21XX science. Only Gate has ever come close to cracking Zero's DNA any time before the 50 year period of Zero's initial seal that yeilded Cyber Elves.

X is the prototype for all Reploids, much like Protoman is the prototype for robots of the last generation. Reploids do NOT have his DNA, otherwise Sigma wouldn't be so hellbent on getting it.

Reploids are based on his design concept, his overall type. They are not copies of X. they each have unique minds and bodies, and personalities, as well as individual DNA. The only "replicas" of X, are Copy X and Pantheons, they are the only ones ever directly referred to as replicas-

Mega Man is not a replica of Protoman. Splash Woman is not a replica of Protoman. Hard Man is not a replica of Protoman.

Reploids are to X what past generation robots are to Protoman and Rock.

also- consider this. The Big 4, are themselves made directly from X's DNA. They were made from the 4 fragments of X's soul when it was forced out and split into 5 upon sealing Dark Elf with his body. They are known as "X-Bioroids".
Even then they are still not replicas. Because they are not copies.

Copy X himself, was created with the same technology that created the big 4. only the remaining fragment of X's soul, (X himself) refused to return.

I didn't mean DNA literally. I meant only that when you attempt to copy a technology without having the original documentation it has a similar effect to how DNA is imperfectly copied through generations. I wasn't referring to X & Zero "DNA" as used in-game. Additionally, when Light and Wily made their robots they were not trying to replicate Rock or Blues. They didn't need to since they came up with the technology themselves. Dr. Cain was trying to replicate X's technology because he didn't understand it, but failed. Hence the term he originally coined, regardless of it's later use. Copy X and the pantheons are no different than any other reploids save that they were an attempt by a different scientist to do the same thing that Dr. Cain attempted with somewhat more success because of a greater understanding of robotic "DNA" I would presume. Besides, "DNA", souls, and the events of MMZX are irrelevant to the argument I'm making that in the strictest non colloquial sense, X and Zero are not reploids. And I have seen no evidence that directly contradicts the obvious meaning for the word "repliroid" given the culture it comes from to begin with.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on August 12, 2011, 01:03:52 PM
I didn't mean DNA literally. I meant only that when you attempt to copy a technology without having the original documentation it has a similar effect to how DNA is imperfectly copied through generations. I wasn't referring to X & Zero "DNA" as used in-game. Additionally, when Light and Wily made their robots they were not trying to replicate Rock or Blues. They didn't need to since they came up with the technology themselves. Dr. Cain was trying to replicate X's technology because he didn't understand it, but failed. Hence the term he originally coined, regardless of it's later use. Copy X and the pantheons are no different than any other reploids save that they were an attempt by a different scientist to do the same thing that Dr. Cain attempted with somewhat more success because of a greater understanding of robotic "DNA" I would presume. Besides, "DNA", souls, and the events of MMZX are irrelevant to the argument I'm making that in the strictest non colloquial sense, X and Zero are not reploids. And I have seen no evidence that directly contradicts the obvious meaning for the word "repliroid" given the culture it comes from to begin with.

I agree, Reploids did Derive from X, but using a literal Replicate as in Copy X is nonsensical, its used as Replicate in Technology. The Reploids may not Replicate X's Design, but X's Trechnology.

plus I love how X has all this potential (greatly emphasized in MMX and the Remake) how he can just do amazing things (like break out of a Hold and Recharge energy) and in later games never advance X to use this potential, instead we get armors, which are good, but by X5 X is Overly dependent on them rather than becoming this ultimate machine he is capable of being (although in the Zero series He has used his potential, Kinda dissapointing for the players).
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 12, 2011, 03:11:47 PM
Im not arguing X and Zero being reploids or not. technically they are not, but they are considered as such because of they type of robots reploids are, and the usage of the word fits.

Im arguing what you call the "obvious" meaning of the word. I throw right back at you, you have shown no evidence that the term means repilca/ated android. Inafune and Inticreates, Inticreates ESPECIALLY, with their hard on for story and background, have never described the term as meaning anything other than humanoid robot, robot with humanlike mental ability. Only 2 tyoes of robots have been stated to be replicas. a replica is a copy of the original, a reproduction. Reploids are none of that. they are derivatives based on X's technology.
Additionally, when Light and Wily made their robots they were not trying to replicate Rock or Blues. They didn't need to since they came up with the technology themselves.
Except they are all still following in the same mold as Blues. Cossack and Wily did not come up with the technology, Light did. Light is the father of robotics who made Robots with the ability to think and feel. All others are following his designs, only they had access to them where as Cain had to obtain the technology from studying X.
he had to do it the hard way since there were no available plans or notes. And yet Light specifically created X to usher in a new era of robotics, one where Robots could think on the same level as humans and grow mentally just like humans. X was not just a defender of the peace left for the future, but a breakthrough in robotics, meant to advance Robots and their relationship with Humans. He explicitly denotes X as "The first of a new generation of robots". He fully intended someone to continue where he left off some day in the future once X had been unearthed. So Cain is really doing no different than what Cossack or Wily did. Only he obtained the technology differently.


What were we arguing about again? I lost track... XD

I think we will have to agree to disagree here, because neither of us is going to budge, and Im not the walking Megaman encyclopedia that Zan is- So I would just go around in circles with this shit.

plus Id like to discuss other things BESIDES mere nomenclature...

On what I mentioned before about the big 4 and copy X- ill just put this here.

The Legendary Blue Messiah" X
The legendary blue repliroid and ruler of Neo Arcadia who symbolizes "infinite potential" and a "purveyor of justice" for all.
Though he had done so for the sake of peace, he often worried over having to destroy his fellow repliroids during the long confrontations of the "Irregular Wars", a condition which went mostly unchanged even after Zero went to sleep following the Nightmare Incident.
In the closing period of the Irregular Wars (later referred to as the Elf Wars), X cooperated with Zero who had acquired a copy body, to capture the Dark Elf, and arranged to use his anti-virus countermeasure to seal her within his own body.
When he sealed the Dark Elf, the shock forced X's soul from his body and split it into 5 cyber elves.
Eventually, 4 of these souls were incorporated into the Shitennou of Neo Arcadia, while one continued to wander the earth.

on DNA...

DNA Program
Program that makes up the characteristics of a repliroid. Zero's Learning ability utilizes this, but Axl's ability to completely copy a repliroid is rare.

DNA Soul
A repliroid's operational [mobilization/movement] DNA program that has been pulled out. It appears that Berkana took the souls from the erased repliroids and inserted them for use in the bodies of Iregulars.

The phenomenon where a repliroid's operation program disappears all the sudden. An erased repliroid loses all consciousness, reduced to being like so much scrap iron. During the Nightmare Incident, a phenomenon similar erasure happened to Isoc.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 13, 2011, 12:58:28 AM
I agree, this is all really about semantics and colloquialisms.

I once had an idea for a semi-reboot of MMX where instead of simply absorbing a basic version of a Maverick's weapons, like Rock used to do with robot masters, you'd have X get an entire armor based on the Maverick's DNA that would also give additional support and mobility upgrades while using it. I think it would jive better with Axl being able to completely copy a reploid's form.

One of the ones I first envisioned was the armor you'd get from Chill Penguin. I thought it would be cool to get a version of the shotgun ice that more closely resembled his for the main weapon, and the ice breath as the charge ability. The armor itself would give you the ability to grip ice to prevent slipping, get a boost to jump height, and maybe a small defense increase. Of course the game would have to have more places with ice to make the armor more useful.

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 13, 2011, 08:38:05 AM
Well, while it certainly sounds interesting, dont know how it would work- the variable weapons system is a Buster thing. He would need a copy chip or something otherwise- and even then he cant equip armors on the fly. at most he can carry 1 armor to switch out with.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on August 13, 2011, 05:37:09 PM
I had an Idea for a Megaman game, sorta a borderline between MM and MMX where this Megaman could go X mode kinda like Gundam Unicorn goes destroy mode.
MM would go mmX and Protman pretty much goes Zero, never could find where the form switching would have its limits other than MM mode could slide under low areas and X mode could climb walls, the X mode would be cool to have with robot master/mavericks making the game as fun or as hard as you want it.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 13, 2011, 06:04:33 PM
You DO know Megaman/protoman, and X/Zero are completely different characters right?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 13, 2011, 06:55:41 PM
Well these are ideas for fan projects, so anything goes. Besides, Capcom themselves could come up with something like this and it would be canon even if it contradicts earlier story elements.

And my armor idea would be a revision/rebirth deal so all the canon would be out the window anyway.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 13, 2011, 08:26:27 PM
mmm. I guess.

let me post some more random source info

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(click to show/hide)

do you guys have or know where to find translations of the Rockman Zero TELOS Drama tracks? Or should I post them here too?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on August 13, 2011, 08:54:34 PM
You DO know Megaman/protoman, and X/Zero are completely different characters right?

Yeah, I said Borderline, not the missing link everyone wants.
Its kinda a concept where X is a upgrade chip fuction rather than a new Machine, of Course Megaman would also have to be different to be able to transform into X.
Protoman/Zero Comes from the fact that thier both Red and One has a Sword and the other a Shield.

I canned it because I couldn't concept how stages and Bosses would require constant variation between MM and X mode other than Slide and wall climb. ( <-- how MM would become X mode reference (only diff is MM gets taller as X)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 13, 2011, 09:56:03 PM
That bit about Titanium Z alloy is interesting because IIRC Bass is made of Bassnium which is itself a Titanium alloy. Seems that Dr. Wily is also an accomplished metallurgist since his two greatest designs seem created around the use of new alloys.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 14, 2011, 12:42:50 AM
That bit about Titanium Z alloy is interesting because IIRC Bass is made of Bassnium which is itself a Titanium alloy. Seems that Dr. Wily is also an accomplished metallurgist since his two greatest designs seem created around the use of new alloys.

Bassnium isnt an alloy, it is an energy source. Wily created it purely by accident. Im going to guess it happened when he was messing around with creating an energy source for his "rockman-like" robot.

One which *MIGHT* be a completely new radioactive element Wily created given the '-ium' in conjunction with the fact that it is an energy source, but it isnt a building material. Titanium X and Z are the material X and Zero are made of. Bass is made of whatever Rock is made of.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 14, 2011, 06:52:03 AM
Ah. Still interesting.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 14, 2011, 10:32:16 AM
But I repeat- should I post the RMZT translations? they are quite interesting reads/listen throughs.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 14, 2011, 12:10:44 PM
Sure, knock yourself out.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on August 14, 2011, 12:31:39 PM
Please do  :)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 14, 2011, 04:24:21 PM
Retrospect 1 Elf Wars (
Retrospect 1- Elf Wars
(click to show/hide)

RTRZ TELOS Drama Tracks 02- Record 1: Clockwork Apple (English subs) (
Record 1- Clockwork Apple

(click to show/hide)

RTRZ TELOS Drama Tracks 03- Record 2: Irregular Passion (English subs) (
Record 2 Irregular Passion
(click to show/hide)

RTRZ TELOS Drama Tracks 04- Decision: Eight Gentle Judges (English subs) (
Decision- Eight Gentle Judges
(click to show/hide)

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 14, 2011, 04:25:13 PM
Diary_Alouette's Good Day [Mega Man Zero Audio Drama] (
Alouette's Good Day
(click to show/hide)

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 14, 2011, 04:25:51 PM
RTRZ TELOS Drama Tracks 05 - Will 1: Weil Numbers (English subs) (
Will 1- Vile Numbers
(click to show/hide)

RTRZ TELOS Drama Tracks 06- Will 2: Light and Shadow (English subs) (
Will 2- Light and Shadow
(click to show/hide)

RTRZ TELOS Drama Tracks 07- Will 3: Stand and Fight (English subs) (
Will 3- Stand and Fight
(click to show/hide)

RTRZ TELOS Drama Tracks 08- Will 4: With Our Justice (English subs) (
Will 4- With our Justice
(click to show/hide)

Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero Telos: Retrospect 2 - Dreams Never End (
(not subbed, you have to follow along with the text)
Retrospect 2- Dream's Never End
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Laughing skeleton on August 14, 2011, 06:33:39 PM
I'm in the classic gaming camp myself, still reeling from finding out recently that Serges' lines from X2 implied an identity with Wily.  The bad translation almost makes it more exciting finding out years after harboring the incomplete picture.  Although I'm sure the new age games have provided some explanation for this, an old timer like me wonders of the possibilities if you restrict yourself to just the SNES gameworlds.  For instance what if Wily, instead of avoiding an inevitable death, could have engineered himself to be immortal but chose deliberately to become a robot?

Jorge's discussion on modular hardware and software has me intrigued also, I think programming languages have some application in understanding some aspects of the MegamanX world although I'm not sure exactly how yet.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 14, 2011, 06:47:00 PM
Well, we know from an interview with Inafune, that Wily was "brought back" by the virus.

However, we have NO idea HOW that happened, or WHY.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on August 14, 2011, 10:59:18 PM
Maybe the virus had evolved to the point of regenerating dead cellular matter at the atomic level? Sounds like Star Trek's 'Genesis wave' (even though that's not a virus).
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on August 14, 2011, 11:30:59 PM
Perhaps he's not really "brought back" in the literal sense?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 14, 2011, 11:59:02 PM
6) What happened to Dr. Wily in Rockman X series? Are Dr. Wily and Dr. Weil the same person? Were they ever supposed to be?

KI: A large amount of time has passed between the classic series and Mega Man X. Dr. Wily had died in the interim but was brought back by the virus. Dr. Wily and Weil are not the same person. It is ironic though, because Dr. Wily created Zero, and Dr. Weil used Zero, but ultimately it was a copy of Zero's original body with a different mind that defeated him.

Wily's consciousness somehow was brought back by the virus. From there, he has been Serges, and has been Isoc. never outright stated mind you- But just short of slapped in our face.
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Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on August 15, 2011, 12:19:10 AM
Wow, the implication is so strong that it's almost an irrefutable fact. *Raises Flame Shield*
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on August 15, 2011, 01:11:39 AM
...Instead we get a Transvestite Juno who.... gives the new reploids free will like X.... BUT IS EVIL DUN DUN DUN!
could have brought Serges back for in depth character development but instead give Axl a playmate...
and we wonder WHY there is no x9?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 15, 2011, 06:54:35 AM
Wow, the implication is so strong that it's almost an irrefutable fact. *Raises Flame Shield*
Lets not forget- Serges Japanese profile in the manual says he is a "super genius!" with "intellect comparable to the legendary mad scientist"

The game itself compares his intellect to Wily.

...Instead we get a Transvestite Juno who.... gives the new reploids free will like X.... BUT IS EVIL DUN DUN DUN!
could have brought Serges back for in depth character development but instead give Axl a playmate...
and we wonder WHY there is no x9?
Lumine do=idnt give reploids free will, they already had that. New generation reploids are simply a different kind of maverick. Rather than being berserk or made mad by the virus and controlled by it- they are instead Sigma's equals and share his philosophy
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 17, 2011, 07:06:14 AM
interesting article you should all read. (

Also, there's an article on why the prototype was going to cost 2$ (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 17, 2011, 08:21:33 AM
I already read both of those. I had no idea Nintendo were being such fart-knockers. No wonder they have a bad rep among 3rd-party developers. I totally agree with the other article.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Successor The Cruel on August 19, 2011, 08:19:01 AM
I stopped playing Mega Man X games at X5, because they got terrible and the idea of a virus is pretty dumb. The whole story is stupid, and to go from the animated scenes of X4 to that comic book stuff was very disappointing.

The whole thing was a shame (except for Dynamo's theme), because Mega Man X4 is the bomb. Like, one of the top best Mega Man games, ever! How can you go from something so awesome to a steady progression of lame games!?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: ScionOfBalance on August 19, 2011, 09:12:07 AM
Never liked the idea of the virus either.But i played it for the story anyways.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 19, 2011, 10:03:36 AM
I stopped playing Mega Man X games at X5, because they got terrible and the idea of a virus is pretty dumb.
The Virus has been around since X1. Sigma states his consciousness survived his death. Wireframe Sigma In X2 was his virus form. The virus was being transmitted over the world from the central computer. In X3, Doppler actually REVEALED the fact in game to the characters, and you get chased by the Sigma virus after defeating Kaiser Sigma

to go from the animated scenes of X4 to that comic book stuff was very disappointing.
I liked those too, but the still scenes are beautifully drawn too.

The whole thing was a shame (except for Dynamo's theme), because Mega Man X4 is the bomb. Like, one of the top best Mega Man games, ever! How can you go from something so awesome to a steady progression of lame games!?

X6 is one of the BEST X series games in terms of story.

Now, what dont you like about X5+? Dont just mindlessly bash them without giving a reason.

that said, D-Arts Zero has been released in Japan! (

it comes out in the US in September
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on August 19, 2011, 10:32:38 AM
Quote from: Successor The Red
I stopped playing Mega Man X games at X5, because they got terrible and the idea of a virus is pretty dumb. The whole story is stupid, and to go from the animated scenes of X4 to that comic book stuff was very disappointing.

I can agree with this, X4 was definitely the high point in the series for me. When I first seen the screenshots in EGM I knew it was a must-buy.

X5 was good cuz it tried to wrap up the overall story. X6 wasn't really necessary and felt rushed, they added all these different viruses for some reason (maverick, nightmare, sigma, zero, seriously wtf), Axl wasn't necessary, etc. Maybe if the Zero series wasn't created and added all this new backstory it wouldn't be so muddled, but now we're left wondering about the Elf Wars and X&Zero absolutely MUST defeat Omega with the Final Strike technique & send him to space only cuz preconceived canon dictates and if they try do something different it automatically contradicts some sourcebook, etc. Ya know? It's a lot to swallow, and I can see how some people are put off by all this.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Munchy on August 19, 2011, 11:03:21 AM
While the Zero games do nothing to help the overall plot, to me they're by far the most consistently quality and awesome sub-series of Mega Man games.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on August 19, 2011, 11:12:52 AM
What I really want to know is how sigma survived to be in X4. He was exposed to the Sigma Anti-virus at the end of X3 and his "program faded". But in X4 you see him as if nothing like that ever happened and the story never mentions how he returned. Not even a cinematic throwback to the end of X3 to explain why.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 19, 2011, 11:20:48 AM

X5 was good cuz it tried to wrap up the overall story.
That doesnt mean it was successful. its idea of "finality" is terrible.

X6 wasn't really necessary and felt rushed, they added all these different viruses for some reason (maverick, nightmare, sigma, zero, seriously wtf),
maverick virus = Sigma virus. its simply that some older sources called it 'maverick Virus", and it has become an incorrect term to refer to the Sigma Virus.
The Zero virus was X5 exclusive. It is the combination of the Sigma Virus, and the "colony virus" that Sigma had Dynamo spread on Eurasia. (on Wily's suggestion) It is far more potent than the Sigma Virus, and it's physical manifestation carries Zero's image. It was strong enough to cause a rip in the fabric of space and allowed Cyberspace to overlap with the physical world, creating a realm called "Zero space" (rei space, 0 space) It died along with Zero space.

The Nightmare was X6 exclusive. it was a very powerful virus created from Zero's DNA by the Scientist Reploid Gate. While inspecting the crash site of Eurasia's wreckage, he found a piece of Zero's body, containing his DNA, and was infected by the Sigma Virus Zero is a carrier of, driving him insane. From there he analyzed almost 99% of Zero's DNA, and created the Nightmare- a virus so potent that it's physical manifestation can actually be harmed with conventional weaponry directly. It can even alter the stages, creating unexplained and unreadable phenomena, such as Nightmare magma, etc.
he also created the Zero nightmare, a (botched) clone of Zero meant to frame the Nightmare as Zero's ghost or an insane Zero.

Axl wasn't necessary, etc.

possibly not, but he adds a fresh plot to the series that has really done it all. And introduced a very interesting type of enemy.

Maybe if the Zero series wasn't created and added all this new backstory it wouldn't be so muddled,
Most of the backstory presented in the timeline was already there Zero series notwithstanding.

but now we're left wondering about the Elf Wars and X&Zero absolutely MUST defeat Omega with the Final Strike technique & send him to space only cuz preconceived canon dictates and if they try do something different it automatically contradicts some sourcebook, etc. Ya know?
what? I seriously dont know what you mean here. yes, X and Zero defeated omega with a final Strike. so? And what contradictions are you talking about?

What I really want to know is how sigma survived to be in X4. He was exposed to the Sigma Anti-virus at the end of X3 and his "program faded". But in X4 you see him as if nothing like that ever happened and the story never mentions how he returned. Not even a cinematic throwback to the end of X3 to explain why.
All because he was hit with an antivirus doesnt mean it was effective. His sigma virus form was defeated. So? there is still tons of virus for him to revive from.

And do remember how poerful this virus is. The only thing that was ever able to defeat it was Mother Elf- which was MADE from Sigma Virus samples. IOW, "The Sigma Antibody program"
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on August 19, 2011, 11:28:45 AM
the Zero series was great, I remember Playing Zero1 for the first time on emulator (didn't hit america yet) I freaked out over how great the game was, and also how hard the game was...

Difficulty in megaman games weren't that bad (even though people Claim the first game is sooo hard, it really isn't) until Megaman 9.

Megaman 9 is a garbage game, downgrading megaman to is convenient MM2 incarnation (he forgot!? he's a fucking robot!)
Sliding and Charge buster go to protoman, despitr he never used the slide ability ever,
Aside from downgrading megaman, let's introduce that this is also the laziest megaman game, all of stages have many segments of other games.
Now for the critical point on why this is one of the worst megaman games ever... the Difficulty.
it isn't so much difficult as it is Only one way to beat this game, while the Robot master's aren't that bad, the wily stages are just bullshit.
I've used AR codes to beat this game, just not not make it past Wily stage 2.
It works your fustration and only complete experts wo divote so much time into one fucking game just to beat it.
I'm not talking ninja gaiden where uts supossed to be hard, its Fucking megaman where its supposed to be Difficult, yet still fun.
Rockman and Forte isn't this hard, I fucking beat Rockaman and Forte and not this shit!
This game is a waste of money, I wish I never bought this shit!

Megaman 10 fixes all the issues that 9 fucked up on,
while your still MM2 Megaman... AGAIN. it actually isn't a disadvantage this time.
this is an overall great game and I recommend it anyday.
Play as Megaman, Blues, and Bass. that's enough for me.

Megaman Universe... The first time I was happy a Megaman game gets canned.
It another Relive MM2 game just with Power up's stage design and changeable characters...

Personally, I think MM2 isn't worthy to be the best, its MM7 that has so many inovations!
If it weren't for that stupid ass song (its cool, but after the years its annoying) MM2 would have been just another megaman game.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on August 19, 2011, 11:33:35 AM
what contradictions are you talking about?
None specifically, but should a new team decide to continue the X series without doing their homework, then all hell will break loose. The possibilities for contradictions are endless, if they want to go a different route instead of following up on Zero-era canon.

While the Zero games do nothing to help the overall plot, to me they're by far the most consistently quality and awesome sub-series of Mega Man games.
Is it cuz they don't have wall-shimmying? lol j/k
but I agree, the Zero series is awesome, with it's gameplay & mature themes n stuff.

I have the best X & Zero figures ever made, FYI. No one else's comes close :D
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 19, 2011, 02:48:08 PM
None specifically, but should a new team decide to continue the X series without doing their homework, then all hell will break loose. The possibilities for contradictions are endless, if they want to go a different route instead of following up on Zero-era canon.
they shouldnt be making games without doing their homework then. thats just common sense. (not so common I know)

I have the best X & Zero figures ever made, FYI. No one else's comes close :D
Which ones?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Munchy on August 19, 2011, 05:41:37 PM
Is it cuz they don't have wall-shimmying? lol j/k
but I agree, the Zero series is awesome, with it's gameplay & mature themes n stuff.

Absolutely. Well, I guess one could argue that wall-climbing is wall-shimmying, but way faster and with the ability to attack to boot. Gabriel should learn how to climb walls like Firebrand and Mega Man X.

The Zero games, at least to me, only got more awesome with each sequel. It's the incredibly fast-paced arcade-y goodness that I fucking loved in the SNES X games. The PS1 games feel very sluggish by comparison.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on August 19, 2011, 08:01:29 PM
I wonder if anyone likes the ZX series and battlenet work series, and if the starforce series really is that disliked or anything and if any of you recommend at least trying it.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on August 19, 2011, 10:01:40 PM
I wonder if anyone likes the ZX series and battlenet work series, and if the starforce series really is that disliked or anything and if any of you recommend at least trying it.

ZX - Love it, great soundtrack and a very good story, only drawback is that the map is very confusing, ZXA fixes the map but adds voice actors, which are very annoying, still great stories.

Battle Network - Its okay, but the repetiton of the sequels kida turn me down, but the redesigns of all the robots are Frikken Badass!

Starforce - Well.... I don't get it, who's supposed to be megaman?

and since Capcom is being a Massive Douche I guess I can kiss that Battle Network with X for the 3DS goodbye (it was actually have online features!!)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 19, 2011, 11:44:14 PM
ZX is great. And it was cool to see our heroes able to still fight the good fight in the world of the living. ( through proxies)

Battle Network was good, but it peaked at 3. after that they went downhill. 6 was great, but broken- it was too easy to get good chips.

Star Force- It was definitely fun, and the story although silly, was fresh and something new. I liked the wave idea. the first and 3rd ones are the best, the 2nd sort of dips for some reason.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on August 20, 2011, 02:41:28 AM
Glad to see some zx love :) zx is one of my favorite megaman games I remember when I was in 9th grade I drowned my self in homework till I got it not to mention Aile(my favorite girl in the whole franchise) was awesome and all the extras like color changes I could get with her compared to vent(kind of boring), zxa on the other did not like as much yet still like(giving it a second chance really hard with a messed up L button :P, prefer zx over zxa,but there is a whole lot more content compared to zx 8-bit is what got me back do not know how to get the other half) but really getting back into a mode to play a lot of them lately. mmx on my fc twin(hate the GC controls for the collection can not play any of them), zero collection(got it a couple days ago) for the ds, battlenetwork 4(seems like I am on hard mode) might play 3 again, heck even borrowed legends from my friend to play it(trying to give 3D megaman a chance not to good right now).

      Also from the looks of it starforce might not seem so bad :)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: ScionOfBalance on August 20, 2011, 05:39:11 AM
I really loved ZX,played the hell out of it.I didn't like  ZXA though,played just for the story.Starforce seems okay, i played just the beginning
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on August 20, 2011, 07:59:30 AM
guess i'm the only one that disliked ZX's story. the whole Power Ranger/Super Sentai-esque mega-morphing is just stupid, and the "ultimate mega man, we must fight to see whos the strongest ever!!" plot angle of ZX-A just turned me off. i dunno how they went from the awesome plot of the Zero series to that. other than that the gameplay was good, sharp graphics, no other complaints (yeah the map sucked too but you eventually figure it out). too bad ZX3 is most likely never gonna happen.

don't really care for the BN/SF series.

Quote from: Flame
Which ones?
I was lucky enough to snag a couple of those ultra-rare Harvest-WKS model kits, and have them professionally built/painted. they are extremely poseable & don't fall apart, contrary to other reviews i've seen (i think it's cuz i have the actual originals, most other people got the recasts from Tatsu-Hobby or some place):

i also got a Leviathan model kit (yet to be built, this is just how it'll look):

other kits i have include Mega Man, Bass, Harpuia, an "alternate version" of X, an "alternate version" of Zero-series Zero, Prometheus from ZX, and some of those Bandai kits. Coming soon are Harvest-WKS models of Harpuia & Phantom, made exclusively for me :) I might buy those D-Arts kits in the near future.

Quote from: Munchy
The Zero games, at least to me, only got more awesome with each sequel. It's the incredibly fast-paced arcade-y goodness that I fucking loved in the SNES X games. The PS1 games feel very sluggish by comparison.
I agree. Each game did get better, and I'm glad they didn't drag it out to Z5, Z6, etc. X4 also did an excellent job at the arcade-y goodness, tho.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 20, 2011, 09:39:43 AM
You kind of have to look beyond the "super sentai" thing and see it as it's own thing. Its more like, the era of War machines like X and Zero is over, this time they lend their power to the "new" generation, to a boy who happens to share X's trait of bravery and the desire to protect others.

Zero naturally managed to snag a lookalike, who shares Zero's trait of being the overpowered side/mentor character, as well as his habit of dying and giving his power to the protagonist.

I was never really bothered by the transformation thing. I mean, I guess having stuck with the series for so long, that that kind of thing doesnt really surprise or bother me. It was made slightly better by the fact that not really ANYONE can use these things, they have to be cyborgs who underwent complete replacement.Which then ties into the story presented in ZX Advent, of Albert having placed his DNA in specific chosen ones who are the ones able to use Biometals.

The plot, aside from that, was pretty good I found. Inticreatres really are masters at what they do. they have a real passion for storytelling, and actually write very well. (unlike capcom)

ZX1 itself was for all intents and purposes, Zero 5. I mean youve got X, Zero, the big 4, Weil, and Omega. And the plot revolved around Weil's soul having survived by being part of the entire space station when he merged with it, and thus it's remains drive people crazy and feed on souls and shit.


I also loved he music.

Green Grass Gradation.
MegaMan ZX~Green Grass Gradation (

When Vent first merged with Model X and this played, I was like, AAAWWWWWW YEEEEEAH, X IS BACK, REBORN TO KICK SOME ASS.

And then Model X turned out to be the most broken form in the game. Even more broken than Model Ox. And considering Model Ox has variations of ALL of Omega's abilities and THEN some, thats saying something.

Also, theres the remix of Fate from Zero 4, that plays the intro loop part during the boss encounters, and the full remix during Serpent's transformation scene.

ZX Tunes: Rockman ZX OST, T1-17: Fate - deep-seated grudge - (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on August 20, 2011, 10:06:12 AM
You kind of have to look beyond the "super sentai" thing and see it as it's own thing. Its more like, the era of War machines like X and Zero is over, this time they lend their power to the "new" generation, to a boy who happens to share X's trait of bravery and the desire to protect others.

yeah, that's exactly what turns me off about it. I just don't like the direction they took plot-wise, and i guess it's kinda necessary when you consider certain events/canon but i just think they could've done it better.. oh well. the gameplay itself makes up for it i guess.

i like this track:
Rockman ZX - 22 - Misty Rain (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on August 20, 2011, 11:08:13 AM
I like this placid track

Giro Tribute (

Megaman Cartoon Opening ( who can forget this?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 20, 2011, 11:29:08 AM
yeah, that's exactly what turns me off about it. I just don't like the direction they took plot-wise, and i guess it's kinda necessary when you consider certain events/canon but i just think they could've done it better.. oh well. the gameplay itself makes up for it i guess.

i like this track:
Rockman ZX - 22 - Misty Rain (
Eh. Plot never bothered me for some reason. Its well written enough that it doesnt matter.

My favorite (from the ZX's) is Soul ablaze from ZX Advent

RockMan ZX Advent Tunes - Soul Ablaze (

The theme that plays in the following battle, Divine Hammer, is really just a letdown in comparison.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on August 20, 2011, 01:49:36 PM
Eh. Plot never bothered me for some reason. Its well written enough that it doesnt matter.

