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Re: Leveling up systems in the extra modes
« Reply #45 on: December 30, 2007, 08:36:21 PM »
I thought that last song during dracula was the theme of simon belmont?  Anyways that is a very good song.

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Re: Leveling up systems in the extra modes
« Reply #46 on: December 30, 2007, 10:04:28 PM »
Which would have been fixed much easier with retconning, since bloodlines was as much or even more of a sidestory than cv64. I mean, they even didn't use the akumajo dracula title for it like they did with all other games.

Yeah but Vampire Killer is a solid game and very fun, it was also the first 20th century cv so there wasn't all these resurrections happening every +5/-5 years like the 19th century. Koji had to retcon some stuff there was just too much, although I think he should have just changed the date the games took place instead of removing them from the timeline entirely.

In Reply To #43

Repetative enviornments: Simon's Quest.

Yeah but it's no diff. than rpg's and it takes a lot less time to beat than say FF.

Cheap difficulty: Castlevania 1 and 3 (Western version of the latter)

what do you consider cheap? 1 and 3 really aren't that bad but you have to get good at the games, they aren't going to be all nice and make the bosses get easier after a set amount of time or anything, all the bosses have set patterns, once you get them down they really aren't that tough. I mean Cheap would be like having all the boss fights take place over pits or something like Dracula in XX.

cheap hard modes: CotM,

uh, CoTM has no hard modes.

dumbed down story: DoS

I agree, but DoS is still fun, it's just way too short as well as what you said. I mean I haven't had any desire to play it again since I beat it when I first got it.

unfitting music: CV IV (The beginning being used for the LAST stage in the Game? what's up with that?)

It's cool, that's the best track in the game sides bloody tears.

so if you hate PoR, you might as well hate Castlevania itself.

um no, it is possible to hate 1 game in a series w/out hating the series itself, I'm a huge friday the 13th fan but I think 8 is total horse shit with no redeeming values whatsoever.

In Reply To #32

You gotta admit, he was the most fun to play as. I mean look how fast he was, and all the cool moves he could do!

Actually I hated that about him in PoR, I kept running into enemies cuz I couldn't see most of them until it was too late to dodge.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2007, 10:22:18 PM by The Last Belmont »
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Re: Leveling up systems in the extra modes
« Reply #47 on: December 31, 2007, 06:22:46 AM »

No. I don't like the game because:
-Sisters mode sucks.
-Richter mode is a butchered julius mode.
-Areas are getting more and more similar to cod's flat repetitive design with enemies thrown at you just for the hell of it.
-The story was lame and wasted so many opportunities.
-The protagonists were the lamest heroes in cv history so far.
-How could a cool hero like john have such a retard as a son? Did he hit him in the head too much while training?
-Its color scheme was too bright and neony happy. Where's the grimness? Iga once said the cv games have to feel "gothic" and dark to be cv, then he goes and makes them bright like it's daytime.
-Dracula was totally unneeded. He was completely detached from the story, reused the same lame patterns of "hellfire+teleport+black balls" he did since rondo, and were it not for death's attacks and his dual attacks with drac it'd completely kill the final battle.
-Drac's design, Death's design and their lines suck. "NOW LETS FIGHT FOR REAL HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
-Hard modes were lame and cheap. Instead of throwing a real challenge at you they simply increased enemy damage and defense to ridculous amounts, needlessly dragging the already repetitive boss battles. Real hard mode should add new enemies, more environmental hazards and such, not just prolong a boss battle from 10 minutes to 60, where one-two mistakes mean repeating over.

If you didn't want to confirm my point you would have listed the things you actually liked about the game.  ::)
Nowadays you are either a graphics whore or a fanboy. BR is Shank not CV. It is ridiculous to think that it is better than CV. If it was CV then it would be what RE4 is to Resi, a series killer. Dumb it down and make it look pretty. Enough idiots will buy it.

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Re: Leveling up systems in the extra modes
« Reply #48 on: December 31, 2007, 07:16:23 AM »
Ok let's see, things I liked about the game.

-the sisters themselves
-attempt to make a 2 player mode, even if it turned out less than great
-dullahan's design wasn't too bad I guess

And.. that's it. Can't think of another thing I liked about it.

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Re: Leveling up systems in the extra modes
« Reply #49 on: December 31, 2007, 08:28:10 AM »
Actually I hated that about him in PoR, I kept running into enemies cuz I couldn't see most of them until it was too late to dodge.

Really? I never had trouble. I just move so freely and I rarely ever got hit.
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Re: Leveling up systems in the extra modes
« Reply #50 on: December 31, 2007, 11:00:54 AM »
In Reply To #47

my point was is that the flaws in PoR are also prevelant in many other castlevania games. yet PoR seems to be the target of fans annoyances with them.

as for castlevania I and III, having the stage level dictate the damage you take is what I mean. you can only survive 3 hits against the later bosses, AND that's if you manage to make it to them with full health. I don't see how that's any differant than the hard modes in PoR.


