Castlevania Dungeon Forums

Off Topic => Off Topic => Topic started by: Think Tank on April 10, 2008, 09:52:44 PM

Title: Share a Song!
Post by: Think Tank on April 10, 2008, 09:52:44 PM
We've garnered the music tastes of the users here before, so I know a lot of you are into metal. I dig metal from time to time, more so when I was a teenager. I mostly listen to chill music now. A lot of instrumental stuff, especially when working. Sometimes I hear cool stuff and like to pass it onto friends, making mixed CDs based on the styles I know they like, but probably haven't heard of the artist.

Here's something that is NOT metal:
Ulrich Schnauss makes some good shit. Far Away Trains Passing By is his best album, but his newest one, Goodbye, has some nice stuff too. It's a lot of what seems like incoherentness, but it's actually pretty fucking cool. The song "Medusa" would sound good in a videogame.
Ulrich Schnauss: MEDUSA
Give it a chance, it gets hyptnotically awesome at the end. Plus... free MP3 for your stockpile!
Now it is your turn to share a song you think the people here might like.

Try to post stuff you think most of us haven't heard of, but might enjoy.
And links to download MP3s would be the best. Share shomething you own if you can!

Thanks Ed for advising me on using to host my MP3 files. I suggest other people use the same site. It's pretty good.
Title: Re: Post One Song >>>
Post by: Slayer on April 10, 2008, 09:59:59 PM
Somewhat post-rock, metal, progressive...hard to describe really.  Just listen to whole thing.  They're one of the biggest things to hit Metal in a long time.
Title: Re: Post One Song >>>
Post by: Think Tank on April 10, 2008, 10:13:47 PM
In Reply To #2

It's probably better on nice speakers, and not the live videotaped version. But not bad.

Here's a song I heard today for the first time. It's pretty tight, though a bit long. It's an instumental song with a decent slow beat and spanish guitar. Very reminiscent of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and Wind Waker songs... But around the 6:30 mark it busts out with Metal Guitar.
Mattias IA Eklundh - The Woman in Seat 27a
I've never heard a song with this kind of beat and spanish and metal guitars at the same time.
Title: Re: Post One Song >>>
Post by: Gecko on April 11, 2008, 04:31:21 AM
In Reply To #2

I don't really care for Mastodon much. It's the vocal style that gets me. I'm just more of a Rob Halford fan, and I like high pitch vocals rather than growling vocals. I also like Sebastian Bach(ex Skid Roe, now solo artist).

Anyway, sometimes I go from my usual libraries of metal, and listen to something a lot more calming. David Bowie's one of my favorites for this.

Here's "Survive" by David Bowie, from his album, Hours:
Title: Re: Post One Song >>>
Post by: Alexc2808 on April 11, 2008, 09:16:18 AM
Title: Re: Post One Song >>>
Post by: Mr Sven on April 11, 2008, 10:23:49 AM
I was going to upload EZ Rollers breakbeat generation for you guys but Esnips suspected it as being copyrighted material. So here instead is Hipnotic by Wild... sorta classical/dance/pop crossover.
Title: Re: Post One Song >>>
Post by: Dark Nemesis on April 11, 2008, 12:50:28 PM
One of my favorites songs is DIARY OF DREAMS - Sin Skinner!
Here you go:
Title: Re: Post One Song >>>
Post by: Aridale on April 11, 2008, 08:29:29 PM
Days of The New - Seasons Change ->

Nice mellow song from a vastly underrated guy.
Title: Re: Post One Song >>>
Post by: PFG9000 on April 11, 2008, 10:44:33 PM
In Reply To #8
Big props for the DotN support.  I burned a CD of all Travis Meeks's non-album tracks, including Seasons Change.  I think my favorite is The Sun, since it's got the same sound as the Green album.

In Reply To #1
Great thread idea.  I hope people actually check out the contributions rather than just using this to whore out their favorite tracks on everybody else.  The Ulrich Schnauss was something completely new for me.  I'm not sure I can even classify that into a certain genre.  I guess some blend of industrial/electronica/ambience?  I can see parts of it going well with some action scenes from The Matrix.

