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just a short story
« on: November 12, 2012, 10:22:44 PM »
Thunder clapped, as a flash of light raced by moments before.
In a dimly lit room, the Castle's lord sat apon his throne, the side of his cheek resting on his hand, he stared at the door, then his crimson eyes darted to
the tall case grandfather clock as it ticked away, reminding him of the passage of time, it was a mortal quality which he had kept since he transcended the shackles of humanity.
He was a lord, and King amongst the creatures that dwelled within the twilight hours of the night. His existance was a cursed one, as with each rising, he was destined to be met with
another bloodine that was cursed to hunt him.

Dracula Vlad Tepes the Third, had reigned for nearly a millenium, his mind wandered to all the enounters he had over his life.
As his thoughts recalled the Belmont clan, a smirk crept across his slender face reveiling his fangs.

He raised a glass of still warm blood to his lips and sipped on it as if it was a glass of fine wine.
His throne room was adorned with candles that illuminated various paintings that spanned history itself, Dracula rose from his throne and with glass in his slender hand.

"Soon another Belmont will arrive, and quite possibly my son as welll, it would not be the first time..." Dracula thought as he seemed to glide past a painted portrait of Adrian
"Well Son..." Dracula's tone was clearly sarcastic as he spoke to himself, "Little did you know I had more children then I cared to bother with."
He finished his glass of blood, throwing the empty container to the ground shattering it, and sending shards of glass in several directions.

"Technicly you also have two pure blood vampire Sisters my Son, I wonder if you have met them..." He mused over the thought with disgust and amusement.
"When you live as long as I have, you tend to grow bored, Humans do not live forever, and they are fragile creatures. However my other wives were of pure vampire blood."

Vlad passed another portrait, this one of a woman, in a white dress with blue bottom, he hair was long to her ankles and blonde, her eyes where that of her father's crimson red.
"You were born just before I fell from grace with the other vampires, Arcueid, And you too vowed much like Adrian to rid the world of me, amusing, shall all my children be this rebelius?"

He kept walking around the throne room, he passed a painting of Lisa, he only paused a moment, then shook his head and resumed his pace, his anger flared, which was evident from the trail of flames he left in
his wake, like Hades himself had been walking behind him.

He stopped in front of another portain of a woman, She was small and slender, with large hips and a large bust, her hair was to her waist, and her eyes were also crimson.
"And you Moka, sent to live among humans, naturally you too would aid them, Am I wrong?"

Death had manifested itself in a reaper form behind Vlad.
"And how long do you plan to sit around here and mope, there is much to be done still before the appointed year, old friend." Death was well versed in manipulation, however since he no longer could defeat Vlad.
it was only fitting he befriend the lord of darkness.

"I am neither moping as you say, I grow annoyed." He snapped back glaring with his glowing eyes at Death itself.
"They will come you slay you, your children that is."
"Oh, I wasnt aware you cared that much, Zo..." Dracula was about to say before he was cut off
"I no longer go by that name, as you once went by the name of Gabriel"

"Enough of this." Dracula commanded as he sat back down on his throne, "The year is 1998, and the new year is apon us, I wonder if my kin would survive of they were to truely slain me?"

"Even I cannot tell your future, your chaotic nature proves to many variables, Ironic isnt it?"

Vlad didnt say or move his body, only his eyes told Zobek that he had the Dark Lord's interst.

"Even though they predicted the end of days, it was mortals who would bring apon this world's destruction, you were that catalyst Gabriel...or should I say, Vlad."

The doors to the throne room where pushed heavily open.
From the terenchal rain, three figures stood each with amber cat like glowing eyes.

"Well well well, if it isnt my son, and my daughters." Vlad said not flinching.

"Father..." Alucard said with disappointment "You havent changed your ways, your still down the path of destruction."
"I dont call it destruction, I am their true savour." He retorted.

"Just listen to yourself" Arcueid spoke up
"And you, you fight your urges, dont you, I can sense your tension from being among humans. it is not us whom are evil but them, they hunt us cause we need to feed." Vlad almost yelled this time
"Who said it was you to judge the lives of humans?" Moka spoke.
"Humans are not worth the air they breath. however with guidence, they could be rather useful." Dracula said standing to his feet.

"Father, you cannot do this, we wont allow you to do this..." Alucard said.

"you three will perish should you defeat me, so are you still willing to give up your etnernal lives?" Vlad mused, wondering how far his children would go.

"Nothing lasts forever...Father, even we must end eventually." Arcueid spoke.

"Intersting woman you've grown into" Zobek said as his skin turned to ash, revieling nothing more then glowing orbs for eyes, and a robe of utter darkness appeared around his skeletal form.

"Hah, you three beleive you can best me, Have at you!" Dracula said disappearing into light, as Zobek now was the Grim Reaper, with his scyth that could cut a mortal's thread of life....
Currently Involved in: Vampire blood Chronicals, Project Goldeneye

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Re: just a short story
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2012, 02:17:28 AM »
Haha, cool fic! Are Arcueid and Moka from Tsukihime and Rosario, respectively? :D

Check me out at!