My favorite (from the ZX's) is Soul ablaze from ZX Advent

RockMan ZX Advent Tunes - Soul Ablaze (

The theme that plays in the following battle, Divine Hammer, is really just a letdown in comparison.

not to mention 2 of my favorite songs

 Black Burn  (


 Snake Eyes (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on August 20, 2011, 02:53:08 PM
I actually really liked that cartoon. :)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on August 20, 2011, 03:09:52 PM
Eh. Plot never bothered me for some reason. Its well written enough that it doesnt matter.

well not really... but to each his own right ;)
and you're an asshole for sparking my interest in MM again x_x i buried that fandom a long time ago and it's slowly inching back. It's just burning even more now how Capcom keeps neglecting the series over n over. can you imagine ZX3, Legends 3, AND X9 all being released this year? it's just a travesty.. who knows if it's "just business," or them being spiteful to Inafune for quitting, or some other crazy ideas they're planning that doesn't include MM (his absence in UMvC3 is utter bullshit. Rocket Raccoon, but no MEGA MAN?!) And is MMX Online still on schedule? Do they plan to cancel that too?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 20, 2011, 04:33:45 PM
Well, ZX is actually a pretty well crafted story, far better than what Capcom did with It's other Mega Men. Ill tell you that. Zero series also was a good story. thats the thing about inti. they like story, so all the games have a story, from start to finish. unlike the X or classic games, which for the most part can work standalone, and just dont connect as well as inti does woith Zero and ZX
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on August 20, 2011, 05:39:02 PM
I played all the MMZ games and finished only MMZX. I only had one puzzling issue with MMZ3. When Zero fights himself thanks to Dr. Weil. Weil claims that the body of the one you fight is the original while you have the original's mind. For me, if it was the original Zero body you were fighting then why didn't they make it look like the Zero from the MMX series? I personally think such a throwback would've been awesome and more properly representative of the character.

Despite the confusing layout of MMZX, I managed to finish it. However I'm having a little trouble getting into it's sequel. I find that turning into your foes rather then using their abilities is somewhat cumbersome. It's a neat idea though difficult to play with at times.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on August 20, 2011, 05:59:51 PM
Technically Zero's original X1 body doesn't even exist anymore, since he's been rebuilt so many times since. The "true" Zero that Omega uses is the body he occupied before he seals himself (then Weil steals it to use for Omega, but someone else ((presumably Ciel's ancestor)) creates a copy body for his mind to occupy). So the "Omega-Zero" is still the MMX Zero but with the Zero-era design.

does that make sense? lol
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on August 20, 2011, 06:36:07 PM
well not really... but to each his own right ;)
and you're an asshole for sparking my interest in MM again x_x i buried that fandom a long time ago and it's slowly inching back. It's just burning even more now how Capcom keeps neglecting the series over n over. can you imagine ZX3, Legends 3, AND X9 all being released this year? it's just a travesty.. who knows if it's "just business," or them being spiteful to Inafune for quitting, or some other crazy ideas they're planning that doesn't include MM (his absence in UMvC3 is utter bullshit. Rocket Raccoon, but no MEGA MAN?!) And is MMX Online still on schedule? Do they plan to cancel that too?

Once a megaman fan always a megaman fan also now I am sad with the idea of zx3 popping into my head and sadly online will probably meet with a terrible fate just like the rest:'( regardless I really like this one it feels really hopeful and thats what this series needs right now.

Mega Man ZX - Guardian HQ Theme (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 20, 2011, 07:37:58 PM
Weil actually obtained Zero's body quite legally.

The Omega thing is only to fit the style. the REAL mystery is why Omega uses a Buster Shot when his body SHOULD by all rights have a Z-Buster. They even resprited his bustershot so he holds it the gangsta way sideways. Why not sprite a buster cannon?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on August 20, 2011, 08:10:49 PM
Weil actually obtained Zero's body quite legally.

The Omega thing is only to fit the style. the REAL mystery is why Omega uses a Buster Shot when his body SHOULD by all rights have a Z-Buster. They even resprited his bustershot so he holds it the gangsta way sideways. Why not sprite a buster cannon?

Maybe they were too lazy or perhaps spriting was too much of a problem, also I kinda of bring more bad news this was just posted a day ago ( What was the #@$%ing point of the 100,000 strong!!!! just so this can happen what the ^@#$ is wrong with capcom at first I was optimistic now is there no freaking hope at all? this just can't happen what were they fighting FOR!? For this to happen what is going to happen to the series now is there really no chance at all >:(
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on August 20, 2011, 08:51:04 PM
Weil actually obtained Zero's body quite legally.

The Omega thing is only to fit the style. the REAL mystery is why Omega uses a Buster Shot when his body SHOULD by all rights have a Z-Buster. They even resprited his bustershot so he holds it the gangsta way sideways. Why not sprite a buster cannon?

I guess Zero's Design Omitted the buster entirely, Post X8 (since X and Zero went through some cosmetic upgrades)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on August 21, 2011, 12:02:57 AM

Lloyd Bridges: The shit's hit the fan..!
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Successor The Cruel on August 21, 2011, 04:52:17 AM
Now, what dont you like about X5+? Dont just mindlessly bash them without giving a reason.

I'm not going to pretend that I'm in peak condition to write up a really well-thought out post detailing everything I dislike about those games and why they suck, because it's honestly been so long since I've played them, and truthfully, I may never play them again. Seeing as how they're not fun, I can't find any reason to.

It seemed to me that the developers were not taking worthwhile steps forward at all. When they actually tried taking steps forward, like with X7, they fell flat on their faces, and when they weren't falling on their faces, they were taking steps backwards. One instance of going backwards is ditching the animated cutscenes, as mentioned before. That, by itself, is not a deal breaker, but I'm going to use it as an example of the greater problem. When I popped in X5 ages ago and saw those still frames, I was like, "WTF!?!? Why would you do that!? Unless... you just weren't trying as hard and not putting as much into the games!?!?" Sadly, that was exactly the case. The developers weren't trying as hard, or they just couldn't come up with good ideas and were just pooping out games, and soulless husks filled with corner cutting and uninspiring ideas were the result.

I'll just take X5 for now...

- The duck was stupid, near pointless, and didn't really need to be there. I don't think anyone was asking for it and it really didn't add much.
- The armor sucked.
- Having the option to play as X or Zero from stage to stage was a surprisingly bad idea. Or at least it wasn't handled well.
- Out of all the Mavericks, I felt only a few of them were cool ideas and had fun stages, and they are Dark Dizzy, Squid Addler, and The Skyver (he's cool, but his stage is still boring). The rest were dull (Crescent Grizzly, Burn Dinorex, and practically everyone else), or straight out lame (Duff McWhalen). Even guys that looked like they should be cool, like Axl The Red and Burn Dinorex were dull... because of the general dullness of the game (dull stages, dull music, etc).
- The music, while not bad, was disappointing. It just didn't live up to its legacy.
- Rescuing dudes was not really a novel idea, or at least it wasn't developed enough. What they did in X2 with the X Hunters teleporting from stage to stage and trying to track them down in their secret rooms was novel... not rescuing dudes. It just wasn't fun.
- Dodging purple Sigma viruses? No thanks.

There are other stupid little niggling things I don't like as much about X5 in comparison to X4, like, the announcer who says "Ready" at the beginning of each stage isn't nearly as cool as the X4 one, and the stage select theme is incredibly weak in comparison to X4's. I mean, those things do have to do with setting the tone and feel of the game, so I think they matter somewhat. As I said, I'm not in the best shape to write up really strong points. Maybe I'll go back and watch some pieces of playthroughs on Youtube or something.

I'll give those games one thing, aside from Dynamo's theme. A guy who goes around calling himself HI-MAX is pretty darn cool : p
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: SenileSnake on August 21, 2011, 10:07:39 AM
oh man, x5. it wasn't all that horrible, but it was still pretty bad. the intro level alone was really hilarious. as were the suits. and pretty much anything regarding the visuals. i mean x1-x3 at least reused x and the visual style and put it to good use. x5 just took x4 and didn't know what to do with it. everything about the game was half assed.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on August 21, 2011, 01:51:25 PM
the PSX music altogether was kinda Weak, I love the SNES music because it was orchestra with metal, not techno, while the music was still good
X5 also was the one I rarely play, its just not that interesting, but recycling Light's theme and Bubble Crab and a couple more was Stupid, and low.
X6 did recycle in a Great way when the Sigma fight was a remix of X-X2's sigma battles, Best battle with sigma ever...
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 21, 2011, 02:07:07 PM

One instance of going backwards is ditching the animated cutscenes, as mentioned before. That, by itself, is not a deal breaker, but I'm going to use it as an example of the greater problem. When I popped in X5 ages ago and saw those still frames, I was like, "WTF!?!? Why would you do that!? Unless... you just weren't trying as hard and not putting as much into the games!?!?"

You do know it costs money to make animated cutscenes right? Especially back when they were all hand made like 8 and X4. (X3 only had them in the rerelease PSX edition, and they were minimalistic, so I dont really count those) They probably saw it wasnt worth it. I disliked the lack of cutscenes myself, but at least they were well drawn. Sensei really outdoes himself with his art in X4-6. Besides, X7 reintroduced partially animated cutscenes in game, with a still image, and the two character images that moved to express emotions. And then a full CG scene at the start and the end. Then X8 outright brought them back full force. Command mission is a different type of game though, so it just uses the in game models to act out scenes. But it did have a really cool scene at the very end.

The duck was stupid, near pointless, and didn't really need to be there. I don't think anyone was asking for it and it really didn't add much.
It wasnt insanely useful, but it was certainly a welcome Idea. It should always have been there. Go play X8. the lack of a duck is sorely missed.

- The armor sucked.

Are you fucking kidding me here? You MUST be off your rocker if you think an armor- the ONLY armor in the series mind you- that allowed complete free flight sucked. Gaia armor was terribly handicapped by it;s speed and lack of special weapons, but it certainly made up for it by having very strong attack power. And it was immune to spikes, as well as allowing you to stick to walls without sliding. X6 DID outdo it however, by introducing the Shadow armor, which was much more stage friendly, being not only immune to spikes and wall sliding, but being very mobile as well. Allowing for a super jump, and the ability to stick to ceilings. As well as the saber being a much better close range attack than the Gaia Armor's short range buster. It's giga attack was also much better than Gaia's.

And dont forget both games featured the Ultimate armor as well. X5 is the only game where you can get it legit without cheating.

- Having the option to play as X or Zero from stage to stage was a surprisingly bad idea. Or at least it wasn't handled well.
Dont know what you are talking about. it should have ALWAYS been like that. X4's split game was terrible, because then it creates a timeline split. Plus the whole idea is they are partners. the best of partners. they SHOULD be fighting together. not one stays at base while the other goes out, which is what X4 implies.

- Out of all the Mavericks, I felt only a few of them were cool ideas and had fun stages,

thing about X5's stages, is the at least 2 of them are based on X4 stages. My favorite stage was actually the Izzy Glow's laboratory. Had kickass music too.

- The music, while not bad, was disappointing. It just didn't live up to its legacy. 
really though, to each his own, but I wouldnt call the music Dull. I dont recall any soundtracks to be dull. In fact, the only one that was forgettable, was X8's.

And I beg to differ. X5 had a great soundtrack. all because it 'wasnt X4" doesnt mean it was bad. Izzy glow's stage had a kickass theme, so did Grizzly's, Sunhouse mountain's theme was cool, it really felt like a "heat" theme.
the repiforce air base theme was alright. catchy if anything. then theres the final stages. while the theme for the first 3 stages was somewhat repetitive, it was still nice music. calming almost. And the final stage theme itself was like, disco sigma shit. it was a remix of Quickmans theme.

- Dodging purple Sigma viruses? No thanks.
plot related gameplay gimmick. if X became infected, he steaily lost health. if Zero became infected, he became invincible for the duration.

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: SenileSnake on August 21, 2011, 02:29:32 PM
i want to play x6 just for this epic introduction (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: The Last Belmont on August 21, 2011, 04:45:38 PM
i want to play x6 just for this epic introduction (

That's the main boss G.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 21, 2011, 05:02:47 PM
X6 is an odd beast. It's rushed localization left it with loads of bad grammar and some poorly translated text, (the reunion scene in particular gives off the impression that Zero repaired himself, and X is an idiot and believes him, whereas the Japanese was more along the lines of Zero comparing his being alive to X's being alive. "So are you X, So are you." )

But at the same time, it also left us with the japanese voice overs, and the awesome opening/ending music. Neither of which we would have otherwise. (even X collection got rid of the voice overs)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: The Last Belmont on August 21, 2011, 05:43:50 PM
X6 is an odd beast. It's rushed localization left it with loads of bad grammar and some poorly translated text, (the reunion scene in particular gives off the impression that Zero repaired himself, and X is an idiot and believes him, whereas the Japanese was more along the lines of Zero comparing his being alive to X's being alive. "So are you X, So are you." )

But at the same time, it also left us with the japanese voice overs, and the awesome opening/ending music. Neither of which we would have otherwise. (even X collection got rid of the voice overs)

X6 was incredibly frustrating. I didn't have much fun with it. The stages were not designed very well with some being incredibly short and others seeming to drag on forever. I questioned even having a life bar at times with so many 1 error deaths especially in Metal Shark Players stage and the post boss levels. I love MMX but 6 just felt unfinished. The magma guys level was nothing but fight after fight of that annoying cheap donut enemy for the most part. I don't even remember if I ever finished the game with X.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 21, 2011, 06:20:29 PM
I think X6 was actually rushed itself. They originally wanted the Nightmare system to randomize level layout. Although I dont know how successful such an attempt would have been.

X6 definitely has it's issues, but I still love the challenge. Trying to do an unarmored X run is very hard, but a very fun challenge.

Although as unarmored/Shadow X you need jumper in order to pass a certain part in Gate's stages.

We can definitely say X6 puts the "nintendo hard" back in Megaman.

 by the way, if anyone cares, there IS an X6 prototype available for download. (

as well as 2 MM8 betas ( (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 21, 2011, 10:44:30 PM
Maybe they were too lazy or perhaps spriting was too much of a problem, also I kinda of bring more bad news this was just posted a day ago ( What was the #@$%ing point of the 100,000 strong!!!! just so this can happen what the ^@#$ is wrong with capcom at first I was optimistic now is there no freaking hope at all? this just can't happen what were they fighting FOR!? For this to happen what is going to happen to the series now is there really no chance at all >:(

Before you blow a gasket, the JAPANESE devroom was already set to close when they cancelled L3.

the NORTH AMERICAN one however will remain open indefinitely. 100,000 strong was about the North American Devroom.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on August 22, 2011, 02:31:19 AM
Before you blow a gasket, the JAPANESE devroom was already set to close when they cancelled L3.

the NORTH AMERICAN one however will remain open indefinitely. 100,000 strong was about the North American Devroom.

which translates to MML3 still having a chance, but'll be a North American Developed game if it were to continue.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 22, 2011, 05:02:38 AM
Not necessarily. The point is to increase the numbers in the devroom and prove to capcom the real audience there is. Considering that Capcum used the numbers from the dewvroom to indicate the units they would sell. A Stupid idea, considering they themselves said that you didnt have to join the devroom, and could justs tit back and watch.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Successor The Cruel on August 22, 2011, 06:50:37 AM
You do know it costs money to make animated cutscenes right?

That's not my concern. My concern is that this product (which I probably paid about roughly the same amount of money as X4) is lacking an awesome feature that really added to its direct predecessor. A feature which, by all means, it should have had. I find that gravely disappointing. To put it into perspective, I think if Castlevania: Curse of Darkness didn't have voice actors and only used text for dialogue scenes, despite Castlevania: Lament of Innocence having voice actors, it would be a damn shame, and I would complain, which I would be entirely justified in doing.

Are you fucking kidding me here? You MUST be off your rocker if you think an armor

No, I'm not fucking kidding you.

X4's split game was terrible, because then it creates a timeline split. Plus the whole idea is they are partners. the best of partners. they SHOULD be fighting together. not one stays at base while the other goes out, which is what X4 implies.

This may be a big shocker to you, but no one really cares about the timeline in Mega Man games. Maybe about .05% of the people really, really care about that. They care about good, well-thought out game design. I mean, people care about the timeline to a certain degree. The timeline has its place, but it can go to hell if it gets in the way of good, well-thought out game design.

really though, to each his own, but I wouldnt call the music Dull. I dont recall any soundtracks to be dull. In fact, the only one that was forgettable, was X8's.

Hmm. Let's compare:


Mega Man X4 OST, T13: Jet Stingray Stage (Marine Base) (

Megaman X4 - Stage Select (

X5 -

Mega Man X5 Stage Select Screen (

Mega Man X5 OST, T17: Mattrex / Burn Dinorex Stage (Volcanic Inferno ~ Red-Hot World!) (

But, I give it to you. The music in X5 isn't all dull. There are some standout tracks for sure. But, as I said, it doesn't live up to its legacy. Not because it isn't X4. Because it isn't as good or better than X4 and isn't even close to it, on the whole. It is much less exciting and melodically interesting in comparison to me. It's... kinda' weak. See above examples. I actually feel that is a pretty decent depiction of the musical differences in the games. There's a real heart-pounding sense of urgency and action in X4's music. I feel most of X5's music is total background stuff you can kick back to (not in a good way), relatively speaking.

Also, the duck shouldn't have been there, ever. It's much more artful and fun to do a quick slide to dodge enemy attacks.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 22, 2011, 07:24:09 AM
No, I'm not fucking kidding you.
then your just trolling. X4 armor was cool, but Falcon armor allows free flight. And X4's Nova Strike was next to useless. It took too long to charge for what it was, which was just a damaging dash attack with pretty short range. Only the Ultimate Amor has a useful Nova Strike. Falcon armor on the other hand, has a screen sweeping giga attack.

I think you really either have the nostalgia goggles on, or are blinded by your love for X4. I cant see otherwise. I love X4- its my favorite X game, but even I can appreciate the advancements its successors made. ESPECIALLY to the upgrade system. (which X7 and 8 promptly flushed down the toilet) and X8, while my least favorite X game, DID make a vast improvement to the armor system, with a pretty novel idea of part switching.

Hmm. Let's compare:
Mattrex is one of my favorite X5 tracks too.

You cant really compare a fast paced ride chaser stage to a slower paced volcano stage. Where the lava threat is even more pronounced than in X4.

And X5's ride chaser segment doesnt count. It only accounts for one small section at the start of the stage.

now, i WILL agree though, that between X4 and 5, the overall "feel" changed.

How do you feel about X6's music?

Blaze Heatnix perhaps? One of the best X series tunes.

This may be a big shocker to you, but no one really cares about the timeline in Mega Man games. Maybe about .05% of the people really, really care about that. They care about good, well-thought out gameplay. The timeline can go to hell if it gets in the way of good, well-thought out gameplay.

I (
really (
beg (
To  (
differ. (

thats TWO wikis. TWO.

As do all the mangas and source books released for the series, many of which house valuable plot related information.

Obviously people care enough about the plot to make mangas out of, And even Collectible CARDS out of. (Check out the MegaMission card series some time)

We only got the two halves of R20 and Zero complete works. but there are FAR more sourcebooks out there.

the X series books in particular, all reveal cruicial information to the series timeline and plot.

just look at the amount of these things. (

I will agree the plot does not really take importance in Mega Man classic, but X series and beyond is all about the plot. Companies like Inti Creates are BIg suckers for plot and continuity, and the Zero series is one of the series with the most source information and background info.

It is all the story that will eventually lead to the Legends series as it's inevitable conclusion.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Successor The Cruel on August 22, 2011, 07:46:26 AM
You cant really compare a fast paced ride chaser stage to a slower paced volcano stage. Where the lava threat is even more pronounced than in X4.

And X5's ride chaser segment doesnt count. It only accounts for one small section at the start of the stage.

If it makes a difference I think Magma Dragoon's theme is considerably better than Burn Dinorex. The same goes for Storm Owl to Spiral Pagacion, Slash Beast to Grizzly Slash, and so on.

How do you feel about X6's music?

Mmm. About the same as I do about X5. The music isn't bad, but it's not as good as it should be. There are some great tracks, among them, Blizzard Wolfang, Hi-MAX, and yeah, Blaze Heatnix.

I (
really (
beg (
To  (
differ. (

I think you're taking my point a little wrong. Yes, I'm sure there are people who care about the Mega Man characters and its story. However, I think people who get an itch they can't scratch because of something like this "timeline split" are in the small, small minority. Besides, I believe Mega Man X4 implies that the character you choose not to use is out doing something else. From what it seems to me, the Repliforce and Maverick Hunters were involved in a pretty good sized military conflict. I'm sure there was plenty for both characters to do. We just follow the missions of the particular character we're playing as.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 22, 2011, 03:29:44 PM
I just found out that in Japan they did a second port of Rockman to mobile phone for the 20th anniversary. Normally I wouldn't care, but it seems besides not shrinking the game's graphics they added a Roll mode when you beat the game once. If anyone has or can point me to the .jar file for this or even better the sprites for this version of Roll that would really rock!  ;D
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: RichterB on August 22, 2011, 04:05:28 PM
Ah, Mega Man. The Legends 3 news didn't hit me hard as I've just never been a big Legends fan, but it's definitely sad news--even worse than the Universe news. I have no idea what the fate of the overseas-only Rockman Online is (though it did seem stylistically cool).

Regardless, none of these three were really doing it for me as a long-time Mega Man fan. Honestly, this multiplayer, user-generated content movement for Mega Man feels largely misguided as to where the series needs to go to evolve and be big.

Generally speaking to the topic of the thread...

Mega Man 1-6 are all fine, even if some get repetitive and some are better than others. They all have charm. i go back and forth about what order of enjoyment they fit in overall.
Mega Man 7 is really amazing--definitely a standout title--and only suffers occasionally from its oversized sprites.
Mega Man 8 usually feels too gimmicky and clunky, though it's not terrible by any means. It felt like a step back from 7.
Mega Man & Bass struck me as better than Mega Man 8, even though it is a bit rough around the edges. I've only played the GBA version unfortunately.
Mega Man 9 mixed in too much nostalgia, reused resources, and somewhat bland Robot Masters alongside some genuinely good gameplay concepts.
Mega Man 10 felt more fresh and fun than MM9, and had more personality to its Robot Masters.
Mega Man Powered Up is interesting, but nothing too special.
Mega Man Soccer is an amusing fan-service diversion.

Mega Man X is a classic and very balanced, but also doesn't have quite as much personality as some of the later X titles.
Mega Man X2 might be my favorite X title (looking forward to the rumored VC re-release; hope X3 happens, too).
Mega Man X3 felt very bold, ambitious, and memorable, but also somehow less balanced than X1 or X2.
Mega Man X4 is more style over substance, and plays it safe, despite the nice cut scenes and memorable Sigma fight.
Mega Man X5 felt rushed and unbalanced, and kind of stale.
Mega Man X6 had a lot of cool stuff, but is very rough around the edges. Ironically, though, I tend to think of it as more interesting an effort than X5.
Mega Man X7 was the most ambitious X game of them all, but was super sloppy. I would like to see them polish this format with another go.
Mega Man X8 was a solid game, but felt like it was playing it too safe.
Mega Man X: Command Mission was, aside from being radically different, a great X entry with a lot to offer, and personality in spades.
Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X was a great remake, but I didn't like the fiddling with the story/timeline, and I'm not sure if it's hands down better than X1.

Mega Man Zero was a good start, but it felt like the series was trying to get an identity.
Mega Man Zero 2 was the signature Zero game.
Mega Man Zero 3 was a letdown after 2, despite some good art concepts.
Mega Man Zero 4 was more fun than Zero 3, but the story was off the rails and it continued the more gimmicky tone of Zero 3.

(To be honest, many of the X and Zero series games have not aged well based on my recent replays).

Mega Man Battle Network 2
is the only game in the series I played. It was very enjoyable for one game, but I didn't see how I could play more than two of this style of game.

Couldn't get into Legends, skipped Star Force and ZX1.

Mega Man ZX2: Advent was a competent game with clever ideas, but it just wasn't tons of fun. The design seemed to bog down the spirit of Mega Man.

I'm looking for a Mega Man revival. MM9 and MM10 were nice appetizers, but I'd like something along the lines of X7--only 100% more polished. Either that, or a Classic MM or new MM altogether that uses really advanced visuals with dynamic action-platforming.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 22, 2011, 04:46:26 PM
Really? I considered Z3 the peak of the Zero series. Z4 was a step down from Z3. Even though it DID do away with the EX skill by rank thing.

Play ZX1. Personally, i feel it is much better than ZXA
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Munchy on August 22, 2011, 06:03:49 PM
The American ZXA was fucking ruined by the awful voices. I would have rather had no voices at all than what they did. So unbelievably bad.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on August 22, 2011, 06:16:00 PM
The American ZXA was fucking ruined by the awful voices. I would have rather had no voices at all than what they did. So unbelievably bad.

Strongly Agreed, the game was very good, but overall hurt by bad voice actors
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 25, 2011, 04:34:44 PM
You know, looking at the classic series there are a couple of robot masters whose names don't really make much sense.

1)Crashman/Clashman - neither one really makes sense. I mean it's pretty clear from his design that he's an explosives robot like Bombman. A crash is when one object rams another object. That would have been a good name or Chargeman even, but it isn't really Crashman's main style of attack. A clash is a fight or a battle. That makes no sense since all of Wily's robot are designed for combat.

New name proposal(s): Blastman

2)Waveman - this one isn't as solid, but it always made me think more of a surfer style robot than the one we got.

New name proposal(s): Hydroman, Tritonman, Geyserman (based on what his main weapon should do like the shit-ton of steam geysers in his stage)

3)Centaurman - I have no problem with his/her name. For those who are confused, in the manga by Hitoshi Ariga he depicted Centaurman as female. Anyway, my thing with him/her in MM6 is his special weapon. How does being a Centaur equate to time stopping abilities? The version of him/her from the Power Fighters where he uses an energy bow makes a hell of a lot more sense even if it is a more mundane weapon.

4)Slashman - too generic. Would better fit sword wielding robot, rather than the wild design he has.

New name proposal(s): Beastman

5)Shademan - really? Vampires need more than just shade. This decidedly "Count Orlock" looking robot needs something a little more sinister sounding for a name. Unfortunately all the obvious choices have been taken at this point in the series. No Shadowman, or Darkman. Bummer.

New name proposal(s):Duskman, Nightman, Batman (Why not? MM8 has an Aquaman. What? You'll rip off Marvel, but not DC?)

6)Hornetman - this is the one that first got me thinking about all this. OK, here's the scoop on him. He was originally going to be one of 2 female robot masters in MM9. They decided to give her a sex change when they decided to only have one chick. Now, my main problem with his name is that he isn't a hornet. his upper body is formed out of a hive for cripes sake.

New name proposal(s):Hiveman

7)Commandoman - this one is obvious too, I think. He's a freakin' tank!

New name proposal(s):Tankman

And thinking back on it...

8)Needleman - doesn't really use needles. He uses spikes, which are much more effective.

New name proposal(s):Spikeman
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on August 26, 2011, 07:14:46 AM
I don't think they use Blastman because of "Sonic Blastman".
Hydroman is already used, I believe.
At least Slashman slashes with his claws.  Would Clawman work?  Sure, but it wouldn't be as cool a name.
And Beastman is already in comics, I think.  Also, it's a character in F-Zero games so there might be friction there.
I think Night Man is one of the boss robots in Wily's Castle, though DuskMan would've been cool.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 26, 2011, 07:25:47 AM
Hydroman is already used, I believe.
I think Night Man is one of the boss robots in Wily's Castle, though DuskMan would've been cool.

neither of those are used.

I think Crashman's name is supposed to be an onomatopoeia type name. like, the sound effect of his bombs exploding or something.

One of my favorite RM's is Burnerman. he's just cool.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on August 26, 2011, 07:26:50 AM
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 26, 2011, 08:22:48 AM
neither of those are used.

I think Crashman's name is supposed to be an onomatopoeia type name. like, the sound effect of his bombs exploding or something.

One of my favorite RM's is Burnerman. he's just cool.

That's interesting about CRASH!man. Makes slightly more sense that way. Still the sound of an explosion is a blast, not a crash. I take Clashman as an early translation error otherwise that one is simply nonsensical from any point of view. I like Blastman more and more each time I picture Crashman's image.

Burnerman is my favorite fire-bot! I love the insane personality they gave him. I can see all the other rm's giving him a wide berth over at Wily HQ. Psychopath. LOL.
I forgot to go through the rm's in MM&B for my list. Oops! But, then I don't really have a problem with any of their names. Groundman is kinda meh, but not really as nonsensical as some of the ones I mentioned.

EDIT: I did want to address Fakeman from MM9. But just his concept is freaking stupid. His a counterfeit cop robot. That's... lame. They could have at least had him change into other fake forms to make him more interesting and challenging. As is he's really just... Polizeiman.
Like that? How I played off Pickelman being in German? LOL. I crack me up. ^___^ ... ... ~_~ ... ... What?

@Jorge: Copyrights be damned, I say!! I still see an Aquaman in my MM8. Yeah, I'm lookin' at you, tubby! You and your shiney glass tank. I'll get you! *shake fist*


You know which sub-set of RMs seems like a long list of "Shoot we should have saved that name for this guy!"
The ice RMs.
Iceman -"Alright! He uses ice, so call him iceman."
Blizzardman -"Skiiers have to deal with blizzards, right? Give him a snow weapon and call it a day!"
Freezeman -"Damn. He's covered in ice. Should have saved iceman for him. Oh well. He's Frozen so use freezeman."
Frostman -"This one's covered in packed snow. No problem, frostman!"
Coldman -"Damnit! He's a freezer! Should have kept freezeman. Well, he's also like a ridge, so coldman. Yes I know the descriptionsays he was made to freeze things. Shut up!"
Chillman -"So he uses water that turns into ice? So like he glazes things? You know what!? Forget it. I'm done! Just call him chillman or something. I'm out. Peace."

So let's see what my hind-sight choices would be.
List 1, Logical:
Iceman -> Arcticman
Freezeman -> Iceman
Frostman -> no change.
Coldman -> Freezeman
Chillman -> Glazeman

List 2, Preserve iconic past:
Iceman -> no change.
Freezeman -> Arcticman
Frostman -> no change.
Coldman -> Freezeman
Chillman -> Glazeman

I have a list of pokemon that should have had different names too. =P
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 26, 2011, 10:08:27 AM
I demand a game featuring these RMs:

Dynaman -> Blitzman (He throws bombs, like the kind you drop from a plane. Only Megaman uses dynamite.)
Bitman -> Particleman (LOL)
Waveman ->Plashman (Yes it's a word, look it up. Or change the other Waveman to Geyserman and keep this one as is.)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on August 26, 2011, 10:19:42 AM
Quote from: Jorge D. Fuentes

Did Wily build Zero first or did Light build X first? We see a glimpse of Zero first in the classic series... and his design reflects his X2 look. So why did Wily seal him with his X1 look?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 26, 2011, 10:33:02 AM
I think it's safe to say that Zero was in the design phase before X was.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on August 26, 2011, 02:39:28 PM
Did Wily build Zero first or did Light build X first? We see a glimpse of Zero first in the classic series... and his design reflects his X2 look. So why did Wily seal him with his X1 look?

maybe his X2 look was original intention but was limited to technology so made him x1
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 26, 2011, 02:56:40 PM
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on August 26, 2011, 06:36:45 PM
Did Wily build Zero first or did Light build X first? We see a glimpse of Zero first in the classic series... and his design reflects his X2 look. So why did Wily seal him with his X1 look?

