Castlevania Dungeon Forums
The Castlevania Dungeon Forums => Fan Stuff => Topic started by: djrunza on April 09, 2012, 02:05:09 PM
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Complete cover box artwork or Incomplete cover box artwork. Any suggestions and opinions? Please, feel free to comment this Not-So-Complete cover box artwork of mine that I've just done recently when I was in a boredom in a while ago. What say you? :)
It's interesting and a nice collage... but the clashing art styles in some areas/characters are a bit grating.
The layout is good though.
It's interesting and gives the "if only it were true" feeling.
Aside from that, Deviant Art has really become a place where Ayami Kojima's art get's cut and pasted and modified like crazy. It holds little creative value and effort.
That being said it would be so much more refreshing had you made your own illustrations different or similar to the original. Fanart allows you that sort of vision and creativity. Cutting and pasting can look impressive at times as well as sloppy and oftenly does little justice to the original artwork. It doesn't matter if you can't draw well, most people can respect the efforts being made.
It's interesting and a nice collage... but the clashing art styles in some areas/characters are a bit grating.
The layout is good though.
Thank you so much Jorge! I really appreciate it. And thank you for commenting about my cover artwork and tells me which of the parts that i need to actually fix up. Do you have any recomendations to actually make the pictures into a fine high-quality by using photoshop? I wonder if there's any Castlevania pictures especially for characters with high-quality from any other websites and copy and paste it on the photoshop itself though. Lol
It's interesting and gives the "if only it were true" feeling.
Aside from that, Deviant Art has really become a place where Ayami Kojima's art get's cut and pasted and modified like crazy. It holds little creative value and effort.
That being said it would be so much more refreshing had you made your own illustrations different or similar to the original. Fanart allows you that sort of vision and creativity. Cutting and pasting can look impressive at times as well as sloppy and oftenly does little justice to the original artwork. It doesn't matter if you can't draw well, most people can respect the efforts being made.
Ahahaha Thank you so much for the compliment Green Stranger, I really do appreciate it a lots! Yes, so true. I couldn't agree with you more. But from the way I see it, I guess I should make some of the characters into a high-quality image, which looks pretty blurry as you can see especially Alucard, 40% blur image I suppose. I wonder how to make all the pictures turns out to be high-quality pictures though. Lol thank you once again guys for giving me the strength to actually pursue to start off my drawing arts about this Castlevania fan-made games of mine. Once I finish drawing some of the characters, I'll definitely gonna show you guys. Castlevania FTW! 0o0
P/S: I've already done Chapter 3. Now Chapter 4 is currently in progression! :D
My UPDATE version of Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (cover artwork box) Version 2 because seems that some people doesn't like about my previous one. So, here it is.
If you're gonna have black in between the letters, then it clashes with the red background, so you would need a backing of some type.
Either that, or remove the black and have it transparent.
I don't use Photoshop, I use Paint Shop Pro so I'm not much help with Photoshop even though I know how to use it if I really REALLY need to.
I see you've got more similar art styles now because of the Harmony of Despair characters. Right now the only clash I see is Olrox. Stylized Soma looks pretty cool... but you cut out the right side of his head.
You're going to need a backing or an effect behind the character collage. Some parts (like where Hammer is) look fine, while other parts (behind Charlotte's cape and behind Arikado's hair) there's some White. You need consistency so you should consider either adding glowing edges to the entire collage, or a black border. I realize Charlotte's cape has white on the edges but it doesn't look good against the background.
Just some opinion.
Hmm I see. Wait, you mean the letter words for "The Twist Of Fate"? Remove the black and have it transparent. Which means that I have to use "Overlay" as one of the blending options to make it look transparent?
Yeah I can't even find any high-quality with high-definition picture of Olrox anywhere in the internet websites but only cartoon style of Olrox they have. I wish KONAMI drew Olrox's original character picture from the first place though. Speaking about that Soma on the back cover of the box, his right side of his head isn't fully drag properly from the original picture that I took from one of my friend's original picture of this in deaviantART. Here's the original picture of it. ( I already used my "Magic Wand" to actually drag his full body appearance but however, as you can see from the original picture, I click on his right head which is in white color and the "Magic Wand" wasn't really useful to actually drag the original picture into my cover artwork box picture.
