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Off Topic => Off Topic => Topic started by: Ratty on April 24, 2014, 10:10:03 AM

Title: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: Ratty on April 24, 2014, 10:10:03 AM ( (

At least the EU is keeping Net Neutrality from the looks of it. The US government is doing a terrible job of even pretending that it cares about its citizens now. Putting a professional briber ("lobbyist") for the Cable companies in charge of the FCC, why don't you just put Dracula in charge of security at a blood bank?
Title: Re: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: KaZudra on April 24, 2014, 02:18:36 PM
And Brazil gets an Internet Bill of Rights, anyone else starting to feel like the US is becoming more 3rd world?
Title: Re: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: Jorge D. Fuentes on April 24, 2014, 06:22:47 PM
^I certainly feel that way at times.
Certain freedoms are being sacrificed, to give the corporations and/or special interest groups more power.

And since the latest SupremeCourt (which is mostly bought - Thomas, Roberts, and Scalia specifically) has declared that "more money = you matter more" (combined with "Corporations are People"), very slowly rights are being undermined.
Title: Re: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: X on April 24, 2014, 10:13:28 PM
Since everyone's obsessed with reboots nowadays why not get all of America together and "reboot" the damned government. It's in the constitution therefore the current government would not be able to legally stop it. And if they try to do it illegally then that would only prove the peoples' point and the public would call for greater/immediate action.
Title: Re: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: Morning star on April 25, 2014, 11:10:39 PM
Since everyone's obsessed with reboots nowadays why not get all of America together and "reboot" the damned government. It's in the constitution therefore the current government would not be able to legally stop it. And if they try to do it illegally then that would only prove the peoples' point and the public would call for greater/immediate action.

We are in desperate need of untainted blood in the White House and on Capitol Hill. The problem is the damn patriot act. They knew what they were doing when they passed it. Now anybody doing what you suggest is slandered to the point of being discredited, arrested on bullshit charges or they are just killed. Plenty of people have tried. The American people believe they are terrorists because CNN says they are. The levels of control that need to be broken down in order to wake people up and extract them from the matrix are many. Maybe a few too many...

I do what i can and if i manage to wake a few people up, i feel like i did what i could. This information can actually change peoples lives. If you understand agenda 21 you can start to add supplements and change your diet. Knowing what to add and what to eliminate can save you death from cancer and give you a better quality of life. And we all want that.
Title: Re: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: Viskod on April 29, 2014, 05:53:55 AM
I feel its almost a matter of time before certain internet "packages" start appearing at Comcast.

Oh, you don't want us to slow down all of your online games to the point of them being barely playable? Well you need to upgrade to our online gaming connection package for an extra $10 a month.

Whoops, did we totally fuck up your access to Hulu and Netflix? Then I guess you need to add our Streaming Media package to your internet connection for $10 a month.

Also I believe President Obama has been a perfectly fine President, considering the amount of obstructionism he's had to endure.
Title: Re: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: Shiroi Koumori on April 29, 2014, 11:31:42 PM
I feel its almost a matter of time before certain internet "packages" start appearing at Comcast.

Ooohh... That's happening in my country. We pay the highest internet fee for the slowest connection in the region. Bravo USA, welcome to the developing world!
Title: Re: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: DoctaMario on April 30, 2014, 03:51:20 PM
I don't have any sympathy for the American public anymore. The US is truly a democracy and the public is getting what it wanted and voted for all along. A country controlled by wealthy people who pay no taxes and are beholden to corporations and their interests. This is just another link in the chain. People have been stupidly voting against their own interests for decades and this is where it's led.
Title: Re: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: Inccubus on May 01, 2014, 11:51:15 AM
This country is getting far away from a democracy. In fact, because of all the laws and rulings that are giving preferential treatment to rich corporations we are moving farther and farther towards a corporate oligarchy.
The issue with net neutrality is another sickening symptom of what is happening. Like the good doctor I have no sympathy for "we the people" because too many of us have forgotten the power we hold.
Title: Re: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: DoctaMario on May 01, 2014, 03:18:10 PM
INteresting development: (

Apparently the head of the FCC has rethought his position.
Title: Re: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: Shiroi Koumori on May 01, 2014, 09:24:08 PM
So, the realization just set in, huh?
Title: Re: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: KaZudra on May 02, 2014, 12:09:44 AM
In a world where the net is slowly being integrated with everyday life, Net Neutrality should be a basic human right.
Title: Re: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: DoctaMario on May 02, 2014, 04:26:40 PM
In a world where the net is slowly being integrated with everyday life, Net Neutrality should be a basic human right.