Zero's design didn't change until X3. He was destroyed in the first game and resurrected at the end of the second, But still looked the same. I believe Light built X sometime after Wily built Zero as it is near the end of his life when he sealed X inside of the capsule. I could be wrong though. X may have been built first, sealed up then Wily builds Zero afterwards. Who knows.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on August 26, 2011, 07:58:21 PM
Zero's design didn't change until X3. He was destroyed in the first game and resurrected at the end of the second, But still looked the same. I believe Light built X sometime after Wily built Zero as it is near the end of his life when he sealed X inside of the capsule. I could be wrong though. X may have been built first, sealed up then Wily builds Zero afterwards. Who knows.
It Changed in X2.
See Zero with Buster and No Shoulder pats, and no "boobs"
See Zero with Current Desighn a la X2
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 26, 2011, 08:37:50 PM
Inccubus, you are reading WAY too into the names.
Did Wily build Zero first or did Light build X first? We see a glimpse of Zero first in the classic series... and his design reflects his X2 look. So why did Wily seal him with his X1 look?
I think it's safe to say that Zero was in the design phase before X was.
We dont know that. the same game that has Wily showing his Zero concept to Bass also has Light talking about robots needing to be able to make their own decisions regarding right and wrong when Wily manages to trap Rock in a moral paradox.  (basically: My robots are evil, but you destroy them therefore you are no better) Needing his friends to remind him that what he does is right.

We dont know if Light was already designing X or what.

We DO know, that Zero was originally planned to be Wily's masterpiece, built from the mistakes he learned from Bass' creation, which would help him defeat Rock and Bass once and for all, and help him take over the world.

But when he awakened Zero, he had a flaw in his cognitive program which made him overly violent and unwilling to obey commands, and so Wily had to seal him away.

However, at some point he became aware of Light's own magnum opus in creation, and instead Zero's mission instead became solely one. To kill X.

As to his design, with his concept reflecting the X2 design, (without the saber however, mind you) and yet his final design being so different, I couldn't say.

Now before anyone brings up the buster similarity between Zero and X's armor, consider this. The story seems to follow the route where Zero gives X his buster parts. But there also has to be a capsule version of the same enhancement. They couldnt just make two sets of busters. So they just kept the same one I guess.

also, X1 Zero had booblights. it was his sprite that forgot them for some reason.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on August 26, 2011, 10:09:25 PM
Now I can see the difference on Zero. He has more defined decals in X2 and I can clearly see the beginnings of his trademark 'big shoulder' look. I has been a while since played X2, Id almost forgotten what his sprite had looked like.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 27, 2011, 02:45:20 PM
My D-Arts Zero came in the other day.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on August 27, 2011, 03:04:23 PM
My D-Arts Zero came in the other day.

(click to show/hide)

I love how lean X1 zero is as opposed to X2-X7 zero X8 got th lean-ness back but lost it again in CM
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 27, 2011, 06:51:21 PM
X8 Zero was destroyed. they killed his imposing [presence by leveling his horns, (which looked stupid) and just making everything about him smaller. They also made him, X and Axl the same height, when Zero is taller than both of them.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Kale on August 27, 2011, 07:07:16 PM
Eh... I thought X and Zero was the same height to be honest... only time they looked different was in 3 and Zero was noticably bulkier as well. But after and before that they looked the same.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 27, 2011, 08:59:15 PM
He's always been taller than X. Not by much, but by enough. About half a head or so, give or take.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on August 28, 2011, 12:21:26 AM
He's always been taller than X. Not by much, but by enough. About half a head or so, give or take.

This is about Right

X8 Zero was destroyed. they killed his imposing [presence by leveling his horns, (which looked stupid) and just making everything about him smaller. They also made him, X and Axl the same height, when Zero is taller than both of them.

hmm, All they did was thin out the bulky arms and legs, But I agree about the horns and hieght, but I did like the hair for some odd reason. Overall I think X8 had the best Design (Command Mission would have been best IF Zero looked even 1% like the art)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on September 03, 2011, 05:50:55 PM
Quote from: Flame
My D-Arts Zero came in the other day.
Those are some sugoi figures! How's the paint job? How about the joints & articulation? The arms & legs just seem a tad lil bit long tho.. maybe it's just me. X1 Armor X is supposed to be coming out soon, too. Just a matter of time before they release Zero Mk. II, like this one:

(this is a garage kit, not a D-Arts, btw)

How many other Rockman figures do you own? I got a decent collection going:


i still have several more garage kits that need to be built, i've had them for a while now but time is money :/
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on September 03, 2011, 09:44:31 PM
That's what I'd call an army of heroes  :)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on September 04, 2011, 01:16:41 AM
I have D Arts X, D Art Zero, and then from the Jazzwares megaman toys; Protoman, Bass, Metallic X, Metallic Zero, Black Armor Zero, Axl, and the X7 Ride Chaser. As well as a large Magnet Mine X. I have the minies pack (Zero, X, Axl, Vile) and a mini of protoman. then from the bandai EXE figures, Bass, protoman, and Proto soul Megaman.

Also the shitty Zero series Zero figure.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on September 05, 2011, 09:13:35 PM
Where do you guys even get these?  :o Also is it just classic, x and zero what about zx and how much of a dent in the pockets are we looking at?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on September 05, 2011, 10:36:03 PM
You can find the D-Arts figures easily, just type in google "D-Arts Megaman X/Zero," they range for about 30 or 40 bucks (i think). The Resin Kits, however, are rarer and i've seen them range anywhere from $80-$200, sometimes higher. There's several models from each MM series, and they're all unique:

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on September 05, 2011, 10:38:58 PM

My X and Zero are really detailed figures you can buy online at hobby stores and such. (sadly not at actual stores) Both in the US and from japan since they are bringing the D Arts X series line to the US. So far, X, and Zero are out, and X1 armor X should be out in the US soon if it isnt already.

The others are a variety. Fan-made model kits, the Bandai X series model kit/figures, etc.

the fan made ones tend to be of uber awesome quality, although the are insanely had to get, since most are only one shots sold at conventions and hobby fairs. I think only the WKS Harvest Zero series Zero and X are available, and they are only recasts, of which I have heard bad things about. They are also pretty tiny.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on September 07, 2011, 11:15:47 PM
Megaman - a game about a blue robot inspired by Astroboy

Astroboy - Basically the Japanese Micky Mouse. He's a Super-mega Giant.

Capcom Hates Megaman as of late....

How would you feel if a game version of your country's Icon was suddenly hated by the company who he made Popular?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on September 08, 2011, 02:13:04 AM
How would you feel if a game version of your country's Icon was suddenly hated by the company who he made Popular?

Threats, protests and lawsuits up the wazoo?  :-X
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on September 08, 2011, 02:56:37 AM
Threats, protests and lawsuits up the wazoo?  :-X

Capcom has all that except lawsuits, they really fucked up this time.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: le052383 on September 08, 2011, 12:35:33 PM
There is also a Megaman model kit line that is pretty popular.  So far, it is Megaman, Protoman, and Roll.

As for the Bandai D-arts line, they did an official US release with a SDCC version of X in chrome blue.  I have it an opened it up (will use as display till I get the normal version)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on September 08, 2011, 01:44:01 PM
I wouldnt say they hate Megaman, after all, weve been getting more Megaman merchandise as of late than ever before. Localizations of mangas, comic books, figure releases, etc.

it fels more like Capcom just doesnt know what to DO with the blue smurf when it comes to videogames anymore. Hes never evolved past 2D gameplay, and its starting to show it's age, no matter how many innovations or gimmicks they add. the retro revival also, seems to have been cut short. an 8 bit Megaman 11 would be nothing short of a terrible thing, especially since the center around Megaman 2, and ignore innovations made by later games.

if anything, they just never wanted to make Mega man Legends 3. Inafune kept pushing for it, and they finally caved, but then he left, and without him to push for development, the dev team could do nothing to keep them from canceling it with whatever ridiculous method they used to estimate projected sales. (Read: the Devroom numbers, which Capcom themselves explicitely said was not nessecary to join)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on September 08, 2011, 04:03:37 PM
I wouldnt say they hate Megaman, after all, weve been getting more Megaman merchandise as of late than ever before. Localizations of mangas, comic books, figure releases, etc.

it fels more like Capcom just doesnt know what to DO with the blue smurf when it comes to videogames anymore. Hes never evolved past 2D gameplay, and its starting to show it's age, no matter how many innovations or gimmicks they add. the retro revival also, seems to have been cut short. an 8 bit Megaman 11 would be nothing short of a terrible thing, especially since the center around Megaman 2, and ignore innovations made by later games.

if anything, they just never wanted to make Mega man Legends 3. Inafune kept pushing for it, and they finally caved, but then he left, and without him to push for development, the dev team could do nothing to keep them from canceling it with whatever ridiculous method they used to estimate projected sales. (Read: the Devroom numbers, which Capcom themselves explicitely said was not nessecary to join)

I sure MML3 was gonna Sell Pretty well since Megaman 64 Sold Pretty well as the 3DS is kinda at that Relive the 64 Phase at the moment.
Universe I will admit was Dead before Arrival, I remeber Sighing and saying "...Megaman 2.... AAAAAAGAIN.." and rolling my eyes.
I remember a Capcom exec talking of a new EXE Game a while back...
Maybe just rumors but they said something along the lines of actully having online for a handheld could open many doors for an EXE game... and something along the lines of Being and X variation (Which Will kick so much ass, Darth Zero could be Reconfigured and stuff).

Honestly, I can see where it is hard to expand the megaman Universe... I think MML3 is a good step forward.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on September 09, 2011, 12:02:37 AM
it fels more like Capcom just doesnt know what to DO with the blue smurf when it comes to videogames anymore. Hes never evolved past 2D gameplay, and its starting to show it's age, no matter how many innovations or gimmicks they add. the retro revival also, seems to have been cut short. an 8 bit Megaman 11 would be nothing short of a terrible thing, especially since the center around Megaman 2, and ignore innovations made by later games.

Hey Flame thanks for showing those models as well as crisis just seen them today but anyways (I still do not know how all of you guy and girls still upload pictures to this site it boggles me) I recall megaman having a slide ability and that reminds of vanquish a bit and I think that a megaman like that could work but I would have to see all of vanquish first.

meanwhile Also mean while (


「超次元ゲイム ネプテューヌ mk2」 Neptune 2 ~ C06-04-GP "Inafune Sword & Beam" (

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on September 09, 2011, 10:15:06 AM
use an image host like Photobucket or Imageshack. upload the image, copy the URL, paste it, and wrap it in
Code: [Select]
[img][/img] tags.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on September 13, 2011, 10:04:21 PM

「超次元ゲイム ネプテューヌ mk2」 Neptune 2 ~ C06-04-GP "Inafune Sword & Beam" (

What did I just see..?

Oh man, that was pretty epic.

Does anyone else imagine the Horsebird as Capcom?

Ill drop this epic ZX OC remix here.

Considering Black Burn is one of the best tracks ever, and was already catchy as hell, this will never leave your head.

Mega Man ZX - Flames of Darkness OC Remix (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: SenileSnake on September 14, 2011, 02:17:07 AM

i fucking love megaman x 4. it has the greatest and most challenging bosses in the series up to that point i.e. the breaking point. that is if you don't use special weapons. every boss fight with zero becomes a pretty rad spectacle.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on September 14, 2011, 09:55:50 AM
Didnt reqally think X4 was all that hard. I found the X5 battles more frustrating.

And X6 has infinity mijinion, probably the hardest boss  ever.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: DarkPrinceAlucard on September 14, 2011, 11:00:13 AM

And X6 has infinity mijinion, probably the hardest boss  ever.

What about Gate?

I always thought that he was the hardest boss in X6
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: SenileSnake on September 14, 2011, 11:46:42 PM
Didnt reqally think X4 was all that hard. I found the X5 battles more frustrating.

i'm talking sheer entertainment value. frustration is not entertaining.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on September 16, 2011, 08:31:18 AM
Gate? gate didnt endlessly replicate himself, with each clone attacking you simultaneously with Mijinions already annoying attacks. Gate is pretty easy in comparison. id say High max is tougher, if only because hes harder to hurt if I recall. and then he has a shield in his Fortress fight.

Infinity Mijinion, along with Blaze Heatnix's stage, are the bane of unarmored X playthroughs.

(and that jump in gate's place that requires jumper, but that isnt exactly frustrating, just stupid.)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on September 17, 2011, 02:22:28 AM
Hey guys I do not know if you know of this show but I really like it and well here it is have fun watching it guys and girls  :)

GameCenter CX - Episode 9 - Mega Man 2 (

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on September 29, 2011, 09:12:50 AM
So Rockman Online launches next year.

apparently G-Star is focusing on "internationalization" whatever they mean by that.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: DarkPrinceAlucard on September 29, 2011, 10:17:34 AM
Gate? gate didnt endlessly replicate himself, with each clone attacking you simultaneously with Mijinions already annoying attacks. 

Right, but Gate did force you to have to fight him on multiple platforms while he moved around the entire room shooting you which made hitting him a real chore.

Atleast it was easier to hit Mijinions.

So I guess this is just a matter differing skills.

To me Mijinion was pretty easy to beat compared to gate.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on September 29, 2011, 01:05:38 PM
I found Gate relatively easy. Just be careful not to fall, and your good. which is pretty easy to do, all things considered. Just dont be greedy and pick your shots, especially when he affects things like speed, or draws you to him. And try to stay a bit away from him later in the battle, since he starts destroying platforms.

Mijinion... Shouldnt be hard... but, those bubbles he makes are infinitely obnoxious. They take a bit to destroy, and draw your attention from Mijnion himself. And once you hit him with his weakness or a strong attack, he slams into a wall and replicates.

And his copies do the same thing, if I recall. Shoot bubbles and replicate when hit, as well as shooting that little tiny energy shot at you. His special weapon is the least of your worries. The Bajillion Mijinions are. And the bubbles.

Jesus hes a nightmare... Especially unarmored with no chips.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on October 20, 2011, 03:15:12 PM (

Mega Man Legends fans and rebels, you have Keiji Inafune's sword. The former Capcom Global Head of production has left words of encouragement for the Get Me off the Moon campaign, pledging support in reinstating Mega Man Legends 3. In other words, the man is officially on our side.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Munchy on October 20, 2011, 08:31:05 PM
Cool beans. Not that Capcom's going to do anything differently; hell, they might cancel Rockman Online as well just to further spite Inafune.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on October 20, 2011, 08:51:56 PM
...hell, they might cancel Rockman Online as well just to further spite Inafune.
Dang it man, you just jynxed us. :(
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on October 20, 2011, 11:57:58 PM
Cool beans. Not that Capcom's going to do anything differently; hell, they might cancel Rockman Online as well just to further spite Inafune.

NOPE. Capcom isn't Devving Rockman Online, Its the Masters of the MMOs, true creators of the magnificent food known as Pizza (look it up, its true) and the masters of the art of Dancing!,  I am Of course speaking of the Koreans.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on October 29, 2011, 09:22:06 AM
D-Arts Vava (Vile) incoming!!

( (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on October 29, 2011, 03:08:26 PM
Capcom announced there are doing stuff for Megaman's 25th!

Why is it that Capcom can royally fuck up and piss off countless megaman fans, but somehow manage to patch it up, or at least try to?

God, Konami CAPCOM is better than you, CAPCOM!
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on October 30, 2011, 01:53:59 AM
Nice figurine of Vile there! all it needs now is some paint. I've always liked him as a villain. Even far more so then Sigma. For some reason he just seems to be the more likeable bad guy to me and a perfect antagonist to Mega Man X. The only thing I see that's strange is the way the ammo belt is being fed into his shoulder canon. I know it's also seen on the character sprite, but realistically speaking it would make firing the weapon impossible and dangerous.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: CastleToastM on October 30, 2011, 02:18:09 AM
Capcom announced there are doing stuff for Megaman's 25th!

Why is it that Capcom can royally fuck up and piss off countless megaman fans, but somehow manage to patch it up, or at least try to?

God, Konami CAPCOM is better than you, CAPCOM!

What the heck are they doing?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on October 30, 2011, 02:22:00 AM
What the heck are they doing?
as announced, Stuff. Literately.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: CastleToastM on October 30, 2011, 02:27:06 AM
as announced, Stuff. Literately.

Of course. Stuff.

They always announce stuff, don't they? At least it's Megaman stuff this time.

I hope it's a game, and not merchandise stuff or anything.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on October 30, 2011, 03:11:13 PM
Of course. Stuff.

They always announce stuff, don't they? At least it's Megaman stuff this time.

I hope it's a game, and not merchandise stuff or anything.

I hope it's not another Megaman 2 clone like 9 and 10
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: DarkPrinceAlucard on October 30, 2011, 03:55:57 PM
I hope it's not another Megaman 2 clone like 9 and 10

Yea me to.

I would love to see something similar to what Sonic Generations is doing.

Having a 2.5D game that uses the characters Mega Man and Mega Man X.

One would have classic gameplay like the first Mega Man game while the other will have gameplay similar to the newer ZX style games.

That would be EPIC IMO.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on October 30, 2011, 04:01:13 PM
Yea me to.

I would love to see something similar to what Sonic Generations is doing.

Having a 2.5D game that uses the characters Mega Man and Mega Man X.

One would have classic gameplay like the first Mega Man game while the other will have gameplay similar to the newer ZX style games.

That would be EPIC IMO.

Like a.... Megaman Generations?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: CastleToastM on October 31, 2011, 01:12:39 AM
Like a.... Megaman Generations?

Dude, I totally need that. I need more megaman.

Why must Crapcom be a total douche to their fans?!
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on October 31, 2011, 01:19:47 AM
How about an actual 3D game for a change. Megaman has to make the jump to 3D sucessfully some day, or forever remain no more than 8 bit rehashware Mega man 2 jizzfest
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on October 31, 2011, 01:23:11 AM
How about an actual 3D game for a change. Megaman has to make the jump to 3D sucessfully some day, or forever remain no more than 8 bit rehashware
they did, it was called Megaman Legends, all it ever needed was to improve on controls.

I get you point, A successful 3d mainstream title could be in vein as a super refined X7... without Axl.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on October 31, 2011, 03:09:28 PM
X7's problem was trying to mix 2D with 3D. Which resulted in the 2D sections being terrible, and the 3D ones suffering from bland and uninspired level design... The only halfway Descent level was Stoneking's really, and the 3D cyberpsace maze is only worth a damn because the right side up-upside down shenanigans make it more interesting. Axl wasnt the problem, although his gameplay WAS little more than X minus the charged shot. and His copy Shot took WAY too many hits to actually kill an enemy, and you still had to charge it to shoot. X8 pretty much fixed Axl's gameplay, and made him much more fun to play, but X8 was a Sidescroller. And it didnt have the greatest level design either.

Also Legends is good yes. But that's not the kind of 3D game im talking about. Legends is a 3D Dungeon Crawler/actionRPG game. the mega man franchise needs a good 3D platformer game. (Something X7 failed to really deliver on as well)

Something... like the X Buster quake mod.
XB2 - MegaMan mod for Quake 3 (


Although a MegaMan MMO is a novel and interesting idea. a 2D MegaMan MMO no less, but an MMO still.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on October 31, 2011, 06:07:47 PM
I personally think a successful Mega Man game would be like what we got with Merrick Hunter X for the PSP (2.5D gameplay.) I found it vastly more enjoyable then MMX7.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on October 31, 2011, 06:11:12 PM
I personally think a successful Mega Man game would be like what we got with Merrick Hunter X for the PSP (2.5D gameplay.) I found it vastly more enjoyable then MMX7.

my only Beef with Maverick hunter X is the Remixed Themes that took all the mood out of the originals, they honestly should have just redone the SNES mix with Real instruments, this is the same problem I had with the PSX MMX3 though...
oh and Vava's music gets really fucking old when ALL stages play it.

Other than that, I really liked MHX
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on October 31, 2011, 06:17:10 PM
I personally think a successful Mega Man game would be like what we got with Merrick Hunter X for the PSP (2.5D gameplay.) I found it vastly more enjoyable then MMX7.
MHX was a good start indeed. Though it was also on the PSP, which is why it failed, along with PU. (PU in particular though has its own fair share of issues)

And it was still only a 2D siescrolling remake- one with less than stellar graphics too. (the models blow) its the type of game which nowadays can just be (and is) downloadable gaming on PSN.
Title: Egoraptor's Sequelitis Ep. 2: Mega Man
Post by: VladCT on October 31, 2011, 10:28:26 PM
Sequelitis - Mega Man Classic vs. Mega Man X (
AKA Why Mega Man kicks ass and Mega Man X kicks even more ass.
So how much do you agree with him?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on October 31, 2011, 11:00:01 PM
yeah. that was all pretty spot on. I never really looked at it that way, the way it introduces you to mechanics and stuff, and to the themes.
Title: Re: Egoraptor's Sequelitis Ep. 2: Mega Man
Post by: KaZudra on October 31, 2011, 11:07:41 PM
I actually agree almost 100%, I like classic, but I Love X, X is so much better on every level.
Title: Re: Egoraptor's Sequelitis Ep. 2: Mega Man
Post by: CastleToastM on November 01, 2011, 01:52:48 AM
I actually agree almost 100%, I like classic, but I Love X, X is so much better on every level.

I love the fucking dash and wall jump. I fucking love it.

I can't even play the original anymore because of it.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on November 01, 2011, 10:15:49 AM
Egoraptor was pretty spot-on about the introduction to your abilities. I remember trying MMX for the first time and the transition was smooth. Almost as if I had played the game before.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on November 24, 2011, 01:19:32 PM
D-Arts Zero 2.0 and Vile finally revealed in full color, with what looks like a Ride Armor behind Vile!




Also, Comic Zero has been shown, based on Yoshihiro Iwamoto's X series mangas, like the Comic X that was revealed back in October.


Sadly, there are no plans to localize Comic X, and it seems to be an event figure, so I guess Zero will be too.

If you've seen the Mangas, Iwamoto is behind a Merti Figure too. (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on November 24, 2011, 01:53:58 PM
I demand Bondman!!  ;D
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: CastleToastM on November 27, 2011, 12:28:17 AM
Sweet, they got the ride armor thing? That was fun to screw around with in Megaman X.
Title: Mega Man X: Corrupted - A Metroidvania Fangame by John K. Bacchus
Post by: VladCT on November 28, 2011, 06:24:35 PM
MegaMan X: Corrupted - Pause Menu and Skill System (
MegaMan X: Corrupted - Warfare Milodon Battle (
So far it seems to be shaping up to be a great fangame.
(More videos over here.) (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on November 30, 2011, 02:57:01 AM
That boss tune playing for the Warfare Milodon battle seem like it was lifted from Crash man's stage in MM2, sped up a bit and had a little extra thrown in there. Very catchy and a nice throw-back. In fact it reminds me of the boss tune featured in the NES game Batman: Return of the Joker (Which I believe the tune was in turn, lifted from MM2's Crash man stage). AVGN makes a reference to this very notion while reviewing all the batman games out there.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on November 30, 2011, 03:14:55 PM
Word. Better than Capcom could ever do.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on November 30, 2011, 09:32:33 PM
Pretty damn cool. The only nitpick I have is that I would expect a reploid based on a Giant Sloth to be more... slow.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: CastleToastM on December 01, 2011, 02:05:27 AM
Word. Better than Capcom could ever do.

It's not like they couldn't, they just won't for whatever reason.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on December 04, 2011, 03:52:25 AM
Just beat Mega Man VI (that's the us one) for the first time.
For some reason I never got passed the first stage of Mr.X's castle before.
I always seemed to get bored at that point for some reason.
I gotta say, I finally understand all the hate for this title.
Not being able to jump off of a slide is stupid if only because every other game let's you do it.
The last battle was so... anticlimactic. The song was meh.
And for me the badassedness of the final battle tune is part of what I looked forward to at the end.
They could have done so much better with this game.
I think I finally understand why Inafune wanted to strip Megaman down to his MM2 form for 9 & 10, too.
Oh, well. At least now I can say I beat the whole classic series.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on December 04, 2011, 04:42:21 AM
You guys mind if I drop some of Breis' remixes here? :-X
Breis - Mega Man X2 - Opening Stage Remix (
Rockman X4, X Intro stage, arranged by BREIS [new version] (
Rockman X5, X vs Zero theme, arranged by BREIS (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on December 04, 2011, 08:20:24 AM
The song was meh.

Mega Man 6 Complete Works: Final Battle (

I beg to differ.

Also, tell me you didnt just completely fangasm when X5's Black Devil turned into Wily Machine 6? I know I did!

Also! I see your remixes Vlad, and I raise you some more.

Kissing the Mirror / Everytime I Bang -ZERO-, T01/2: Intro ~ Opening [Rockman X2] (

Kissing the Mirror / Everytime I Bang -ZERO-, T03: Opening Stage [Rockman X2] (

Kissing the Mirror / Everytime I Bang -ZERO-, T04: FlameStagger Stage [Rockman X2] (

Kissing the Mirror / Everytime I Bang -X-, T03: Magnehyakulegger [Rockman X2] (

Kissing the Mirror / Everytime I Bang -X-, T06: ZERO [Rockman X2] (

Kissing the Mirror / Everytime I Bang -ZERO-, T05/6: Demo ~ CounterHunter Stage [Rockman X2] (

Kissing the Mirror / Everytime I Bang -X-, T02: Opening [Rockman X5] (

Kissing the Mirror / Everytime I Bang -X-, T04: Jetstingren Stage [Rockman X4] (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on December 04, 2011, 10:24:35 PM ( - Mega Man 6 Complete Works: Final Battle

I beg to differ.

The Complete works version is VASTLY superior to the NES version. But it is still weaker than the MM4 & 5 ones. My bigger issue, actually, is that it plays through all 3 forms of Wily Machine 6. It should have played only for the Wily Capsule part. That was also the weakest Wily Capsule too.

Alright, That's it, I'm making a Wily Boss Rush game and fixing that battle in remix mode.

Also, tell me you didnt just completely fangasm when X5's Black Devil turned into Wily Machine 6? I know I did!

But of course! They didn't QUITE get it right, but it was still epic. :D
Title: Mega Man X: Corrupted - Armor Speed Painting
Post by: VladCT on December 04, 2011, 11:15:31 PM
Remember the fangame videos I posted earlier? Here are some speed paintings of the original armors in the game by Henrique AKA Hellghost:
MegaMan X: Corrupted - Phoenix Armor Speed Painting By Hellghost (
MegaMan X: Corrupted - Hydra Armor Speed Painting By Hellghost (
MegaMan X: Corrupted - Viral Zero Speed Painting By Hellghost (
Yeah, I noticed that the Hydra Armor one took around twice as long compared to the others, does it really matter? :P
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on December 04, 2011, 11:50:04 PM
Is everyone on half the earth retarded?
In Megaman 10 Dr. Wily's Castle has an ORBITAL PLATFORM!!
You'd be able to see that with the naked eye pretty much from anywhere on the hemisphere of the earth that it is located on. That's not even taking into account air traffic, satellites and Google Maps. How did they miss that? :P
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on December 05, 2011, 09:06:09 AM
Maximum Speed (Mega Man 10 - Nitro Man) (

same reason people never see Eggman building his massive fleets of ships and giant robots.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on December 05, 2011, 11:32:35 AM
same reason people never see Eggman building his massive fleets of ships and giant robots.

Aren't most of his projects secretly funded by the government anyway? :P
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on December 05, 2011, 08:41:26 PM
Since when?

Hell no. And ESPECIALLY not since he blew up half the moon in SA2 and split the planet in Unleashed
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on December 05, 2011, 09:07:28 PM
Is everyone on half the earth retarded?
In Megaman 10 Dr. Wily's Castle has an ORBITAL PLATFORM!!
You'd be able to see that with the naked eye pretty much from anywhere on the hemisphere of the earth that it is located on. That's not even taking into account air traffic, satellites and Google Maps. How did they miss that? :P

Wily's no-doubt employed satellite sensor jamming equipment and visual clocking technology to hide his many HQs. That's my guess. Also he's a mad scientist who's fortified his strongholds with state-of-the-art weapons and defenses to hold off the authorities and militia. Heck he probably threatens Nuclear retaliatory strikes on anyone with the exception of Mega Man who tries to invade his Skull castles.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on December 05, 2011, 10:15:01 PM
oh... I still can't wait for Rockman Online
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on December 06, 2011, 02:29:25 AM
LOL. You guys take my silly comments so seriously.  ;D

Hey are you guys up for a little play testing? I'm modding a Megaman Engine somebody released for GM and I want to get opinions on what I have to tweak to get it as close to MM3 as possible.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on December 06, 2011, 11:40:03 AM
oh... I still can't wait for Rockman Online
You wont be able to play it unless you live in Korea
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on December 06, 2011, 11:46:24 AM
You wont be able to play it unless you live in Korea

I believe this'll be another case of fast translated private servers, kinda like the Ragnarok online 2 (the first one) beta.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on December 07, 2011, 06:01:55 AM
No, I dont think that will work... I think you need to have a Korean something something I recall reading...

People mentioned that possibility before, but it was shot down by the fact that you needed some sort of Korean ID or something. I think.

Also, you are assuming that the game will have an English option at all.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on December 07, 2011, 08:06:20 PM
No, I dont think that will work... I think you need to have a Korean something something I recall reading...

People mentioned that possibility before, but it was shot down by the fact that you needed some sort of Korean ID or something. I think.

Also, you are assuming that the game will have an English option at all.

Korean Zip code? Not a problem, I used a fake one back in 06 for bomberman online, but that's not what I'm saying.

People will obtain the game, crack the server code and Host their own server as well as translating the game, all the popular Korean MMOs usually get that treatment.

but given the international success of Megaman in general, I'm hoping a US or even EU server pops up in the future.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on December 07, 2011, 08:53:16 PM
They should give people the option to either buy the game and play for free, or pay to play and get the game for free.
Title: Mega Man Zero - Omega Fan Redesign by Go!
Post by: VladCT on December 10, 2011, 07:46:23 AM
Tell me that you didn't wish that the difference in design was a plot point instead of being handwaved as just an art shift. ;D
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on December 10, 2011, 08:04:26 AM
now that's badass artwork. i should mod my Zero to look like that xD

Title: Re: Mega Man Zero - Omega Fan Redesign by Go!
Post by: Flame on December 10, 2011, 10:59:52 AM
Tell me that you didn't wish that the difference in design was a plot point instead of being handwaved as just an art shift. ;D
Thats badass.

It wasnt ENTIRELY an art shift though, mind you. I mean, do note that Omega uses a gun like Zero's, despite Zero's gun not being an original weapon of his, but picked up from a dead resistance fighter and equipped with the saber as it's magazine. Omega's gun, furthermore, is not the same as Zero's, and was actually completely re-sprited so that he holds it gangsta style sideways.

Similarly he has plenty of unique animations and sprites. It seems more likely that either

A: Zero's body was upgraded during his sleep and the copy body was modeled after that, thus thats why Omega looks like that,


B: Weil modified the body to resemble Zero's more to screw with him.

There was always a theme of technological progression. X himself in Command Mission got a new look because the artist thought that since it was 22XX, that it was the Zero series time.

so while Art shift is a factor, it's hard to tell how much is art shift and how much is just progression of technology. Keep in mind, both X and Zero's technology was fully cracked some time before the Elf wars, during the 50 years that scientists studied Zero's body and mind.

BTW Vlad, where did you find that? It looks like it could be done by the Zero series artist himself. Is it?
Title: Re: Mega Man Zero - Omega Fan Redesign by Go!
Post by: Inccubus on December 10, 2011, 12:20:43 PM
Thats badass.

It wasnt ENTIRELY an art shift though, mind you. I mean, do note that Omega uses a gun like Zero's, despite Zero's gun not being an original weapon of his, but picked up from a dead resistance fighter and equipped with the saber as it's magazine. Omega's gun, furthermore, is not the same as Zero's, and was actually completely re-sprited so that he holds it gangsta style sideways.

Similarly he has plenty of unique animations and sprites. It seems more likely that either

A: Zero's body was upgraded during his sleep and the copy body was modeled after that, thus thats why Omega looks like that,


B: Weil modified the body to resemble Zero's more to screw with him.

There was always a theme of technological progression. X himself in Command Mission got a new look because the artist thought that since it was 22XX, that it was the Zero series time.

so while Art shift is a factor, it's hard to tell how much is art shift and how much is just progression of technology. Keep in mind, both X and Zero's technology was fully cracked some time before the Elf wars, during the 50 years that scientists studied Zero's body and mind.

