Castlevania Dungeon Forums

The Castlevania Dungeon Forums => Fan Stuff => Topic started by: Corpsecrank on January 27, 2017, 12:15:05 AM

Title: Castlevania UE4 (Metroidvania)
Post by: Corpsecrank on January 27, 2017, 12:15:05 AM
Current Status 11/13/2017

So a lot has been happening. I haven't gotten around to posting any updates in a while now sorry...

I am putting together a website to house this project and all my other projects. Once the site is up it will be a permanent home for all my projects moving forward.

The game is coming along damn swell. Progress has been slow on the game it's self recently. During that time I have been working on other parts of this including the site. I had to migrate unreal versions more than once also. Currently the project is fully upgraded to unreal 4.18 which I plan to stick with at least for a while. 4.18 Comes with some major new features in it. I still need to learn how all of the new stuff works. The audio engine from 4.16 to 4.18 is completely different. 4.17 had a preview of the new audio engine. 4.18 contains the new audio engine in full. You can still use the legacy audio engine but they plan to phase that out over upcoming releases. So I need to learn how audio is handled in the new engine. I also need to learn about the new media framework which was completely redone I guess.

Ok so with the project finally sitting in 4.18 error free I can potentially start making real progress again soon. I want to get this site up so I can begin managing this project from there. I also need to really weed out the project files and just do some house cleaning on it. I don't want the demo to contain all kinds of garbage. I also don't want the game to run like ass either so I will be going over the project a couple times to strip it all down and create some organization conventions and also to comb over all the stuff that is scripted out so far so it is all light weight, tidy, and optimal.

The web page is going to allow me to post way more information way more often than I can here. I plan to post frequent small bits on the site but it also allows me to use all types of media etc so I can just plain do way more. So look for a link to that in my next update here.

Backstory on why I migrated unreal versions:
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Older Posts:
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Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: X on January 27, 2017, 09:43:00 AM
Hey Corpscrank, welcome back!

Nice idea you have here. If you're having trouble with making the original CV into a non-linear one you could always take a look at the maps for Vampire Killer. VK was as non-linear as the original CV got. It could help you on how to make the areas larger without sacrificing the look of the original game.
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: Corpsecrank on January 27, 2017, 04:11:26 PM
Yeah I haven't decided yet how far to stray from the original level design. I want to attempt to keep quite a bit of familiarity though because I think if I go to far it will no longer feel like cv1 anymore.

The excellent news from today is that this whole thing is going to be SO much easier than I originally thought. As it turns out making all of this happen in ue4 is as easy as it can get. Hell I doubt I could do this any easier with any other tool which is a great relief for me. I had fully planned on this entire thing being a lot more work and learning than what it is turning out to be. I bet if I hammered down on this really good one day this week I could have almost all if not all of the initial functionality I need. Because of the way ue4 works I will be able to focus almost all of my efforts on design and other fun stuff. Blueprints are so powerful and easy to use and so much of what you would need for a project like this is already just there in the tools already done. I think there is very little I will have a hard time getting to work the way I want.

So after really fooling around today with a lot of this stuff I think like 90% of it is basically no work. I may have to do some tinkering to figure out how to do stairs. I thought about stairs a bit today and I really think I am going to have to lock the character to them old school style vs allowing the character to freely traverse them. I don't really want the character to become solidly locked like the original games but kind of hybrid locked like in scv4 where you could jump on to them and move relatively freely in a sense. I think rondo did this also didn't it? I can't quite remember now cuz it's been a while since I played it. At any rate I don't want to have to initiate the stairs from the top/bottom like the old games because it goes right back to making the controls stiff. I also feel like doing that would be such a harsh contrast to the rest of the way the character handles. So it has to be something in the middle.

If I can manage to put this thing together quickly enough I might be able to spend a ton of time adding to and polishing it. I will have to get this out there so you guys can check it out once the main stuff is done because I think a lot of cool stuff could be done and I am sure people here would have great suggestions I wouldn't come up with on my own. I know I have plenty of ideas myself so when the time comes maybe we can discuss additions/changes and compile a list of things to do next with it.

I am probably going to share my final project source too so that people here have a very easy to work with template game for classic cv remakes using ue4. I might also hand out a whole bunch of additional assets I have that don't get used in this one on top of it.

A long time ago I used to animate not make games. When I was animating I created tons of cv artwork from sprite sheets and some custom also. Almost all of it has been edited in some way though. Mostly better color since 8bit palette was really limited. Anyhow all the stuff I made for those old animations is perfect for a game as well so I have an enormous pool of pre-made assets on hand. This not only saves even more time now but makes for a massive library I can share so others can do the same and build great quality cv games fast and easy.
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: X on January 27, 2017, 05:38:35 PM
I think rondo did this also didn't it?

