Castlevania Dungeon Forums

The Castlevania Dungeon Forums => Hardcore Gaming 101 => Topic started by: Kingshango on July 18, 2013, 04:39:09 PM

Title: New Strider announced(Capcom/Double Helix) 360/X1/PS3/PS4
Post by: Kingshango on July 18, 2013, 04:39:09 PM
Originally Posted by Double Helix

Today, at the World of Capcom panel at San Diego Comic-Con, Capcom Senior Producer Andrew Szymanski announced an all new Strider developed by Double Helix for PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360 and PC! Originally released in 1989, Strider remains one of Capcom’s most enduring franchises.

Info so far:

2.5D Metroidvania similar to Shadow Complex
Completely side scrolling
The main designers of the original Strider and Strider 2 are working on the game




Announcement trailer
Strider Announcement trailer (

Strider - Vídeo de Gameplay (

Never have I been so cautiously optimistic about a game but yeah Striders back.
Title: Re: New Strider announced(Capcom/Double Helix) 360/X1/PS3/PS4
Post by: Lelygax on July 18, 2013, 05:21:50 PM
WHAT?! Now I can die happy! +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Title: Re: New Strider announced(Capcom/Double Helix) 360/X1/PS3/PS4
Post by: The Puritan on July 18, 2013, 05:49:22 PM
A Scene From Troll 2 (

Title: Re: New Strider announced(Capcom/Double Helix) 360/X1/PS3/PS4
Post by: DragonSlayr81 on July 18, 2013, 05:54:02 PM
It looks fuckin GLORIOUS! A 2.5D Metroidvania-type game.... ON CONSOLES!!! Konami, why you be like that? Why you let Capcom beat you to the PUNCH? LOOK AT THAT FUCKIN MAAAAAP! That could be CASTLEVANIA!

Y'know, I love Strider and I'm getting this day one, but I totally hope it does great. Maybe then the chowderheads at Konami will get a clue. I might not be totally happy with everything Capcom has been doing lately, but the reviving of the Duck Tales game via Wayforward(talk about potentially remaking their other Disney games if Duck Tales does well), letting Nintendo include Mega Man in the new Smash Bros game, and THIS! It's like, suddenly, they are actually making GOOD decisions. It's been a while since they did shit like that. What's next, Capcom? A new Breath of Fire game? A new Mega Man game? Keep the goodness coming!!  :D

But yeah, after LoS's concluded, maybe... just maybe .... 1999.... Demon Castle War.... 2.5D.... PS3/X360/PS4/XBONE/PC.... DO IT!

Oh, and don't think you're getting off easily, Nintendo. Wii U... CLASSIC side-scrolling METROID!
Title: Re: New Strider announced(Capcom/Double Helix) 360/X1/PS3/PS4
Post by: crisis on July 18, 2013, 06:18:16 PM
Worst thing that can happen is if they pull a Strider 2 by giving you UNLIMITED CONTINUES

i beat that game in 20 minutes

I hope Strider Hien makes an appearance
Title: Re: New Strider announced(Capcom/Double Helix) 360/X1/PS3/PS4
Post by: Lelygax on July 18, 2013, 06:27:28 PM
Yes, we need more Hien and more story in-game, Nanco X Capcom atleast explained some things in its own way in a manner that even I understood, after playing Strider 2 and being "so whats the plot?"

Also, its coming for PC... My wallet isnt ready.
Title: Re: New Strider announced(Capcom/Double Helix) 360/X1/PS3/PS4
Post by: Kingshango on July 18, 2013, 07:43:14 PM
It looks fuckin GLORIOUS! A 2.5D Metroidvania-type game.... ON CONSOLES!!! Konami, why you be like that? Why you let Capcom beat you to the PUNCH? LOOK AT THAT FUCKIN MAAAAAP! That could be CASTLEVANIA!

Y'know, I love Strider and I'm getting this day one, but I totally hope it does great. Maybe then the chowderheads at Konami will get a clue. I might not be totally happy with everything Capcom has been doing lately, but the reviving of the Duck Tales game via Wayforward(talk about potentially remaking their other Disney games if Duck Tales does well), letting Nintendo include Mega Man in the new Smash Bros game, and THIS! It's like, suddenly, they are actually making GOOD decisions. It's been a while since they did shit like that. What's next, Capcom? A new Breath of Fire game? A new Mega Man game? Keep the goodness coming!!  :D

But yeah, after LoS's concluded, maybe... just maybe .... 1999.... Demon Castle War.... 2.5D.... PS3/X360/PS4/XBONE/PC.... DO IT!

Oh, and don't think you're getting off easily, Nintendo. Wii U... CLASSIC side-scrolling METROID!