BTW Vlad, where did you find that? It looks like it could be done by the Zero series artist himself. Is it?

Not for nothing, but you can rationalize it however you like, but it was either...
A: done that way to save production time by not having to do two completely different sprites, or...
B: they wanted to emphasize the new design and dumped the old one on purpose without explanation so that the fans would make up their own reasons for it without wasting production time on explaining it themselves.


PS- That art is badass and someone should sprite it into the rom.
Title: Re: Mega Man Zero - Omega Fan Redesign by Go!
Post by: VladCT on December 10, 2011, 03:14:20 PM
BTW Vlad, where did you find that? It looks like it could be done by the Zero series artist himself. Is it?
Found it on Danbooru, that site's a freaking box of chocolates! XD
Oh, and look at the post title. :-X
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on December 10, 2011, 03:16:00 PM
Well from the start, Inticreates wanted the Zero series to be visually distinct from the X series. Which is also why Zero's redesign was so radical. (As well as the general art style)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on December 10, 2011, 04:53:39 PM
And then, humorously enough, they get put in charge of making MM9 & 10. I would call that divine retribution... or karma.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on December 10, 2011, 07:31:29 PM
You say it as if it was a bad thing to them.

Inticreates is made of ex-Capcom employees. Most of whom were involved with Megaman in capcom. I forget now with which games though. Either the NES Classic, or SNES X games (or possibly both, I dont remember really)

And to be honest? they are much better at story than capcom is. Capcom sucks at writing stories. Always has, always will. Ini however, LOVES writing stories. and they LOVE continuity even more. there is so much Zero series information out there from books Drama tracks and the games themselves that it's crazy! there is such a clear line as to what is what. we know almost everything there is to know about the time between the X and Zero series, without there being any games to explain it (much better than capcom with classic to X, eh?) in fact, they even go as far back as PRE X1 with their info! their timeline, released some time before Zero collection, chronicled a series of events from Zero's creation, to the Zero series. Any and all important events to the Zero series.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: CastleToastM on December 10, 2011, 11:27:13 PM
You say it as if it was a bad thing to them.

Inticreates is made of ex-Capcom employees. Most of whom were involved with Megaman in capcom. I forget now with which games though. Either the NES Classic, or SNES X games (or possibly both, I dont remember really)

And to be honest? they are much better at story than capcom is. Capcom sucks at writing stories. Always has, always will. Ini however, LOVES writing stories. and they LOVE continuity even more. there is so much Zero series information out there from books Drama tracks and the games themselves that it's crazy! there is such a clear line as to what is what. we know almost everything there is to know about the time between the X and Zero series, without there being any games to explain it (much better than capcom with classic to X, eh?) in fact, they even go as far back as PRE X1 with their info! their timeline, released some time before Zero collection, chronicled a series of events from Zero's creation, to the Zero series. Any and all important events to the Zero series.

This is why I love Inticreates. I would love for them to make another ZX.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on December 11, 2011, 06:09:07 AM
Btw ill just drop this sick tune here.

Megaman German Deutsches Intro (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on December 14, 2011, 10:56:34 AM (


I AM a little disappointed still though, that most of the remixes are X1, with X2 and 3 following right behind. The rest only have a few tunes. I was hoping for some X4 Sigma, Double or Bio lab.

still, this is pretty big, and will likely be pretty epic.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on December 14, 2011, 06:30:10 PM
That site would be even more interesting if I could actually download the tunes album wise or individual. But for some reason it won't let me  >:(
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on December 15, 2011, 05:43:45 AM
The Album's release date is some time 2012.

The DL links are there already, but they dont have anything yet since its not out yet.

here's the trailer,
Maverick Rising Teaser HD (

and some previews

Maverick Rising (Teaser) - X1 Title Screen (

SNEAK PEEK: Mega Man X Series Maverick Rising Remix Album - Sting and Overdrive (

Crushing Gravity (Preview) (

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on December 15, 2011, 09:37:03 AM
The Album's release date is some time 2012.

This explains a lot, thanks  :D I'll wait till then.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: cecil-kain on December 21, 2011, 10:37:49 PM

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on December 22, 2011, 09:45:30 AM
That's pretty cool! Although it looked a little too advanced for the early 21st century (200X being anywhere from 2000 to 2009). If this is going to be a legit game then I can't wait to play it!
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on December 22, 2011, 03:58:53 PM
Remember that the game was made in the 80's. They didn't know we wouldn't have flying cars yet. Speaking of which, where the FUCK is me flying car? The future sucks. >=P
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on December 22, 2011, 04:22:47 PM
Flying cars & other hovercraft exist already, they're just not commercially available  :P
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on December 22, 2011, 08:21:45 PM
that was pretty neat. Then I saw the Mega Man 7 sprites.

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on December 23, 2011, 10:38:04 AM
that was pretty neat. Then I saw the Mega Man 7 sprites.


I noticed that too. And why the heck was Wily in the same building as Mega Man?? That would pretty much end the game right there before it even started if Mega Man or the authorities saw him.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on December 23, 2011, 01:55:40 PM
Nah. I always assumed Wily had that kind of dumb antagonist luck you see in the movies all the time. Plus he is a genius, right? I'm sure slipping into a building would be easy enough for him. I mean, shit, his name IS Wily.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on December 23, 2011, 06:44:09 PM
The Wily thing isnt even what bothers me. (though it IS stupid, and slightly messes up the whole vibe of the intro)

Just the usage of Mega Man 7 sprites. The worst of any Mega Man sprites.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on December 24, 2011, 10:34:59 AM
It would've been better-off using the Mega Man sprite from the Genesis collection Mega Man: The Wily Wars. The Mega Man 7 sprite as far as I know was also used in two Arcade Mega Man titles.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on December 24, 2011, 07:07:45 PM
I'm surprised no one mentioned Megman's helmet animation being backwards. Starts with it on and then it teleports away.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on December 24, 2011, 08:36:23 PM
I'm surprised no one mentioned Megman's helmet animation being backwards. Starts with it on and then it teleports away.

Goddammit! I missed that completely!
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on December 24, 2011, 11:21:48 PM
Got megaman 3 as a early christmas gift yay here I come proto.
Title: Still Blastin' by NemesisTheory - A Mega Man inspired pseudo-retro track
Post by: VladCT on December 31, 2011, 04:52:24 AM (
Enjoy the nostalgia, folks. ;)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Munchy on January 02, 2012, 06:53:01 PM
So you guys must play this. It's an incredibly slick Mega Man clone for Flash. (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on January 03, 2012, 09:59:09 AM
That Flash game is solid! Not only does it play like Mega Man but the difficulty's there too. I wonder if you can download it..?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on January 03, 2012, 05:58:00 PM
questions that have no answer(s), as far as i know:

Who was that Reploid that sealed away Zero ( in X6's ending?

What was that thing that Lumine attached to Axls helmet crystal that shines briefly ( in X8's ending?

What are the four remaining "Shining Weapons (," and who used them?

What happened to Wily's presence ( in the X series after X6?

What is Master Thomas plan for the world ( in ZX Advent's epilogue?

Is the original Rockman & X one in the same? (was never confirmed or denied..)

Why does Protoman have a "fatal defect" in his system at the end of MegaMan 2: The Power Fighters?

What exactly happened to Bass & Duo leading up to 21XX?

Who created Zero's copy body after his original was sealed inside Omega's?

Where the hell in the universe did Ra Moon ( come from?

Where the hell in the universe do Duo & the Evil Robot ( he battles come from?

When will Trigger finally get off the moon??
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on January 03, 2012, 07:24:34 PM
Lot's of questions there Crisis...some of which I've been asking myself. Most of all, this one:

Is the original Rockman & X one in the same? (was never confirmed or denied..)

I'm fairly confident that X and Mega Man are two separate creations though very similar (i.e. Dr. Light built). For me anyways, the only real conclusion as to them being two different creations is the year. Mega Man was running around in 200X and he expires sometime in 20XX. X was built in 20XX, sealed up for a century and then brought online in 21XX. 20XX is the year that both Mega Man and Mega Man X would be in existence simultaneously. Now I know this is a stretch since 20XX is 2010 to 2099. But I also know that while Mega Man was simply a humanoid robot, X was much, much more. Using this logic I can assume that the two are not the same unless we hear the facts from the official source materiel.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on January 03, 2012, 11:04:27 PM
I thought Keiji Inafune said in an interview or something that Megaman and X are not the same being. Hmmm...

As for the origins of Ra Moon, Duo & the Evil Robot, I always kinda assumed from looking at their designs that the were from the same civilization. BTW, is there a specific designation for Duo before he was rebuilt by Dr. Light? Isn't he called Duo because he was reconstructed wising parts from both robots? Oh! And also, aren't the Star Droids (MMMGB5) from an extraterrestrial source too?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on January 04, 2012, 08:31:47 AM
Ooooh boy.... Time to get to work...

*cracks knuckles*

Who was that Reploid that sealed away Zero in X6's ending?
A scientist. As far as we know, hes not really any important character. Although it's possible he might be the same scientist who talks to X during Zero's second sealing in the Telos Drama Track "Elf Wars Retrospect"

What was that thing that Lumine attached to Axls helmet crystal that shines briefly in X8's ending?
Your guess is as good as ours.

What are the four remaining "Shining Weapons," and who used them?
Well, it's never been stated. Though there are 4 particular characters who could fit the bill.


What happened to Wily's presence in the X series after X6?
It was dropped like a rock.

I personally like to think that after seeing Zero defeat Creations made from his own DNA, Including Gate himself, who's battle body was the culmination of his research and study of it, he was satisfied with Zero, regardless of him not following his original mission.

IOW, He sees Zero as having proved himself stronger than X in his eyes.

But officially, we dont know.

What is Master Thomas plan for the world in ZX Advent's epilogue?
To reset the world. Though im not entirely sure about what he meant by his speech on bodies and such.

Is the original Rockman & X one in the same? (was never confirmed or denied..)

Nope, X is Rock's little brother. Completely different, but with a similar design.

Why does Protoman have a "fatal defect" in his system at the end of MegaMan 2: The Power Fighters?
His energy system is defective.
When he was built, he ran away. That defect eventually shut him down.
Wily found him, and thinking the original Light  generator itself was the issue, replaced it with a Nuclear reactor. (along with a combat upgrade and a redesign including helmet with shades so Light wouldnt recognize him) Unfortunately, that didnt solve the problem. But he doesnt trust Light, so he wont allow him to fix it. He feels he would loose his individuality, his free will.

What exactly happened to Bass & Duo leading up to 21XX?
Duo? he went back to space. Bass and co. though? Noone knows. but Zero certainly had nothing to do with it.

Who created Zero's copy body after his original was sealed inside Omega's?
Good question.
Where the hell in the universe did Ra Moon come from?
Earth I think... It's an ancient supercomputer. If It came from space though, Do you really expect anyone to know that?

Where the hell in the universe do Duo & the Evil Robot he battles come from?
Really far away in the universe.

When will Trigger finally get off the moon??
Ask Capcom.

and he expires sometime in 20XX
There is nothing to suggest he ever expires.
official source materiel.
Pretty sure Inafune mentioned it some time... Ill get you a source later.

is there a specific designation for Duo before he was rebuilt by Dr. Light?
Im pretty sure his name was always Duo. That's what he refers to himself as.

aren't the Star Droids (MMMGB5) from an extraterrestrial source too?
I believe so. From an Ancient Alien civilization. He found them while excavating some ruins and reprogrammed them to serve him.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on January 04, 2012, 09:39:55 AM
Well in the ending, he's labelled as a "mysterious Reploid," the one responsible for sealing "the destroyer of Reploids," so I'd assume he would've been a fairly important character plot-wise. Gate was important because he discovered Zero's DNA circuit board, "Ciel's ancestor" was important because she created the Mother Elf & we dont even know her name. This "mysterious Reploid" deserved some explanation, how he came into contact with Zero, etc. but as with most things in the series, looks like we'll never know for sure.

Axl's guns might be one of the legendary weapons, but I'd like to think the other weapons were wielded by Reploids other than the Command Mission characters (which were pretty forgettable anyway IMO). I'd like to think they were unique Reploids that could've fought in the Elf Wars.

I know Master Thomas wants to reset the world, but what's exactly wrong with it? It's all just typical cliche villain talk, I know.

I know it's been hinted at in interviews that Rock & X are separate, but if I recall it still was never 100% officially confirmed in any game, despite Keiji's opinions (which he left pretty vague if I recall, but I dont remember him outright saying 'they are 2 different robots, debate over guys'). A lot of conflicting stuff has been said (I love how they say Harpuia, Fafnir, & Leviathan supposedly died in Omega Zero's explosion scene at the end of Z3, but when that official image of them alive & well, looking up at Ragnarok's destruction in the sky alongside cyber-Phantom & cyber-X they then decide to say 'umm well that was just for fun.' gimme a break) which I pretty much sum it up as Capcom saying "we'll let the player decide for themselves." Makes more sense that as Light aged, he wanted Rock to withstand the future but knew his current technology & limited mind wouldn't last, so he slowly but surely "transformed" him into X. And until we see a game or artwork that shows Megaman in Light's lab while a half-completed X is on a stretcher in the background with wires attached to his circuits, this is what I'll continue to go by. Just my thoughts.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on January 04, 2012, 09:47:40 AM
There is nothing to suggest he ever expires.

This is true, however there's nothing to say he's still up and running even during the time of X and Zero. At least not that I'm aware of. I was surprised to learn that Roll was still around, but I would really like to know myself if Rock is also still around.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on January 04, 2012, 11:26:53 AM
Axl's guns might be one of the legendary weapons, but I'd like to think the other weapons were wielded by Reploids other than the Command Mission characters (which were pretty forgettable anyway IMO). I'd like to think they were unique Reploids that could've fought in the Elf Wars.
Forgettable? Your opinion maybe. I loved them. And lets not forget during the events of Command Mission, they are technically Maverick Hunter Deputies. And of considerable power as well, considering they were able to take down the rebellion, AND storm Eastern Hunter HQ to confront Redips.
Massimo himself is a local hero, and I cant imagine any of them just sitting around during the Elf Wars. They would be out there fighting with the rest. And considering Great Redips is canonically the strongest enemy X and Co. have ever faced, that makes them pretty likely to have been weilders of 4 of the 10 Shining Arms.

It helps that there just so happens to be 4 of them, and 4 weapons left to account for.

I know Master Thomas wants to reset the world, but what's exactly wrong with it? It's all just typical cliche villain talk, I know.
pretty much. Albert wanted to reset the world and remake it with himself as God, And Thomas pretty much seems to want something similar, but not the way Albert wanted to do it. IDK.

(I love how they say Harpuia, Fafnir, & Leviathan supposedly died in Omega Zero's explosion scene at the end of Z3, but when that official image of them alive & well, looking up at Ragnarok's destruction in the sky alongside cyber-Phantom & cyber-X they then decide to say 'umm well that was just for fun.' gimme a break)

Yeah. That illustration is considered just fanservice. Around the time it was made, I think there was no solid answer as to what had happened to the big 3 after Z3. or something like that.

which I pretty much sum it up as Capcom saying "we'll let the player decide for themselves."
That's pretty much always been a part of Inafune's philosophy with Megaman. Especially pertaining to Serges and Isoc being Wily.

I know it's been hinted at in interviews that Rock & X are separate, but if I recall it still was never 100% officially confirmed in any game, despite Keiji's opinions (which he left pretty vague if I recall, but I dont remember him outright saying 'they are 2 different robots, debate over guys').

Makes more sense that as Light aged, he wanted Rock to withstand the future but knew his current technology & limited mind wouldn't last, so he slowly but surely "transformed" him into X. And until we see a game or artwork that shows Megaman in Light's lab while a half-completed X is on a stretcher in the background with wires attached to his circuits, this is what I'll continue to go by. Just my thoughts.
Maverick Hunter X Shows Light building X. We see a half completed torso of X at one point, and Light converses with him, over how he is a new type of robot who can think for himself, how people are not ready for him, yadda yadda.

The games and sources always refer to them as separate characters. X is simply Megaman's successor. He is also different, and superior.

Plus it is not in Light's character to just delete Rock's brain and rebuild him as a new robot. Remember he views his creations, Rock and Roll especially, as his children. That would mean murdering his child.

When Cain found Light's lab, he found papers talking of a breakthrough with X. the breakthrough was of course, X's AI, which allows him complete free will, and the ability to think, reason and FEEL, on a Human level.

Also, i found that source I mentioned earlier.

Q&A with the Capcom Development Staff
Behind the Birth of “Rockman X”!

How is this connected to Rockman?

The new “Rockman X” is, to put it simply, a game that is set in the same world as the “Rockman” that appears on the Famicom. Only, the “Rockman” time period is set in 20XX A.D., while “Rockman X” takes place in 21XX. That is, “X” is set in a slightly later era.

Our protagonist this time is X, who is of course an entirely different person from Rockman. He’ll still have the Rockbuster on his left hand, the helmet, and everything that’s come to be associated with Rockman, but he is in fact a separate character. He is merely inheriting the world stage of the “Rockman” series, and that means the same familiar types of enemy characters will be around as well. Please think of this as new series set further along in the same universe. (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on January 04, 2012, 12:00:37 PM
I believe so. From an Ancient Alien civilization. He found them while excavating some ruins and reprogrammed them to serve him.

I believe it would be reasonable to associate Ra Moon with the Star Droids because it's stated that Ra Moon crashed on to Earth in ancient times. Additionally, it may not be beyond the realm of possibility that Duo could be considered to be from the same civilization. Cue fan-fic author to draft a story about the Star Droids being sent to Earth to find Ra Moon. (Actually, that could be a cool plot for a fan game too.)

About Duo'd name. I'm fairly confident that it's nothing more than Capcom deciding on the Character's name based on his design without thinking to properly explain his back story. Because, honesty, there's nothing about his pre-crash design that would make his name make any sense at all. ... That is unless Duo's opponent was his twin brother that got corrupted by the evil energy. Now that would make things much more interesting! ;P
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on January 04, 2012, 03:38:26 PM
It's good that you brought up Maverick Hunter X, since there are some issues with that game as well. Are we to assume that it retcons [or was intended to retcon] the original MMX? For instance, it heavily implies that Cain is killed in the missile strike Sigma made against the city. Yet Cain is clearly still active in X3 (and briefly mentioned in Japanese X4 i think, not 100% sure). Had they continued with this Maverick Hunter "reboot," I doubt Cain would've been involved in any way, much less a "background character" or anything.

Plus it is not in Light's character to just delete Rock's brain and rebuild him as a new robot.

So instead he'd rather replace him with a new surrogate son & either shut him down or let him roam free/send him to space/[insert 'what happened to Rock' theory here]? There's no reason for him to delete his mind, as like you say, it's not in his character. He's been sleeping for a century, hibernation sickness gets the best of him, he forgets his life as Rockman (just like Zero when he awakes in MMZ, doesn't remember a damn thing from his Maverick Hunter days, throughout the series). But then the argument occurs that Light doesn't speak to X as if he were Rock in MHX, which brings up my point I made in the previous paragraph; I guess we're picking & choosing what to follow, since there are contradictions in the story with Cain's death, when exactly Sigma's true motives kicked in, etc.

Remember he views his creations, Rock and Roll especially, as his children. That would mean murdering his child.

That's exactly my point. It's kinda lame how it's implied that Rock just "disappears" in the century before 21XX, makes more sense to me that he lives on as Rockman X. Sigma tells him that the "old man" he's in league with has passionate hatred for X, and knows him very well. This implies that either X/Rock are the same & Wily was always aware of this, or Wily just simply THINKS that X is his original nemesis, unaware that they are separate entities. Is it up to the player to decide, once again? It's a shame that these sourcebooks & obscure Japanese interviews are easily overlooked by the casual MM fan, since they seemingly contain all the forbidden knowledge of our beloved characters and certain plot points (X's "Suffering Circuit," for instance. no one would have a clue wtf you're talking about if you were to bring up the idea of such a thing in the years before, you guessed it, a sourcebook revealed it!)

At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter if he is or he isn't. The "spirit" of MegaMan remained present, even thousands of years later.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on January 04, 2012, 08:30:36 PM
It's good that you brought up Maverick Hunter X, since there are some issues with that game as well. Are we to assume that it retcons [or was intended to retcon] the original MMX? For instance, it heavily implies that Cain is killed in the missile strike Sigma made against the city. Yet Cain is clearly still active in X3 (and briefly mentioned in Japanese X4 i think, not 100% sure). Had they continued with this Maverick Hunter "reboot," I doubt Cain would've been involved in any way, much less a "background character" or anything.
The flashovers are much larger than the actual craters left by the missiles. It is entirely possible that it was meant to be a cliffhanger. Yknow, to be edgy. Besides, Wily has survived worse.

Besides the Cain matter though, There are no contradictions or retcons really. Anything that wasnt in X1 is just new material.

Only part that was changed, and its something that bugs me, is X being able to defeat Vile in the intro stage. But he loses anyway, so its not too big  a deal.

On Cain's X4 mention- The memo from Cain Labs was made by Capcom of America. It is not canon.

There's no reason for him to delete his mind, as like you say, it's not in his character. He's been sleeping for a century, hibernation sickness gets the best of him, he forgets his life as Rockman (just like Zero when he awakes in MMZ, doesn't remember a damn thing from his Maverick Hunter days, throughout the series).
Again, refer to X's conversations with Light during his construction. Light calls him X, and X asks if that is his name. To which Light says it is, and explains it's meaning.  he also does not know who Light is upon his initial activation. To which Light explains that he is Dr. Light, and he created him.

All throughout the flashback, and whenever Light refers to X it is as a different Robot.

Even in the Warning in the original Mega Man X.


I guess we're picking & choosing what to follow, since there are contradictions in the story with Cain's death, when exactly Sigma's true motives kicked in, etc.
Cain's death is the only real point of debate. And for understandable reasons. Sigma's plans definitely were already in effect by the beginning of Day of Sigma. After all, he was the one making the construction Mechaniloids go berserk. Some time before Day of Sigma is when he decided he would rebel.

Sigma tells him that the "old man" he's in league with has passionate hatred for X, and knows him very well. This implies that either X/Rock are the same & Wily was always aware of this, or Wily just simply THINKS that X is his original nemesis, unaware that they are separate entities.

Wily became well aware of X some time after he had Built Zero and sealed him away due to his cognitive flaw causing disobedience and extreme violence. Zero's original purpose was to defeat both Bass and Rock, and help Wily take over the world. But when Zero turned out to be defective and was sealed away, That plan was put on hold. At some point though, either during or after X's creation, Wily became aware of him, and Zero's purpose was changed, and his mission became to destroy X, and therefore settle Wily's rivalry with Light. Zero would fight and kill X.

Unfortunately, circumstance changed all that, and fate had it that Zero was himself infected by the virus leaking from his capsule, which caused that W on his head. You know the story from there. He became good, Sigma became evil.

Wily however, as stated by Inafune, died in the interim, and was "brought back by the virus". Serges and Isoc are certainly Wily, and they both prove it. And Wily's goal is to get Zero to kill X. or just to kill X in general.

Is it up to the player to decide, once again? It's a shame that these sourcebooks & obscure Japanese interviews are easily overlooked by the casual MM fan, since they seemingly contain all the forbidden knowledge of our beloved characters and certain plot points (X's "Suffering Circuit," for instance. no one would have a clue wtf you're talking about if you were to bring up the idea of such a thing in the years before, you guessed it, a sourcebook revealed it!)
Good thing Udon has gotten all up in the business of Translating Mega man stuff. Who knows, someday we may get those.

At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter if he is or he isn't. The "spirit" of MegaMan remained present, even thousands of years later.
He is definitely the spiritual successor. "Mega Man" is not a name, it is a title. A title inherited by those who fight for peace.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on January 04, 2012, 08:54:27 PM
"Mega Man" is not a name, it is a title. A title inherited by those who fight for peace.
Sadly, by the time ZX happened that title has been corrupted to simply meaning "one who holds the power of a Biometal", even if that power is abused for selfish means.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Munchy on January 04, 2012, 10:32:36 PM
Random thought... anyone notice how a large number of bad guys in Mega Man games have the "hair stuck out on either side of the head" style? Wily, Tron Bonne, Master Thomas (think this might be stretching it), Lumine, Isoc/Isaac, Serges... Even good guys with bad guy relations have it, like Bass and Zero. I think they're all related somehow.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on January 05, 2012, 05:30:47 AM
Thomas looks more like a bearded Sigma with hair on his head.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on January 11, 2012, 06:01:21 PM
Title: Does this count as trolling? ("Mega Man" in SFxT as PS3&V exclusive)
Post by: VladCT on January 26, 2012, 08:51:02 PM
Street Fighter X Tekken Pacman and Megaman Trailer [HD] (
Yeah...I can picture Ono flashing a certain rage-inducing smile to the fans... >_>
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on January 26, 2012, 09:34:53 PM
Street Fighter X Tekken Pacman and Megaman Trailer [HD] (
Yeah...I can picture Ono flashing a certain rage-inducing smile to the fans... >_>

What the heck capcom I mean wow just this is just a hit to the balls....... wait a minute I always wanted to do this

13 Punches Goku in the Balls [ORIGINAL] (

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on January 27, 2012, 12:08:59 AM
Yeah. Mega Man boards are certainly of opinions regarding this.

Whats sad, yet true, is if it were any other year, we would all laugh and find it hillarious. Just Capcom has no fucking sense of timing. or really are trying to troll the Mega Man Fanbase out of frustration. (caused by themselves to begin with)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on January 27, 2012, 04:07:44 AM long do you think it will take until the MM fanbase goes ka-boom-boom if Capcom's treatment of their old mascot doesn't get any better soon?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on January 27, 2012, 09:31:31 AM long do you think it will take until the MM fanbase goes ka-boom-boom if Capcom's treatment of their old mascot doesn't get any better soon?

Wait just one minute the mm fanbase has not gone "kaboom" I have faith that they cp can change, but with things are not buying their products and making them fail seems to be the best thing to do also on a sidenote now there seems to be a series that is worst than ours now we are lucky.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on January 27, 2012, 10:12:05 AM
how long do you think it will take until the MM fanbase goes ka-boom-boom if Capcom's treatment of their old mascot doesn't get any better soon?

They'll be fine. There'll be more MM games/merchandise eventually.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Sumac on January 27, 2012, 11:04:44 AM
If that's a trolling, than Capcom went a "little" overboard with it.
Though maybe it's some sort of personal FU to MM creator...?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on January 27, 2012, 03:44:24 PM
Apparently,This was planned way back when Inafune was still around. he thought it would be funny, and OK'd it. Unfortunately, due to the current state of matters, a well meaning joke has turned into an insensitive insult.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on January 29, 2012, 02:25:50 AM
They'll be fine. There'll be more MM games/merchandise eventually.

How long do you think is eventually?

Also to fans this will be a day to remember but to ono and capcom it's just an other tuesday

Yoshinori Ono remembers a great day (

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Munchy on January 29, 2012, 01:46:43 PM
I seem to be one of the 5% of MM fans who loves BBA Mega Man. I'm mainly pissed he and Pac Man are (so far) PS3 exclusive.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on January 29, 2012, 02:01:36 PM (

Daemon Gildas: "Is there any chance at a more traditional "costume" for Mega Man in Street Fighter X Tekken? What about using the "Mega Man" seen on the movie-posters in Dead Rising? Or maybe a look based on the Ruby-Spears cartoon? That way, we have the option of a less-creepy incarnation of the Blue Bomber, while still playing along with the slightly-cheesy nature."

Svensson: "Interesting suggestion. Maybe. Let me chat about it with Ono."
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on January 29, 2012, 05:31:34 PM
You know, I don't hate it so much for the incredibly bad timing, but because it's a really stupid joke. The creepy fat digger megman should have been the bonus costume. The idea of using the DR Movie Poster version or the Ruby sprears version is a pretty good idea. Hell, if they're gonna have several bonus costumes they should make them all box art based outfits. That would be much cooler and interesting.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Munchy on January 29, 2012, 06:19:10 PM (

A traditional costume for Mega Man with that voice would be amazing.

Also, some of the complaints about this Mega Man are hilarious. "Exaggerated proportions"? Give me a fucking break. How about every fighting game character ever? Chun-li? Mai? Rufus, for Chrissakes? Mega Man is the most realistic character I've seen in a game like this. Not everyone looks like super models.

I'm sympathetic towards people angry about Legends 3 being cancelled, but after a certain point they're just asking to be trolled.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on January 29, 2012, 09:04:23 PM
A traditional costume for Mega Man with that voice would be amazing.

Also, some of the complaints about this Mega Man are hilarious. "Exaggerated proportions"? Give me a fucking break. How about every fighting game character ever? Chun-li? Mai?

Ahh Mai I still have the action figure of her now all what I need is an Iroha figure from samurai shodown then all will be well.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Munchy on January 30, 2012, 04:51:36 AM
I just realized something mind-blowing.

See his promotional art?


It's totally an action shot of him jumping and firing, like in the game! His mouth is open, his arm is sticking out behind him, and one knee is sort of up near his chest!

Compare it to the sprite:

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on January 30, 2012, 09:27:16 AM
Looks like Mega Man has been breaking into the Breweries, that's quite the gut.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on January 30, 2012, 03:19:38 PM
They should include this as a costume/skin

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on January 30, 2012, 04:11:40 PM
They should include this as a costume/skin


Ruby Spears X was pretty bad ass looking.

Until he opened his mouth and started going apeshit over Maverick Bots.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: RichterB on January 30, 2012, 04:30:55 PM
I know they said this was Inafune's idea, but this whole thing feels like another slap in the face. Can't we get a serious new Megaman title in the works? Seriously, if you look at the old Megaman art, he never had that kind of gut, even in his overseas renderings. Come on, man! One by one, I'm seeing all my series trashed by their respective companies. I want to be nice about it, but I keep getting slapped around: Megaman's been made the butt of a joke, Bomberman was axed (and his cancelled 3DS game looked great), Castlevania's sold out to Lord of the Rings and God of War, Ghosts 'n' Goblins is on obscure little phone titles, Bionic Commando was blackballed after a pretty excellent 3D outing, Strider's MIA, Zelda and Metroid insist on holding your hand, Metal Gear is all over the place in its ideas... :-[ etc, etc.

...Mario's the only one who's kind of held his ground with those two Galaxy titles.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on January 30, 2012, 09:53:59 PM
Castlevania's sold out to Lord of the Rings and God of War,
See thats just your opinion. I think Castlevania is in a delicate state and is taking a chance at something that will help it survive.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Sumac on January 31, 2012, 10:27:37 AM
Metal Gear is all over the place in its ideas...
How so?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: RichterB on January 31, 2012, 12:16:43 PM
See thats just your opinion. I think Castlevania is in a delicate state and is taking a chance at something that will help it survive.

Yes, it is an opinion, and yes Castlevania needed to try something different; however, I don't agree with the direction I've seen and played up to this point with LoS. (And in a recent thread here, many agree). For every element I like in LoS (using the whip as a multitasking tool and the graphics, for instance), there is a gameplay, level design, story, or art direction choice that causes it to come crashing down for me. The very fact that it's combo-intensive, isolates its platforming, and relies entirely on fixed camera angles drives me up the wall. The whole "feel" of Gabriel's whipping and jumping mechanics would have to be overhauled to give us the kind of action-platforming level design that is at the heart of the franchise. (IMO, to do a 3D CV game, you had to start with the "64" games as a baseline, and build from there. But few designers want to give players that kind of control in their game's level designs). That said, it may be possible to make a more solid game that LoS with LoS' setup; however, I don't see it blowing me away. For as good as a template along the lines of DMC or GoW can be, it's never quite as open, dangerous, or varied as something like we saw in the Maximo series by Capcom, which is also reflected in CV64, especially in stages like Level 2--ascending a dusty, torch-lit tower while dealing with crumbling stairs, flipping/moving platforms with spikes, medusa heads, bone pillar projectiles, bats, and falling guillotines: that's about as Castlevania as you get. And you can only do that because the level is a full 3D space, not fixed, carved-out renders, and the character has full control over jumping and whipping without the hindrance of things like combos. And that makes the sub-weapons come in handy against ranged enemies guarding obstacles.