Stair jumping was done in SCV4, CV Bloodlines, and Rondo/CV Dracula X/Dracula XX/Vampire's Kiss.
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: Corpsecrank on January 28, 2017, 10:14:40 AM
Yeah that's what I thought stair jumping was from scv4 up to about the metroidvania at which point you no longer lock on to a set of stairs they act as a slope.

So today's goal is to get basic character functionality into the game and at least some tiles. I can probably squeeze in the hud and a working hp bar if I try hard enough too.

I don't have a name for this one other than just calling it Castlevania UE4 lol. Any suggestions on naming this thing with a better title or should I just stick with that?
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: X on January 28, 2017, 10:23:32 AM
Can't exactly call it Simon's Quest. That's already been done, lol.

At the moment I have nothing floating around in my head. Do some internet sleuthing. You might just find something that works for a title.
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: Corpsecrank on January 28, 2017, 01:34:46 PM
Can't exactly call it Simon's Quest. That's already been done, lol.

At the moment I have nothing floating around in my head. Do some internet sleuthing. You might just find something that works for a title.

Lol yeah I don't think simon's quest is going to work but that is pretty funny.

I don't want to call it something fancy because at the core of this it is literally JUST castlevania in a sense I mean the first game was only called castlevania and this isn't an entirely new design it is intended to be mostly influenced by cv1 right? So naming became a bit of a trick. I can't exactly call it castlevania on it's own either lol. So I just been calling it castlevania ue4 since that really is what this is I guess. I mean while this isn't a direct clone of the original game using ue4 it really is just a retelling of it in that engine. I mean I could call it castlevania chapter one or castlevania extended edition or some other generic name I just don't like any of that stuff that comes to mind. I'll keep kicking some ideas around while I work maybe I can come up with something that fits.
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: chainsawmidget on January 28, 2017, 03:35:44 PM
Castlevania Reborn? 
Return to Castlevania?

Maybe something a bit more Hammer of Universal style? 
Blood for Castlevania
Curse of Castlevania
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: Inccubus on January 28, 2017, 03:46:29 PM
My project from back in the day had a similar basic idea of being a CV1 remake that was somewhat non-linear in a similar way to Rondo. What I did was adapt the maps from all previous remakes into a single coherent layout.

I look forward to seeing how your project develops.
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: X on January 28, 2017, 05:11:53 PM
Maybe 'Castle of Chaos'? That's essentially what Castlevania is.
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: KaZudra on January 28, 2017, 07:25:36 PM
I was thinking along the lines of just combining the meta Cv1 for one big game, or combine that with Cv2 for a competent Metroidvania.
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: Corpsecrank on January 28, 2017, 11:59:15 PM
Some not so bad ideas for names. Still undecided yet but I can keep pondering that while I am stuck in photoshop hell since it looks like that is where I will be for a moment.

I got stuck in photoshop all day today and I am currently still there with a whole lot of work in front of me. I decided to use the cv2 simon sprites with a whole lot of work on them cuz they bad af out of the box :( by comparison the cv1 sprites look fantastic which is sad when you think about it. If you look at the trevor sprites they are the best of the 3 but cv3 is a huge bump up in quality in all areas. I don't know what they did in cv3 but it is wildly different than the previous ones and it shows. Anyhow yeah cv2 simon he needs serious work but I dig the armor a lot. I am trying to go for the classic red armor blond hair simon look that was changed in chronicles where he goes all black and red with pinkish red hair. I don't care for the look they gave him from chronicles on it looks bizarre and out of place almost.

Making progress though. Soon as I get this sheet wrapped up I can probably get back to ue and start working on actual functionality a bit. I am really itching to get something playable so I can see how some things work. Thank god I already have plenty of sweet tiles to work with or I would have to do that too. I'd like to get basic movement in and some tiles down and maybe get the HUD started too so that I can at least see how some of the stuff handles. As it stands I don't know how the old 8bit cv character will handle I may need to add frames to smooth it out and I can't help but feel like I will need a run animation. Maybe not but backtracking will suck if you move as slow as you did in the original so I need to see if I can bump up the character speed without it looks bad or handling strange. If it works the way it is awesome if need be though I might add a run animation and make a double tap run style control since it seems to work well.
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: chainsawmidget on January 29, 2017, 07:35:04 AM
If you're expanding the areas, are you adding more bosses?  If so, are you taking ones from the other NES Castlevania or trying to come up with some new stuff?
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: X on January 29, 2017, 10:34:59 AM
Yeah I don't like the Simon chronicles look either. It's just not Simon, especially with that over-the-top pretty boy look he was given--A travesty to one of the most manliest Belmonts of the entire series.

