Castlevania Dungeon Forums

Off Topic => Off Topic => Topic started by: Lumi Kløvstad on October 29, 2013, 01:56:09 PM

Title: So I'm writing a vampire novel trilogy
Post by: Lumi Kløvstad on October 29, 2013, 01:56:09 PM
Being the fan I was, I couldn't go without shoutouts, references, and outright reimaginings of Castlevania characters by uniting them with their classical literary and/or historical counterparts (in the case of Dracula, both), and in the case of a few, just dropping a name in the background (hello, Archbishop Belmont).

The novel is tenatively titled "Life Begins At Dusk", and is an alternate history adventure story that centers on an American college student, Colin, and his vampire guardian, Jeanne Sabrina d'Normandie, as they are swept up in a sinister conspiracy to ignite the first world war, using racial tensions between Vampires and Humans to snap two powerful countries (The United States and the Unified Austrian Empire) into all out war.

The story features appearances by Vlad III Dracul as the former King of the Vampires in exile, Carmilla Karnstein as the Austrian Reverend Mother who defeated him and founded an empire that never sleeps, a mention of a Doctor W. Bernhardt as the physician who made the blood substitute that keeps the empire viable, Cornell Amalfi as the alchemist who created the faulty elixir of life that created Werewolves, the first immortals (because he messed with Death, he's also referred to sarcastically as the "Lord of the Necromancers", though his actual character is more akin to smashing the Tenth Doctor and Abraham Van Helsing together in a particle accelerator), Elizabeth Bathory as the Queen of Hungary, and some random guy spouting in broken English some stuff about how he longs to "prossess Dracula's rib" as a trophy.

Obviously, if, when I move to publish, copyright begins looking like an issue, I may have to scramble names around and/or delete some of the more blatant references, but I feel Castlevania is underrepresented in pop culture, so I figured I'd do my part to contribute to the pile of stuff with Castlevania bits.

Drafting is almost complete, so I'm looking to publish next year, and I could either keep you guys updated or just post a link when book 1 is actually out.

Title: Re: So I'm writing a vampire novel trilogy
Post by: Ratty on October 30, 2013, 07:07:40 AM
Well, I'm not a fan of modern Vampire literature per se but I wish you luck in getting published and having your books be successful. And I'm sure the rest of the board does as well :)
Title: Re: So I'm writing a vampire novel trilogy
Post by: X on October 30, 2013, 10:18:23 AM
Interesting premise. I wish you luck  :)

Oh and by the way;

Vlad III Dracul

Vlad II was Dracul while Vlad III was Dracula. In case you forgot  ;D
Title: Re: So I'm writing a vampire novel trilogy
Post by: Lumi Kløvstad on October 30, 2013, 11:11:26 AM
I actually didn't forget. It was a conscious choice.

He'll explain when he actually appears, but it's something along the lines of "I have done more than earn my father's name... I have exceeded it!" going on.

Also, imagine Dracula as being played by Tywin Lannister from the Game of Thrones TV series. That's how I picture him.