How so?

With regard to Metal Gear, first they threw aside Solid Snake and the hi-tech world and decided Naked Snake and the Cold War era was more important. Then they brought back Solid Snake as an old man and sloppily closed off his complex story in a sloppy game. Then they've been fussing around with HD collections of some MGS games they've already released in SD box-sets that went out along with MGS4, and added in Peace Walker--a game that was not too long ago released on PSP as an exclusive. Now, they plan to follow that up with ANOTHER HD collection for PS Vita. Finally, they announced Metal Gear Solid Rising: Lightning Bolt Action, supposed to be a mixture of strategic swordplay and stealth accounting for Raiden's transformation between MGS2 and MGS4, which has now been degraded and handed off to Platinum Games, renamed Metal Gear Rising, and turned into a Bayonetta-style action game that takes place after MGS4. The whole brand has been watered down. Oh, and they're talking about doing a game about The Boss from MGS3 next and her Cobra Unit during WWII. That is so insignificant at this point and further distorts the focus of Metal Gear. The only reason they'd do that is because they know they could do something dramatically different with a different premise...but that's almost like giving up on a franchise and making a new one, IMO.

But I digress on both of these points. I am being too negative, and I apologize for that, but these franchises--like Mega Man--kind of define gaming for me, and I don't see them living up to their names (or being allowed to) and I don't see new franchises really replacing them, either.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on January 31, 2012, 04:32:56 PM
that was a longass post.

by the way you guys seen the megaman fan film yet? iof you havent seen it yet, you should. (
Title: So I found this floating around the Internet...
Post by: VladCT on February 02, 2012, 04:46:30 PM
Even though I don't think it's likely that it's real, it'd be cool if it were.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: thernz on February 02, 2012, 04:49:57 PM
That's the horrible Mega Man X iOS port.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on February 02, 2012, 05:00:58 PM
Really? How horrible was it?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: thernz on February 02, 2012, 05:11:50 PM
The stages are cut up, the view is closer in, gaps are made smaller, loading times, hideous graphics.
They got rid of the slide and etc too iirc.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on February 02, 2012, 05:24:27 PM
Bleh. Still kinda makes me wish there were high-res remakes of the SNES MMX games though. :-X
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Kale on February 02, 2012, 05:39:04 PM
X can slide?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on February 02, 2012, 05:41:22 PM
Wait, did you mean the wall slide or the dash ability?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on February 02, 2012, 07:11:25 PM
Neither, he gets the dash. what you DONT have, is a dash button.

X auto charges, and auto shoots. And when you get the leg armor, it seems he auto dashes as well, instead of walking. Yep.

The visuals initially look nice, but that wears off when you realize the only visuals that got any real attention were X and Zero, (and even then they didnt correct their flaws, such as Zero not having his chest lights.)

They simply passed the graphics through a photoshop filter and gave X and Zero more detailed eyes.

the font used in text boxes is hideous, and just doesnt fit at all.

And the combination of the 16 bit era style with the Maverick Hunter X images just clashes really horribly.

You have the option of buying every upgrade the game has to offer, and can do so before even touching the game.

Then there's the fact that its a touch phone game, and action platformers  like Mega Man were not meant for touch screen controls.

Also, it has a pretty bad framerate, last i saw.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on February 02, 2012, 07:29:29 PM
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on February 02, 2012, 11:28:51 PM
I'm tempted to try my hand at a similar approach to MMX myself, just, you know, NOT half-assed and lame.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on February 03, 2012, 12:14:27 AM
To be fair, the sprite of X is appealing to me, but like I said, the charm wears off once you see the stages and some other sprites and realize how little time was put into it.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on February 05, 2012, 12:45:57 PM
actually, Dash is down.

but that doesn't matter because the game is so choppy its not even funny, and the worst part is that the emulated MMX plays better on the Ipod touch.

Don't waste your money, wait til someone rips the sprites and let the fans do it right.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on February 07, 2012, 11:41:55 AM
soo mmx costume is available for UMvC3 2day

am very excite!!
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on February 07, 2012, 12:10:51 PM
Fuck that costume. Fuck it to hell. It should be a DLC CHARACTER, not a costume. Capcom is deliberately denying any sort of Mega Man entrance into the game for whatever reason.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on February 07, 2012, 04:03:20 PM
Yeah, they're running out of excuses too. They said all kinds of bullshit when they were making the first game. Then they made the mistake of doing the update and taking a poll to see who the fans wanted as dlc characters. So the number 1 most demanded character was X, with Rock & Trigger in the top 5. So what the fuck was the point of asking the fans what they wanted?


OK. I've got one for you guys. How come X's upgraded buster looks the same as Zero's normal one which he had even before he became a Hunter.

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on February 08, 2012, 04:42:50 PM
oooooh boy.


Best not ask that, we dont know and the resulting discussion could go on for hours. Suffice to say in X1 it was most likely a gameplay mechanic, so as to

A.not have to make two sets of sprites for the buster, a


B. follow the theme presented in the intro stage that you will eventually become as strong as Zero.

MHX however, kept this, but actually edited it and gave the two versions different charge shots. the Light version gives the standard wave shot, while the Zero version is a red version of X's charge shot.

We cant say how it works storywise.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on February 09, 2012, 09:30:23 AM
Heh heh.  ;D

My vote goes to B and a nice dose of pure lazy/time constraint/overlook. I say that because the buster graphic in the game isn't shared by X and Zero. They could easily have made them different.

And, while I'm at it. What do we know about the "carbons" in MML as opposed to androids such as Volnutt/Sera/Yuna? They seem to be functionally the same having normal growth cycles, only the android characters are immortal and don't grow old. The "carbons" seem to have mechanical parts and no one seems to find it strange that Volnutt can exchange body parts for weapons.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on February 09, 2012, 11:52:06 AM
Carbons and System units such as Sera and Trigger are VERY similar. They are both artificial beings- and both seem to be able to age. Although I cant entirely be sure about the Mother Units such as Sera and Yuna themselves, since they are a whole different class to Trigger. Or Juno for that matter. We cant say what units are similar to Carbons and which are more different, sicne we know little about the Master System and it's robots, aside from a little of it's structure. (Beurocratic models, 2 Mother units which monitor Earth and Elysium respectively, Purifier units which hunt down aberrant units that go against the system- named "Irregular Hunters" in Japan if I recall-)

But again, they were also able to trick Barrel and Von Bleucher that they were "Ancients", and Sera DID need to rest to recuperate after Rock recovered them, so they must be pretty similar.

But just think like this. Rock = Trigger, = a former system unit. He is indistinguishable from a carbon, although the fact that he probably looks different to how he used to is a factor there. (armoring, etc) He can replace his body with a robotic digger body, as folks can do that. Some opt for smaller changes, like an arm or so, and others swap out the whole body.

Think about the ZX world, and how Reploids are much harder to differentiate from Humans aside from forehead triangles. Now imagine Carbons as the final step in that evolution. Artificial Humans who are very much like the real thing, and suffer the same ailments.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on February 09, 2012, 02:05:39 PM
Yeah, that was my understanding more or less. I don't think Volnutt changes his whole body, though. I'm pretty sure it's an armored suit.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on February 09, 2012, 03:59:52 PM
With ball joints like those? i dont think so. I THINK, though take me with a grain of salt here because I dont remember- Diggers often have their whole body replaced with prosthetic armored bodies to withstand the rigors of Digging.

I THINK. dont remember though.
Title: Mega Man Series Fan Art Dump - Artist: MRI
Post by: VladCT on February 23, 2012, 08:52:25 PM
(click to show/hide)
Yeah, just felt like posting them here. :-X
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on February 24, 2012, 05:31:09 PM
You been browsing the /vg/ Megaman threads too?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on February 24, 2012, 06:35:52 PM
Nope. Danbooru, actually.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on March 10, 2012, 12:48:42 AM (

I REALLY wish this guy the best and hope his company does well. He's just such a boss.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: TheouAegis on March 19, 2012, 09:33:22 PM
I just now noticed that Guts-Dozer ran on propane.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on March 20, 2012, 10:33:45 AM
Anyone reading the Archie Mega Man Comic?

Spoilers: recent cliffhanger:

(click to show/hide)

Gotta admit, Wily was pretty smart there.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on March 20, 2012, 10:05:15 PM
Does Mega Man now become Quint in that comic? It would be a nice throwback to the Gameboy Mega Man 2.

PS. Did any of you guys pick up this lovely DS title: Mega Man Zero collection. I purchased it back in September but forgot to mention it until now  ;D
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on March 20, 2012, 10:36:53 PM
Probably not. I mean really now, its only up to Mega Man 2.

That said, maybe quint will appear in future issues, who knows.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on March 21, 2012, 04:04:49 PM
Probably not. I mean really now, its only up to Mega Man 2.

That said, maybe quint will appear in future issues, who knows.

That would be pretty cool, and I think I remember the comic's writer or something saying that they wanted to cover as much of the story from ALL the games as they can while adding some new flesh where needed.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: TheouAegis on March 21, 2012, 10:19:41 PM
...adding some new flesh where needed.

Roll fan service?

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on March 22, 2012, 09:49:00 AM
Roll fan service?

Did Dr. Light give Roll a little extra something to please the fans..??
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on March 22, 2012, 10:57:58 AM
Roll fan service?


Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on March 23, 2012, 06:08:34 AM
Roll fan service?

(On a somewhat related note, is there a Mega Man equivalent of a Chris Hansen image? :-X)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on March 23, 2012, 10:57:55 AM
not really.
Title: Wierd MMX Related Request
Post by: KaZudra on March 27, 2012, 12:40:50 AM
I have the Capcom Complete collection Rockman X 1~6, Problem with X6 is that it lacks some instruments that were featured in the original game, prime example being the lack of guitar part in the Opening Mission and Second Guitar in Infinity Mijinion's Stage (Makes the chorus part sound heavier)

it has slipped my mind for quite some time, but is it possible someone has it?
Title: Re: Wierd MMX Related Request
Post by: VladCT on March 27, 2012, 03:11:37 AM
I'm pretty sure that the guitar part in the intro stage theme was only added in the international version (MMX6).
Oh, and don't we already have a Mega Man megathread (no pun intended) that can cover questions like this? :-X
Title: Re: Wierd MMX Related Request
Post by: Flame on March 27, 2012, 09:19:45 AM
We do. a merge would be best I think.

But to answer your question: (

if the overseas version isnt there, I would suggest just googling for it or ripping it from TheOSTations channel on youtube.
Title: Re: Wierd MMX Related Request
Post by: KaZudra on March 27, 2012, 07:34:22 PM
okay, it would be wise just to google up a few songs, merging this thread, that's up to Jorge.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on March 29, 2012, 10:29:54 PM
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on March 30, 2012, 08:59:46 AM
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on April 01, 2012, 05:44:16 PM
i prefer MegaMan Juno's concept art over his final version

( (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on April 01, 2012, 06:37:45 PM
Dunno, There's something to be said for his overly mechanical look. The large unattached arms and hovering lower half.

That said, Juno was a great final boss.

Sera is too, but damn is she tough.

Lets talk about how awesome the music is in the legends series though.

here's a favorite of mine.

Mega Man Legends - At A Place Nobody Knows (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on April 02, 2012, 02:46:31 AM
y'know, Omega is designed very closely to Juno, white with red and black detailing, Floating forearms with shoulders...

Maybe there is alot more linking the MMZ era to the MML era
Title: Something I didn't realize about the BN series until now
Post by: VladCT on April 05, 2012, 01:35:52 AM
I'll just quote TVTropes right here:
Quote from: TVTropes
Speaking of, the Mega Man Battle Network games, for a series developed in 2001, had disturbingly accurate predictions of a lot of 21st century technology. In a time where 600MHz was a decent processor speed, 40GB was a decent hard drive size for a desktop, most data was stored inside your computer, most laptops didn't have built-in wifi, and even when they did, the internet's speed was hardly impressive, the series had all (Literally, all) computers in the world connected to each other via the internet(Internet becoming viable for regular people, and wireless outside the home), applications mainly being run by accessing them from the internet(Cloud computing), computers in literally everything, most of which can access the internet, giant, paper-thin TVs you can mount on the wall, handheld touch-screen devices that, despite being pocketable, could easily access the internet, check your email, receive phone-calls, get messages, run programs, and generally act like a miniature computer(Modern smartphones), and cyberterrorism actually being able to do more than inconvenience tech support for a few hours (Modern cyberterrorism). Hell, the later handheld devices even looked like Apple products.
Okay, so we may not be controlling our own cyber avatars busting viruses right now, but that's beside the point.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on April 05, 2012, 09:36:44 AM
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on April 11, 2012, 09:11:48 AM
So, X and Zero confirmed for Project X Zone.

( (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on April 11, 2012, 09:27:16 AM
I'll just quote TVTropes right here:Okay, so we may not be controlling our own cyber avatars busting viruses right now, but that's beside the point.

Actually we are.  With AR Cards and scanner devices like the 3DS, you actually have avatars that fight and everything (Kid Icarus Uprising 3DS).  You just have to keep through the window of the device to see the action, as opposed to holographic projections.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on April 11, 2012, 04:30:40 PM
Yeah, but are we able to manually delete viruses with them? :P
So, X and Zero confirmed for Project X Zone.

( (
The screenshots strongly imply that the gameplay will be similar to Namco X Capcom, am I right?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on April 11, 2012, 06:19:18 PM
It SEEMS that way, but I dont think theres anything on that yet.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on April 11, 2012, 06:35:10 PM
The page says that the game's going to be an SRPG, so that may be the case.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on April 11, 2012, 08:29:09 PM
To be honest, im pretty underwhelmed, but it looks nice, and has X and Zero aloing with some X4 stuff it seems, so it's worth a look IMO.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on April 25, 2012, 05:46:06 PM
100k strong has reached 102k, now let's pray for success like Project Rainfall
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on April 25, 2012, 06:23:14 PM
Well, more like they're final success since 2 of the 3 games are out in the us.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on April 25, 2012, 11:12:40 PM
エアーマンが倒せない(3D) (

I find it awesome
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on April 26, 2012, 06:24:13 PM
Custom Mega Man themed NES Nintendo with bosses (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Abnormal Freak on April 27, 2012, 12:27:36 AM
What can you homeboys tell me about the PSX Complete Works games? The first few are on the PSN and I've been eying them for a few years.

I have the Anniversary Collection for PS2, so is there any reason at all to download the PSN titles? I was wondering how things like presentation compare (graphics clarity, whether the PS2 collection has a/v glitches or anything not present on the original PSX versions), and also extras and unlockables, if the PS2 collection's missing anything.

Also, Capcom needs to make the first Mega Man Legends available for PSN so I don't have to pay $40+ to play it.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Munchy on April 27, 2012, 02:26:30 AM
I once had a couple of the Complete Works games (1, and 4-6). On the PS2 Anniversary Collection, the main thing I remember is that a lot of options are cut out that were in the originals, not to mention on the PS2 Collection the sound quality varies from off to terrible.

I'd say they're worth a shot for the extra goodies that you can mess around with.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on April 27, 2012, 11:23:35 PM
Complete works originals allow you the option of playing helmetless.

That said, 8 was totally butchered in AC. The sound, particularly the voices and sound effects, were screwed up, especially the boss voices.

The color of the lifebars too. They went from bright yellow to fuckin' piss yellow.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Abnormal Freak on April 28, 2012, 12:05:32 AM
Yeah, I played MM8 a lot back in the day and the AC really does mess things up. :/ My brother owns the PSX original and isn't very fond of it, so maybe I can buy it off him.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Abnormal Freak on April 28, 2012, 02:08:43 AM
Complete works originals allow you the option of playing helmetless.

How does? D:
(I just downloaded Rockman 2 Complete Works. Navigating the menus is a pain, ha.)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on April 28, 2012, 12:22:26 PM
dunno, Just know that the originals did. I assume those do too, but I dont know how
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on May 24, 2012, 08:56:55 AM
Ok, so small tidbit.

"@Brelston Regarding Mega Man 25, that info is also coming, but later, as that's not until December. SF is the focus right now - tournament in July!"

"@Brelston We've already begun discussing the NA plans for Mega Man 25. There are things in motion. No deets yet, but I am in the room and helping :) " (

It's kind of sad that Capcom US seems to love Mega Man more than Capcom of Japan.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: cecil-kain on May 24, 2012, 11:43:15 AM
Ok, so small tidbit.

( (

It's kind of sad that Capcom US seems to love Mega Man more than Capcom of Japan.

It seems like Capcom USA really wants to make things right with the fans --I think they get it.
Unfortunately, the Capcom Japan doesn't have a bunch of angry fans in their back yard...  ?  Or do they?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on May 24, 2012, 11:06:03 PM
It's kind of sad that Capcom US seems to love Mega Man more than Capcom of Japan.

Why doesn't the creator of the Mega Man franchise pull up stakes in Japan, move to the US and make more of his beloved series there? If America loves it's mega man games so much I think it would be a good investment for him. He can continue to make the type of mega man games he and we love without Capcom of Japan breathing down his neck with what they think is good for the series.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: cecil-kain on May 24, 2012, 11:42:13 PM
Why doesn't the creator of the Mega Man franchise pull up stakes in Japan, move to the US and make more of his beloved series there? If America loves it's mega man games so much I think it would be a good investment for him. He can continue to make the type of mega man games he and we love without Capcom of Japan breathing down his neck with what they think is good for the series.

Inafune doesn't own the rights.  He would need to purchase Megaman from Capcom --and that would be expensive...  O-o
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on May 25, 2012, 10:46:00 PM
Not to mention he quit Capcom last year I believe, after becoming increasingly unhappy with his position, having reached as far up as he could go on the Capcom Ladder. And set up his own company. A twin company. One for games, and one for other media.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on May 26, 2012, 08:17:31 AM
Inafune also expressed that if someway somehow Capcom let him & his studio resume work on Legends 3, he'd be more than happy to. but that prolly won't happen.

I can't wait to get my custom Volnutt figure
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on June 14, 2012, 09:44:50 AM (

not directly Mega Man related, but damn, Capcom...
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on June 14, 2012, 08:33:56 PM
It's kinda sad that pretty much the only exciting thing going on in the longest running video game series of all time is the Archie Comics interpretation of it.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on June 14, 2012, 08:53:56 PM
Dont forget the figures!

The D-Arts line of figures are undoubtedly the best quality figures to ever grace the franchise.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on June 14, 2012, 08:57:23 PM
True, true.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on June 14, 2012, 09:30:23 PM
they shouldve released these high quality figures back when the X series was still alive & kicking imo. better late than never tho

and i hope they create different characters; there's 3 X's (original, armored, and "manga version") 2 Zeros (original & mk2) and vile. what's next, ride armor vile or battle-damaged X/black-armored zero? why can't they make some mavericks, sigma, magma dragoon, etc.

i just wanna see some variety; tired of seeing "variants" of the same character all the time
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Abnormal Freak on June 14, 2012, 09:50:58 PM
MMX2 available on US Virtual Console, woo.

Gonna pick that and the first up soon since I don't own carts of either, and the emulation on the MMX Collection is pretty shatty. Hopefully MMX3 won't be too long.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on June 15, 2012, 08:51:19 AM
they shouldve released these high quality figures back when the X series was still alive & kicking imo. better late than never tho

and i hope they create different characters; there's 3 X's (original, armored, and "manga version") 2 Zeros (original & mk2) and vile. what's next, ride armor vile or battle-damaged X/black-armored zero? why can't they make some mavericks, sigma, magma dragoon, etc.

i just wanna see some variety; tired of seeing "variants" of the same character all the time

There's 4 X's.

X1 Armor

and 3 Zero's

X1 Manga ver.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Dominus Agony on June 15, 2012, 09:16:34 AM
There's 4 X's.

X1 Armor

and 3 Zero's

X1 Manga ver.

Wow, that's retarded. Good use of resources there.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Munchy on June 15, 2012, 10:49:38 AM
Is asking for a good quality Dr. Wily figure too much?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on June 15, 2012, 07:12:58 PM
Wow, that's retarded. Good use of resources there.

Well to be fair, both the Metallic X and the manga versions of both X and Zero were Special editions/limited editions for conventions and shit like that.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: CastleToastM on June 16, 2012, 12:01:25 AM
Inafune also expressed that if someway somehow Capcom let him & his studio resume work on Legends 3, he'd be more than happy to. but that prolly won't happen.

I still don't understand why capcom wouldn't take the guy up on that offer.

It costs money to make games, so why not have someone else make it for you?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Munchy on June 16, 2012, 12:14:55 AM
It costs money to make games, so why not have someone else make it for you?

But see, it would cost more money to have someone competent make one of their games.

And, since they've said "Platinum Games was unapproachable" for a new DMC game, despite Hideki Kamiya saying he'd be perfectly happy making stuff for them, I imagine it's their massive, throbbing pride and ego that disallows them from trying to contact ex-Capcom staff for help. Which is weird, since Inticreates and Dimps, both of whom have made a bunch of games for them, both supposedly contain ex-Capcom dudes.

But who cares about logic? Those Call of Duty sales beckon with their seductive Western QTE fingers!
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on June 16, 2012, 12:22:25 AM
Wow. How did we end up in a world where Capcom becomes a grudge-holding dick, and Konami goes bat-shit insane in the span of a few years?  :-X
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on June 16, 2012, 01:55:25 PM
Am I way behind Archie Comics does megaman. Vol 14 also I got megaman gigamix vol 3 for some megalove. I was going to get zx but I did not see Aille so no buy.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on June 16, 2012, 09:24:20 PM
Wow. How did we end up in a world where Capcom becomes a grudge-holding dick, and Konami goes bat-shit insane in the span of a few years?  :-X

And Sega gets it's shit together and finally brings Sonic back to standard, making GOOD and FUN Sonic games.

Surely these are signs that the end is near.
Title: classic mega man vs. mega man x
Post by: CrashDiary27 on June 18, 2012, 04:54:40 PM
Not sure if this has been posted before but if you are a fan of the mega man series and have 20 minutes to kill this is a funny watch. This dude likes to swear so if you're offended by that kind of thing I wouldn't bother watching it. (
Title: Re: classic mega man vs. mega man x
Post by: Inccubus on June 19, 2012, 12:17:20 AM
Yeap. We pretty much all have seen this by now, but still an awesome video. The castlevania videos are awesome too.
Title: Re: classic mega man vs. mega man x
Post by: CrashDiary27 on June 19, 2012, 06:06:05 PM
My fault...can you tell im new here? :rollseyes:
I wasn't aware there was castlevania ones as well. Ill have to try and look them up. Thanks.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on June 19, 2012, 07:25:44 PM (

And there goes Seth Killian. The last shred of PR Capcom could ever hope to have.

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on June 19, 2012, 09:30:20 PM (

And there goes Seth Killian. The last shred of PR Capcom could ever hope to have.


Oh no Flame... IT does not BEGIN. IT has ALREADY BEEN HAPPENING. This is just an other sign till Capcom dies. I just cannot comprehend how they are still around when all of their greatest minds are leaving them. Just a downward spiral of doom.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on June 19, 2012, 09:54:32 PM
Well thats the thing, they will still make money. They will however, just keep losing their soul. or whatever was LEFT of it. Not until every single of their fanbases have been scorned, will they ever fall or learn a lesson.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Johnny Alucard on June 19, 2012, 10:09:47 PM
Capcom won't go down. There are too many people buying Hyper Super Street Fighter IV ZX 2 Turbo Championship Edition With Lime Remix for them to go under. Plus they hype up their other titles too, like DmC and Dragon's Dogma.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on June 20, 2012, 12:38:37 AM
sadfact: Street Fighter 4 was an unwanted product within Capcom right up until launch.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on June 20, 2012, 10:08:10 PM (

What a shitty 25th anniversary deal.

a soundtrack collection encompassing OST's which are already available, for roughly the equivalent of $185 US dollars as an E-Capcom exclusive.


Might wanna pull that shirt down, Capcom, your inept greed is showing

I hope for their sake that actually do something more than just that, or they will just about lose their fanbase.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Johnny Alucard on June 20, 2012, 11:04:46 PM
It's another slap in the face to Mega Man fans while Capcom just laughs and goes "Come on, we remember Mega Man! See!? We remember!" while they slap them again and again.
Title: Re: classic mega man vs. mega man x
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on June 21, 2012, 03:50:13 PM

Title: Re: classic mega man vs. mega man x
Post by: Flame on June 21, 2012, 04:07:59 PM
Jorge, I think this topic should perhaps be merged with the existing Mega Man general  thread.

side note: hot damn
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on June 21, 2012, 11:14:21 PM

Ouch!  :o
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on July 13, 2012, 08:00:35 AM
what's next, ride armor vile or battle-damaged X/black-armored zero?
LOL i called it!  :rollseyes:


(click to show/hide)

Sigma looks fucking sweet tho  :o  as for next, i'm predicting X in his X2 armor.. and maybe Vile Mk. II
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: ScionOfBalance on July 13, 2012, 08:14:23 AM
Do i spy a terry bogard in the background?Black armor zero looks awesome.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Mooning Freddy on July 13, 2012, 02:24:55 PM
I don't know if anyone posted it before, I just saw this now and it's AMAZING

Mega Man X (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on July 13, 2012, 06:59:48 PM
Shit! That does pretty cool! But it is definitely draws it's inspirations from TRON. Not like that's a bad thing as I do enjoy watching TRON: Legacy.
Title: Treble Boost Bass/Absolute Zero/Dr. Wily Fanart by Mochinu
Post by: VladCT on August 01, 2012, 06:27:24 AM
(click to show/hide)
Looks like Bass and Zero are missing one wing each.
(Not really, but they're too obscured by the shadow that they're practically invisible.)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Munchy on August 16, 2012, 01:58:02 AM

Oh. (


Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go vomit profusely in a bucket.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on August 16, 2012, 02:17:36 AM
...Yeah, I'll just wait for JKB's project (MMX: Corrupted, in case you don't remember) to be completed.
Jeez, what's next, X and Zero turning out to be low-tier might-as-well-be-joke characters in Project X Zone?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on August 16, 2012, 02:44:56 AM
...Yeah, I'll just wait for JKB's project (MMX: Corrupted, in case you don't remember) to be completed.
Jeez, what's next, X and Zero turning out to be low-tier might-as-well-be-joke characters in Project X Zone?

Do not joke about that :rollseyes: .... Then again The tales team would be my mainers dang it why could they not put in Rita in it -_-  well if they do bring it out here at least I got Yuri and Estelle  :)

Edit new trailer

Project X Zone - Extended Trailer (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on August 16, 2012, 03:00:08 AM
Here's my comment to that announcement:

Is this a joke? Is it April in Japan or something?
Did they hire some middle-schooler to do these graphics?
WTF, Capcom? I know your execs are butt-sore over Inafune giving you the proverbial finger, but damn. This isn’t even sub-par. This is an insult. o.O

It's really pathetic that we fans are doing a better job of creating new content for the Megaman franchise than the corporation that owns it. Capcom should just sell Inafune the rights and be done with it. Or at least release it into the public domain.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on August 16, 2012, 09:52:44 AM
Ugh...  :P If they're going to do a game with graphics like that then the series is doomed. with sprites that big would it kill them the add in more details and soften up those hard lines? Heck I bet anyone here could improve on those sprites and make them ten times better. I hear NEO GEO does good with large sprites, like the did with the Mega Man Zero character.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Munchy on August 16, 2012, 11:16:16 AM
You just know that the combination of Mega Mans means they're going to pull a Harmony of Despair and hobble together a bunch of old sprites. Except that even that game had, oh I dunno, level design, and graphics without horrific filters.

I'm kind of astonished, really. I keep thinking Capcom can't go any lower, and then they pull the rug out from under me. It's impressive.

And Project X Zone makes it even funnier, because Namco Bandai treats the characters with far more reverence than the friggin' company that made them.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 16, 2012, 04:25:02 PM
How about Rockman Online? That game looked promising. Made, again, by an outside party.

Its like capcom is trying to pacify fans upset over Online's development limbo with a similar concept with inferior quality and effort.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: DarkPrinceAlucard on August 16, 2012, 04:30:02 PM
And here I got my hopes all up for nothing.

A IOS Megaman RPG?

no thanks.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on August 16, 2012, 04:34:03 PM
And this is why I do not support Capcom... Well one of the reasons why. At least Konami took a chance with LoS and now look where the series is at( Megaman on the other hand just took a downgrade). On a solid momentum that, if it keeps going can finally been seen as the leader of actions games. Capcom on the other hand just no. They just want to screw with most of their franchises. Tell me when was the last onimusha game, darkstalkers, Maximo/GNG/or how about this freaking Breath of Fire? No it's just Street fight with on disk DLC, DMC which I really do not care for any more since well I got my 3d fix with Lords and it's upcoming sequel, and like 5 different versions of resident evil. Yeah there is dragons dogma...but I got dark souls and who know's they might nut punch me with something like a ultimate version or something. The only game that came out currently that was interesting was Asura's Wrath.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Grimlock78 on August 16, 2012, 07:04:06 PM
 :'( ???ever since the man who made megaman left,capcom is not much of an interest to me.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Havatchu on August 19, 2012, 05:36:01 AM
...Yeah, I'll just wait for JKB's project (MMX: Corrupted, in case you don't remember) to be completed.

Is that EVER going to be finished?  >:(
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 19, 2012, 06:36:20 PM
It will be finished when it's finished. :P

he had to start recoding it once the code got really messed up and crashed, though he took it in stride, since he knows more about flash now than he id when he started, so he can take the chance to better the code so it isnt as messy and such.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Havatchu on August 21, 2012, 10:31:45 PM
I swear to god this is the greatest fan tribute to a videogame musically since that piano version of Bloody Tears (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 21, 2012, 10:53:13 PM
You mean the Album in general? yeah it was neat.

personally I like the X1/X4 Capsule mix.

Maverick Rising: 4-01 'I Am the One Who Designed and Built Mega Man X' by BONKERS [MMX4/5] (

Though I will always Consider the U-Gen X-Hunter remix to be the best.

Kurogane THIRD, T21: Rockman X2 Counter Hunter Stage 1 (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Havatchu on August 22, 2012, 09:51:06 AM
You mean the Album in general? yeah it was neat.

personally I like the X1/X4 Capsule mix.

Maverick Rising: 4-01 'I Am the One Who Designed and Built Mega Man X' by BONKERS [MMX4/5] (

Though I will always Consider the U-Gen X-Hunter remix to be the best.

Kurogane THIRD, T21: Rockman X2 Counter Hunter Stage 1 (

I meant that song specifically in terms of remixes, but yeah the album is incredible.

I'm just going to link this page for other musicz (

Come to think of it, I really should learn that theme in the second vid on piano when I get one.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on August 22, 2012, 10:03:08 PM
Y'know what I like? The Sega Genesis sound style.

Y'know what else I like? Mega Man.

Put those two and whaddaya get?


awesome music.

Mega Man Zero 2 - Nuclear Power Reactor (Sega Genesis Remix) (

Mega Man Zero 2 - Elpizo Battle 1st Phase (Sega Genesis Remix) (

Mega Man X7 - VS Sigma 1st (The Professor) (Sega Genesis Remix) (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Munchy on August 23, 2012, 12:13:13 AM
Those are awesome! And speaking of Genesis remixes...

