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Off Topic => Off Topic => Topic started by: crisis on February 02, 2012, 05:57:53 PM

Title: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: crisis on February 02, 2012, 05:57:53 PM
Morgan Freeman on Black History Month (

Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: Flame on February 02, 2012, 07:34:19 PM
Well, he does have a point. There is no "white history month" or "Jewish history month".

The only reason Black history month exists, and if I remember, it's a U.S. thing only- or at least the U.S. started it, was as a "we are sorry for being dicks to black people, here have a month in your honor to make up for it"

The best way to honor them? simply honor them like any other person. Based on their merits, not just on their race or because people with that skin tone had it tough.

We already honor people like MLK Jr, and Rosa Parks, and all of those people you hear about during Black History month- OUTSIDE of that month. Why? because they were either inventors, (George Washington Carver is almost synonymous with peanut Butter in the US, and found tons of other uses for Peanuts as well,) Civil Rights activists, (a topic which pertains to many nations across the globe, not just to one particular movement in the US) or other things.

When MLK said he dreamed of a future where people were judged by the content of their character, not by their skin color, im pretty sure he didn't have in mind a month where black people were celebrated just for well, being black people. A month where any black person who's done something and been somebody would be celebrated. Nah. he imagined them being celebrated, sure, but not relegated to a single month for an entire group of peoples. To be celebrated independently of some arbitrary set time frame.
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: X on February 02, 2012, 09:39:48 PM
I agree with Morgan Freeman. Just simply know a person as a person. Simple, logical and true.
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: Mooning Freddy on February 02, 2012, 10:43:52 PM
Well, Morgan Freeman is god, after all. He knows better.
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: Pemburu Vampir on February 03, 2012, 07:07:07 AM
Well, Morgan Freeman is god, after all. He knows better.

I see what you did there.
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: Flame on February 03, 2012, 09:02:37 AM
Well, Morgan Freeman is god, after all. He knows better.
Quoted for great justice.
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: uzo on February 03, 2012, 10:26:18 AM
It's not equal rights if someone has something more than the other. The civil rights movement was all about having equal rights among all. Now, like most rights movements, it's all about having as much rights for a group as possible, without fair treatment for the other side(s).

Having a Black History Month is racist. It's an idea that uses race to separate and categorize something away from other races. That is RACIST.

If blacks want equal rights, they have to give up the additional rights and allowances that gained over other races, while pulling for equal standing on all existing normal rights. As it stands, they do enjoy and utilize additional liberties; social and political, that other races do not have. That's not equal.

NO ONE should get a history month. The end.
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: thernz on February 03, 2012, 10:59:49 AM
Rename it Civil Rights Month.
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: Rugal on February 03, 2012, 11:46:34 AM
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: Flame on February 03, 2012, 12:21:43 PM

We didn't say it was. but Jews, as a group of peoples, had a pretty rough time too. The point is, they dont have a "Jewish History month" if anything, blame the guy for saying it as a response to "White History month".

Man, the uncomfortable in that interview is staggering.
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: Mooning Freddy on February 03, 2012, 02:00:07 PM

Try saying it to 6 million Jews in Israel. You won't gain a lot of lovin', I assure you.
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: Rugal on February 03, 2012, 05:22:51 PM
Try saying it to 6 million Jews in Israel. You won't gain a lot of lovin', I assure you.

I can care less about the love. I could go tomorrow and convert and my nationality suddenly won't change from Italian to Jewish. That's idiotic.
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: Mooning Freddy on February 03, 2012, 11:09:40 PM
I can care less about the love. I could go tomorrow and convert and my nationality suddenly won't change from Italian to Jewish. That's idiotic.

Damn you, Rugal, it's not as simple as that!
Jews are a one-nation religion, like the Druze for instance. Throughout history, no nation has ever converted to the Jewish faith other than the ancient Hebrews. (actually, there was one, the Khazars, but they were exterminated in the 11th century).
So you'd say, what the hell, what's wrong with you Israelis? Do you actually believe that a Polish Jew is a member of the same nation as a Jew from Morocco or a black Jew from Ethiopia? Yes, we do. Because the Jewish history supports that. 