Alright sure no problem. I shall modify it soon and I hope this time would be more satisfying and enjoyable to see the upcoming upgrade version of cover artwork box of mine.
No I meant the letters in "CASTLEVANIA".
No I meant the letters in "CASTLEVANIA".
Ah, I see. Alright, I shall do my best to modify the whole cover artwork box. By the way, would you love to read my idea of storyline for this game that I've made recently? It's a fan-fiction storyline and surprisingly, quite a lot of Castlevania fans are actually following up my storyline and find it very interesting to them which I'm very happy about it. I've done from Chapter 1 - Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 is still in progression currently. I would be more happier if you would like to read my storyline and give your own feedback about it. Hehe *grin*
The resizing of the character artworks is inconsistent. Jonathan looks like he's squashed.
The resizing of the character artworks is inconsistent. Jonathan looks like he's squashed.
Precisely, in fact i can see that problem too. What about the rest of the layout? Is there any other part that I need to change and revamp it back again?
If there is a VITA Castlevania I seriously hope that it's not some rehashed compilation of all the DS games, or even another metroidvania.
Something actually new would be nice.
If there is a VITA Castlevania I seriously hope that it's not some rehashed compilation of all the DS games, or even another metroidvania.
Something actually new would be nice.
Exactly MontoyaGraphics, that is my exact whole point for actually made this cover artwork box of mine that I've made few days ago. Another reason why I made this box cover is simply because I, one of the biggest fans of Castlevania would like to keep supporting and bringing back our old beloved gameplay system of Castlevania 2D back to our Castlevania fans exclusively for PS Vita or Nintendo 3DS instead with HD graphics!. I really hope they don't remake all Castlevania DS games and remastered it and bring it over the PS VITA console. Like seriously, be caution that game industries nowadays, they are actually trying to make a collection games and I won't be surprise that if we see Onimusha: HD Collection on PS3 in a future. Just saying.
hm.. For Me this Title is not the next Castlevania : Why ?
Because , in many Castlevanias Games ( AoS , DoS , CoD etc..) , they are many allusions to the 1999 Battle ( As Nostradamus Predicted) , But your Cover is Good ! :)
Try for example to Write the Castlevania Title in Jap , and Delete the '' Olrox '' , he's too '' cartoon'' comparated to the other vilains like death x)
But Nice Work , I like it :)
hm.. For Me this Title is not the next Castlevania : Why ?
Because , in many Castlevanias Games ( AoS , DoS , CoD etc..) , they are many allusions to the 1999 Battle ( As Nostradamus Predicted) , But your Cover is Good ! :)
Try for example to Write the Castlevania Title in Jap , and Delete the '' Olrox '' , he's too '' cartoon'' comparated to the other vilains like death x)
But Nice Work , I like it :)
Thank you so much Jbetbrice! I really do appreciate it your feedback :D. Lol in Japanese? ermm why not in English like how I did on the title itself? Hmm. Do you have any idea what title it should be called as? The reason why I place Olrox at the back cover of the game alongside with Death simply because this fan-made game and storyline of mine shows that the two main villain of this game will be Death and Olrox as you can see it. Plus, I can't even find the high-quality picture of Olrox in google image or yahoo image or anywhere because sadly, KONAMI and IGA doesn't even draw out Olrox with high-quality pictures like how they did to the other Castlevania characters. :( I wish they did. And how I wish I could draw out Olrox with full image and high-quality. Thank you once again Jbetbrice. ^^ By the way, is that your deviantART picture called "giniroryu"?
Nope ! It's not mine x) my real siganture is (
And it's not very good on a CV forum , so I took this picture , ;) ( ih relation with my avatar :p)
-why in japanese ? Because , if Konami is working on the Ps Vita , the game will start selling in Japanese Archipel , later in Us And EU , by the way , i Always find this ''jap'' Title More Badass ;)
- For the title : Why Not ''Akujamo Dracula X '' Dracula's Fate '' ? :)
- For Olrox :
If you need Help , email me Or Pm me :)
have a nice day !