Mega Man 10 - Dr. Wily Stage 1 (FM cover) (

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on August 23, 2012, 09:02:29 AM
That MMZ tune Nuclear power reactor starts up very similar to Led Zeppelin's Kashmir!
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on August 25, 2012, 11:42:15 PM
Project X Zone!!! I thinked that they never will do something like Namco X capcom again, thats awesome!  :o

Also, nice remixes, the end of that Dr Light Capsule one have make me remember the good old days when Capcom doesnt have turned in Crapcom yet, now they only think in money with DLCs and cancels every good MMan project, its like as if SEGA cancels Sonic games and Nintendo the Mario ones to give priority to others  :-\

"Capcom has been doomed since they lost their creativity"
Title: Remember those two sections in Gate's Lab...
Post by: VladCT on August 31, 2012, 05:20:24 AM
...that you thought were impossible to pass without using certain armors?
Well, it turns out you can use any armor to pass them. Some parts are still required, though, so it might be moot.
Mega Man X6: Gate's Lab 1 [Entrance] (
Mega Man X6: Gate's Lab 2 [Leap of Faith] (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Phoenix7786 on August 31, 2012, 10:59:47 AM
Any idea if Project X Zone will be localized to the U.S.?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on August 31, 2012, 12:00:50 PM
Any idea if Project X Zone will be localized to the U.S.?
I want that too, but I'm almost sure that the answer is no. When they launched Namco X Capcom to PS2 they didnt localized it because of poor sales and its a great epic game. We are lucky that some fans translated that. But we can try do something like these guy from Rainfall did if necessary xD
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Munchy on August 31, 2012, 03:46:12 PM
Because Capcom isn't making anything worthwhile anytime soon, here's a little trailer for the fan game Mega Man Unlimited.

MegaMan Unlimited Mini-Trailer (

Looks gnarly. And before anyone asks, no, it's not actually on the NES.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on August 31, 2012, 06:03:56 PM
Oooo! Looks interesting! The only thing I'll complain about is the generic music they used on the video. It's just like listening to the tunes from MM5 & 6. Little to no variety. Just...generic. What happened to all those groovy tunes from MM's 1, 2, 3 & 4?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: TheouAegis on September 01, 2012, 11:42:27 PM
I recognize Rainbow Man's stage, or whatever.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on September 08, 2012, 02:43:49 PM
So, how bout this.


D-Arts Classic Mega Man, complete with Rush and a Met.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on September 08, 2012, 09:24:28 PM
This D-arts are pretty cool, especially the Classic Zero X1 one.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Johnny Alucard on September 10, 2012, 04:56:09 PM
Any idea if Project X Zone will be localized to the U.S.?

It's almost a guaranteed no.  Same reason the other similar cross over games weren't localized. Licensing issues.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on September 10, 2012, 05:38:28 PM
It's almost a guaranteed no.  Same reason the other similar cross over games weren't localized. Licensing issues.
Thats not a main reason, I would believe in that before, but since they launched Tatsunoko Vs Capcom I didnt believe in that. What they need is sell a good amount of copies, the reason that Namco x Capcom didnt reached here is because it didnt sell well.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: uzo on September 11, 2012, 01:50:18 PM
Looks gnarly. And before anyone asks, no, it's not actually on the NES.

Yeah. It's pretty obvious he didn't bother in the slightest to remain faithful to the NES.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Neobelmont on September 11, 2012, 02:13:46 PM
I want that too, but I'm almost sure that the answer is no. When they launched Namco X Capcom to PS2 they didnt localized it because of poor sales and its a great epic game. We are lucky that some fans translated that. But we can try do something like these guy from Rainfall did if necessary xD

We may need too

Let's Get Project X Zone Brought Outside of Japan (

Edit: Guess there is already one.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on September 11, 2012, 02:54:50 PM
We may need too

Edit: Guess there is already one.
Thanks for sharing that, but since this guy doesnt created a petition or something like that, we will not be heard. For them we will be like random persons asking for random things. Since Capcom is involved in this project I know for sure that they will not hear separate fans, since they didnt even hear the 100,000+ united people asking for MML 3.

We could wait and expect that this games sell well in Japan, so they launch it here too OR we can do something before, what will give us more chances and less time waiting. But without good sales and luck nothing will happen anyways.

Edit: Forget what I said, I overlooked it because its a Facebook link: (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Johnny Alucard on September 11, 2012, 04:23:20 PM

Edit: Forget what I said, I overlooked it because its a Facebook link: (

Facebook likes do absolutely NOTHING to sway Capcom.  Remember the whole debacle with the Mega Man Legends FB page?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on September 12, 2012, 09:15:22 AM
Facebook likes do absolutely NOTHING to sway Capcom.  Remember the whole debacle with the Mega Man Legends FB page?

Capcom isn't responsible for publishing the game, so it doesn't matter whether they pay any attention or not. The video was quite clear that the only one with publishing powers on this project is Namco.
Title: Iris in Project X Zone?
Post by: VladCT on September 22, 2012, 04:05:24 PM
Well, they did give us a hint with X and Zero's X4 moveset, but I didn't expect this to actually take place at least mid-way through X4.
EDIT: And now TVTropes tells me that Vile's going to be in as well. Guess they're just throwing in whoever.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on September 22, 2012, 04:42:46 PM
 Maybe she can even appear earlier, Namco X Capcom distorted some stories to they all fit (and distorted in a exellentway), its even possible that Iris become a playable character, she can even never die in this story also, the possibilities are many. I think that they can include enemies from X1 to X4, since they did it with Tower of Druaga saga and Strider saga in Namco X Capcom.

 Also they did include dinosaurs from Dino Crisis and zombies from Resident Evil, they even did a zombie dinossaur, this dino pestered me so many times lol

 For Tekken they added Ogre's from Tekken 3 but added characters from Tekken 4, 5 and even one from Tekken 2, Armor King, he returned from the dead along with Rose from Street Fighter Alpha 3, remember that it game came before SF IV, so in canon she is really dead at this time.

 They did Ryu turn into Evil Ryu too, but after you battle in a vulcan (or is it the hell?) with him he recover his senses and learn Shin Shoryuken, so M. Bison (Vega in JP) retreats, and he Soul Edge teleports again (I think its the 16th time that it happens). Even Klonoa, one of my favorites characters appeared with his friends from Klonoa 2 and Klonoa from GBA, but Joka that appears to be the version from Klonoa 1. Captain Commando also reeived attention. Even 2 guys without name appeared as "P1" and  "P2", they are from a shooter, the player controls a floating guy with a machinegun, I cant remember the name now.

 Arthur from Ghouls'n'whatever fights with bosses from the first and second games, also Red Arremer is seen more or less like in Demon Crest, not in his visual, but the atitude with honor and all. Even Dig Dug have fun moves in this game.

 The thing is, Namco love more his franchises and the other companies franchises than Capcom or even Konami these days. Nintendo gives a good attention to them too. Maybe its because the two starts with a "N" that these magic happens? lol

Since SEGA is involved this time too, beware to dont have a heart attack, because Namco X Capcom is to me on par with Final Fantasy Tactics for gameplay on the board, but adding the fight combos and the story it simples wins. The only thing that Im afraid is that they didnt make an US version, so I'll need to wait to buy a 3DS and wait even more until someone discover how to mess with the region-lock, also I dont will understand the story until some fan translate it.

edit: Forgot to say thanks for sharing and give your +1. lol

Well, they did give us a hint with X and Zero's X4 moveset, but I didn't expect this to actually take place at least mid-way through X4.
EDIT: And now TVTropes tells me that Vile's going to be in as well. Guess they're just throwing in whoever.

See? Thats what I said, they distort some things to acomodate all the characters and franchises that they want to add, but in the end some facts remains.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on October 12, 2012, 01:43:16 PM
I just want to leave this gem from the Maverick Rising OC remix album here since it's just that good:

Maverick Rising: 2-01 'Zero and the Plight of Iris' (Opening Stage Zero) by BONKERS [Mega Man X4] (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on October 13, 2012, 02:47:35 PM
Thanks, it makes me remember how Capcom loved and cared for this series...
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on December 07, 2012, 09:13:42 PM (

Mega Man 3 Cover Playthrough (

Downloaded this a few days ago and am loving it! I even actually paid for it!

Way to go, Crapcom. Once again the fans have done more for the 25th anniversary than you.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on December 08, 2012, 12:33:50 PM
The previous statement of "Way to go, Crapcom.  Once again the fans have done more for the 25th anniversary than you" can only be FURTHER exemplified by THIS: (
(Link won't let me embed)

Seems to be a fan game but it's endorsed by Capcom!  WHAT!?!?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on December 08, 2012, 01:07:13 PM
HOHOHO that game looks awesome!

as for the 25 anniversary, after 100 years my custom MegaMan Volnutt figure came in today!

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Abnormal Freak on December 08, 2012, 02:15:09 PM
At least the game's being put out as an official release. I like the idea of a fan-made game being endorsed and distributed by the big boys.

I'm all for games in popular franchises being developed by other people so long as they're good.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Munchy on December 08, 2012, 03:46:38 PM
The previous statement of "Way to go, Crapcom.  Once again the fans have done more for the 25th anniversary than you" can only be FURTHER exemplified by THIS: (
(Link won't let me embed)

Seems to be a fan game but it's endorsed by Capcom!  WHAT!?!?

I dunno, I'm okay with this. It's not too much different than any other outsourced thing (though they didn't pay for it likely). I far prefer this to having fan games C&D'd, like some companies do (SEGA  >:().

Besides, that you can move your own character puts it light years past the polished turd that is XOver.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on December 08, 2012, 07:26:57 PM
I agree. It's not really even all that surprising given the ass-load of negative press Capcom got over the cancellation of all the Megaman games that were in the works. Not to mention how bad it looked when pretty much all the games were being produced by Inafune-san.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on December 08, 2012, 09:09:14 PM
The previous statement of "Way to go, Crapcom.  Once again the fans have done more for the 25th anniversary than you" can only be FURTHER exemplified by THIS: (
(Link won't let me embed)

Seems to be a fan game but it's endorsed by Capcom!  WHAT!?!?

Neat! And apparently there's another major fangame coming out that xovers MMClassic & Legends. (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on December 10, 2012, 08:42:56 AM
I think it's an interesting touch that basically, MMxSF closes out the Street Fighter celebrations and opens the Mega Man ones.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: TheCruelAngel on December 10, 2012, 09:06:59 AM
I'm pretty excited for MMxSF, especially the price point.  ;D

I've been pretty bummed out about MM as a franchise since Inafune's departure (and subsequent canceling of MML3), so this little bit of new is pretty good in my eyes. The 17th can't come soon enough!
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Bloodreign on December 11, 2012, 05:38:12 AM
At this point I'd gladly take another classic series style Mega Man, and whoop those Street Fighter chumps back to Street Fighter land, whether it's India, USA, Japan, China, or Thailand.  :)

Best of all, it's all free.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on December 11, 2012, 10:11:31 AM
This MM vs SF game does look entertaining and amusing. I won't hesitate to give it a play-through.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on December 11, 2012, 01:57:35 PM
Well lets not forget that MMxSF is really just a Capcom Endorsed Fan project. It's been around, or at least the WIP has, far before now.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on December 12, 2012, 10:59:11 PM
However, besides the endorsement, Capcom did provide enough funding for the dude to work on the game full time & provided him with additional 'support'. So I think Svensson made a great call pushing for CoJ to approve this project and make it free. It shows that CoA understands the seriousness of the bad press CoJ caused by cancelling all of Inafune's projects and misguidedly involving the fans in a project they hadn't given the green light to.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Abnormal Freak on December 17, 2012, 12:53:01 PM
And I say who fucking cares that it's a fan project because it's fully endorsed and probably better than anything Capcom would ever care to do.

Download link: (

I'll play it later. :O It's taking a million hours to download.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Nail_Bombed on December 17, 2012, 01:58:01 PM
I'll play it later. :O It's taking a million hours to download.

Just search for under mediafire. Hell of a lot quicker, and no guilt attached as it's still free.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Abnormal Freak on December 17, 2012, 05:51:52 PM
I hate saying this, but two bosses beaten, this game isn't very special this far. Poor level designs, boring stage graphics and enemies... Only draw are the SF bosses. It FEELS like a fan game, which disappoints me. Much as I wasn't too wild about MM9 and 10, they at least had a classic MM feel and despite their stale graphics (compared to MM3 and onward), they're a lot less lazy than what's done here.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on December 17, 2012, 05:56:52 PM
Theres a few things in it that dont quite match up.

You cannot slide through doors, you lose your charge if you pause, there's no password or save system, E-Tanks don't respawn after continues, large energy pellets only restore 8 health as opposed to 10, and yeah, for a game that supposedly got official support, it doesn't really show, especially the stage designs and just their look. They look so damn plain and boring.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on December 18, 2012, 03:34:37 AM
Yeah, this definitely needs an update. I'm going to have to disagree about the stage design. This dude came up with some very interesting concepts not seen before in a Megaman game. At least the controls are spot on. I will admit it does feel a bit fan game-y, but I think that's due to the flaws that have been mentioned. Thankfully, those are mostly minor and easy to fix. I'm very surprised they didn't implement at least a simple save feature.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on December 18, 2012, 05:42:21 AM
Key word concepts. the execution leaves a lot to be desired. the stages are bland and tame in level design, and in terms of art direction, also plain and uninspired. just good concepts.  there isnt a lot going on in them. You can tell the majority of development went to the bosses.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on December 18, 2012, 10:49:11 AM
The music is awesome though.
Loooooove Ryu and Blanka's music. :D

Especially that Ryu's has a good mix of FlashMan in there:
Street Fighter X Mega Man OST - Ryu Theme (

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on December 19, 2012, 10:36:16 AM
Key word concepts. the execution leaves a lot to be desired. the stages are bland and tame in level design, and in terms of art direction, also plain and uninspired. just good concepts.  there isnt a lot going on in them. You can tell the majority of development went to the bosses.

Yeah, but I think that is really more the draw of the game. The bosses are far more intense than any of the past robot masters and I think that translated to a lesser degree to the enemies in the stages. They do tend to have much greater attributes than your average MM enemies.

One thing I'm surprised no one has mentioned is one small detail that has surprisingly annoyed me a little. YTH doesn't Rock use the Hadouken pose for his Hadouken weapon? X used it when he got the power after all.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Abnormal Freak on December 19, 2012, 02:04:06 PM
The soundtrack is avail' to download for free. (

Apple Lossless files acquired.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on December 20, 2012, 01:29:53 AM
Yeah, but I think that is really more the draw of the game. The bosses are far more intense than any of the past robot masters and I think that translated to a lesser degree to the enemies in the stages. They do tend to have much greater attributes than your average MM enemies.

One thing I'm surprised no one has mentioned is one small detail that has surprisingly annoyed me a little. YTH doesn't Rock use the Hadouken pose for his Hadouken weapon? X used it when he got the power after all.

Well I know you can do hadouken with the weapon, OR, (once you have the weapon) by doing it the traditional way. Dont know if it does it then.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on December 20, 2012, 08:48:43 PM
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: P/\/\\/o on December 21, 2012, 09:39:36 AM
The reason behind Mega Man's pose

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on January 02, 2013, 02:58:12 AM
You know, it's a bit of a shame we can't pull this off in SFxMM:
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on January 02, 2013, 03:35:24 AM
That made me lol. :)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on January 06, 2013, 04:37:36 PM
i have discovered some incredible MegaMan Zero artwork  :o
should i share it?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on January 07, 2013, 06:24:48 AM
Sure why not?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on January 15, 2013, 07:05:27 AM
So let's just say that you're living in the distant future (probably MMX era) and you're exploring some ruins, when you come across this:
(click to show/hide)
What do you do?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on January 15, 2013, 09:05:55 AM
Recover, study, possibly rebuild.

The update for SFxMM is coming out Friday afternoon. Now equipped with password feature and multiple bug fixes. (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on January 15, 2013, 10:27:39 AM
Maybe now I'll get a chance to play it. for some unknown reason both my controller and keyboard wouldn't work with the game. At all.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Ratty on January 15, 2013, 11:06:52 AM
So I've never been a big Mega Man fan, I respect the series as one that's always been well made with solid gameplay, good visuals and excellent music. Though the gameplay doesn't appeal to me personally, that's just me. I am curious about something though and would like for you guys/gals who are fans to tell me something -Does the lore appeal to you?  If so, what is it about the Mega Man universe that makes you feel invested in and attached to it? Is it something that you got into when you were kid, or more recently?

I'm not saying the lore (or anything else in the series for that matter) is bad by any means, just that I've never "got" the appeal there and would enjoy hearing thoughts on it from fans of the series. Because in my experience most series I'm a big fan of, Castlevania, Sly Cooper, even Doom, I feel a certain fascination with and pull towards the world and characters it lets me explore.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on January 15, 2013, 12:38:59 PM
I first got into MegaMan when I was a little kid, when MM1 first came out, so I've been with the series since it's inception. Although I kinda fell off once MM4->onward were released, I gained other interests, etc. The classic NES series were and still are the hardest to beat for me.

Once MegaMan X for SNES came out, that's when my love for the series reignited. The "lore" is what fascinated me, and for those that are clueless about the entire plot of MM here it is, with all the finer details left out:

Classic MM series (MM1-MM10), takes place sometime in the year 20XX (this is purposely left ambiguous), so it's not that far ahead of our time. Dr. Wily & Dr. Light, once colleagues, have a disagreement, causing them to become rivals. Many many robots would soon be created by both scientists, the first being "Protoman." Through a series of conflicts Wily and his Robot Masters are continuously defeated by Light's champion, ROCKMAN! As time passes, both scientists' age catches up to them. After many failed attempts Wily convinces himself that he has finally created a robot that's the "strongest in the universe," one that will finally defeat MegaMan and Light, much to Bass' (his previous attempt at "1-upping MM") disbelief. This robot is Zero. Light is hard at work at his own champion, MegaMan X. Capcom till this day will neither confirm nor deny that MegaMan and MegaMan X are the same robots (there's evidence for both cases that they are different, and are the same), instead rather leave it up to the fan's imagination to come to a conclusion. Light seals X away for "the world isn't ready," and Wily presumably does the same (we never actually see Zero's sealing)

100 years pass and the year is now 21XX. Dr. Cain discovers Dr. Light's lab and reactivates X, thus sparking a revolution in robotics since X can "think, feel, and make his own decisions." Sigma is Dr. Cain's ultimate "Reploid" and is almost seen as X's equal. After a while Reploids begin to go "Maverick" and turn on their human creators. A special team is formed, called "Maverick Hunters," that are designed to hunt down & "retire" said Mavericks. One day Sigma (the leader of the Maverick Hunters) and his team find a warehouse where an unstable and extremely violent Maverick is let loose. Sigma confronts the Maverick alone, and it turns out to be Zero. Sigma easily outmatches Zero, until Zero suddenly gains the upperhand and severs Sigma's arm. Zero proceeds to pound on Sigma until Zero is stopped by an extremely painful noise in his head, signified by a large W appearing on his forehead. Zero, being distracted by this pain, is then knocked out by Sigma. Sigma leaves the warehouse, instructing his teammates that they bring Zero to Dr. Cain's lab to be studied. This fateful fight would prove to spark countless decades of bloodshed and violence, since this was the event that Sigma became infected with the "Maverick Virus" (which Zero was the progenitor of, originally created by Wily).
Some time after, Sigma goes berserk and wages war on humanity. X, becoming a Maverick Hunter, goes after Sigma and his allies (former Maverick Hunters-turned Mavericks). Zero has been "cured" of his affliction by this time, and joins X in his battle. The remainder of the X series consists of the devastating effect of the virus on the planet, Sigma being literally transformed INTO the virus. During these "Maverick Wars," Sigma comes in contact with "the ghost of Wily" (I presume it's via holographic projections from one of his many devices, same way Light communicates to X from beyond the grave) and tells him that the Virus purifies Zero and he must be reunited with it, to fulfill his destiny of defeated MegaMan X and thus gaining ultimate victory over Dr. Light. Zero becomes momentarilly infected but his good will refuses, thus thwarting Wily's plan and X defeats Sigma. However, the Maverick Wars continue.

The humans desperately try to find a way to stop this madness. One human develops "Cyber-Elves," useful programs that serve to help reverse a Reploid's Maverick state. Another human proposes that instead of reversing the Maverick State peacefully, they [Reploids] should all be destroyed. There is a disagreement between the two (sound familiar?). The other human designs the "Mother Elf," through it's power X uses to end the Maverick Wars. Zero seals himself away once the Wars has ended, due to the danger he posed (and it's pretty much all originated from him). The other human, a man called Dr. Weil, enraged that his idea was rejected, steals the Mother Elf and curses it, transforming it into the "Dark Elf." Dr. Weil steals Zero's body and creates a powerful shell over it, calling him Omega, the "Devil Reploid." Thus begins the "Elf Wars," a 4-year long conflict that eliminates 90% or so humans/reploids alike. However, Zero's mind was removed from his body, and the other scientist created a duplicate body for him to occupy. X and Zero with their combined efforts defeat Omega and exile him to space, ending the Elf Wars. X seals the Dark Elf within his own body, so such a evil will always be contained. Zero seals himself away as well. The humans of earth have a trial for Dr. Weil and punish him by putting him in a cyborg body, so he will never die, and "eternal punishment." The year is now 22XX.

Ciel, descendant of the original scientist that created the Mother Elf, awakens Zero to help her stop Copy-X, a deformed copy of the original X that has gone rogue. Through a series of events the Dark Elf is eventually released from X's body, triggering Dr. Weil & Omega's return from exile. Dr. Weil seeks to reunite the Dark Elf with Omega, for revenge on the humans. Zero defeats Omega, thus destroying his original body in the process. Dr. Weil, having seized control of the government of the time, continues to hunt down Reploids. He builds a giant space station, named "Ragnarok," that would obliterate literally everything on the planet. Through a series of battles Zero sacrifices himself to finally stop Dr. Weil, killing them both aboard the Ragnarok and saving the planet from destruction.

Several hundred years pass, and the planet is recovered from the devastation of the previous centuries. Humans and Reploids begin to work together in harmony, and even begin to literally become one another (humans trading their bodies for Reploid bodies, and vice-versa). The line between human and Reploid begins to blur. Pieces of Ragnarok remain, however, and cause Maverick outbreaks in various cities. It turns out after the events of the Zero/Weil battle, Ciel created various "Biometals," devices that contain the data/souls of the fallen heroes (X, Zero, etc.) A select few can access their power and be "reborn" as X or Zero. A bunch of battles take place to combat those that became corrupted by the remaining pieces of Ragnarok. Eventually the heroes win, but with one of the leaders of the government at the time (Master Thomas), declaring that despite all that has happened, "the world must be reset."

Thousands of years later, a "blue boy" is discovered by Barrel & Roll Casket. They go on various adventures to find energy, fighting off various pirates that seek the same energy for their own selfish means. To be continued when I get home...
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: RichterB on January 15, 2013, 12:39:42 PM
So I've never been a big Mega Man fan, I respect the series as one that's always been well made with solid gameplay, good visuals and excellent music. Though the gameplay doesn't appeal to me personally, that's just me. I am curious about something though and would like for you guys/gals who are fans to tell me something -Does the lore appeal to you?  If so, what is it about the Mega Man universe that makes you feel invested in and attached to it? Is it something that you got into when you were kid, or more recently?

I'm not saying the lore (or anything else in the series for that matter) is bad by any means, just that I've never "got" the appeal there and would enjoy hearing thoughts on it from fans of the series. Because in my experience most series I'm a big fan of, Castlevania, Sly Cooper, even Doom, I feel a certain fascination with and pull towards the world and characters it lets me explore.

Interesting question. I got into Mega Man at a very young age with Mega Man 2. As far as lore, here's what's been most appealing for me (and it evolves, as you'll see). Basically you have two rival scientists (Dr. Light and Dr. Wily) creating or manipulating robotics toward good and evil. Mega Man is turned into a champion of justice, while his initial brethren, created for various jobs in society, are corrupted by Dr. Wily to be combat machines. As the story goes along, Dr. Wily keeps trying to surpass Dr. Light and Mega Man with more and more focused war machines through one means or another, sometimes hiding behind disguises or extortion of other scientists. Meanwhile, Mega Man is continually tested to uphold justice, even as his patience wanes with Wily's antics. In the meantime, you have mysteries during a number of Wily's schemes, like a new robot showing up out of nowhere, including Mega Man's brother, Proto Man. Mega Man's brother comes across as sort of a mentor and anti-hero all at once, challenging and helping Mega Man, and its interesting to see these two interplay. Additionally, there are robots like Bass, who have been convinced that they are stronger than Mega Man, and that they must prove that at any cost. Now, it sort of a gameplay mechanic, but it's also a part of the lore, is the logic of rock-paper-scissors. I like how the world is set up with some sort of internal logic that everything has a strength and weakness against something else. The logic goes into the character designs, too, which fit their function or evolution as a specific type of robot (IE: Gutsman for construction, Bombman for demolition; Clashman as an upgrade of Bombman, Drillman as acombination of the Bombman and Clashman technology, etc). There are certain world and character motifs carried through, too, like the jewels on the robots or the futuristic cityscapes.

As for evolution, the way the story moves from Classic saga to X saga and X saga to Zero saga is fascinating, as well. The stories become thicker and darker with mysteries and moral dilemmas of robotic self-awareness. In X saga, you have Sigma, once a hero fight against Zero, once a villain. Eventually, this arrangement flips, and Zero becomes the hero and Sigma becomes a revolutionary. In the middle of it is X, an ancient next-gen robot that is the model on which the modern robots were created, who has an attachment to both Sigma and Zero, and must make a choice. Also, he wants to become stronger, like Zero, but is unsure if he can, and his creator, Dr. Light, is afraid what he will become if he reaches his full strength. There's a lot of interesting stuff.

The gameplay and art direction is really what makes it all come together, though.

Sadly, like Castlevania, Mega Man has lost its way and is in a dark period.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Sumac on January 15, 2013, 01:51:43 PM
I played all NES MegaMan games and MegaMan 7 and X on the SNES. I tryed to like this series, but after three games it felt stale and boring for me. The only games I genuinely like are MegaMan 1 and 3 on NES.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on January 15, 2013, 02:10:57 PM
ok i'm home. I'm still halfway through MMLegends 2 so I'm afraid I can't give a full synopsis on it's story. All you need to know is that all the games (EXCEPT for Battle Network & Star Force) are connected, a long-running timeline. MM-MMX-MMZ-MMZX-MML. Battle Network/Star Force are set in alternate universes with no connection to the main timeline. We also know a lot of vital information through the release of various sourcebooks, an idea Konami has yet to capitalize on with Castlevania. Sourcebooks serve to answer a lot of unanswered questions & reveal a lot about the reasoning behind several design choices and whatnot.

So the lore is very rich with a lot going on behind the scenes, the games are action-paced and good platforming. Excellent music and the bosses have their own personality (for the most part). In my own mind the Castlevania series takes place before the MM series (obviously) lol.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on January 15, 2013, 04:45:43 PM

Once MegaMan X for SNES came out, that's when my love for the series reignited. The "lore" is what fascinated me, and for those that are clueless about the entire plot of MM here it is, with all the finer details left out:
But the finer details are what makes it so much fun! Stuff Like power sources and shit! Did you know most of the robots in Mega Man are solar powered, with the exception of Protoman, who is Nuclear Powered?

Im gonna just go all nerd on this.
Dr. Wily & Dr. Light, once colleagues, have a disagreement, causing them to become rivals.
Actually, them being colleagues is an invention by the localization team. They went to the same university, but were never colleagues professionally. Light always got the fame and admiration and accolades, while Wily, who is, make no mistake- just as much of a genius, was always the "number 2", having to live in Light's shadow.

Many many robots would soon be created by both scientists, the first being "Protoman." Through a series of conflicts Wily and his Robot Masters are continuously defeated by Light's champion, ROCKMAN!

Just because I LOVE finer details, but don't want to just repeat everything you said... ill just add to it. K?
Protoman, (also known as Blues in Japan) Built by Dr. Light, was the very first autonomous Android with humanlike thought created. (hence the name) He had a defect in his energy system however, but did not trust Dr. Light, fearing that were he repaired, he might lose his individuality. He ran away from Light, eventually collapsing from his defect. Wily came across him, and seeing the defect, decided to repair him, replacing his former Solar power reactor, with a Nuclear reactor instead. he also gave him combat capabilities, and gave him a helmet with shades, so Light would not recognize him. Protoman thus helped Wily, out of gratitude, for a while, doing his bidding. Unfortunately however, replacing his power source did not fix the defect in his energy system, thus making him unstable. Wily gave him a strong shield, so that he would have better protection from attack, since, as Protoman himself once said, "one wrong hit in the right place" could vaporize him and his immediate surroundings due to the nature of his nuclear reactor. Light, moved on, and made two more robots, Rock, and Roll, intending to keep them for himself as his surrogate children. as such, they were built in the image of such. Roll did housework, and Rock helpe him in the lab. he went on to create 6 more robots, all with industrial purposes, such as Cutman, a logging robot, and Gutsman, a construction robot, or Bombman, a demolition robot, etc.

Wily, finally deciding on a plan of action decided he would get his recognition by taking over the world. To this end, from the insight he gained of Light's robots via his repair of Protoman, he reprogrammed Light's robots to his will, and had them turn on Humanity, along with many other robots under him. Feeling a sense of duty to defeat his "brothers", Rock volunteered to stop them, and Light therefore converted him into a Combat robot, where he became known as "Rockman", (or Mega Man outside of Japan)

As time passes, both scientists' age catches up to them. After many failed attempts Wily convinces himself that he has finally created a robot that's the "strongest in the universe," one that will finally defeat MegaMan and Light, much to Bass' (his previous attempt at "1-upping MM")disbelief.

Just to add, Bass is essentially Wily's answer to Light's Mega Man. Mega Man is Light's "super fighting robot" and Bass is Wily's imitation of that idea.

Capcom till this day will neither confirm nor deny that MegaMan and MegaMan X are the same robots (there's evidence for both cases that they are different, and are the same), instead rather leave it up to the fan's imagination to come to a conclusion.
No, it has been confirmed before, (WAY back, mind you) that they are NOT the same. X is NOT Rock. They are two entirely different beings.

Light seals X away for "the world isn't ready," and Wily presumably does the same (we never actually see Zero's sealing)
Just as a tidbit- Zero was sealed away mainly because when Wily activated him, he discovered that Zero's cognitive program contained a flaw that caused him to be not only excessively violent and destructive, but to be unwilling to obey orders. SO, Wily sealed him away. The reason he never went back to correct the flaw is unknown, though it is possible he simply never got the chance.

"the ghost of Wily" (I presume it's via holographic projections from one of his many devices, same way Light communicates to X from beyond the grave)
not quite. take it as you will, but when asked about it, Inafune stated that Wily was "brought back by the Virus".

There is also overwhelming evidence to conclude that Serges from X2, and Isoc from X6, are actually housing Wily's consciousness. (Isoc therefore being the old man Sigma mentions in X5)

and tells him that the Virus purifies Zero and he must be reunited with it, to fulfill his destiny of defeated MegaMan X and thus gaining ultimate victory over Dr. Light. Zero becomes momentarilly infected but his good will refuses, thus thwarting Wily's plan and X defeats Sigma. However, the Maverick Wars continue.
Actually, Zero has always been infected. I assume you mean the fight between X and Zero, although the actual scenario as followed by the timeline,  is of Zero NOT going Maverick. However, Zero has always been a carrier and spreader of the Virus himself. Him and Sigma were infected at the same time during their fight, from Zero's capsule, which had actually been the containment source for the Virus.