Yeah, BUT, corporate money controls everything so.... :P
Title: Re: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: Ratty on May 02, 2014, 08:58:36 PM
INteresting development: (

Apparently the head of the FCC has rethought his position.

He's just saying what people want to hear. The guy was a lobbyist (aka professional briber) for Cable companies for years, and apparently still works for them now. There are things we can do, but not much (

There was a white house petition asking Obama to direct him to reclassify the internet to a "common carrier" like phone service, to insure net neutrality. But the white house statement just dances around the issue (
Title: Re: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: Viskod on May 05, 2014, 05:46:50 AM
This country is getting far away from a democracy. In fact, because of all the laws and rulings that are giving preferential treatment to rich corporations we are moving farther and farther towards a corporate oligarchy.
The issue with net neutrality is another sickening symptom of what is happening. Like the good doctor I have no sympathy for "we the people" because too many of us have forgotten the power we hold.

Net Neutrality is a perfect example for why off year elections matter just as much as Presidential elections. Democrats just do not turn out and vote in midterms.

There's very little a good President can do when Congress is incapable of acting in any way. Hell the Senate just voted to increase the minimum wage in America to $10.10 an hour over the course of the next couple of years and even though a majority voted YES the Republicans, naturally, filibustered the vote, so it still failed because it wasn't a filibuster proof Super Majority of votes.

Because you have people like, let's take Marsha Blackburn who is on the House Budget Committee and from my state of Tennessee. She is against raising the minimum wage, and in an argument last year she used an example of how she only made 2.00 an hour at her first job and that wage was just right and taught her to value her interaction with customers.

Well she apparently forgot about inflation because for her age, if you assume her first job was when she was 16 then her $2.00 an hour wage for the time would be the equivalent of making $14.00 an hour today due to inflation.

So she used an example of making twice the minimum wage as a reason to not raise the minimum wage, and she'll probably be re-elected again.

Congress has approval ratings in the single digits, yet and incumbents have over an 80% chance of being re-elected.

Its not that democracy doesn't work or the US is moving away from it, it's that the American people at large are apathetic, stupid, and lazy.
Title: Re: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: X on May 05, 2014, 09:48:36 AM
She is against raising the minimum wage, and in an argument last year she used an example of how she only made 2.00 an hour at her first job and that wage was just right and taught her to value her interaction with customers.

OMFG! Is she really that sheltered?! 2 bucks in today's market will barely get you a packet of bubblegum. And if you're making 2 bucks an hour you're on the poverty list. Maybe someone should kidnap her, bring her to a third world country, force her to work in a factory 24/7 for even less then the above and see just how well she gets by without being able to afford decent food & water, let alone have any human rights. What's with these people?! It's like they don't even care about the state of their own nation. Everything MUST be bought and payed for. Even that which we're dependent on for our very existence. That's pretty sick.
Title: Re: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: Viskod on May 11, 2014, 01:41:32 PM
Well the point was when she was working that job 2.00 an hour would have been about the equivalent of 14.00 an hour.

She had a very fair wage that provided her enough to live on and that was "great".

But paying someone that same wage now would be disastrous in her mind. She is either evil and realizes the mechanics of inflation at play, or she's just honestly that damn stupid and doesn't know how inflation works.

Which is you know, something you'd like people on the House Budget committee to have a grasp of.
Title: Re: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: Shiroi Koumori on May 11, 2014, 10:57:55 PM
People in power don't care about inflation. It is the working class that suffers for it. Heck, even some people in the working class do not even know what inflation is.
Title: Re: Net Neutrality Dead in the USA, prepare for inferior, more expensive internet
Post by: Abnormal Freak on May 16, 2014, 01:12:20 PM (

Go, damn you. Tell the FCC what's what.