Castlevania Dungeon Forums

Off Topic => Off Topic => Topic started by: theANdROId on September 07, 2015, 12:38:21 PM

Title: If CV were 100% Organic
Post by: theANdROId on September 07, 2015, 12:38:21 PM
So, I had the beginnings of a weird idea...but first, let me give some background.  Anyone here ever seen this? (

It's cute, and whether you'll admit it or not the puns are pretty amusing.  It's because I'd seen this that I had this weird idea.

One of the foods we commonly blend-up and feed to our child is Avocado.  Now that I'm a dad, I'm obligated to be silly and ridiculous (as if I wasn't before. :-P ), especially with my son.  While feeding him some avocado, and talking and being goofy, I suddenly realized the similar sounds of "Avocado" and "Arikado"...and here is the idea...what if there were a crazy Organic (or not) spoof of something Castlevania where Arikado is an avocado?

EDIT: Guess you'll have to isn't showing up. :-/
Title: Re: If CV were 100% Organic
Post by: Shiroi Koumori on September 08, 2015, 02:57:24 AM
The video's amazing. Hahaha!

Eh? What about the other Castlevania characters?
Title: Re: If CV were 100% Organic
Post by: theANdROId on September 08, 2015, 02:46:35 PM
I know I love it!  Between the puns, the creativity, and the silliness, it's great!  As for who else we could have in CV?  I don't have many ideas...but the thought makes me wish someone would make a similar video with a Castlevania story!  As far as a few ideas off the top of my head:

If it would have to be from the "...of Sorrow" games (since we only know of Alucard using the moniker "Arikado" in those titles):
I guess Hammer could be...a hammer.  Or ham.
Yoko could be an egg named "Yolko"
If there were a bunch of Zombies, they could be "Zom-peas"
"Frank"-enstein could be a hot dog (although he's really Frankenstein's monster.  I don't remember how he's labeled in the Sorrow games.)

If you branched out to other characters in other games:
Juste could be some kind of "Juice"
Cornell could be "Corn-ell"

Not many others come to mind.  I have no idea what you could do for Dracula or Death, both of whom are pretty important characters in the series.  You got any ideas Shiroi?  Or anyone else for that matter?
Title: Re: If CV were 100% Organic
Post by: theplottwist on September 08, 2015, 03:30:18 PM
That's the most random thing I've ever saw in this forum, and that's saying a lot considering we have critters such as Super Waffle here. And that reminds me that this had an amazing potential for fanfiction lol

All I can think of is: Cinnamon Belmont goes on a quest to defeat the evil Count Broccula.

That's it. My mind is exhausted.
Title: Re: If CV were 100% Organic
Post by: theANdROId on September 08, 2015, 04:07:43 PM
Cinnamon Belmont...that uh...sounds like it could go an entirely different direction. X-D

But I like the ideas!
Title: Re: If CV were 100% Organic
Post by: Dracula9 on September 08, 2015, 06:27:38 PM
Join Thyme in Bellpepper on his quest of to defeat the evil Canned Broccoli.
Title: Re: If CV were 100% Organic
Post by: X on September 08, 2015, 09:11:19 PM
Join Thyme in Bellpepper on his quest of to defeat the evil Canned Broccoli.