Dr. Weil steals Zero's body

he actually obtained it perfectly legally. He asked the Government to use the body, since it was immune to the Virus, and they gave it to him. it was once he created Omega that he turned on the government and unleashed Omega upon all who opposed him.

the other scientist created a duplicate body for him to occupy.

probably semantics, but we dont know the circumstances surrounding Zero's copy body. We don't know who exactly made it. It was not the same person who created Cyber Elves.

The humans of earth have a trial for Dr. Weil and punish him by putting him in a cyborg body, so he will never die, and "eternal punishment." The year is now 22XX.
Just to elaborate, they illegally punish him WITHOUT a trial. He was essentially attacked by a lynch mob of survivors of the war, who after giving him an immortal regenerative body, exile him into the wastelands his war created. By then, there is really only ONE last remaining bastion for Humanity, the rest of the earth is a wasteland. He is cast out into this, so as to experience eternal death. Always dying, but never being able to fully die and end his suffering.

Ciel, descendant of the original scientist that created the Mother Elf, awakens Zero to help her stop Copy-X, a deformed copy of the original X that has gone rogue.
Again, just for clarity, when X sealed Dark Elf within his body, his soul was pushed out and split into 5, 4 of which were used to create Copy X's 4 guardians, (classified as "X-Bioroids") and Copy X, was initially intended to be a replacement body for X himself, but he refused to come back, and thus they instead turned the shell into a copy to replace him, so that the people would not despair that their savior (and then ruler) was no longer. His going rogue, was essentially caused by a naivete, lack of experience, and massive ego. Not to mention a massive chip on his shoulder. he decides that to solve the energy crisis and keep Humans happy, he will start to indiscriminately execute Reploids, since they are big energy users, thus creating an oppressive regime against them. 

He builds a giant space station, named "Ragnarok," that would obliterate literally everything on the planet.
just a note on the space station and all that, one of the main plot points of Zero 4, is that Nature has once again started to grow outside of Neo Arcadia, the previously mentioned "last remaining utopia". When the space colony from X5 crashed, it's environmental system survived and began to cultivate nature all around the area. So Weil, naturally, wants to destroy it so all must live under his reign.

Several hundred years pass,
semantics, but 200 years, to be exact.

(humans trading their bodies for Reploid bodies, and vice-versa)
to clarify, Humans gain robotic cyborg bodies, while Reploids gain lifespans.

Thousands of years later, a "blue boy" is discovered by Barrel & Roll Casket.
Barrel is the one who discovers him. On one of his adventures in forbidden, (and un-enterable) ruins, he discovers a baby within a stasis field, accompanied by a robotic monkey (just roll with it) he raises the kid, along with his granddaughter Roll, after her parents disappear in an accident.
They go on various adventures to find energy,
to clarify, this future world is mostly water, with small islands housing towns. the energy source is provided by crystals, which are obtained from ancient ruins and the like, thus establishing ruin hunting as a profitable business. (which Barrel used to do when he was young, and that which the boy he found, he has raised to do) f

To be continued when I get home...

Ill continue! :D

The boy is named Rock. (Mega Man in the US translations) he is essentially a kind of cyborg. to elaborate, although technology seems to have regressed to pseudo-21'st century, (aside from things like massive airships and the power source, most things seem very modern day commonplace) technology regarding the body still seems advanced, as it is possible to become a cybor and replace your body parts. ruin hunters, (called Diggers) often do this, to better aid them. Barrel himself has robotic eyes and ears, and Rock, also has an entirely cybernetic body, which he can interchange with a blue armor he uses while Digging. with this armor equipped, he can replace parts such as his arm, with weapons and tools. Roll meanwhile, acts as his navigator, using radar and such to guide him through ruins that are often found deep under most islands and the outskirts of towns. The robot monkey meanwhile, (called Data) acts, gameplaywise, as a save point. strangely, Rock is the only one capable of understanding what the robot says.

Within these ruins are rogue robots called "reaverbots", which attack all intruders, but which have no basis in society, seeming to be leftovers from whatever civilization previously lived on the planet. Eventually, Rock and Roll make their way to the center of some complex ruins, to discover and accidentally open a capsule containing what appears to be a pleasant man with purple hair and a primitively robotic floating body and limbs. This person, (called Juno) recognizes Rock, and identifies him as "Mega Man Trigger", a "Purifier Unit, first class), and proceeds to thank him for awakening him, and reveals that it is his duty to monitor the population of the island, the people, whom he refers to as "Carbons", and prevent them from reproducing beyond a certain limit. Once they do, it is his job to "purge" the Island, killing all on it. This job continues every time the population exceeds a certain limit. Eventually, Rock catches up to Juno deep within the ruins, where they do battle. All the while, far up in space, a probe is released from an abandoned satellite and descends over the town, prepared to purge it. Once Juno is defeated and destroyed, Data steps in, and commands the "system" to interrupt the command given by Juno, and declares that under suspicion of malfunction, Juno was terminated, and Rock will assume Juno's duties until he petitions for guidance later.  The probe retracts, and acknowledges the command. Data tells Rock that he cannot tell him anything yet, but will do so in due time.

The next adventure revolves around Barret and his former digger partner, setting up an expedition to the mysterious siland on which Rock was found. It is protected by severe weather, but Rock manages to penetrate, and after defeating more reaverbots, discovers a stasis field with two strange people in it. They have dark skin, green hair, and wear strange clothes. They are taken back to the ship, where the people on board, Barrel and his friend included, decide they must be Ancients, the previous inhabitors of the world and the people the ruins are left from.

Long story short, they are not actually ancients, but part of the same system as Juno, and try to do the same thing, that is, "purge the carbons". this time however, Rock learns more about his past. he himself was part of that ancient system, as a "purifier unit", a unit that hunted down and terminated rogue machines and other units. (sort of like the Maverick Hunters of the Mega Man X series)

Humanity had left the earth, and established a paradise on the artificial moon called "Elysium". they did not die, they did not need, and they had no wants. it was utopia. They had various robots as well, who maintained the system and the planet. Juno, like Rock, and the two"Ancients" are of these robots. However, all the Humans eventually died out, And "The Master" a Human who had lived thousands of years, and was the creator of the system, decided that they System itself had crown too cold and sterile, and that Humanity had lost essentially, their Humanity. The population of the planet, "Carbons" were artificial Humans created by the people on Elysium. The Master decided that they were truly Human, and asked Rock, Mega Man Trigger, to take him there. He cannot survive outside of Elysium, but before dying, he orders Rock to destroy the system in it's entirety, and gives him his genetic sample, since, once the last Human had died, the world would be purged of all Carbons and Humans would be re-cloned from a massive genetic library. Having The Master's genetic code would therefore make him harder to attack, since it would mean risking the genetic Code. Hoe does however, eventually fight to a standstill, with one of those two ancients they had found, named Sera, who was the unit in charge of the systems on Elysium, damaging both severely. Trigger to survive, downloads his memory (and the genetic sample) into Data, the robot monkey, and resets his body to regenerate, thus resetting his body to that of an infant. The unit that had been in charge of the planet's systems, (She was named Yuna) and had declared herself neutral. She seals both away, until Barrel eventually found the boy and raised him.

Sera after showing her true colors, returns to Elysium and plans to finish what went undone since their final battle, and Rock follows. They fight and Sera is defeated, though not killed- although she learns of Rock's intentions and the Master's dying wish, finally understanding it and seeing Rock's point of view. However, Rock, Sera, and Yuna, are left stranded on Elysium with no means of escape. back on the planet, Roll vows to get him back, and her and Tron, one of the pirates that you fight multiple times across the two games- who had grown infatuated with Rock, try time and time again, to build a rocket to Elysium. When i mentioned technology had regressed, I should have mentioned, there is no space travel either.

And thats really where the Mega Man timeline ends, since the third Legends game was cancelled.

As you can see, yes, I love the lore. Im a big sci fi guy, and the idea of robots and such always fascinated me. I just liked how it was presented by Capcom, and Mega Man has been present in my entertainment since i was very little,
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on January 15, 2013, 08:03:13 PM
No, it has been confirmed before, (WAY back, mind you) that they are NOT the same. X is NOT Rock. They are two entirely different beings.
Why though? What's stopping Rock from being X, just "upgraded" to have free will? Is it simply because Inafune or [Capcom employee] says so in an article/interview? Or is there some plot element that forbids it, or is there a scene that shows Rock walking around while X is being built? I'm just curious, because I don't see how them being the same contradicts anything. Unless a sourcebook has a factoid I overlooked that proves they're 2 different beings (and we all know we can't argue what a sourcebook says, even if it contradicts/changes what a game may say in certain cases but lets not get into that)

Either way, I like the idea of Rock being X because in X5, when Sigma says "there's someone other than me.. who hates you.." seems to indicate that Wily believes X to be the original MegaMan. Why would he harbor such hatred for X if he isn't his original nemesis? Either he's misinformed, or really knows that they're the same. Despite that X is and will always be seen as MegaMan's successor, it's hard for me to believe Light would suddenly shut down his "son" in favor of a "new, improved" version. The sad fact is we don't know what MegaMan's ultimate fate is after 20XX, UNLESS he lives on as MMX. If X & Rock aren't the same, then what happened to Rock? Why can they say they're not the same yet leave the question "So what happened to Rock?" unanswered (unless they did answer it & I'm just clueless)? Stuff like that baffles me, but it is Capcom we're talking about. I know that creators can say whatever they want and we have to accept it cuz it's canon, but sometimes it's best to go with what we think is right, such as.. Han shooting first lol

Anyway nice synopsis on the entire MM story. I skipped the tidbits about Legends cuz as I said I'm still working my way through that game. I'm still struggling with these model kits that I NEED to get built, because they're just sitting on my shelf collecting dust. Here's the latest:

(look how small Zero is, lol!)
I keep reading that D-Arts Zero Mk II has "issues," I don't know if I should buy it or not
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on January 15, 2013, 08:27:29 PM
i have discovered some incredible MegaMan Zero artwork  :o
i guess i should make due on my promise eh

(click to show/hide)

Anyone have any idea when this artbook is coming out? Has anyone here even heard of it?
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on January 16, 2013, 12:16:27 AM
Why though? What's stopping Rock from being X, just "upgraded" to have free will? Is it simply because Inafune or [Capcom employee] says so in an article/interview? Or is there some plot element that forbids it, or is there a scene that shows Rock walking around while X is being built? I'm just curious, because I don't see how them being the same contradicts anything. Unless a sourcebook has a factoid I overlooked that proves they're 2 different beings (and we all know we can't argue what a sourcebook says, even if it contradicts/changes what a game may say in certain cases but lets not get into that)

Source material. Capcom used to have a Japanese bi yearly magazine called Club Capcom. In it, they did a preview of Rockman X, and interviewed the staff. (

"Q: How is this connected to Rockman?

A: The new “Rockman X” is, to put it simply, a game that is set in the same world as the “Rockman” that appears on the Famicom. Only, the “Rockman” time period is set in 20XX A.D., while “Rockman X” takes place in 21XX. That is, “X” is set in a slightly later era.

Our protagonist this time is X, who is of course an entirely different person from Rockman. He’ll still have the Rockbuster on his left hand, the helmet, and everything that’s come to be associated with Rockman, but he is in fact a separate character. He is merely inheriting the world stage of the “Rockman” series, and that means the same familiar types of enemy characters will be around as well. Please think of this as new series set further along in the same universe."

Either way, I like the idea of Rock being X because in X5, when Sigma says "there's someone other than me.. who hates you.." seems to indicate that Wily believes X to be the original MegaMan. Why would he harbor such hatred for X if he isn't his original nemesis?
Now that's silly. Let me ask you this: Why would he NOT hate X? X is still a Dr. Light creation. More specifically, he is Rock's successor, and Dr. Light is still the one who gets all the credit for his magnificent groundbreaking reploid.

Im more surprised you did not mention that "comrade" line of Sigma's in X5, in which he mentions his ally used to be a "comrade" of X's. Something which is in fact just a mistranslation, due most likely to vague japanese writing that wouldnt translate well or something.

Despite that X is and will always be seen as MegaMan's successor
No arguing that. Mega Man is not a "name" it is a title. X inherits that title from Rock.

it's hard for me to believe Light would suddenly shut down his "son" in favor of a "new, improved" version.
It's even harder for me to believe he would strip Rock down to his bare bones, change his brain, and erase his memory of who he is and completely change his name. X is not named "Rock". he is named simply X. Rockman/Mega Man is merely his title. He is a Mega Man. the title of the champion who protects the weak. When X is no longer able to carry on the fight in the Zero series, Zero carries on, protecting those X believed in. it's not called "Mega Man" Zero for nothing. Zero is the unofficial inheritor of the title of "Mega Man" during his tenure in the Zero series, IMO.

If X & Rock aren't the same, then what happened to Rock?
Who knows? We DO know ONE possibility however. In one of the games, One of the gameboy Mega Man games, Wily steals a time machine. He goes to the future, and finds that in that future, his future self had actually reformed and abandoned crime. He also discovers that as such, Mega Man had stopped being "Mega Man", and disarmed, returning to his civilian life as Rock. He convinces himself to join his past self, and together, they kidnap the defenseless Rock, reprogram him, and turn him into a Wily combat robot called "Quint", sending him back in time to kill Mega Man. Mega man defeats Quint, Quint dies So that is ONE possible future for Mega Man. Becoming Quint. Although it is unlikely, seeing as how knowledge of the future probably altered the timeline.

Another theory, which I myself am somewhat fond of, is that he left with Du at some point, to continue fighting evil in outer space. contrived? absolutely. But it's not TOO far fetched.

Why can they say they're not the same yet leave the question "So what happened to Rock?" unanswered (unless they did answer it & I'm just clueless)?
No, it's never answered. However, we know Auto is still alive! In the PSX/Saturn/PC version of Mega Man X3, the boss intro cutscene for Volt Catfish has a brief cameo of Auto watching TV. So yet ANOTHER possibility is that Rock is now just a civilian robot once more.

Stuff like that baffles me, but it is Capcom we're talking about.
Capcom has certainly never been known for it's excellent storytelling, sadly.

(look how small Zero is, lol!)
I keep reading that D-Arts Zero Mk II has "issues," I don't know if I should buy it or not
Nice models! The WKS Zero in particular. too bad it's so small.

on Zero MKll, yeah, the model seems to have issues. particularly, one of the arms does not stay on properly at the elbow joint, the pauldrons seem to come off easily, and the head seems to be very difficult to open when you want to change the faceplate. I myself am waiting for a rerelease that fixes the issues, though that could be a long while.

On the Zero anthology: (

A bit late. Good luck finding it now.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on January 16, 2013, 12:56:13 AM
Also, I see those awesome pics, and I raise you some more.
(click to show/hide)

Also, I dont remember if these have been posted before and I cant be bothered to check, so have these two vids.


Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Belmont Stakes on January 22, 2013, 03:41:40 PM
I don't know if anyone has mentioned, posted or previously thought of this but I think the next logical step for the series is Lego Mega Man or Mega Man vs Lego Man.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on January 31, 2013, 03:11:55 PM
So Senior Vp Sven of CoA has said that given the negative feedback on Xover, He asked CoJ to put it's localization on hold for the time being.

"Based upon the largely negative feedback from MM fans, I've requested that we place any Americas release on hold for the time being," said Svensson. "We will revisit at a later date."

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

I suppose Sven (who seemed pleased at the results on that digital games survey that they did a while back, which included Mega Man on it) sees it as an opportunity to release something ELSE first or alongside Xover's localization, to prove brand viability or something like that.

See, CoA does care. And they are the only ones that can change CoJ's mind on ANYTHING.

sauce: (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Pfil on January 31, 2013, 03:35:14 PM
I was about to create a topic, but then I find this one, so I'll say it here.

I found Street Fighter X Megaman very uninspired.
The enemies seem kind of random. The music is generic.
And at first, the lack of passwords left me asking what were they thinking.
At least that was my opinion.

I understand that it was developed by fans, but Capcom should have put a little effort to make it better before releasing it, since they are putting their logo everywhere.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on February 24, 2013, 06:57:51 PM
Never Mind. Delete this please.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on March 27, 2013, 10:49:49 AM
To not derail the future of robots thread in off the wall-

I'll just respond to some stuff from there

Wait, you said 'same shit as X'? But why? I thought he had a virus,
Also Zero doesnt have a virus in his body since Sigma broken the crystal in his forehead with a punch and acidentally absorbed it. Zero still can absorb the virus though.

Zero is a carrier of the Sigma Virus. Since it does not affect him negatively, and only really affects him in large doses, (and the fact that him and X are beyond their era's science, making them impossible to fully analyze) the fact was never discovered until further in the timeline, where once the Nightmare from X6 was studied in further detail, the Virus and it's links to Zero were discovered.

Let me discuss in a little more clarity and detail.

Wily built Zero to destroy Bass and Mega Man and help him take over the world. However, Zero had a flaw in his cognitive program that made him overly violent and unwilling to obey orders. So Wily sealed him away. At some point, Wily changed Zero's purpose to destroying X, after learning of his existence somehow.

Interesting to note here- that Zero was seemingly not completed by Wily to his original planned specifications. (the X2 body, WITHOUT the saber- was Wily's original blueprint design)

Wily also created the Sigma Virus, and to clarify- There is no "Wily Virus" or "Zero Virus". The only Zero virus existed in X5, as the result of the Sigma Virus merging with the Colony Virus. It died in X5.

No, the original Virus created by Wily has no known name, (so far) And it is referred to as the "Sigma" Virus, because that is what it later becomes known as.

So, Wily created the Sigma Virus- for what purposes noone knows. He put the Virus within Zero's capsule, not Zero himself.

Worth noting here- That while X was designed and built with "Perfect Virus Countermeasures", Zero himself apparently has Imperfect Countermeasures.

A century passes, and over time, The virus began to leak from the capsule, driving local robots mad, making mavericks. Garma/Gamma's Maverick Hunter Unit discover his capsule and accidentally release him, causing him to slaughter the entire unit before being cornered in the Rocky Mountain warehouse where he fights Sigma.

During that fight, Zero's armor is breached by Sigma, allowing the virus to infect him. Sigma himself is also infected during the fight, by the virus that had been permeating the area, originating from Zero's capsule. It causes some sort of reaction within Zero, and We all know the famous Sigma falcon punch that knocks Zero out and shatters his headgem.

Once he is studied and awakened at Hunter Base, all traces of his previous overly violent Maverick behavior are gone, and Sigma makes him a Maverick Hunter.

After this, Zero becomes a carrier of the Virus, unintentionally spreading it whenever he goes on his missions, while Sigma's consciousness merges with the Virus to become the Sigma Virus that dominated the X series story. This does not change after his revival in X2, but X5 goes into further detail about how the Virus reacts uniquely with him, making him stronger and increasing his power output, instead of making him go crazy.

There is however, the alternate scenario where the Colony impacts the Earth or the shuttle mission fails, and Zero is bombarded with Zero Virus, "awakening" to his "true self".

This Awakening Zero, shows no compassion or emotion for the life he led as a Hunter, and is intent on destroying X, simply because that is his mission. He does not care about Mavericks either, however.

The cold hearted emotionless nature of Awakening Zero leads to the theory that one of Wily's function for the Virus in Zero was to dampen his violent emotions. But that's just theory.

Once it is discovered after the X series, that Zero is the source of the virus and a carrier of it, he and the government decide to seal him so as to research the Sigma Virus and his connection to it, and if possible, remove it. During this 50 year seal, Zero's body is separated from his Cognitive program, where Ciel's ancestor discovers a Sigma Virus antibody, which leads to the creation of Mother Elf, a sentient superprogram reverse-engineered from the Sigma Virus, also called "The Sigma Antibody Program". Mother Elf has the power to alter Maverick Reploid programming and revert it back to it's original state, essentially killing the Sigma Virus way of survival. From this, Cyber elves are created as well, smaller sentient programs which can alter reality and interact with machines and such in different ways. However, the Maverick Wars never truly ended, despite a calm in the storm. Dr. Vile/Weil ( no relation to Wily or Vile) who hates Reploids and resents them, feels that humans should controll all Reploids. He steals Mother Elf and corrupts her into Dark Elf, and also clones her, creating baby duplicates, starting the Elf Wars mentioned in the Zero series. (I can clarify on that too if you have not played them)

Goddamnit man! And what about X, you said he can't work anymore? Why? Is he dead?
X sacrificed his body to power the seal on Yggdrasil, the compound dedicated solely to sealing away Dark Elf after the Elf Wars ended.

Interesting to note- The shock of X's sealing Dark Elf apparently separated his "soul" from his body, and fractured it into 5 pieces, 4 of which were later used to create Neo Arcadia's Big 4, and the 5th wandered the earth as X. Copy X was originally simply designed as a duplicate body for X to inhabit after sealing his original, but X did not want to come back, and so it was turned into a copy of him instead, so that "X" could continue being the ruler of Neo Arcadia. As far as the public knows, Copy X is the same X from the Wars. Him being a copy is something almost nobody is aware of. Not even the 4 generals know.

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Successor The Cruel on March 28, 2013, 11:09:18 AM
Don't know what's being discussed in this thread, but this is my vision...

Animals as Leaders - Tempting Time: (

If I were creating a Mega Man X game, I would love for the part at 2:53 to about 4:10 to be the Maverick select screen theme (the rest of the song, though great, is not important for what I'm talking about so you can immediately zoom to 2:53). You would be in Hunter HQ base, and there would be a massive computer monitor showing profile pictures of the Mavericks, and as you scrolled over the pictures, data about them would appear on screen (imagine the Mega Man x4 sound effects). I think that would just about be glorious. If you can fully understand my vision, I really appreciate you.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on March 28, 2013, 12:37:21 PM
I think I can dig it.

Now that I remember though, I posted on Mega Man Network, my own vision of a new X game. (or how X7 could have been better)

xl would have been better if he had a more unique gameplay style. it would be tough to pull off, since it would require massive overhauls of the level design standards to suit all 3 kinds of gameplay, (X’s ranged, Zero’s melee, and Axl’s) but well worth it.

What Axl could have used, is to take advantage of his main gimmick, transformation, to make a more stealth based shooter gameplay. He would still run n’ gun like X, but could take advantage of his Copy chip to infiltrate enemy ranks, (an idea X8 toyed with slightly, allowing Axl to transform into stage enemies and therefore trick them into thinking he was one of them) or going stealth, like Command Mission did for his Hyper Mode. This could allow for a multiple pathway kind of open world stage design, where each individual’s abilities allow for different kinds of exploration. Zero’s double Jump and Powerful melee weapons could allow him to, for example, break certain types of surfaces to access a hidden area or alternate route,

X’s ranged buster gameplay could allow for safer gameplay and taking out large groups at once with a charged shot, and his armor system could grant him extra mobility perks allowing for different routes and such, like Zero,

and Axl, meanwhile, would be able to access X’s basic areas, with run and gun gameplay, perhaps be able to snipe specific enemies from far away with a specific weapon type, (Another idea X8 and Command Mission introduced, which was allowing for Axl to gain different types of guns) or use his abilities to copy an enemy or go stealth mode to access areas which might close off were X and Zero to be spotted

There is so much potential to diversify the trio’s gameplay while making Axl in particular more than just a Bass clone with a copy ability.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on March 28, 2013, 04:21:24 PM
And suddenly we see Axl running around inside a cardboard box.
Joking aside, I'd be plenty interested in seeing how a stealth character can be made to work in a MMX game, aside from the ideas you already mentioned.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on March 28, 2013, 04:48:14 PM
i still wonder what happened to "wily" after X6

i know people are still mourning over Legends 3 but what about those who want X9 & ZX3  ???
at least Legends 3 was in a tangible form at one point lol
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on March 28, 2013, 07:08:20 PM
You mean that him right?

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on March 28, 2013, 07:25:02 PM
Yeah. That's him.

Some people think that he "moved on" after X6, due to his comments when Zero finds Isoc's body.

Something along the lines of, Zero having proved himself to him by defeating his own DNA, defeating himself, essentially. Since Gate used Zero's DNA to alter his body for combat, becoming invulnerable to everything but his own weapons and Zero STILL won. Beat Him, highmax, and the Nightmare. All made from his DNA, proving himself superior.

It's a possibility I suppose.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on March 28, 2013, 07:47:57 PM
Even if it never gonna happen and could be a heart-breaking and brutal story. I wanted to see how the Roboenza evolved in Zero Virus or something like that and what happened between Classic to X.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on March 28, 2013, 07:56:20 PM
I personally want to see what happened between X and Zero, particularly how X broke down into no longer caring about his enemies.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on March 28, 2013, 08:08:29 PM
particularly how X broke down into no longer caring about his enemies.
Play X7 and you will see, technically he already lose his determination there. Losing his body is a great opportunity to leave the battlefield forever without no one interfering.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on March 28, 2013, 08:19:37 PM
There's also how he started to gain...ruthless tendencies, as evidenced by him telling Zero to "terminate that copy of [his] with extreme prejudice" (paraphrased from memory) in Zero 1.
By the way, what if the timeline between X and Zero went as Inafune planned, with Zero actually dying and somehow revived later, and X becoming the tyrant ruler of Neo Arcadia instead of a shoddy copy? What would have been the catalyst that changed X so radically on a fundamental level?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on March 28, 2013, 08:42:09 PM
There's also how he started to gain...ruthless tendencies, as evidenced by him telling Zero to "terminate that copy of [his] with extreme prejudice" (paraphrased from memory) in Zero 1.

Imagine your body doing all these wrong things after you trusted it, without even having a chance to stop it. You dont need to get very far in your imagination to understand IMO.

By the way, what if the timeline between X and Zero went as Inafune planned, with Zero actually dying and somehow revived later, and X becoming the tyrant ruler of Neo Arcadia instead of a shoddy copy? What would have been the catalyst that changed X so radically on a fundamental level?

MMX5 Bad Ending. He forgot everything about his best friend after killing him, with Zero mocking him until the end. He then remember and goes nuts? Yeah, thats just a joke, doesnt take this idea so seriously.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on March 28, 2013, 10:11:50 PM
By the way, what if the timeline between X and Zero went as Inafune planned, with Zero actually dying and somehow revived later, and X becoming the tyrant ruler of Neo Arcadia instead of a shoddy copy? What would have been the catalyst that changed X so radically on a fundamental level?

If this ever happened then god help the world, or Zero help the world for that matter. I personally think, while it's an interesting concept, this could not happen as Dr. Light would have thought about this very issue ahead of time. X was the first generation of this type of machine and no-doubt Light had on his mind the rules of robotics. He would have equipped X with specific set algorithms (let's call it his conscience) to safe-guard against X from just turning lose like that without even needing the sigma virus to initiate it. Zero on the other hand is a far different story entirely. Of course that's Dr. Wily's track record for ya.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on March 28, 2013, 10:19:37 PM
Laws of robotics doesnt apply to Reploids since they are free to follow or ignore them. Thats why Dr. Light sealed X in a capsule to test him. Only because he is a good person at the time, it doesnt mean that he cant change his behaviour after.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on March 28, 2013, 10:50:15 PM
The laws of robotics don't apply to any of the franchise robots that we know of. Theres nothing to suggest they do. They EXIST, but that doesnt mean robots were ever forced to follow them.

Also, the "original" Zero series concept was inti's mainly. Inafune, when they asked him about doing a megaman game, asked them to put Zero in it. The tyrant X was inti Creates Idea. they joked about what if X was the final boss, and Inafune said "sure go for it!"

the change to Copy X was also inti creates idea. they didnt feel comfortable with turning kids hero into a villain.

"terminate that copy of [his] with extreme prejudice"

X refused to come back to life, deciding to rest, and a copy of him, whom everyone thinks is him, does all these atrocities. X was understandably upset.

also it's not so much that he broke down about his enemies more than he just became "battle hardened". he stopped caring. he became kind of like Zero essentially.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on March 28, 2013, 11:23:37 PM
Quote from: X
Since you've disappeared I've been fighting this war alone against an uncountable number of Mavericks for nearly a hundred years... Battle after painful and so sad...but the hardest part was when I discovered that I no longer cared about the enemies I fought...
Still, for him to feel hurt by it, I suppose it was somewhat of a breakdown to him. And I kinda feel that Zero's personality rubbing off on him was more of a coping mechanism.

Then again, going by what you said, I suppose TVTropes exaggerated things a bit.
Quote from: TVTropes
Despair Event Horizon: It's implied that he got hit with this between his series and this series, specifically in the Elf Wars in which he fought most of it alone. The original concept was that he would lose all hope for human and reploid coexistence and begin the oppression and genocide of his descendant species, since they were incapable of living peacefully with humanity (this concept became Copy-X later). Fortunately he's still Genre Savvy enough to Take a Third Option and he chose to seal what caused the war, the Dark Elf. While most of his dialogue as a Cyber-Elf is fairly normal, there are a couple times when he implies his Ax Crazy/Blood Knight tendencies he's holding back, which is extremely jarring coming from a former Reluctant Warrior and poster android for Incorruptible Pure Pureness. The fact it could break The Messiah (a trope he fits, only without the Marty Stu aspects) shows how bad things really are.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on March 29, 2013, 12:14:41 AM
That is exageration to the extreme. their supposed "original idea" has never been explained by inti enough to make that assumption that not caring caused him to become a tyrant. Given that Cyber X was inserted into the story and given his own lines, I doubt that would have been how it went. Im guessing that besides not wanting to make children's hero a villain they also figured there was nothing to make it work without a convoluted solution. Given that X worrying means he constantly weighs the value of Reploids and Humans, an impossible task which makes him care so much about both sides and dream of perfect coexistence. The most you can do to the character is make him battle hardened where he just is not emotionally affected by killing reploids anymore. But for that to go to the extreme of mass genocide for the humans sake? nah.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on March 29, 2013, 06:25:47 AM
Laws of robotics doesnt apply to Reploids since they are free to follow or ignore them. Thats why Dr. Light sealed X in a capsule to test him. Only because he is a good person at the time, it doesnt mean that he cant change his behaviour after.

I have to disagree respectfully. A reploid is like a robot in that they are both machines. The rules of robotics apply just as much to a reploid as it would to a robot. A robot must not harm a human being. 1st rule. If a robot or reploid under any circumstance wilfully harms a human (not due to a malfunction) then they must be destroyed. Which is the case for the Mavericks and which is why maverick hunters exist. Issac Asimov was the one to write up the rules of robotics. But even then you can't ignore the possibility that these rules will come to pass when we actually create sentient robots. Like rules that we write for ourselves to help govern ourselves, so do we the same for robots, or in this case reploids.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on March 29, 2013, 06:32:07 AM
The laws of robotics don't apply to any of the franchise robots that we know of. Theres nothing to suggest they do. They EXIST, but that doesnt mean robots were ever forced to follow them.

Megaman 7. That "Wily, Im most than a robot" phrase is bullshit from the US.

I have to disagree respectfully. A reploid is like a robot in that they are both machines. The rules of robotics apply just as much to a reploid as it would to a robot. A robot must not harm a human being. 1st rule. If a robot or reploid under any circumstance wilfully harms a human (not due to a malfunction) then they must be destroyed.