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Re: Leveling up systems in the extra modes
« Reply #51 on: December 31, 2007, 11:36:25 AM »
Did you even read what I and others wrote earlier?

my point was is that the flaws in PoR are also prevelant in many other castlevania games. yet PoR seems to be the target of fans annoyances with them.

Also the things you mentioned are scattered all over the different games in the entire series. Yet por managed to get ALL of them into itself. 1-2 faults in a game is still better than dozens of them. :o


I don't see how that's any differant than the hard modes in PoR.

In the earlier cvs the boss battles ended much faster since the bosses died after 16 hits. Not 600+. And they killed you with 4 hits. not 1.

In the old cvs you had to hit the boss only 16 to 32 times (even less as sypha with her powerful spells). in por's hard mode you have to hit 400-600 times. In older cvs you die from 3-4 hits. In por from 1-2.

Read the other posts first before you go off and start repeating yourself. ::)

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Re: Leveling up systems in the extra modes
« Reply #52 on: December 31, 2007, 05:02:49 PM »
I don't think anyone should compare PoR's hard mode to any other game. They choose to make it the way they did because they wanted it to be a challenge. And for once it actually was. Some people won't like it because it is too hard for them but when I see something that says it is "Hard" then if better be fuckin hard. I hate when they label things wrong. (example: Re4 professional mode= easy with a few more ganados. Zombie revenge Hard mode= ...easy/normal/hard/very hard. They kinda fucked up since it doesn't change anything.)You do get the option of doing it without the lv.1 cap so you have to level up but you don't need to spend any time training.
Nowadays you are either a graphics whore or a fanboy. BR is Shank not CV. It is ridiculous to think that it is better than CV. If it was CV then it would be what RE4 is to Resi, a series killer. Dumb it down and make it look pretty. Enough idiots will buy it.

Offline Long John Silver

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Re: Leveling up systems in the extra modes
« Reply #53 on: December 31, 2007, 05:24:13 PM »
when I see something that says it is "Hard" then if better be fuckin hard.
Yeah, same here. Sadly por's were boring rather than really difficult. The bosses still had the same slow and ridiculously easy to dodge patterns and took their sweet time between the moves to do nothing. The only difference was they had much more defense and you much less attack power so the battles dragged on and on for far too long.

I want real hard mode, one that will randomise the enemy/boss patterns much more, add loads of new moves for them and bosses, add more enemies, lower their idle timer between the attacks by a lot, add more environmental hazards, move the platforms a bit apart so the jumps will be harder to pull off etc.

Sadly, it seems Iga's current team is too dense to come up with something like that. :(
« Last Edit: December 31, 2007, 05:26:16 PM by Serio »

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Re: Leveling up systems in the extra modes
« Reply #54 on: December 31, 2007, 05:46:41 PM »
In Reply To #54

Thats what every hard mode should be like. Sadly they all have only minimal changes. I did find the boss battles to be more strategic in the hard mode lv. 1 because they took so long to kill. Normally they would be dead before you've seen all of their moves. The sister's boss battle was awesome on Richter mode. It was more fun than any other castlevania boss battle I've had. (I got the same kinda feeling as when I manage to beat a boss on a Final Fantasy game when one more attack would have killed me and I haven't saved in two hours.) The death fight was cool too. The creature fight seemed impossible to me but I managed to spam the super jump in the corner and I had to contol maria with the stylus which was hard but cool. Legion was fun for the first few minutes. Once you figure out what to do it is just a really long fight. The only major problem I had with the game was that it was too short and the online was severely lacking but I suppose I shouldn't go into detail on that since Im starting to sidetrack this thread.
Nowadays you are either a graphics whore or a fanboy. BR is Shank not CV. It is ridiculous to think that it is better than CV. If it was CV then it would be what RE4 is to Resi, a series killer. Dumb it down and make it look pretty. Enough idiots will buy it.

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Re: Leveling up systems in the extra modes
« Reply #55 on: December 31, 2007, 11:09:47 PM »
In Reply To #47

as for castlevania I and III, having the stage level dictate the damage you take is what I mean. you can only survive 3 hits against the later bosses, AND that's if you manage to make it to them with full health. I don't see how that's any differant than the hard modes in PoR.

Um you get subweapons and double and triple shots that allow subweapons to do megadamage and decimate the bosses with proper timing. And even if you go at all the bosses w/ just the whip it won't take more than 16 or 32 for drac's second form. And unless your playing vs. castlevania you can take 4 hits in the later levels. I still don't see how that's cheap though, you just have to learn how to dodge all the diff. enemies attacks and develop the best strategy to make it to the boss w/out getting hit or taking minimal damage. I like games that are tough like that and provide lots of entertainment, I hate beating games quickly.
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