Castlevania Dungeon Forums

Off Topic => Off Topic => Topic started by: Raphael Belmont on December 16, 2007, 03:45:24 AM

Title: The story of Raphael Belmont
Post by: Raphael Belmont on December 16, 2007, 03:45:24 AM
Poets' say an image speaks more than a thousand words...

With that idea, this thread tells a little of you my friends my story through pictures going to age 4 to nowdays, last pic took today just before making this thread.

note: I'm not posting this in the cvd photo thread because i know people wouldn't like for me to take over the thread with lots of pics and bullshitness...

so making the longs, shorts, here we go:


Me and my brother...i'm the short one...aren't we cute?


left to right: me, daughter of my RIP uncle, brother...


my fav pic of guys wonder why!!!hehe look at me so young and full of crap already :p  if you guys pay attention that's sf2 back there...lolz i'm old! o.O


me back some coins to play the simpsons plz :3


me in my youth...long! o.O playing guitar!lolz YEAH!!!


me at my 18...i served the Air Force...they said if i did i would kill some zombies....they lied... :(


me learning how to kill da zombyes!!!


yes Mr. President you can pass!


left to right: bro, grandpa, me, at our farm...


part-ay at the farm!!!!!gingers and beer for everyone!


today in the morning, 25 old, married, one daughter...

well that's it...i hope i have started a new fashion style of thread and hope to see some like these about you guys too...

last but not less important to bloodreign:


i couldn't do it man! :[
Title: Re: The story of Raphael Belmont
Post by: Bloodreign on December 16, 2007, 12:18:36 PM
Keep practicing is all I can tell you man, the game is unforgivable once you die in later stages as recovery is hard.
Title: Re: The story of Raphael Belmont
Post by: Think Tank on December 16, 2007, 12:29:10 PM
Look at all that bullshitness. This was a cute thread.
Title: Re: The story of Raphael Belmont
Post by: SymboliC on December 18, 2007, 08:53:43 PM

Raphael Belmont is kewl.

You should've held a whip there at the gun pic. :D
Title: Re: The story of Raphael Belmont
Post by: Aridale on December 18, 2007, 10:30:58 PM
man theres a lotta fuckin pictures on that wall
Title: Re: The story of Raphael Belmont
Post by: Raphael Belmont on December 20, 2007, 02:37:47 AM
In Reply To #5

my mom's idea! :p

she filled our main walls with pictures of us!!!
Title: Re: The story of Raphael Belmont
Post by: Aridale on December 20, 2007, 10:08:09 AM
In Reply To #6

Thats pretty cool and very sweet of her but damn man whered you guys find a wall that size lol.
Title: Re: The story of Raphael Belmont
Post by: Raphael Belmont on December 21, 2007, 02:45:35 PM
In Reply To #7

my whole life is in that feels so much exposing...but it's cool i guess...