Some actual video game music even half as catchy as the original series would have made all of LoS better.
I'm just being a crotchety old fart about it at this point, though.
Some actual video game music even half as catchy as the original series would have made all of LoS better.
I'm just being a crotchety old fart about it at this point, though.
Aiddon, I agree somewhat with the lore issue. What did make the old series really cool was the long spanning lore that it set up. For a fan of the LOS series (like me), there was very little lore in comparison to support it. There were only 3 games to try and make the new lore. One was basically a prequel (which I thought did a good job), the second was a handheld (mistake), and the third was SO far away from what we expected it to be.
Even with that, I think it would have gone better if MOF was taken out of the equation and the 2nd game was solely devoted to Dracula and his time. His fight against the Belmonts during the medieval times, his awakening in modern times, and his final fight. I actually thought that the first half of the second game would have been that, and we only would have gotten to modern times about halfway into the game.
I didn't love LoS2's ost but I think it was appropriate for the game. If they'd done something similar to old school CV I don't know that it would have fit the tone of the game if that makes sense.I always hear this, but I dont' think we really know how it would be considering it's never done, or the industry doesn't have the balls to do it. They've nestled themselves into the trend of "epic score" which everybody else and their moms are doing. IMO, it's the safe route. It's the experimental folk that go against the grain and try ideas many others would scoff at and believe won't work.
I always hear this, but I dont' think we really know how it would be considering it's never done, or the industry doesn't have the balls to do it. They've nestled themselves into the trend of "epic score" which everybody else and their moms are doing. IMO, it's the safe route. It's the experimental folk that go against the grain and try ideas many others would scoff at and believe won't work.
It was really one of the plot elements that I was looking forward to the most and am still confused as to why it didn't happen. Doesn't Armored Dracula look very similar to portraits of Vlad? The beard says it all.
Seeing him decimate Brotherhood soldiers and impale them one by one would have been a perfect Castlevania touch.
And speaking of the classic series, it seems like they gave him the same name and hinted that he was Vlad the Impaler but never truly confirmed it. Hints and references (like the room you encounter Death) seem thrown in here and there.
First Return to the Castle - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 OST (
sorry guys but this track is incredible & fits right in with the series
Funny how that works no? in comparison to shit like loS2 and to a lesser extent, MoF, loS1 is a pretty damn amazing Castlevania isn't it?
No, the music wasnt particularly a problem I had, and if anything its biggest crime is reusing music from MoF. That felt really lazy, no matter how much they re-orchestrated it. the music did overall feels I dunno, more lacking than LoS1.
No. It's sequel being shittier doesn't automatically make it stand with the rest of the franchise.
No. It's sequel being shittier doesn't automatically make it stand with the rest of the franchise.
Is it strange that above all the other crap in Lords 2, I wish that(click to show/hide)
did yuo guys see stan's concept art of his 2nd form? it was gonna be a large multi-headed dargon.. why that wasnt implemented is beyond me
in the 1st game his eyes were a demonic yellow.. almost wicked looking. in this they are purple, not blue
i can accept the fact of Stan being part of the Castlevania mythos.. i know thats an unpopular idea around here. but i like the idea of Dracula essentially usurping Santa for Hell's throne. that hasnt exactly been executed in the los-saga, but in a future reboot, something like that wouldnt be a bad idea. could be a story in a prequel game, just to showcase why Dracula is considered the head honcho prince of Darkness. it could be pretty phat if done right
in the 1st game his eyes were a demonic yellow.. almost wicked looking. in this they are purple, not blue
I'm colorblind, crisis. :-X
And while I'm inclined to agree with most of your post, I don't think Mercurysteam's problem has ever been its intent, but its execution. Yes, there was that whole "forget everything you know about Castlevania" shit, but I honestly think the plot approach to the trilogy could have been the game(s) to usurp SotN had MS done shit well. But they got lazy, used a lot of copouts, left half the trilogy unexplained or poorly explained, and still think their shit doesn't stink.
...Dev slaps name of famous franchise on the cover of a game that clearly has no stylistic, thematic, or other connections to franchise...
If I only I knew what all of the Latin being chanted was. :-D
I might be alone in this but I think Satan should have been out of the picture entirely and Zobek should have been the main villain. He's more responsible for Gabriel's anguish than anyone else, Satan just felt forced in both LOS1 and 2.
Plus the fight with Zobek>>>Satancard, hell the fight with Zobek's Lieutenant>>>>>Satancard.