I've dealt with both sprites before and I do find that CVII Simon is an improvement over CVI Simon. You can tell because of his movements on-screen. The CVI simon is rather stiff and slightly disjointed in some parts whereas the CVII Simon carries itself very smoothly.
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: Dracula9 on January 29, 2017, 12:49:17 PM
I've dealt with both sprites before and I do find that CVII Simon is an improvement over CVI Simon. You can tell because of his movements on-screen. The CVI simon is rather stiff and slightly disjointed in some parts whereas the CVII Simon carries itself very smoothly.

Er, hate to be the bearer of ill news, but it's literally just an edit with only a few pixels' difference in general outlining and shaping.

Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: Corpsecrank on January 29, 2017, 05:24:58 PM
Yeah I don't like the Simon chronicles look either. It's just not Simon, especially with that over-the-top pretty boy look he was given--A travesty to one of the most manliest Belmonts of the entire series.

This is exactly how I felt. Like what have you done to our badass hero? Now he looks like he is going to start crying and run off to the bathroom to fix his fkn eyeliner...

If you're expanding the areas, are you adding more bosses?  If so, are you taking ones from the other NES Castlevania or trying to come up with some new stuff?

I do intend to add additional bosses. I almost have to if I want to expand this the way I do. I will probably use as much nes cv stuff that I can for this. I don't want to use custom stuff or things from other games any more than I would need too. And really I will probably only use custom stuff as need if I can help it.

Er, hate to be the bearer of ill news, but it's literally just an edit with only a few pixels' difference in general outlining and shaping.


Ah no I am sorry I should have been more clear perhaps. I mean yes they are very similar and that should  be obvious but with cv2 simon the black solid areas make working with the sprite much harder. This is most apparent in the arms and legs where the original simon has more detail. You also lose the "sword" on simon's belt that is clear in the cv1 simon but only really noticed on the death frame of the cv2 simon. Also the color on cv1 simon is better in general which I know may be opinion but the cv2 sprite has white and red for the face which is disturbing as it looks like a clown to me lol.

Artistic interpretation aside they are very similar with only slight actual changes in pixel arrangement. The big changes happened due to the color choices etc.

So hopefully tonight is the last night of suffering in photoshop. I found that the key to staying motivated and getting shit done is to just put swinglevania on a 24/7 loop crank the volume up and drink gallons of coffee. Jokes aside this is worth the effort. I'm actually just getting started today as I just got up about an hour ago. I might post a couple mock ups or something later on so you can get a little bit better idea where I am going with this one.
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: Dracula9 on January 29, 2017, 05:27:24 PM
Damn, I love the serious masculinity problems some of y'all have.

Last I checked being a badass had more to do with being a badass, not looking like 80s Schwarzenegger.
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: Corpsecrank on January 29, 2017, 08:27:43 PM
Damn, I love the serious masculinity problems some of y'all have.

Last I checked being a badass had more to do with being a badass, not looking like 80s Schwarzenegger.

Well I think it has less to do with that than the fact that we already had an idea of what simon was supposed to be about. I mean the fact that they changed him from being all he-man style to some gothic sissy look. Once you have an idea of something in your mind it is hard to accept a change that drastic so yeah it disappoints us. I mean alucard he was already a pretty boy and I still think he is awesome because I never pictured him any other way really. If you suddenly tried to make alucard something else I would probably feel the same way about the change.

I should point out though that this is primarily a problem for people who already knew simon from before the change. If you asked someone who never had a pre-conceived idea about him they might actually prefer the newer look to the old so much like the way I felt about the cv1 vs cv2 sprite it is a bit subjective.
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: Dracula9 on January 29, 2017, 08:34:29 PM
That's fair, and that's fine.

Shit like "I bet he cries and has to fix his eyeliner" is not an admission of a variance of opinion, and suggests that some people have more deep-seated problems with effeminate men doing the same badass shit as macho-man previous incarnations.

We say what we mean, after all. I like macho rugged Simon as much as the next guy, but I don't fabricate bullshit reasons to dislike more effeminate (or really, not even more effeminate, just less Schwarzenegger) designs on face value alone.

Having a difference of opinion doesn't indicate masculinity problems. Flipping shit and dishing out stereotyped insults towards effeminate male characters as if only burly rugged macho men are capable of enacting baddass feats of strength and power does.

