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Cardfight!! Vangaurd
« on: March 06, 2012, 10:49:30 PM »
Well, Since I mentioned the RE Deck Builder Game to HCG101, I'll shed some light into this one.

Cardfight!! Vangaurd Is a new Card game from japan, where it differs with other TCG's is that Deck is less of a factor as opposed to timing and skill. So No winning with that $100 card *cough* Yu-gi-oh, Magic *cough*

The thing I point out is the Clans, this is usually the basis for a deck, my first look was short sight until I got a look at FUCKING ARMORED DINOSAURS!

There are a few Clans, I'm gonna only cover the ones that caught my attention, but that's what the link is for, to explore your own interests.

First Up, Bermuda △
Mermaid Pop Stars. I shit you not.
They follow the cute-sy style and what not, it was so obscure I had to mention it

Second up, Tachikaze
Aka, Zoids and Armored Dinosaurs. 90's kid childhood-gasm

Spike Bros. aka, Mutant League Football, The Deck.

Nova Grapplers are a mix of Mecha, aliens and Ect.

The list can clrearly go on.

Rules and Terminology may shy away new players as it does have a few complications, but the game is fast paced and pretty fair.

Why get into it? it is early and you should request it at your local card shop. This thing is getting pretty big fast.

"I ain't gonna let it get to me I'm just gonna let it get to me" -Knuckles
