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Why don't I like Rayman Origins?
« on: February 02, 2012, 01:16:15 PM »
This game has been gaining a reputation of being the best platformer ever made. While I can't find any flaws with it, I can't seem to enjoy it either.

I don't understand what I don't like about this game.

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Re: Why don't I like Rayman Origins?
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2012, 02:43:07 PM »
Rayman Origins being the best platformer ever made?

Offline markyjoe1990

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Re: Why don't I like Rayman Origins?
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2012, 03:14:59 PM »
There are tons of platformers done "not as well" that I enjoyed more. New Super Mario Bros. Wii for example, constantly gets you killed when you play with multiple players, yet I found tons more enjoyment out of that.

I think my problem with the game is it's lack of flexibility. For example, I notice the game is designed for the player to rush through levels easily, and in later levels, this is practically required. The level design doesn't really deviate from this. ever. It makes the game feel repetitive.

The game always challenges your reflexes, but nothing else. There's no strategy or thought. The only reason to slow down is to get secrets, collect lumas (Or whatever they are called) and save te pink dudes, but it's surprising how much that feels tacked on. Not to mention you HAVE to save the pink dudes in order to progress. It feels like the game WANTS you to go with the flow, but having to save pink dudes breaks that flow.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 03:20:06 PM by markyjoe1990 »

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Re: Why don't I like Rayman Origins?
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2012, 04:40:03 PM »
I heard that Ubisolf "threatened" that if Rayman doesn't sell well, Beyond Good and Evil 2 will be forever gone.

Also, I kinda feel like Rayman Origins is kinda overpriced. $60 dollars when it is released?!? It could have been a great downloadable game for $15.

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Re: Why don't I like Rayman Origins?
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2012, 09:50:05 AM »
Rayman Origins is amazing.  You are all wrong.


I haven't beaten it yet, but I love the game so far.  I'm just a little past the halfway point.  I don't think anything feels tacked on.  The whole point of the game is to collect the pink electoons to complete the medallions, and collecting the yellow lums is a part of that, since getting enough lums gets you one or two electoons at the end of the stage.  The only speed stages I've come across are the treasure chest chases that are unlocked with enough electoons.  Everything else seems exploration-based.  If you're not exploring to find the hidden cages,  you're missing the point.  Just listen for the electoons shouting "Help me," then look around for a hidden door to enter the electoon subscreen.

The real beauty of Rayman Origins lies in the graphics and level design.  Everything is polished to hand-drawn perfection.  This really struck me on the underwater levels, but really every level is gorgeous.  I didn't care much for the treasure chest chases at first, but they've really grown on me.  And the shooter levels are super fun.

I've barely touched the multiplayer, but so far it seems better than that of New SMB Wii, to me.  Your characters in Rayman Origins don't bounce off of each other.  You can occupy the same space at the same time and pass through each other, so that makes it less chaotic and frustrating than New SMB Wii.  The whole Bubblization thing is ripped straight out of Mario, though.

I wouldn't say Rayman Origins is the best platformer ever, but it is absolutely a charming piece of polished sidescrolling and a nostalgic throwback to oldschool sidescrolling/platforming.

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Re: Why don't I like Rayman Origins?
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2012, 10:17:38 AM »
There's something wrong about it being a requirement to collect a certain amount of electoons in order to play more of the game. Yoshi's Island was an exploration based platformer, but at least you didn't have to get 100% on all levels to go through the main game. The only thing you'd miss out on were the secret levels. I don't really like the concept of unlockables, and being forced to unlock the rest of the game makes me not want to play.

Visually? The game is very nice to look at, but I've seen better looking platformers before.

I don't think the game is as polished as you say it is. The controls could be better for one - crazy as that sounds. Sometimes I bounce off of a wall automatically when I perch on it after using the helicopter. Don't know why it does this, but it's very annoying. The run-up-wall mechanic is also very misleading, I forgot why, but I think it's cause you'll keep running even after you let go of the directional pad. Also, sometimes you get combo-juggled, which is annoying when you have an extra hit. It's essentially an instant death.

The swimming is leagues better than most Mario games to say the least, but I can't help but feel it could be better.