The Mattias IA Eklundh though...that was pretty sweet.  I was really digging the acoustic guitar.  Combined with the sound effects, it really paints a vivid picture in my mind.  Something like a japanese guy in a business suit and sunglasses sitting on a park bench at night in a small garden or gazebo, playing guitar to himself.  But then the electric guitar came in which was completely unexpected but actually went pretty well with the rest.  I'll definitely be keeping that track on my hard drive.

In Reply To #2
Metal isn't really my thing.  I used to listen to it when I was younger, but not much anymore, except for the occasional Metallica or Megadeth or Malmsteen.  I did listen to the tune all the way through, but it's just not the kind of thing I enjoy.
Title: Re: Post One Song >>>
Post by: PFG9000 on April 11, 2008, 11:13:51 PM
I suppose I should post something too.
Title: Re: Post One Song >>>
Post by: PFG9000 on April 11, 2008, 11:27:09 PM
In Reply To #6
I loved the first half of this track.
Title: Re: Post One Song >>>
Post by: Mr Sven on April 12, 2008, 06:46:35 PM
I thought it would be nice if i could share my (almost) entire music collection with you guys.

so heres a link

Just a note though, you can only listen to this while i have winamp remote up and running. so for those of you guys in the US your gonna have to be online at UK times ;-)
Title: Re: Post One Song >>>
Post by: Think Tank on April 15, 2008, 11:29:15 PM
So many songs to listen to. This is excellent. Too bad people keep using rapidshare to host them. If you're not a member you can only download 1 file every 25 minutes. RAPIDSHARE SUCKS guys. So I'm excited to hear them all, but will have to check back later, since I exceeded my DL limit for now.

However, I did get 2 songs...

In Reply To #9
Sounds like you have similar feeling regarding music and people's taste in it as I do. I can be a snob at times. In reality, like most people, I am into almost all types of music to a certain extent. There's even some catchy pop songs I like from my youth, but that's just because it brings back memories, not because it's a great song. 

I suppose it's easy to judge people's tastes based on a small selection of songs. For me, what I posted so far doesn't sum me up at all. To find one or even three songs that I think are the best of everything I'm into would be impossible. Right now I'm listening to Led Zepplin's "Tangerine." And although I'm not into metal anymore, I still sometimes play Cowboy's From Hell to remind me of the good ol' days.

I haven't heard that Genesis song before. Pretty fucking cool. I zoned out to it for a while, which means it's perfect for me because this is the kind of music I listen to when doing artwork. There's a part, around 4:30, that sounds similar to some old Manheim Steamroller stuff.

Thanks for the in-depth comments.

In Reply To #8
Excellent tune. I expected something completely different when I heard it was Days of the New. Not that that's a bad thing. I used to be into DotN in high school. But that song was way better than I expected. Pretty nice guitar in there.

In Reply To #12
Wow, nice gesture.

Now I'm starting to worry that if I keep posting this relaxed instrumental stuff it will be too pussy compared to the crafty stuff I've seen in here so far.
Title: Re: Post One Song >>>
Post by: Mr Sven on April 17, 2008, 10:41:17 AM
Relaxed instrumental stuff is the best kind, Most of my collection is entirely devoid of lyrics - Home cookin' and one or two others have some but not many, its just far more chilled out listening to the "music" rather than someone singing over it, i find that spoils at lot of tracks.

- Winamp remotes running now btw...
Title: Re: Share a Song!
Post by: Think Tank on April 24, 2008, 11:32:51 PM
In Reply To #14

Then I think you will like this. Complex yet very minimalistic. One of my favorite songs from one of my favorite instrumental artists, Tortoise. I suppose they aren't totally unheard of, but always worth getting people into it. We used this song in our first short film 8 years ago...

Tortoise - Ten-Day Interval

I'm gonna break my own thread rule. Screw what I said before, if you have a couple songs to share than post whatever. I just want to hear more new music!