So either some of y'all do a really shitty job of explaining your preferences, or what I said previously stands. Given the outlandish levels of unjustified hatred for certain elements the fanbase has produced and the levels some fans will go to to rationalize, justify, and otherwise enact said unjustified hatreds over the decade I've been in it (cough cough waah I hate IGA he ruined the franchise cough cough), I'm inclined to lean towards the latter.

Hopefully you can understand why.
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: Corpsecrank on January 30, 2017, 09:00:39 AM
That's fair, and that's fine.

Shit like "I bet he cries and has to fix his eyeliner" is not an admission of a variance of opinion, and suggests that some people have more deep-seated problems with effeminate men doing the same badass shit as macho-man previous incarnations.

We say what we mean, after all. I like macho rugged Simon as much as the next guy, but I don't fabricate bullshit reasons to dislike more effeminate (or really, not even more effeminate, just less Schwarzenegger) designs on face value alone.

Having a difference of opinion doesn't indicate masculinity problems. Flipping shit and dishing out stereotyped insults towards effeminate male characters as if only burly rugged macho men are capable of enacting baddass feats of strength and power does.

So either some of y'all do a really shitty job of explaining your preferences, or what I said previously stands. Given the outlandish levels of unjustified hatred for certain elements the fanbase has produced and the levels some fans will go to to rationalize, justify, and otherwise enact said unjustified hatreds over the decade I've been in it (cough cough waah I hate IGA he ruined the franchise cough cough), I'm inclined to lean towards the latter.

Hopefully you can understand why.

You shouldn't read into things so heavily. By the way I think Iga was a genius personally. I don't understand why people think he ruined a series konami was never going to continue doing the same way ever again anyhow lol. I mean they were never making another 2d game with the same style as previous ones that should be pretty obvious. Hell some people think scv4 was garbage and well I have to disagree there also. But as always this is all subjective so to each their own I guess.

So back to the project at hand here. I need some opinions at this point. I want to throw this sample sheet up for feedback on it. I think it looks great for the most part. I mean I wouldn't say I am unhappy with it as is. I do need to know if the flail is to over-sized or if it looks alright the way I have it. I wanted the flail to command some authority I guess but I may have taken it just a little to far? Not sure so I need more eyes on it just to see what someone else thinks. Aside from the flail feel free to critique this all you want I mean now is the time I guess. If the colors look wrong/bad let me know etc.
Title: Re: Castlevania UE4
Post by: BLOOD MONKEY on January 30, 2017, 09:41:49 AM
That reminds me of a sheet I started working on a while ago and never finished.

Title: Re: Castlevania UE4
Post by: X on January 30, 2017, 09:55:12 AM
The Flail is a bit over-sized. If you could reduce by half it should work out better.

That reminds me of a sheet I started working on a while ago and never finished.

Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: FeRcHuLeS on January 30, 2017, 10:36:20 AM
Not sure so I need more eyes on it just to see what someone else thinks. Aside from the flail feel free to critique this all you want I mean now is the time I guess. If the colors look wrong/bad let me know etc.

Are you talking about my work?? The other pixel is a combination of eyebrow and shadow lol, one pixel and Simon got personality and it's based on Richter Belmont, on the other hand I don't like the shiny forehead of yours.
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: Corpsecrank on January 30, 2017, 11:09:12 AM
Are you talking about my work?? The other pixel is a combination of eyebrow and shadow lol, one pixel and Simon got personality and it's based on Richter Belmont, on the other hand I don't like the shiny forehead of yours.

I'm not quite sure what you are talking about.

The Flail is a bit over-sized. If you could reduce by half it should work out better.

Yeah I think it might be to much but at the same time I still want it to be kind of big compared to the normal size used. I think I will go back and rework it some since it seems to be the only thing I really question at the moment. Once I get the flail taken care of maybe I can finally get back over to ue and start making actual progress.

I got set back by deciding to change this sprite set and I also got side tracked on another journey for the better part of a day or so. It is amazing how much time you can lose to such seemingly small things.

On a completely different note. I keep thinking a whip system similar to the arm cannon in super metroid would be a cool thing. Basically a way to turn different upgrades to the whip off and on to create various combinations. I don't know if I will do that for this game but I like that idea a lot. You would need some well thought out enhancements for players to be able to make some viable combinations from. If I remember right there was very few reasons to change up the arm cannon in super metroid so making the system a lot more important might compel players to tinker with it more. Maybe create weaknesses/resistances to different combinations so players actually need to change up the combination from time to time. You would need to be careful though since it could be come a pain if you have to change often and it isn't fast and easy to change it up. I don't think going into a menu to change it would be a great idea for that reason alone.
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: FeRcHuLeS on January 30, 2017, 11:48:07 AM
I'm not quite sure what you are talking about.

