Castlevania Dungeon Forums

The Castlevania Dungeon Forums => Hardcore Gaming 101 => Topic started by: Lumi Kløvstad on May 23, 2012, 07:44:30 AM

Title: A short letter to Squeenix
Post by: Lumi Kløvstad on May 23, 2012, 07:44:30 AM

Dear Square-Enix. Fuck you. No, really. FUCK YOU.

It's been over six years since you announced Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and over a year since we saw a trailer of any kind.

You kept teasing us with an English release of Final Fantasy Type 0, and then practically told us it would be on American shelves before the Vita launched. Vita's been launched for... a while now. Still no game we really want.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 was a giant steaming ball of what-the-fuck-ness with questionable dlc prices.

The 3rd Birthday was a somewhat decent shooter packed to the brim with misogyny.

Dissidia Duodecim didn't add half as many characters as it needed and felt like a gussied up retread of a game we already played.

Birth by Sleep was... actually pretty good. Nomura and co.? Carry on with that series. No really. It's your best product right now.

I guess what I mean to say is that you guys have historically proven that you've good and awesome talent at your disposal.

But having it and making good use of it are two entirely seperate things, and right now, you are not using it effectively. If the story I heard about Versus XIII's development only actually really beginning in 2011 are true, I'd even venture so far as to say you're downright wasting talent.

Once, you were the king of RPGs. But now, you've fallen into the shadows of Skyrim, Amalur, Mass Effect, and Borderlands.

What do these games all have in common? Besides being awesome, anyway?

The developers made a promise to their customers. And then they kept it. It's not a hard promise to keep either. They simply promised that the game would be released. On time. In a reasonably finished state. Okay, yeah, Skyrim may have been slightly less finished than the others upon release, but to Bethesda's credit, it didn't take too much longer for the game to be patched to the point that most would consider it finished. Games get pushed back. As gamers, we understand that. We may not love that, but we get it. But if after 6 years of waiting, all you've got to show us is a few trailers and some screenshots and no release date…

…then I'd say we're perfectly justified in flipping you the bird and taking our money elsewhere to a developer who can keep a promise.

I mean, all that waiting for Duke Nukem Forever didn't exactly pay off for us...
Title: Re: A short letter to Squeenix
Post by: Inccubus on May 23, 2012, 08:12:00 AM
On a side note I'd appreciate them not using their MMO garbage as mainline Final Fantasy titles since they're nothing like the rest of the series except 12 & 13 which are themselves nothing like the rest of the series. Really, if you're going to change the format of the series, just reboot it, you franchise milking fucks. Jeeze.
Title: Re: A short letter to Squeenix
Post by: Ratty on May 23, 2012, 08:44:24 AM
The Squaretanic side of Squeenix has been on a downward spiral since Hironobu Sakaguchi left. Even before then Final Fantasy was losing it's way with 7 and 8, though as he said before leaving 9 (original conceived as a spinoff) was his favorite in the series. Though almost everything I've heard about the recent Dragon Quest titles has been good, as far as an Enix original goes.
Title: Re: A short letter to Squeenix
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on May 23, 2012, 09:26:40 AM
I with the Enix side would revive SoulBlazer and Actraiser.
Dragon Quest titles are really, really good.  Like, kinda crazy good.

Anything you enjoyed with old Squaresoft is now being developed by MonolithSoft.  Seriously "Lost Odyssey" beats any of the latest Final Fantasies, and The Last Story and Xenoblade Chronicles beat SquareEnix's stuff even on less powerful hardware.

**takes another opportunity to praise and promote Xenoblade Chronicles**
Title: Re: A short letter to Squeenix
Post by: Aridale on May 23, 2012, 10:47:52 AM
I REALLY need to play xenoblade... I have it and played it about an hour I just never get back to it
Title: Re: A short letter to Squeenix
Post by: kingu on May 24, 2012, 08:49:24 PM
I with the Enix side would revive SoulBlazer and Actraiser.
Dragon Quest titles are really, really good.  Like, kinda crazy good.

Anything you enjoyed with old Squaresoft is now being developed by MonolithSoft.  Seriously "Lost Odyssey" beats any of the latest Final Fantasies, and The Last Story and Xenoblade Chronicles beat SquareEnix's stuff even on less powerful hardware.