Woah dude deep breaths, I haven't seen you this excited for a game since Lords of Shadow back in 08 (yeah I read the thread). Keep in mind that the team making this doesn't have the best pedigree (Their only decent game was Buffy the Vampire Slayer) but who know's, maybe they'll turn things around with Strider, it does look good so far.

And Double Helix being next in line for Castlevania is looking very likely, and I was just kidding when I said it.
Title: Re: New Strider announced(Capcom/Double Helix) 360/X1/PS3/PS4
Post by: DragonSlayr81 on July 18, 2013, 07:51:52 PM
I know Double Helix's track record, but knowing that the original creators(not Capcom, but the guys responsible for Strider and Strider 2) are helping with this, I kinda have hope that it just might be good.
Title: Re: New Strider announced(Capcom/Double Helix) 360/X1/PS3/PS4
Post by: Ahasverus on July 18, 2013, 10:56:26 PM
Is it retail? if it is I'll bite.
Title: Re: New Strider announced(Capcom/Double Helix) 360/X1/PS3/PS4
Post by: Bloodreign on July 18, 2013, 11:03:56 PM
Worst thing that can happen is if they pull a Strider 2 by giving you UNLIMITED CONTINUES

i beat that game in 20 minutes

I hope Strider Hien makes an appearance
Try doing it in 1 credit, not the games fault it has unlimited continues, learn to pace yourself to do it in a set limit of continues. It is definitely not an easy game to do within 3-5 credits. As for this one, yes it has Hiryu, yes it has Grandmaster Meio, but I need to see if it's not dumbed down, and that it has as impressive an array of villains working for Meio as the first two did.

I own Strider and Strider 2 ( have the original on 3 different platforms), my expectations may be too high.
Title: Re: New Strider announced(Capcom/Double Helix) 360/X1/PS3/PS4
Post by: Gunlord on July 18, 2013, 11:06:06 PM
Title: Re: New Strider announced(Capcom/Double Helix) 360/X1/PS3/PS4
Post by: DragonSlayr81 on July 19, 2013, 07:05:55 AM
Try doing it in 1 credit, not the games fault it has unlimited continues, learn to pace yourself to do it in a set limit of continues. It is definitely not an easy game to do within 3-5 credits. As for this one, yes it has Hiryu, yes it has Grandmaster Meio, but I need to see if it's not dumbed down, and that it has as impressive an array of villains working for Meio as the first two did.

I own Strider and Strider 2 ( have the original on 3 different platforms), my expectations may be too high.
Well, they are hinting it's Metroidvania-esque, so it might be similar to Metroid or similar CV games, as in there are save rooms but you only have one life, and you continue from your where you last saved.

Interestingly enough, I see lot of people gripe about how Stider Hiryu's a bullet sponge and that the area looks really dull and colorless. But, I see it like this, it's the FIRST footage we ever get to see. It LOOKS like it's the FIRST area of the game(and the map shows there explorable area is MASSIVE, so there are OTHER areas that might look TOTALLY different). It's a snowy cold area(looks frigid and frozen), and it's a featured in the demo(which is why the gameplay could be tweaked to be easier, and the final version could be a somewhat more difficult). I think people are all "doom and gloom" WAY to fast regarding this project. The whole cynical approach never sat well with me. I know people want to keep themselves from disappointment, but in all truth, come ON! Life is full of disappointment, and it's dealing with it rather than protecting yourself from it that makes you stronger, because face it, no matter how hard you try to protect your fragile self from being disappointed by something, you are STILL going to get disappointed. Just take life as it is, hope for the best, but if you get disappointed, so what? It was bound to happen. Take it like an adult instead of hiding behind a wall of cynicism! ;D
Title: Re: New Strider announced(Capcom/Double Helix) 360/X1/PS3/PS4
Post by: darkmanx_429 on July 19, 2013, 12:52:14 PM
I'm game!
Title: Re: New Strider announced(Capcom/Double Helix) 360/X1/PS3/PS4
Post by: Inccubus on July 19, 2013, 01:27:44 PM
Worst thing that can happen is if they pull a Strider 2 by giving you UNLIMITED CONTINUES

i beat that game in 20 minutes

I hope Strider Hien makes an appearance

I don't see how you could have limited continues in a Metroidvania. That's more of a action game thing.
I hope the music isn't so... "epic" in the actual game.
My question is WTF this isn't being released for Wii U?
Title: Re: New Strider announced(Capcom/Double Helix) 360/X1/PS3/PS4
Post by: Lelygax on July 19, 2013, 08:33:04 PM
I don't see how you could have limited continues in a Metroidvania.

Right, but they still can do this unlimited continue feel if they include checkpoints, they can even increase the frustation if its like in MoF like I see some people talking about. So yes, lets pray for the better.