Offline Omegasigma

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Re: just a short story
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2012, 07:41:24 AM »
indeed, i was also considering putting D, Vampire hunter D in, but since Alucard and him are almost the same in that reguard, i thought it pointless, its still using the original timeline dracula, but with the LoS names, since it gives a bit more deph to combine the timelines into my own alternate timeline

Part 2 to come soon
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 05:16:04 PM by Omegasigma »
Currently Involved in: Vampire blood Chronicals, Project Goldeneye

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Re: just a short story
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2012, 10:29:28 PM »
After blow for blow, and manifestation after manifestation the trio were evenly matched against the last dark lord.
"This is impossible, you are clearly not at your prime father, yet you seem to have surpassed it." Alucard said in disbeleif.

"Adrian, I cant use my marble phantasm ability, something is blocking it." Arcueid replied. holding her side where Zobek's scyth had slash a wound.

"We cant keep this up forever Alucard. "Moka said panting with exhaunstion.

"You there are curious arnt you, to why you cannot best me this time?" Dracula seemed amused at this fact. as Zobek stood beside him.
"Adrian, you know this castle as a being of chaos, your not correct. and Arcueid, you cannot use your marble phantasm, as long as my castle exists."

"Thats absurd." Arcueid protested.

"Is it? think about it..." Dracula said making himself comfortable on the throne. the moment he sat down, their surrondings changed.

"Father what are you doing?" Alucard asked, pointing his sword to Vlad, whom merely smirked as his visage faded and their surrondings changed to what looked like a dusty old town.

"You bastard father, why would you do this to me!" Alucard yelled into the air, as a woman on a cross burned infront of him.
"Mother..." He said, his voice trembling.

"It was needed you three see my reasoning before you were so quick to cast judgment apon me!" Dracula snarled back at his son and daughters.

There was villagers who stood around Lisa, tossing more wood onto the fire, as in the distance Dracula's castle appeared with lighting flashes illuminating it.
The clouds rolled into the village quickly and Dracula's form took shape, each of the 60 villiagers whom were touched by the smokey like clouds were either turned into ashes or Impaled apon rusty spears that
spawned out of the ground.

Although Alucard, Arcueid, and Moke witnessed what was goiing on, everyone seemed like ghosts.

"Adrian, whats going on here?" Moka asked.
"Father is a master of illusions, and Zobek a master in death, we are witnessing the past, where my mother perished..." He responded, "But this i did not see, I ran from this spot the moment my mother's
life force left her body."

Fire swept through the entiere village, and Alucard was reminded of the time Richter Belmont came to battle his father, after Shaft had raised the village to the ground.
Vlad's image quenched the fire under his wife and removed her lifeless body from the cross.
Zobek approached him, "Her lifeforce has already gone, she like your first, is gone forever, old friend...."
"Do you not think I know this?" Vlad snapped back, his rage uncontrollable, erupted into a flaming fire vortex, incinerating the cross and melting the very cobblestone he stood, on, Lisa's remains were scattered into to the wind, as the vampire's rage continued.
"Enough of this." He said closing his cape as energy within him swelled.
within moments he opened his cape again and said only one incantation "Demonic megiddo" withing a moment the entire villiage was erased from history, all the villagers who hid had their lives snuffed out in an

the blood in three vampire offspring ran cold, as the smoke cleared, nothing remained, the ground had been superheated and transformed into a crystal like glass.
"Father..." Alucard called out "I did not know..." For a moment He felt remorse for his father.
"Adrian, we cant forgive him for what hes done though, one life doesnt justify the lives of countless victums, the man you once knew died, hes a dead apostle now." Arcueid said.

"It is as she says, my son, my daughters, still you all disappoint me..." The throne room faded back into existance. "You are all the allies of Humans..."
"Your hatered has blinded you, you've become drunk on your own power, perhaps I need to put you in your place." Moka said, openly challanging Vlad.

"Very well, I shall teach you the true meaning of terror, Soul Steal!" He said standing, as Zobek vanished, parts of the castle started to fade. "You see, you three only battled me at a percentage of my true power!"
"Impossible..." Arcueid said, "The Castle was just an illusion generatered by him?!"

The two Vampires and the Dhampire landed on the ground as the castle began to lose its integridty
"The ultimate risk, for the Ultimate prize!" Dracula said as a shockwave blasted by them, and he floated down to them.

"Now, shall we go for the finale?" He asked taunted Moka to come at him.
"Moka dont!" Alucard called out to her as she charged at him.
"that much power, its enormous...Adrian..." Arcueid seemed worried at the amount of dark energy she was feeling.

Dracula teleported instantly without delay behind Moka Striking her in the back with a hellfire barrage.
"Your a fool to challange me now, I have absorbed every lost soul within Castlevania!" He commented disappearing agian as Moka turned and tried to strike him with all her physical might, only causeing his smoke to disperse.

"If that is true, his body shouldn't be able to hold that much power." Arcueid said, leaping at where Dracula was materializing, He saw her coming without moving his head or eyes swatted her away with his cloak.
"Wasted effort" He commented.

"Father, what have you done!" Alucard came from the other angle, with his blade drawn, he slashed but Dracula stopped his sword with a single finer. "Feel true power!" He said as swarms of bats came from his cloak attacking Alucard, Arcueid and Moka.

Part 3 to come soon!
Currently Involved in: Vampire blood Chronicals, Project Goldeneye