Nope ! It's not mine x) my real siganture is (
And it's not very good on a CV forum , so I took this picture , ;) ( ih relation with my avatar :p)
-why in japanese ? Because , if Konami is working on the Ps Vita , the game will start selling in Japanese Archipel , later in Us And EU , by the way , i Always find this ''jap'' Title More Badass ;)
- For the title : Why Not ''Akujamo Dracula X '' Dracula's Fate '' ? :)
- For Olrox :
If you need Help , email me Or Pm me :)
have a nice day !
Ah I see, thank you Jbetprice! Yes so true. Why don't I'll make it two different cover artwork box for this Castlevania fan-made? One cover box is for the English version and the other cover box will be for the Japanese version. Once I've done editing the layouts, colors and everything, I shall post it here in this forum and show you all about those two different cover artwork box! What do you think? Hehehe :P Speaking about the title, I simply do not want to let the readers to know whether or not Lord Dracula is actually making an appearance or the other way round. In fact, there are many details that I shan't explaining because it would spoil the surprise to the readers as well! Lol XP Do you have the first form of Olrox before he actually change into a monster form? :D
Ahaha sure! Do you have deviantART account for yourself? So that you could read my idea of storyline for this game that I've made recently. It's a fan-fiction storyline that made by myself and surprisingly, quite a lot of Castlevania fans are actually following up my storyline and find it very interesting to them which I'm very happy about it. I've done from Chapter 1 - Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 is still in progression currently. I would be more happier if you would like to read my storyline and give your own feedback about it. Hehe *grin*
So !
- 2 Version would be great ! I Agree
- I will read this and leave a comment :) on your stories
- I can draw the first form of Olrox for ya' , not a problem you know , i have many free time !
- If you want : I know a awesome artist named AreaZ Who has designed my signature ( with the pilot ) I can Call him and see what he can do for support you ! :)
Have a good Day !
I can't even find the high-quality picture of Olrox in google image or yahoo image or anywhere because sadly, KONAMI and IGA doesn't even draw out Olrox with high-quality pictures like how they did to the other Castlevania characters.
I think the reason behind the lack of Olrox art is because he isn't one of the important/main characters in SotN. He was just another boss whom by now has gathered a larger then intended following.
So !
- 2 Version would be great ! I Agree
- I will read this and leave a comment :) on your stories
- I can draw the first form of Olrox for ya' , not a problem you know , i have many free time !
- If you want : I know a awesome artist named AreaZ Who has designed my signature ( with the pilot ) I can Call him and see what he can do for support you ! :)
Have a good Day !
...You know, I'm just too happy because I have someone to actually willing to draw the first form of Olrox and I literally feels like my fan-made is actually gonna work thoroughly fine 100%! Ahahahahaha XD. I hope you know the reasons why I made this fan-made game and storyline together. In case you might never know, I'm going to just tell you right now. Ok the reasons why I made this fan-made game is simply because to keep supporting and bringing back our old beloved gameplay system of Castlevania 2D back to the Castlevania fans needs and wants with HD graphics, exclusively for PS Vita or Nintendo 3DS instead. As you can see from the ending storyline during at the end of the game of Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, Genya Arikado was once stated that "If the world needs a dark lord, it will emerge. Even if it's not you, Soma..." So from there, the new ideas suddenly came across into my mind to make an another new fan-made Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow game which will be done by myself, to actually CONTINUE the sequel of the storyline which takes place 2 years after Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. In fact, my storyline is gonna be "twist of fate", which means this would make for an interesting fangame that would put a twist on the original storyline. It would definitely put a different idea in what Castlevania fans of earlier games had thought. Sorry if my explanation is kinda long though. Lol. I hope you really enjoy reading my own idea of my storyline for this fangame as you read it in my deviantART in a while ago. CASTLEVANIA FTW~ :P.