Chillaxin to the maxin...

Nightmares On Wax - Les Nuits

This album cover ( cracks me up. Don't judge a book by its cover. By looking at that cheesy artwork you would assume it's an album of chicano street beats or something you'd bump in the hood. Psyche! It's actually well-paced, gorgeous orchestratic magic... with a subtle groove.

In Reply To #10

I've listened to that GENESIS song at least 10 times. It is excellent. I put it on a mixed tape (CD) I made for a friend. I do that a lot when I hear something I think a friend will like. Thanks for introducing me to it.

Here's ( the cover / track listing for the mixed cd i put the song on. It might me hard to spot, but it's in there.
Title: Re: Share a Song!
Post by: Mooning Freddy on April 25, 2008, 11:05:09 PM
My good Heavy Metal loving friends, today I would like to tell you of an interesting comparing I made.

Everybody knows the story of Icarus, one of the most famous tales in the Greek mythology. But for those of you who may have forgotten, I will remind it to you the way I read it.

The king of Crete has put a terrible punishment on the city of Athens- to prevent a war, he forced the king of Athens to send him virgins every year, who were sent into a labyrinth to be eaten by the Minotaur. Until the hero Theseus came to Crete, slain the Minotaur, freed the virgins and escaped the labyrinth. The furious king of Crete then ordered the constructor of the labyrinth, Daedalus, and his son Icarus to be locked inside it. But the clever inventor was not down.
"We may not escape by ground, but the sky is free."
Daedalus collected feathers, and constructed wings for him and for his son, and then glued them with wax.
"We would be able to fly over the labyrinth with those wings, but be careful not to fly too close to the sun, or your wax may melt and the wings fall off." He warned his son.
But like every teenager, Icarus didn't listen to his father. The moment he rose to the air, he felt like a god, and strted flying higher and higher, to the sun. And the rest is history.

The British Heavy Metal band Iron Maiden has a song called "Flight of Icarus" about the story. In fact, it's one of my favorite songs by the band. It was not until recently that I discovered that the popular Russian Heavy Metal band Ariya has a song called "Ikar" (Icarus) as well. The band has always admitted it has been inspired by Iron Maiden, but you can understand it yourself by many signs ranging from music style to album covers to logo design.

I decided to check that out, and what do I discover, to my great (not) surprise?

"Flight of Icarus" is from the 1985 Iron Maiden album "Live after Death".
"Ikar" is from the 1986 Ariya album "S kem ti?" ("Whose side are you?")

Ripoff? Well, the songs don't sound alike. The lyrics, on the other hand, make you wonder.
Iron Maiden- Flight of Icarus
Ariya- Ikar

Judge for yourself:

Iron Maiden- Flight of Icarus
As the sun breaks above the ground
An old man stands on the hill
As the ground warms to the first rays of light
A birdsong shatters the still

His eyes are ablaze
See the madman in his gaze

Fly on your way like an eagle
Fly as high as the sun
On your wings like an eagle
Fly and touch the sun

Now the crowd breaks and a young boy appears
Look the old man in his eyes
As he spreads his wings and shouts at the crowd
In the name of God my father I fly

His eyes seem so glazed
As he flies on the wings of a dream
Now he knows his father betrayed
Now his wings burn to ashes to ashes his grave

Fly on your way like an eagle
Fly as high as the sun
On your wings like an eagle
Fly and touch the sun

Ariya- Ikar
Kto videl Ikara?
Tam, v siney dali
Kril lohkaya para
Sin greshnoy zemli

On letel nad gorami gordiy kak orol
Rassekaya streloy oblak
On letel nad gorami sonzem ozaron
I na zemlyu smotrel svisoka

Kto dal yemu krilya?
Kto jdal na skale?
No vsyo pozabil on
I skrilsa vo mgle

On letel nad gorami gordiy kak orol
Rassekaya streloy oblak
On letel nad gorami sonzem ozaron
I na zemlyu smotrel svisoka

Kto videl Ikara?
Tam, v siney dali
Kril lohkaya para
Zdes, v seroy pili?