Sorry, That's just a misunderstanding, I'm working on something similar and basing my work on the style of RoB onwards, not sure what are you based on?, my work here:,8963.0.html. (,8963.0.html.)
Title: Re: Non linear cv1 game
Post by: Corpsecrank on January 30, 2017, 12:16:43 PM
Sorry, That's just a misunderstanding, I'm working on something similar and basing my work on the style of RoB onwards, not sure what are you based on?, my work here:,8963.0.html. (,8963.0.html.)

Ah yeah I did see that work of yours. Some nice looking sprites if you ask me. I was basing this one of mine loosely off of the classic artwork where simon had blond hair and the red/gold armor. Basically the same general idea you had I think. The difference is I am trying really hard not to add to much extra detail or stray to far from the original sprite. I mostly just wanted to recolor it and touch it up a bit. I did run into trouble with the hair because I want to keep a black outline on the character and I also wanted to add hair color so it isn't quite as good as I want I guess but it works alright so I went with it. I added a little extra shine to the boots and gauntlets to make them look more metallic. They didn't look quite right without adding it. And the pants and arms etc are all a really dark almost black shade of grey with lighter grey where there was white before. It helps make the whole sprite look better because it had so much large sections of solid black.

Mostly just cleaning up the look since the raw nes sprite was pretty rough on the eyes.

I plan to use tiles from the nes games with the same thing done to them. I think simply changing the colors adds enough to them to make everything look pretty good. Just trying to maintain some balance between staying true to the original art and making that art look better at the same time. It is a little tricky since I don't do a lot of sprite work.
Title: Re: Castlevania UE4 (Metroidvania)
Post by: chainsawmidget on February 02, 2017, 05:59:46 PM
The boots being mostly gray throws me a bit.  I'm so used to seeing them being white that it looks weird. 
Title: Re: Castlevania UE4 (Metroidvania)
Post by: X on February 03, 2017, 09:44:53 AM
Simon had dark gray armored boots in SCV4 so it looks fine from here.
Title: Re: Castlevania UE4 (Metroidvania)
Post by: Corpsecrank on February 03, 2017, 11:05:36 PM
The boots being mostly gray throws me a bit.  I'm so used to seeing them being white that it looks weird.

Yeah not just the boots look weird either because the original sprite had such poor color. Once you start adding color to it things really look different.

Basically the character I posted is only a general idea what I want to do at this point. I have a new sheet I am working on now that will be the final design I use. The new sheet will be pretty similar but some changes I am making should help eliminate some of the weirdness.

When I post the final character sheet I think it is going to be pretty surprising. It won't be for a little while though because I still have an awful lot of work left to do on it. There are a ton of frames in the final sheet some of which I haven't even finished making. When I get this done the character should play as smooth as sotn does. I think if I had tried to go with as few frames as the nes games used it might be kind of rough at least compared to how I wanted it to be. So I had to kind of go back and rethink things some and that caused me to kind of scrap the initial sheet I started. Worth it in the end though.

When I get the new one finished I will post the entire thing and it will make a lot more sense where I am going with this.
Title: Re: Castlevania UE4 (Metroidvania)
Post by: Corpsecrank on March 05, 2017, 10:04:15 PM
Updated main post with a sample of random bits I just thought I would throw up there. Catch me on the bloodstained discord if you want. There is a link to the post for the discord in the first post of this thread.
Title: Re: Castlevania UE4 (Metroidvania)
Post by: Corpsecrank on August 23, 2017, 05:27:07 PM
Just bumping this since it has been ages and a lot of progress has been made. I do post updates to for anyone not in the main loop on this one just come check this once in a while.

Updates are going to be picking up as this thing is gaining momentum rapidly right now. The youtube channel is also going to have regular stuff at this point as I add new stuff.

As mentioned in the last update a demo of what I am working on is probably not to far off so stay tuned.
Title: Re: Castlevania UE4 (Metroidvania)
Post by: Corpsecrank on November 13, 2017, 12:13:59 PM

First post has been updated!
Title: Re: Castlevania UE4 (Metroidvania)
Post by: X on November 13, 2017, 05:32:28 PM
Those're some interesting random bits of pixel animations  :)

Title: Re: Castlevania UE4 (Metroidvania)
Post by: Corpsecrank on November 16, 2017, 07:38:08 PM
Thanks man  ;D