AreaZ? Hmm. Does he have his own deviantART account as well? Thank you once again Jbetbrice. :)
I got this (
This is The BETA version , a lot a things need a remake ( like orlox cape , i'm waiting only for installing photophop on my new pc )
it's a pleasure to help ya'
i will ask him if he has a Deviant !
I think the reason behind the lack of Olrox art is because he isn't one of the important/main characters in SotN. He was just another boss whom by now has gathered a larger then intended following.
Hmmm. Maybe the best way to actually solve that problem about Olrox being place at the back cover box is to let someone who is actually willing to draw Olrox once again with high-quality and full image picture of him. Don't you think? Ahaha. On a side note X, in Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow storyline, Olrox is a character which portray as a revengeful person upon his elder brother's death. If Brauner would ever return in Souls of Sorrow, Olrox won't ever seeks his revenge. You see now? :D. He is an immortal vampire and a high-class vampire. Sometimes, he screaming like a mad man as if nobody else on earth. However, he doesn't even respect Lord Dracula nor anyone who surpass him before. Even his appreciation over Death for reviving him, none at all. Cold, hatred upon the humans and enjoy killing anyone who stands in his way, just like his elder brother. Legendary son of Lord Dracula, Alucard, may have defeated him once but the man, who can bring back alive from the dead, Death, resurrected him by using Olrox's SOUL. Death tells Olrox everything about what had happened to his elder brother, Brauner. One of the scene in the game, he quoted "I, am Olrox. I seek revenge upon MY BROTHER'S DEMISE! HEAR ME DEATH! I DO NEED YOUR HELP DEATH! I WANT TO BE STRONGER THAN ANYBODY ELSE IN THIS WORLD! NOR IN THE NETHERWORLD! I, SHALL BE THE NEXT DARK LORD! *Evil Laugh*" Death response in a mysterious and wicked way: "Hehehehe. Whatever words you may say my dear Olrox, you shall seek your vengeance. Soon, soon enough. *Evil laugh*"
Another reason why Jonathan and Charlotte becoming old simply because they are just a merely human beings who has the ability to actually holds the ultimate vampire killer whip and a holy book due to their forefathers generation. So the time machine basically couldn't reach into the time where Jonathan and Charlotte were once at younger age. Another reason why Death brings Old Jonathan Morris and Old Charlotte Aulin back to alive from the dead is simply because Death wants Olrox to live in an agony, rage, revengeful and more hatred towards the humans and especially to the one who killed his elder brother. But in fact, as i mention earlier, Death was the one who killed Brauner. Olrox doesn't even know about the truth. The reason why Death wants Olrox back to alive simply because Death is actually...I can't tell you right now, i don't want any spoilers until the end of the chapters. You'll know soon enough, don't worry. Hehehe :P I know you can't wait to know about it.
I got this (
This is The BETA version , a lot a things need a remake ( like orlox cape , i'm waiting only for installing photophop on my new pc )
it's a pleasure to help ya'
i will ask him if he has a Deviant !
..WOW! This is so AMAZING Jbetbrice! I didn't know that you could actually draw Olrox for the first sketch at the initial stage! Just have to photoshop it in order to look more fantasy gothic realistic with high-quality picture of the character. The Olrox picture of yours, he really looks like a Master of the Castle who sitting on the throne itself. This is perfect in every way, really. Lol. And it is such a pleasure to meet you here too Jbetbrice. By the way, just take your time to install your photoshop on your new PC alright. No rush! Cheers! ^^ \/
Nice to meet you too !
I think i will be able to make this on photoshop tomorrow ,
paint isn't very practice as you can see :)
I will try to do my best
best regards
So , this is The v2 version , Do you like it ?
So , this is The v2 version , Do you like it ?
Heyy what's up Jbetbrice. How are you doing today? Feeling great? :D Hmmm. Not bad not bad. This version2 gives me the kind of felling like "Oh this would what Olrox is going to be during the possession of becoming or transforming into a monster." Lol. Overall= Very good! do you have the full image of it? I mean including the hands, the legs, the face and everything that we can see his full character image. Or you already fully done this artwork?