**takes another opportunity to praise and promote Xenoblade Chronicles**
jorge i love you
Title: Re: A short letter to Squeenix
Post by: Flame on May 24, 2012, 08:56:14 PM
I find it amusing that Squeenix self parodied themselves in Star Ocean 3. "Sphere" Company, eh?
Title: Re: A short letter to Squeenix
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 25, 2012, 12:33:06 AM
I wish the Enix side would revive SoulBlazer and Actraiser.

Only if Quintet or members of Quintet handle it.
Title: Re: A short letter to Squeenix
Post by: Dracula9 on May 29, 2012, 02:07:00 PM
I think it should also be noted that Square has a reputation for shutting down promising and fan-supported games.
Like the Chrono Resurrection project, for instance. Or the Crimson Echoes Rom hack(which was sent the cease-and-desist letter at the very end of its completion, tell me THAT doesn't suck). Granted, the storyline of Echoes was still finished in the Flames of Eternity hack, which aside from some major graphical bugs in backgrounds, is done and a very good fan installment plotwise.

There's also that absolutely evil FFVII Cell Processor teaser Square put out a while back. While they announced at its showings that the game was unlikely to be redone, doing that served to gets fans' hopes up, and rile them up when they were let down.

Instead of putting out empty promises and delayed releases, they should put their time and efforts into something that will bring in some serious revenue and restore some of their company's credibility;like doing that goddamned FFVII revamp, for one. Or something other than barely adequate handheld ports of SNES titles.
Title: Re: A short letter to Squeenix
Post by: Ratty on May 29, 2012, 02:31:10 PM
I think it should also be noted that Square has a reputation for shutting down promising and fan-supported games.
Like the Chrono Resurrection project, for instance. Or the Crimson Echoes Rom hack(which was sent the cease-and-desist letter at the very end of its completion, tell me THAT doesn't suck). Granted, the storyline of Echoes was still finished in the Flames of Eternity hack, which aside from some major graphical bugs in backgrounds, is done and a very good fan installment plotwise.

There's also that absolutely evil FFVII Cell Processor teaser Square put out a while back. While they announced at its showings that the game was unlikely to be redone, doing that served to gets fans' hopes up, and rile them up when they were let down.

Instead of putting out empty promises and delayed releases, they should put their time and efforts into something that will bring in some serious revenue and restore some of their company's credibility;like doing that goddamned FFVII revamp, for one. Or something other than barely adequate handheld ports of SNES titles.

I think someone at Squeenix probably realizes that FF7 is much more profitable as a nostalgic memory than it would be as an IP judged on its actual merits. The story was an often convoluted amalgamation of anime cliches, and very few of the characters are relatable (or likable imo) if you're introduced to them when you're over 14. Besides that remakes very rarely satisfy the original audience. I mean a major studio could just never put out a pricey A-list console game with FF7's gameplay today, it would be financial suicide and ripped to pieces by critics. Squeenix is better off selling plushies of the characters and prequel/sequel games than sinking their money into a remake.
Title: Re: A short letter to Squeenix
Post by: X on May 29, 2012, 06:31:05 PM
Squeenix is better off selling plushies of the characters and prequel/sequel games than sinking their money into a remake.

Like human-sized pillows of Tifa?
Title: Re: A short letter to Squeenix
Post by: Ratty on May 29, 2012, 07:02:02 PM
Like human-sized pillows of Tifa?
Oh I'm sure those exist as well. Though probably not as official products. XD
I was speaking more of this ( Though I couldn't act superior about those Vincent and Cloud plushies, because I own Berserk ones that are similar lol. Person's gotta allow themselves a little bit of weeaboo wiggle room every now and then.
Title: Re: A short letter to Squeenix
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 30, 2012, 01:13:40 AM
Like human-sized pillows of Tifa?

Do want.

Though sadly, it will make my pathetic existence simultaneously more awesome and more lowly.
Title: Re: A short letter to Squeenix
Post by: Ratty on May 30, 2012, 06:42:18 AM
Title: Re: A short letter to Squeenix
Post by: e105beta on May 31, 2012, 09:16:04 AM
Only thing good that's come out of Square in the last few years is Kingdom Hearts games, and that's because they're Nomura's love children.

IMO, the FFVII compilation crap let Square get fat and complacent, and it bit them in the butt. Doesn't help that, like Ratty said, it's purely running on nostalgia fuel.