Also, the water levels were very underwhelming - not much is done with them, and there is a lot of unused space that's just sorta there.

Also, just wait until the later levels. You are forced to rush or else you will die.

I can't really say I agree the level design is great either. It's unengaging. unlike Mario, where enemies are well-placed, in this game, there are barely any enemies worth mentioning. They are all extremely easy to get rid of. I don't really feel like I'm ever in danger except in the areas where you are forced to rush, and you can rush through pretty much any stage within a few minutes. Pretty much everything in this game has been done better in some other platformer, like Yoshi's Island.

Which brings me to another point actually. Most of the levels in this game are unmemorable. Unlike Mario, where each level had a theme that it focused heavily on, Rayman Origins doesn't do such. The game focuses mainly on acrobatics, and designing levels where you use these in creative ways rather than making each level feel different.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 10:26:01 AM by markyjoe1990 »

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Re: Why don't I like Rayman Origins?
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2012, 07:03:28 PM »

Part of what made me like this game A LOT is because it was so unexpected. To me, Rayman has always been extremely mediocre. I did enjoy The Great Escape a bit but it was nowhere near the great game some people would have me believe. And for the last few years it has been all about some Raving Rabbids. So, Rayman Origins came out of nowhere and shocked me quite a bit. I don't think it deserves to be called one of the best platformers ever, but it's definitely a HUUUUGE step up from what I was used to. Imagine BUBSY coming back with a really good game. That's how surreal my first experience with Rayman Origins felt. I do however think that this game is kinda hard and frustrating at times, so I'm taking a break from it.

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Re: Why don't I like Rayman Origins?
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2012, 07:06:23 PM »
Oh wow. Someone remembers Bubsy? Haha.

I actually liked the first Rayman game, but it was SEVERELY hampered by the fact that you HAD to get all the electoons to beat it, which I hated.

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Re: Why don't I like Rayman Origins?
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2012, 07:18:17 PM »

First Rayman was one of the best-looking platformers I had ever seen at the time, but man was that game unforgiving! I could never beat it and actually feel sick to my stomach even thinking about it today. But yeah, I admit it's not a bad game. I probably just sucked at it.

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Re: Why don't I like Rayman Origins?
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2012, 03:52:43 AM »
I heard that Ubisolf "threatened" that if Rayman doesn't sell well, Beyond Good and Evil 2 will be forever gone.

It looks like Capcom and Ubisoft...

*takes off sunglasses*

...are in good company.

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Re: Why don't I like Rayman Origins?
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2012, 07:43:11 AM »
I adore the original Rayman, and I mean the original:  the Jaguar version.  I actually really liked how they made you find all the cages before you could get to the last level.  None of the cages were overly difficult to find.  I never had to consult a strategy guide; I just played each level with thorough exploration.

I also have the Playstation port of the first Rayman, and it's much much harder than the Jag version.  They added in a lot of things like the slippery surfaces in Band Land.  Looking at the level design, that was probably intended all along, but left out of the Jag version for time constraints.  Still, the slipperiness makes some parts ridiculously difficult, like the part of Band Land where you need to climb up using the trumpet blasts.  I also didn't like the new soundtrack on the Playstation port.  The Jag one was all midi, and far more melodic and memorable than the Playstation version.

Anyway, if you ever have a chance to play the Jag version (not terribly likely, I know), give it a shot.  It's near gaming-perfection.

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Re: Why don't I like Rayman Origins?
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2012, 10:15:39 AM »
I have Rayman for Sega Saturn and I was enjoying it quite a bit. I really need to go back and beat it, I think I'm half way done roughly. I was very surprised at how tough it was. I also have 2 for Dreamcast and never have played through that yet either. I really liked the demo for Origins, just got so many new games lately that if I picked it up it would probably have to wait also. I always enjoy these games a ton while I play them so soon enough I think I'll just have to go Rayman crazy and beat all of them. Doubt I will ever buy 3 though, it's just a little too late for me on that one (though I heard it will become an HD re-release for Xbox Live/PSN). Origins definitely is lovely though, and seemed very charming. It's the next game I plan on purchasing.