This is the '' Beta '' , i will redraw it with the Full Body , can i had a sworld to Olrox ? I find that '' in relation'' with the olrox functions
This is the '' Beta '' , i will redraw it with the Full Body , can i had a sword to Olrox ? I find that '' in relation'' with the olrox functions
Ah I see, alright sure no problem at all! Take your time my friend. As long as Olrox does wear a royal robe on himself as you drew on it. Can't wait to see the full image of it! \:D/
Hope do you like it ;)
Hope do you like it ;)
Hey dude, there's no need to hope whether or not I shall like this picture, is simply because this picture of Olrox which you drew, is actually AWESOME!!! Lol :P Thank you so much Jbetbrice, I really appreciate it so much! :) On a side note, can you draw another picture of Olrox with something similar graphics like Castlevania: Harmony of Despair's graphic art? For an example like this. ( ^^ \/
Something like that ? (
Something like that ? (
Ermmm...I think I prefer the previous one simply because it did caught my attention to actually look over the picture and felt like "WOW! This is amazing indeed." But whatever it is, try to finish the 2nd Olrox picture so that I can compare which Olrox picture is the best. :D
Ok ! :)
I made this for Fun : (
is that the style you want ?
I made this for Fun : (
is that the style you want ?
Damn! This is such a good artwork of yours! *thumbs up* Have you done your second version of Olrox? Or up to you if you want to do an another third version of Olrox by using your own arts of drawing like how you draw Richter Belmont upon Olrox's third version. I don't mind at all! :D
Not to sound negative here but, you guys can do better with the drawings, especially if you're going to put them on box art.
This stuff looks like the doodles on the edges of notebooks, not the stuff you would see on a game box.
Just sayin'.
Not to sound negative here but, you guys can do better with the drawings, especially if you're going to put them on box art.
This stuff looks like the doodles on the edges of notebooks, not the stuff you would see on a game box.
Just sayin'.
Ahahaha no worries at all Jorge! I will accept all kinds of feedbacks from anyone about my Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow fangame and storyline. You know what they say, "Negative feedback is good. Its often more valuable than the positive feedback." ;) By the way Jorge, do you have the ability of drawing skills?
Not to sound negative here but, you guys can do better with the drawings, especially if you're going to put them on box art.
This stuff looks like the doodles on the edges of notebooks, not the stuff you would see on a game box.
Just sayin'.
Totally agree , Jorge , but i was trying to have an idea of that drawing style , it's difficult for me , espicially for GIMP , To Draw Like yours ArtWorks , I need to test before gettings in that project , or it will be totally failed .
Hope you Understand My Meanings ,
Best regards
By the way Jorge, do you have the ability of drawing skills?
If you're trying to be sneaky about saying "You don't like it, but can you do better?" then the answer is yes; Jorge can go better.
If you're trying to be sneaky about saying "You don't like it, but can you do better?" then the answer is yes; Jorge can go better.
Hello there Uzo, Ahaha I hope that none of you are feeling offensive over what I've mention earlier, my whole point of asking Jorge is whether or not that he could help me of drawing a perfect fine picture of Olrox. As you said earlier about he can draw, then I would like to say thank you so much for giving me the answer. I really appreciate it. And I hope he can help me out to draw a fine picture of Olrox. Cheers! ^^ \/
Hello there Uzo, Ahaha I hope that none of you are feeling offensive over what I've mention earlier, my whole point of asking Jorge is whether or not that he could help me of drawing a perfect fine picture of Olrox. As you said earlier about he can draw, then I would like to say thank you so much for giving me the answer. I really appreciate it. And I hope he can help me out to draw a fine picture of Olrox. Cheers! ^^ \/
Just type Jorges Fuentes On deviant Art :)
Just type Jorges Fuentes On deviant Art :)
Jbetbrice and Uzo, you guys are absolutely right. Jorge, too, has the ability of drawing skills as well. Let us all support together of supporting and bringing back the 2D Castlevania game back to it's throne with HD Graphics! By the way Jbetbrice, I hope you had read my Chapter 1-Chapter 3 storyline in my deviantART. :)
Hello there Jorge, I've seen your artworks in your deviantART galleries and it did caught my attention to actually look over your Castlevania artworks which I found it very amusing and fascinating at the same time as well. However, can you draw about a fine picture with a high quality and full image character of Olrox for me? So that I could put that picture as my official chapter title picture for my future chapters of my own storyline of Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow. Just draw him with a similar outfit like how Jbetbrice had done at the first place which Olrox is actually wearing his own purple with yellow lines cape as his exterior outfit. Whereas for his interior outfit, just follow exactly like how you use to draw Olrox like this ( I would be more happier and excited if you could help me to draw officially about him for my fangame and storyline of Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow. Plus, I would be more appreciate too. I really hope that you could accept my favor and understand why I made this fangame.