Ariya- Icarus (translation)
Who has seen Icarus?
There, in the blue distanse?
A light pair of wings
Son of the sinful land

He flew over the mountains, proud as an eagle
Cuttings trough clouds like a dart
He flew over the mountains, blinded by the sun
And looked over the ground

Who gave him his wings?
Who waited on the cliff?
Nothing more he could remember
And disappeared in the haze

He flew over the mountains, proud as an eagle
Cuttings trough clouds like a dart
He flew over the mountains, blinded by the sun
And looked over the ground

Who has seen Icarus?
There, in the blue distanse?
A light pair of wings
Here, in the gray dust?
Title: Re: Share a Song!
Post by: Mr Sven on April 26, 2008, 01:00:10 PM

This album cover ( cracks me up. Don't judge a book by its cover. By looking at that cheesy artwork you would assume it's an album of chicano street beats or something you'd bump in the hood. Psyche! It's actually well-paced, gorgeous orchestratic magic... with a subtle groove.

Cheesy artwork?
My cousin designed that ( awaits the "Oh no he didnt posts" ) sorry guys but its true... he goes by Monkee ( if you look in the album insert you should see it )

cant find any pictures to post of him though as any sort of proof.. :-\
Title: Re: Share a Song!
Post by: Mr Sven on April 26, 2008, 01:07:13 PM
In Reply To #15

I like that - Kinda reminds me of "songs of time" ecco the dolphin soundtrack, you might also like "Tubular Bells" i'm sure you've heard of that one?
Title: Re: Share a Song!
Post by: Ed Oscuro on April 26, 2008, 04:16:32 PM
What would you think if I sang out of tune?
Would you stand up and walk out on me?

Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
And I'll try not to sing out of key


Sven:  In defense of your cousin, I think that's an excellent cover.
Title: Re: Share a Song!
Post by: Think Tank on April 27, 2008, 07:32:38 AM
In Reply To #18

Yeah, I own the original "Pure Moods" soundtrack that has Tubular Bells on it. And sorry about the cheesy comment, it just doesn't seem very fitting to have a cover like that to go with the music on the cd.
Title: Re: Share a Song!
Post by: Mr Sven on April 27, 2008, 11:20:09 AM
In Reply To #20

I was only pulling your leg about the cheesy comment. I dont mind at all after all it isnt my work is it? and yeah, even though I should have listened to carboot soul cause of my link to it I didnt , I assumed it was going to be all hip-hop or rap or the like, He tends to be into that sorta music and assumed it would be a similar genre. I like it though
Title: Re: Share a Song!
Post by: CVfan13 on April 29, 2008, 01:20:37 PM
In Reply To #1

"What's Up People?!" by Maximum the Hormone. Great song, I love it.
Title: Re: Share a Song!
Post by: Dark Nemesis on May 01, 2008, 10:08:42 AM
What about this one? It's really chilling!
Title: Re: Share a Song!
Post by: Think Tank on May 04, 2008, 07:23:17 PM
In Reply To #23

The guitar at the 3/4ths area is cool. I dig what they are going for there, but it seems a little too calculated. Was that made for a video game or anime or something?
Title: Re: Share a Song!
Post by: Dark Nemesis on May 05, 2008, 12:23:02 AM
In Reply To #24

No, it's just a band and this song is from a collection of this style music. If you want, i can give you more from this collection! ;)
Title: Re: Share a Song!
Post by: Think Tank on May 05, 2008, 10:48:55 PM
In Reply To #25

Do they have anything that's lower and maybe a bit darker? or if not darker, maybe more minimalistic.

Wait, can you have something be "more" minimalistic?

Anyway, I guess my thoughts are that overall the song is really nice. It's almost too perfect, as if it was all synthesized. But layering that many instruments makes it seem too big. Now I love well-crafted, big orchestra pieces, but when it sounds like synths, and it's a really dramatic song, it runs the risk of sounding too videogmey. Ok, I'm rambling. (see my Custom Title for reason).