The whole reason that conversation to Judaism is so difficult (you can read about the process. when compared to conversation to Christianity or Islam, it's friggin' difficult) is because when you convert to Judaism it's not considered as you switching your religion. It's considered as you being ACCEPTED into the Jewish NATION.  You may consider it idiotic, but that's how the Jews roll.
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: Kale on February 04, 2012, 04:43:57 AM
I can care less about the love. I could go tomorrow and convert and my nationality suddenly won't change from Italian to Jewish. That's idiotic.

As much as I agree... Jewish is technically a nationality... because of Israel. It's dumb as shit when people go "oh I'm half black and half jewish" Those people are dumb fucks.

And thank god for Morgan Freeman, I've always felt that way about "Black History" month... and race in general.  If you stop talking about it, that's when it'll REALLY go away. Though I'm sure he'll still get upset if you use the N word though.
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: Rugal on February 04, 2012, 07:29:46 AM
Kale, my step father used to be an orthodox Jewish man so I know the process and the ceremonies and everything. No matter what you tell me, Jewish will always be a religion just like Catholicism, Muslim, Hinduism, Shintoism, Buddhism etc.
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: beingthehero on February 04, 2012, 10:38:56 AM
NO ONE should get a history month. The end.

Oh sure, you say that now, until Uzo History Month rolls around.
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: uzo on February 04, 2012, 11:15:00 AM
You know what? That's a great idea. February is now UZO history month. It fits too, since my birthday is in February.
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: TheouAegis on February 04, 2012, 10:44:48 PM
I've always wanted to celebrate White History Month at work. But I decided to keep my job instead. I still think it would be a fun idea.

OOH! ARYAN HISTORY MONTH! No, I ain't talking White Supremacy bullshit, I mean real Aryan history. They don't get enough love these days.
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: X on February 05, 2012, 10:49:35 AM
I'd rather celebrate Earth day. At least in that way, everyone and everything is recognized and cherished. Giving thanks to whatever God you believe in for this planet that keeps us alive.
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: Kale on February 05, 2012, 12:03:42 PM
Kale, my step father used to be an orthodox Jewish man so I know the process and the ceremonies and everything. No matter what you tell me, Jewish will always be a religion just like Catholicism, Muslim, Hinduism, Shintoism, Buddhism etc.

Oh, no, I agree completely. if anything those people in Israel are Isrealian or some other form of the word, and not "jewish" I'm just saying that's where it probably came from, and why so many people think it's how it is. Even then though, they aren't a race, but a nationality, which is why an idiot saying they are half jewish are idiots, because they are mixing two things together. Like a Chinese guy saying he's half chinese and half black or something.
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: Mooning Freddy on February 05, 2012, 12:47:26 PM
I propose Greek history month!  ;D Yahsoo! *breaks plate*

Get it?

'cause Greece is history?

*flees before Dark Nemesis reappears*
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: Gunlord on February 05, 2012, 11:24:35 PM
To be serious, I think these are all good ideas--the intent behind them, at least. I do a lot of history, so as far as I'm concerned anything that gets people interested in history ain't a bad idea. Black history month, white (or more specifically, "European History Month?), Asian history's all good. The more people know about more people's history, the better :D
Title: Re: Morgan Freeman tells it like it is
Post by: Dark Nemesis on February 06, 2012, 04:00:32 AM
I propose Greek history month!  ;D Yahsoo! *breaks plate*

Get it?

'cause Greece is history?

*flees before Dark Nemesis reappears*

You should know that history has teach us, that when a country like Greece is on the edge of the hill it does what knows better, like their ancestors spartians and never goes history!!! Only it has history that most other countries are jealous about that history!!!  ;)