Best & Warm regards,
Greetings Ladies and Gentleman, how are you guys doing? Feeling great? This thread is little bit of dusty due to my absence of been told by some of the Castlevania fans to modify and revamping the layouts for my cover artwork box for third time (I guess). Hence, here I am once again, would like to show all of you Castlevania fans about my LATEST fangame cover artwork box of Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow.
Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow's plot of the storyline (UPDATE):
"Ever since the incident of the Demon Castle War in 1999, Lord Dracula had finally defeated for good by the hands of the Belmont clan. However, in the year of 2038, a young legendary warrior, Soma Cruz stands once again alongside with his dear friends to face the final battle against the two Castlevania's own favorite Immortal villains, Death and Olrox are the only one left and they who attempt to rule the demon castle after Lord Dracula's demise. 2 years after the incident of the Dark Lord Candidates which they've miserably failed, Olrox has become the new king of the "Immortal Vampires" who living in a pure hatred and revengeful world upon the humanity and living in an agony upon his elder brother's death, Brauner. The Legendary son of Lord Dracula, Alucard, may have defeated him once but the man, who can bring Olrox back alive from the dead, Death, resurrected him by using Olrox's SOUL. Death tells Olrox everything about what had happened to his elder brother and how he died. Olrox's new comrades, "The Divisions of the 7 Immortal Vampires" and his beloved armies, attempt to rule over the world and wipe out all the humanity for eternity. Prepare for the FINAL chapter of sorrow! Peace and victorious must be prevail forever!"
What say you? :)
Greetings Ladies and Gentleman, how are you guys doing? Feeling great? This thread is little bit of dusty due to my absence of been told by some of the Castlevania fans to modify and revamping the layouts for my cover artwork box for third time (I guess). Hence, here I am once again, would like to show all of you Castlevania fans about my LATEST fangame cover artwork box of Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow.
Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow's plot of the storyline (UPDATE):
"Ever since the incident of the Demon Castle War in 1999, Lord Dracula had finally defeated for good by the hands of the Belmont clan. However, in the year of 2038, a young legendary warrior, Soma Cruz stands once again alongside with his dear friends to face the final battle against the two Castlevania's own favorite Immortal villains, Death and Olrox are the only one left and they who attempt to rule the demon castle after Lord Dracula's demise. 2 years after the incident of the Dark Lord Candidates which they've miserably failed, Olrox has become the new king of the "Immortal Vampires" who living in a pure hatred and revengeful world upon the humanity and living in an agony upon his elder brother's death, Brauner. The Legendary son of Lord Dracula, Alucard, may have defeated him once but the man, who can bring Olrox back alive from the dead, Death, resurrected him by using Olrox's SOUL. Death tells Olrox everything about what had happened to his elder brother and how he died. Olrox's new comrades, "The Divisions of the 7 Immortal Vampires" and his beloved armies, attempt to rule over the world and wipe out all the humanity for eternity. Prepare for the FINAL chapter of sorrow! Peace and victorious must be prevail forever!"
What say you? :)
What is the release date for North America?
What is the release date for North America?
Hello there Green Stranger, I thought you saw this once before? It is actually a FANGAME which is made by myself and still its under progression of making it. Currently, I'm writing for the storyline for this game from the first chapter until the end of chapter. Lol. All in all, what do you think about the latest cover artwork box that I've made recently above here?