Its not a rule that a robot decide to follow or not when they apply. A robot simple cant oppose this rule, thats why a reploid doesnt apply in this case, because they can break this rule whenever they want, while a normal robot in the MM universe cant. As I said, thats why Dr. Light sealed X, because of these risks.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on March 29, 2013, 09:14:42 AM
But even then if it is a reploid with it's own will, the rules still apply. We have our own wills and yet we follow laws. It would be the same thing for reploids. What happens when a human breaks the law by committing a very serious and heinous crime? Capital punishment aka death penalty. It's the same thing when a reploid harms a human; Termination of that reploid. Dr. Light knew he wouldn't live 30 more years to see the results of the testing so he sealed X away. Personally I think Dr. Light should have put himself in suspended animation for the duration of 30 years, and then checked on X reliability. We could argue back and fourth about this all day but I don't think we really need to. But just try to trust me on this. if you wish to learn more about said rules of robotics then either read 'I Robot' or watch the film based on it titled; I Robot. The book was written by Issac Asimov and it makes you think about the fine line in more ways then just black and white.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on March 29, 2013, 09:30:30 AM
I've watched this movie and it seems that we are having a misunderstanding here because of the meaning of the word. I will try to explain what Im trying to say in a different manner.

Law in the world: You follow them because otherwise you will be punished for doing things that are considered wrong. You choose to follow them or not. You can ignore the rules.

Law in robotics: You follow them because they are implanted in your "mechanic brain", you simply cant do otherwise, you dont have a option, it restrict your actions. If a machine has been programed to do squares, it will not do round things. If it break this law, it simply doesnt apply to these laws, it being a bug OR as in the case of reploids, because they arent there as a law.

IDK if someone here is understanding what Im trying to say.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on March 29, 2013, 09:50:48 AM
No, I get what you are saying. Believe me I do Lelgax  :)  But even a reploid must follow the law whatever those laws might be. Both you and I have minds of our own yet we choose to stay within the confines of the law. Moral sense of choice if nothing else. A reploid would be in the exact same situation. And it would be considered a danger to human life and/or society if it chose to go against the confines of the law just like any one of us would be.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on March 29, 2013, 09:57:08 AM
 Yes, but reploids like X can harm people and be punished. While robots like Rock can't harm people without. Thats is more or less what Im trying to say, but only now I found a way to put it in more simple words. English not being my native language can be a pain sometimes. xD

 Im not saying that you are wrong or something like that, Im only trying to say that models before the Reploids (Maybe Protoman is a exception, I cant guarantee) doesnt have total free-will to harm people, while Reploids have. :D
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on March 29, 2013, 01:54:22 PM
Like I said, the laws EXIST in some form. Light mentions them in X1's intro text.

However, again. There is nothing to suggest that Classic series Robots are incapable of breaking them just as Reploids are. Classic robot AI is not as advanced as Reploid AI because despite having free will and consciousness, they still follow the personalities they were programmed with. Which is why Wily's robots all have these quirky personalities. Rock is a good person because Dr. Light programmed him that way. He still however, chose of his own will, to go stop his reprogrammed brothers in Mega Man 1. That was not a pre-programmed response. He was designed as a Household robot, not a a battle robot. But hefelt the need to step up to the plate and defend the world from his brothers, and Light accepted it.

X, is a good person not just because his personality was programmed that way, but because he's just a nice person. He chooses to be a good guy. His personality can and DOES change over the X and Zero series. What sets aside Classic robots and Reploids is the ability to grow. X was designed with the mental age of a 17 year old, but his mind grows like a Real human's does. He learns and his personality evolves with it.

Keep in mind, that the difference between Classic Robot and Reploid may be technically big, in terms of AI complexity and capability, but they are not that different. They are close enough that a Reploid would consider them another Reploid. In tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, (dont give me that not canon crap, I know that, but it's still made by Capcom, and it is worth mentioning) If you beat Roll as Zero, he calls her a Housekeeping Reploid. Implying the difference is not that big.

Also, I know that die wily was an American addition. In the original, Wily goes something along the lines of: "You..? Shoot me? But I'm a Human!" to which Rock just stands there and goes "...", not saying anything. But the very fact that he considered it, shows that he is not mentally BOUND by the laws of robotics. He follows them because it would be a bad thing to not do so.

Keep in mind he attacks Wily directly many times while he's in his machines. If Rock were BOUND by the laws, he would not be able to oppose Wily's machines for the possibility of hurting him. And sure enough, when Wily's machines explode, you often see Wily singed with his clothes torn up. Sure it's for comedic effect, but the point stands that blowing Wily's machines up with him inside would violate the first rule of robotics

Also, Wily could just order Rock around if he were bound by the laws, since the 2nd law states a Robot must follow any command a Human gives, as long as it doesnt violate the first law.

The laws of robotics are RIDICULOUSLY restrictive for Mega Man series robots.

On X series Reploids- We never really see what happens when a non-maverick Reploid harms a Human, since the series revolves around Mavericks, but most Reploids don't harm Humans not because of some arbitrary rule of robotics. It's because they have no reason to. They have no reason to harm a Human or Reploid, like I would have no reason to harm any of you. It would make no sense, and I'd have to be crazy to do so for no reason.

I assume (this is conjecture here mind you) that Regular Reploids are tried under the law like anyone else. Of course they would have to decide wether it was a maverick attack or not, but those are pretty obvious. He would be tried, go to jail, or if they have a death penalty, get scrapped.

Keep in mind, that in maverick Hunter X, in Day of Sigma, Vile is sent to a penitentiary for being overly destructive. He's led away by two officers (Hunter or not who knows- most likely) in handcuffs. He's disarmed, and his hands and legs are cuffed, and he's placed into a cell. So obviously Reploids don't just get killed for crimes, they get treated like anyone else does. they get jail time.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on March 29, 2013, 03:49:52 PM
Yes, but reploids like X can harm people and be punished. While robots like Rock can't harm people without. Thats is more or less what Im trying to say, but only now I found a way to put it in more simple words. English not being my native language can be a pain sometimes. xD

 Im not saying that you are wrong or something like that, Im only trying to say that models before the Reploids (Maybe Protoman is a exception, I cant guarantee) doesnt have total free-will to harm people, while Reploids have.

I can understand you just fine so no biggy  ;)  We've both now have come to the point of understanding each other's points of view so it's all good. Also Flame has a very good grasp on his Mega Man lore so reading his posts is very informative.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on March 29, 2013, 05:18:01 PM
I'm a huge Megaman fan.  ;D I mostly visit Megaman forums. I also occasionally contribute to the Megaman. Network Wiki.

This is probably a blasphemous thing to say on a Castlevania forum, but I love Megaman more than any other franchise! XD
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on March 29, 2013, 07:54:39 PM
I love Megaman too, its one of my favorites, maybe he i top 1 and Sonic is my top 2.

Like I said, the laws EXIST in some form. Light mentions them in X1's intro text.

They exist, but doesnt aplly as a lock anymore. So they act as a real lawm not a lock. Even Dr. Light says that he didn't know if X will follow the rules, because he have free will and doesnt is restricted.

Mega Man X Intro (

However, again. There is nothing to suggest that Classic series Robots are incapable of breaking them just as Reploids are.

The video above suggest that, since Dr. Light didn't needed to seal any other robot and didn't even cared about that before creating X. Also this is another proof (we have mentioned it here, but a video may help for people that didn't have seen or doesnt remember):

Megaman VII (SNES) Ending (

ロックマン7 エンディング (

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on March 29, 2013, 09:04:03 PM
The Japanese one doesn't help much if you can't read Japanese. But regardless, It still provides the very fact that Rock considered aiming at Wily directly, proving that Classic series robots are not programmed with them.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on April 02, 2013, 01:14:29 AM (

Oh shit son.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on April 02, 2013, 02:13:46 AM
I'd say Zero's concept art is a red herring.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on April 08, 2013, 11:15:29 AM
S Ultimate Armor X was confirmed as the real deal. Also, Sigma will be released as a Figurearts ZERO. aka a statue
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: The Last Belmont on April 08, 2013, 02:28:41 PM
I have to disagree respectfully. A reploid is like a robot in that they are both machines. The rules of robotics apply just as much to a reploid as it would to a robot. A robot must not harm a human being. 1st rule. If a robot or reploid under any circumstance wilfully harms a human (not due to a malfunction) then they must be destroyed. Which is the case for the Mavericks and which is why maverick hunters exist. Issac Asimov was the one to write up the rules of robotics. But even then you can't ignore the possibility that these rules will come to pass when we actually create sentient robots. Like rules that we write for ourselves to help govern ourselves, so do we the same for robots, or in this case reploids.

It is a question of complexity. But a machine complex enough to feel human emotions is subject to all the same pressures, passions and irrational behavior as we are thus it would be unwise to delegate the responsibility for protecting ourselves to emotional artificial life. Just as we under pressure and stress can do horrible things the same would be with them. In my opinion we should never delegate that responsibility.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on April 08, 2013, 08:56:14 PM
I found some more music from The Amazing Brand0. It's a Mega Man 2 vid so there's no better place then to put in the General Mega Man discussion thread. Enjoy.

MEGAMAN 2 by Duane & BrandO (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Kingshango on April 09, 2013, 07:46:00 AM
So apparently a Mega Man X FPS was once an actual thing. (

 It was amongst the other cancelled Mega Man games during the great Mega Man purge.  It was being developed by ex Retro Studios developers and was supervised by Inafune.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on April 09, 2013, 10:15:11 AM
Wow! That's quite the first person shooter. I normally don't like seeing my favorite franchises forced into the third dimension. But after warming up to Metroid Prime and CV64/LoD it isn't so bad as long as the game itself retains the core of that which it's supposed to represent. This mega man first person shooter game looks quite solid even if it was only 6 months into development. The only thing that's worth complaining about it is that X doesn't have his arm cannon. Like in Metroid, X's arm cannon is iconic for the character. I did find it interesting that they chose to implement the Ironman movie look to X as opposed to his traditional look. But personally there should be a happy medium in there so he doesn't look too far out. I have to wonder what they to do with Zero's design as he's not shown.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on April 09, 2013, 01:03:42 PM
Zero? Would most likely become Raiden, lol.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on April 09, 2013, 01:51:47 PM
srsly how many variants of D-Arts X are they gonna make? there's:

X1 Armor
now Ultimate Armor Version

this is ridiculous. why can't they make Vile Mk. II, or Magma Dragoon, or Alia? If the line continues i'm calling it now they're gonna release Zero Black Armor, MegaMan X2 Armor Variant, and X3 Armor Variant Gold Version. How about some accessories like the X1 Armor Capsule that was only made for promotional purposes, or some Ride Armors?

give some other characters a chance in the spotlight already, sheesh. Flame you have to agree with me on this  >:(
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on April 09, 2013, 02:10:02 PM
If they used the normal design, more likeable scenarios and better enemies maybe I could like it. Lets not forget about platforming, charge shot and wall climbing.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on April 09, 2013, 03:05:00 PM
srsly how many variants of D-Arts X are they gonna make? there's:

X1 Armor
now Ultimate Armor Version

this is ridiculous. why can't they make Vile Mk. II, or Magma Dragoon, or Alia? If the line continues i'm calling it now they're gonna release Zero Black Armor, MegaMan X2 Armor Variant, and X3 Armor Variant Gold Version. How about some accessories like the X1 Armor Capsule that was only made for promotional purposes, or some Ride Armors?

give some other characters a chance in the spotlight already, sheesh. Flame you have to agree with me on this  >:(
Yes, and No.

While I would love to see other characters, (iris or Colonel would lead to some real neat poses with D-Arts Zero II) I don't mind X's armors and such getting made.

i always wanted the old Ultimate Armor X kits from bandai, (or the promo one from the Saturn X4) but they were so rare... Ultimate X D-Arts is exciting to me.

And if I had the extra cash to shell out, i would totally buy the Manga versions of X and Zero, since im a fan of Iwamoto's X mangas. (really wish Udon would localize them!) metallic X is tempting, but as a Comic-Con exclusive, prices online are through the nose for it. Otherwise fuck yeah i would buy that shit.

I didn't get X1 armor X, or Vile because I didnt have the money at the time, and skipped Zero II because I've heard it has some glaring issues in regards to elbow joints and the faceplate being too stuck on to get off easily, and am hoping it will get a re-issue some time like X did.

X2 Armor I'm fine with. Bandai never made the X2 Armor a model kit back in the day. They skipped right to X3's armors and the Megamissions armors.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on April 09, 2013, 03:20:13 PM
this is going to be the Bandai model kits all over again; a few unique characters, 20 different versions of X & his armors

only "variants" i wouldn't mind seeing of X in the future are his X8 & Command Mission redesigns (even though i'm not a crazy fan of them). i'm just tired of all these various armors over & over, i seen it happen with the Bandai line & i don't wanna see it happen again. i'd rather have a variety of characters over a variety of armors, in my honest opinion

kinda bummed that Sigma is just a statue with no articulation but it looks awesome nonetheless!
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on April 09, 2013, 06:33:33 PM
And if I had the extra cash to shell out, i would totally buy the Manga versions of X and Zero, since im a fan of Iwamoto's X mangas. (really wish Udon would localize them!)

You know where I can find Megaman X mangas in english to read? I've only read until X enters the Forest area.

edit: "Bass and Treble figures coming this summer, from the amazing D-Arts line!"
from Mega Man's Facebook page.

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on April 09, 2013, 11:31:20 PM
The only known translation is the scanlation from Protoman X/Dr. Neko and Ayame Zero of Rockman X1, (

But the translation stopped a long time ago, at the last issue, right when Zero dies.

Aside from that, there's no translations, but there ARE scans. (still japanese, but nice to look at anyway. if youve played the games you can usually assume what they are saying, despite some real big story changes lol) (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on April 10, 2013, 01:08:54 AM
Thanks, Dr.Neko's site is the same one that I've readed the mangas in the past, but I dont knew the adress or name anymore, thanks for reminding me ;D

I will check this mangas in JP too.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on April 17, 2013, 08:18:30 AM
Mega Man 2 - Dr. Wily Stage Acapella (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on April 17, 2013, 10:30:24 AM
That was actually pretty good!
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on April 17, 2013, 10:52:33 AM
Megaman X - Spark Mandrill Acapella (

I recommend this guy's channel.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Pfil on April 18, 2013, 01:06:04 AM
He did great versions of Bloody Tears and Gerudo Valley (Zelda: OoT), amongst others.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on April 21, 2013, 01:07:47 PM
Meanwhile in Capcom's basement...

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on April 21, 2013, 08:09:03 PM
Brutal  :'(

R.I.P. Mega Man
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Pfil on April 22, 2013, 12:30:34 AM
Capcom said recently that they were in talks about a new game.

Maybe we can dream.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on April 22, 2013, 08:18:24 AM
We can dream even without Capcom doing Megaman games, some fans had even ideas to do a game that connects Megaman and Megaman X series. Also I've seen even a crazy boss theme for Dr. Light! :P

Yes, I want a official game, but my faith in Capcom is gradually going down...

Light's Ultimate Solution (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Pfil on April 22, 2013, 03:33:07 PM
Yes, also mine.

But while I liked MM9 and 10, I didn't really like SFXMM, so I'd prefer a new official MM game.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on April 24, 2013, 01:57:37 PM
I ain't gonna front; I was semi-upset of how yet another armor variant of X was announced, but after seeing these pics of swag-tastic Ultimate Armor X, I admit that they did a damn good job [and only wish these were available when the X series was in it's prime]

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on April 24, 2013, 02:47:54 PM
yeah. I'm drooling...
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on April 24, 2013, 03:17:25 PM
You two can show your collections here please? It can even be a photo taken with a cellphone.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on April 24, 2013, 10:05:43 PM
Like, everything collection? Or just figures?

also, (

got a facelift.

Now I'm REALLY torn over whether I want to blow 100 bucks on it or not...

And there isn't much time to really debate over it because Preorders end Friday, and then it becomes SDCC exclusive.


Im gonna end up broke

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on April 28, 2013, 08:43:56 PM
Just figures (unless you want to show all, if its the case them feel free)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on April 29, 2013, 12:14:03 AM
meh, i decided not to get the Anniversary figure. The fact that i was still debating it, means It's not worth it, when I can get 3 other figures instead, which are also 25th anniversary products.

(Sigma, Classic Mega Man, and Ultimate Armor X)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on April 29, 2013, 04:02:15 AM
Anyone know of any good VGM remixes using Z4 guitar synths like these two?
(click to show/hide)
Yeah, I particularly liked the aforementioned synths. :-X
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on May 08, 2013, 12:12:16 AM
8 Bits Opening: Mega Man Cartoon (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lone Wolf on May 08, 2013, 01:37:42 AM
...still a CV forum, right? Lol :P
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: TheouAegis on May 09, 2013, 04:40:33 PM
There wouldn't be much room left on the cart after programming that opening.  :D
Would be doable, though (making a game and still using that intro). I've seen some impressive cinematics in NES games.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on May 12, 2013, 10:11:41 PM
So I've never actually seen screens from the iOS MMX with the bosses, but after seeing this...
(click to show/hide)
I'm glad I never got it. Then again, I don't really have any one of them iGadgets, but whatever.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on May 13, 2013, 12:38:05 AM
all they did was pass the game through a filter. thats pretty much it
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lone Wolf on May 13, 2013, 01:32:06 AM
So I've never actually seen screens from the iOS MMX with the bosses, but after seeing this...
(click to show/hide)
I'm glad I never got it. Then again, I don't really have any one of them iGadgets, but whatever.

What platform is this for? :P
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on May 13, 2013, 07:12:15 AM
iOS obviously.
aka apple products
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Laina on May 13, 2013, 12:01:34 PM
I have nothing to add to this other than (A.) As a 10 year old girl, I had the HUGEST crush on Zero & was mega jealous of that fly ponytail (B.) Flame, your Mega Man knowledge is...impressive to say the least.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Pfil on May 13, 2013, 12:29:48 PM
Is there any Megaman game on the horizon?

By the way, last week I played Street Fighter X Megaman, and while I found the first version of the game lacking in several aspects, this one was more OK. I generally liked it. And the Vega Stage 8-bit remix... glorious.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on May 13, 2013, 04:23:43 PM
I have nothing to add to this other than (A.) As a 10 year old girl, I had the HUGEST crush on Zero & was mega jealous of that fly ponytail (B.) Flame, your Mega Man knowledge is...impressive to say the least.
I hang around the fandom. Lots of info and scans and stuff tent to circulate.

of note is Servbot 20's blog (

who often translates materials and such.

also (

with news and stuff on megaman stuff.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Laina on May 13, 2013, 04:52:34 PM
I hang around the fandom. Lots of info and scans and stuff tent to circulate.

of note is Servbot 20's blog (

who often translates materials and such.

also (

with news and stuff on megaman stuff.

Interesting. I'll explore the links more in depth later (just a quick peak at them before I wrote this).

I have a special place for The Blue Bomber in my heart, I just get a little sad when I look at him the last few years because he reminds me of someone that's no longer here. Mega Man represents a certain lovely time frame in my life when I was a little girl -we'll call them the halcyon days- and seeing him makes me remember them, but also reminds me that they're gone. But whatevs, I still love him/the franchise.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lone Wolf on May 14, 2013, 02:09:28 AM
iOS obviously.
aka apple products

Oh.. Sorry, didn't pay attemption to this. :P

Hey! Now i remember that..
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on May 16, 2013, 02:34:40 PM
The helmet/shades are to keep his identity secret. When Wily found protoman after he ran away from Light, he repaired him, replaced his generator, and made him a combat robot, giving him the Shades/scarf so Light wouldn't recognize him if he saw him. Protoman helped him out of gratitude, in 3, he occasionally fought Rock and then opened the way for him, and saved him from Wily's fortress at the end, in 4, he turned on Wily and rescued the hostage Kalinka, so mega man and Cossack would stop fighting.

Light knows who Protoman really is, Rock does not. At least that's the idea. mega Man 7 rewrote the entire script and made it seem like he knew already.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lone Wolf on May 17, 2013, 12:09:11 AM
The helmet/shades are to keep his identity secret. When Wily found protoman after he ran away from Light, he repaired him, replaced his generator, and made him a combat robot, giving him the Shades/scarf so Light wouldn't recognize him if he saw him. Protoman helped him out of gratitude, in 3, he occasionally fought Rock and then opened the way for him, and saved him from Wily's fortress at the end, in 4, he turned on Wily and rescued the hostage Kalinka, so mega man and Cossack would stop fighting.

Light knows who Protoman really is, Rock does not. At least that's the idea. mega Man 7 rewrote the entire script and made it seem like he knew already.

But.. Holding truth about one thing..
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on May 17, 2013, 04:18:37 PM
(B.) Flame, your Mega Man knowledge is...impressive to say the least.

Okay, now Im jealous for real. Also Wily gave Protoman a new name (Break Man if IIRC) and a mask.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on May 18, 2013, 12:29:22 AM
Yeah, not sure where the Breakman thing comes from. (3, I know THAT)

particularly because he hasn't worn that mask in all the game, but suddenly, He's Breakman, and has a mask and monoeye thing.

I suppose Breakman was his identity under Wily? One of the sourcebooks I'm CERTAIN explains it.

Okay, now Im jealous for real.
No need to get your jimmies all rustled
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lone Wolf on May 18, 2013, 10:02:02 AM
8 Bits Opening: Mega Man Cartoon (

OMG Lel, the cartoon!

Megaman Cartoon Opening (

I just found these.. ( (

I have to share it. His voice, you know... And...

Kajetokun: Gutsman's Ass Original Video (

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on May 25, 2013, 10:18:32 PM
Some MMX Corrupted updates for those who don't have a facebook:
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lone Wolf on May 26, 2013, 09:35:37 PM
Okaaay.... What is this for, MMX3, right? :P
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on May 26, 2013, 09:46:50 PM
Okaaay.... What is this for, MMX3, right? :P
Nope, a Metroidvania-styled fangame made in Flash.
MegaMan X: Corrupted - Black Zero Gameplay (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on May 26, 2013, 11:33:29 PM
Sounds like a good fangame to try out  :)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on May 27, 2013, 02:05:59 AM
Definitely. Theres quite a few gameplay videos of it out (

Thats the page of the guy making it, he occasionally posts a tidbit or an image.

there is no release date, and there will be no demo. He'll release it when it's done.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on May 29, 2013, 05:22:46 AM
So JKB just posted X's dialogue portraits:
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on June 11, 2013, 07:56:41 AM
Super Smash Bros. 4 - E3 Official Trailer [HD] (
This made me almost want a Wii-U.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on June 11, 2013, 08:14:55 AM
You can play it on 3DS. ;)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: VladCT on June 11, 2013, 08:17:56 AM
I don't have that either, and I'm planning on saving my money for the PS4, just to spite my older brother who's still dead set on the XBONER for some reason. :P
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on June 11, 2013, 08:19:07 AM

now all we need is Simon Belmont so we can have a true representation of the "classic" NES breakout stars!
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: DragonSlayr81 on June 11, 2013, 08:51:45 AM
Super Smash Bros. 4 - E3 Official Trailer [HD] (
This made me almost want a Wii-U.
Ah yes, THAT is the Mega Man we all know and love! Classic representation, design and themes. THAT is the Mega Man I want to see in a new game!!! Who knows, maybe Capcom's planning something for Wii U(would be cool)?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on June 11, 2013, 10:46:45 AM
Wii-U would have the perfect audience for an HD-Retro title.
Look at Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.  Awesome side-scrolling action.

If only that were to be repeated with MegaMan.  OR Castlevania Classic?  Oh one can dream, yes?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on June 11, 2013, 03:15:47 PM
Accurate reaction:

Code: [Select]
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on June 11, 2013, 03:20:00 PM
Wii U & Nintendo 3DS Developer Direct - Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U @E3 2013 (

A more in-depth look at how MegaMan plays, at how Villager plays, at how Fit Girl plays, and how the game looks on 3DS and Wii-U.
3DS looks pretty great.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on June 11, 2013, 03:24:32 PM

I wonder what his Final Smash will be. Astro Crush? Double Mega Buster? (Probably not Double Mega Buster... That would be too similar to Zero Laser)
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on June 11, 2013, 03:27:35 PM
Probably the Super Armor when he merges with Rush or something.  Then he'll fly around, hahaha.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on June 11, 2013, 03:30:19 PM
That WOULD be awesome.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on June 11, 2013, 03:32:34 PM
Also, he can CROUCH!  LOL!
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Bergaron on June 11, 2013, 03:56:52 PM

Dave Cox is soothsayer
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on June 12, 2013, 03:36:03 AM
I freaking LOVE the arm cannon transformation animations! I'm actually excited to play this!
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: chainsawmidget on June 12, 2013, 11:08:24 AM
Why haven't you ever made Megaman look this good, Capcom? 
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on June 12, 2013, 11:34:00 AM (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on June 12, 2013, 05:52:58 PM
I freaking LOVE the arm cannon transformation animations! I'm actually excited to play this!

I agree! His arm cannon's transformation is nifty. The only thing I'm scratching my head at right now is that his suit color doesn't change when he's equipped with another set of weapons. That would be awesome if it was like that.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on June 12, 2013, 06:23:58 PM
You can't do that.
If you do that, you'll get confused if you have a 4-player (or Vs. 6 Endurance match) skirmish.
No one would be able to tell what is what.

It is likely that he'll have a few color schemes (at least six) available.  Which ones do you think?
The ones I think are:

-Default Blue on Blue
-Red on White (as if using Rush)
-Dark Red on Gray (mimicking ProtoMan)
-Black on Gray (mimicking Bass)

What do you guys think?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on June 12, 2013, 06:52:00 PM
Yellow and blue, like Bad Box Art Megaman.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on June 13, 2013, 12:35:48 AM
If you do that, you'll get confused if you have a 4-player (or Vs. 6 Endurance match) skirmish.
No one would be able to tell what is what.

I can definitely see how this would be a problem. Everyone would waste each other until only one was left standing and only then would they find out who'd won. Kinda like gambling in a way.

-Default Blue on Blue
-Red on White (as if using Rush)
-Dark Red on Gray (mimicking ProtoMan)
-Black on Gray (mimicking Bass)

-Dark blue on Grey or maybe Dark pink on Light pink?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on June 13, 2013, 03:46:25 AM
I suppose in a few years if the Smash hacking community is as fervent as they were for Brawl they'll eventually have skins for Megaman so you can play as a whole bunch of other characters.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on September 12, 2013, 10:04:25 PM (

Vote Mega Man. he must get into the finals.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Johnny on September 13, 2013, 01:22:51 PM
I need to try out Megaman Network Transmission. I know many don't like it but it seems interesting sorta.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on September 13, 2013, 09:48:52 PM
Which one is that? For which console?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Johnny on September 13, 2013, 09:55:16 PM
Which one is that? For which console?

Its for Gamecube. I actually winded up getting an emulator and trying it out. The game is hard as anything unless its just playing it with the keyboard. I can't even beat the first boss
(click to show/hide)
and I have no idea how to use this chip system or what the meter that says custom does. Kinda tough to figure out but I guess I'll keep playing. 
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on September 14, 2013, 09:00:48 AM
Cool, so its that one with classic gameplay instead of RPG, I should try it sometime too.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Johnny on September 14, 2013, 09:58:48 AM
Cool, so its that one with classic gameplay instead of RPG, I should try it sometime too.

Yeah its not too bad once you get used to the fact that it plays differently than the traditional Megaman and Megaman X games. I actually kind of like it. But you really never hear from people much about Network Transmission because most people either love the Classic series and the X series. To be honest I haven't even played the X series at all. Only the Classic series. Playing Network Transmission is a first for me because its just very different than the classic series which I'm used to.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on September 14, 2013, 04:46:37 PM
It's more because Network Transmission was an obscure Battle Network title on the gamecube. a spinoff of the main battle network series.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Pfil on September 16, 2013, 03:04:45 PM
Oh, God... how horrible are the remixes in Network Transmission...
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Lelygax on September 17, 2013, 08:04:35 PM
Prodigal Robot - Brawl in the Family (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Pfil on September 17, 2013, 10:15:04 PM
Very nice video.
It's the sad reality...
Megaman was relegated to being a character in another series.

The ending is very optimistic, however...
We'll never see anything from Capcom.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on February 11, 2014, 01:54:29 PM
EDIT: Ariga didn't make it after all- a fan made this based on Gigamix. But Ariga saw it and though it was really good, so he asked the guy permission to put it on youtube. (

If you can't watch Nico vids, then here's the youtube

ロックマンギガミックスでナムカプOPパロ (
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: X on February 12, 2014, 01:12:54 AM
I found this vid done by Game theory a little while back. Don't know if you saw this one Flame, but it's definitely interesting and paint's both Dr. Wily and Dr. Light in a different...light. It also goes back to that discussion we had near the start of this thread.

Game Theory: Who is Mega Man's TRUE Villain? (

Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Morning star on February 16, 2014, 03:09:28 AM
I remember wasting my money on network transmission.. I think my opinion was this. What a horrible night to have such a bad game.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on February 16, 2014, 01:18:56 PM
I found this vid done by Game theory a little while back. Don't know if you saw this one Flame, but it's definitely interesting and paint's both Dr. Wily and Dr. Light in a different...light. It also goes back to that discussion we had near the start of this thread.

Game Theory: Who is Mega Man's TRUE Villain? (
Ive seen that. It bugs me though because it's wrong on so many levels.

First of all, we have no actual indication of Wily's nationality. Sure, Albert is a German name. Wily though? Not so sure... And thats hardly an argument to base anything on, even if it is meant for laughs.

Second- Light is not responsible for "every robot master". He made 6, then another 8 later on. That's it. After that, people just followed his example.

Also, Wily? Not a skilled programmer? what? It's arguable that Wily is actually more intelligent and actually more genius than Light. One only has to look at X and Zero to see that. X is Light's magnum Opus, but Zero is no slouch either. Zero and X are equal in terms of power, (post X1) With their legitimate fight in X5, resulted in a draw.  Wily also created the Viruses Roboenza and the Sigma Virus, from studying alien technology.

Also, the MM9 robots DID choose to help Wily. But this is being misinterpreted. They did NOT agree to help him take over the world. he said they would be useful to him, so they followed him. When he repaired them, he reprogrammed them to attack Humanity, just like he did in 1. they didnt CHOOSE to let him reprogram them.

The example of the autonomous gun turret is flawed also.

Dr Light's research in robotics allow robots to be able to tell right from wrong based on their programming. Sure they can be reprogrammed. But So can Humans. Ever hear of brainwashing? Light's robots, and most robots in that world, would never choose to harm a human.

It's not untill the X series that we get robots who really CAN choose to hurt a Human "just because". And by then it's not Light's fault, but Cain, for mass producing them without thinking of the risks. (and not following the model perfectly)

Also by suggesting that without autonomous robots, Wily wouldn't have happened, let's consider the following:

Wily does not exclusively use free thinking autonomous robots. The robot stage enemies in Mega Man games are NOT free willed robots. they are very little different than any robot we have today who just follows their program to the letter without a soul.

As for Letting Protoman get away, well, we don't know that he never searched. That's an assumption.

Also, he still programmed him. for all their free will, Rock and protoman are bound by their programming. Rock was programmed to be a good person, so he is one. So was protoman. The difference being he's only a bit more independent. Sure, he helped Wily in 3, but only out of gratitude for saving his life. He still betrayed him in 4, and after that, fought against him just like Mega Man does.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: crisis on February 16, 2014, 04:56:10 PM
whats this "m-meg-ah-man" you speak of? dont you mean MIGHTY No. 9?
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Inccubus on February 17, 2014, 03:41:24 PM
I prefer to think of Beck as Rock's little brother.
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on April 08, 2014, 07:38:39 PM
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: KaZudra on April 09, 2014, 11:11:22 AM
And the whole time I was wondering if Megaman was gonna keep rehashing megaman 2

.webm is the future
Title: Re: General Mega Man Discussion Thread
Post by: Flame on April 09, 2014, 11:52:07 AM
2 has some of the best weapons. or at least most iconic.

Jewel satellite is the best shield in the series, but leaf shield is memorable.

Crash Bomber is good due to it's stickybomb nature, and metal blades are self explanatory.

There are plenty of other weapons from other games