
Castlevania, Vampire Killer, X68000, or Castlevania Chonicles Arranged Mode?

Castlevania (NES)
Vampire Killer (MSX)
Akumajo Dracula (X68000)
Castlevania Chronicles (PSX)

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Re: Castlevania, Vampire Killer, X68K, or Chronicles Arranged Mode?
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2013, 11:01:03 AM »
(bodies "drowning" in a blank canvas

I don't think they were all drowning. Some of those women were hand-gesturing at you to come and join them for a swim. Which I found creepy too.
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Re: Castlevania, Vampire Killer, X68K, or Chronicles Arranged Mode?
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2013, 12:39:01 PM »
I still hold the first Castlevania to be the best of Simon's adventures that aren't Simon's Quest (though that particular game isn't exactly on of my favorite CVs either). I find the first one even better than Super Castlevania IV, which was a game I felt was dragged down by a lot of the reasons Egoraptor stated in Sequelitis (too easy, useless subweapons, overpowered yet underused whip mechanics, etc).
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Re: Castlevania, Vampire Killer, X68K, or Chronicles Arranged Mode?
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2014, 09:25:39 AM »
My avatar makes it pretty obvious to which one I prefer. I've always dug Simon's redesign. He looks fierce, with the yellow eyes and coyote fur. Even MercurySteam liked the design enough to evoke it in MoF.

Plus the arrange mode's music is pretty good, and the graphical overhauls like having the entire background of stage 3 changed to SotN-like quality and animating the sky in Stage 8. I just wish they went further, like touching up stage 6's graphics. The first part is good, but the bland green background leading up to the Simon doppelganger could've used some work.

I Some of those women were hand-gesturing at you to come and join them for a swim. Which I found creepy too.

I always thought they were trying to get you to help them, like the prisoners shouting for help to Simon in the dungeon stage. Except Simon just pimps on by. That's pretty stone cold of him.

Also bloodreign-kun, I've both a physical copy of Chronicles and cvx68k emulated, and I've never noticed a difference in difficulty. Though I did notice that the stair-climbing animation is better in the floppy disk version, and of course there's the voices of the dolls.

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Re: Castlevania, Vampire Killer, X68K, or Chronicles Arranged Mode?
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2014, 10:07:55 AM »
Plus the arrange mode's music is pretty good, and the graphical overhauls like having the entire background of stage 3 changed to SotN-like quality and animating the sky in Stage 8. I just wish they went further, like touching up stage 6's graphics. The first part is good, but the bland green background leading up to the Simon doppelganger could've used some work.

I like the sound effect when you hit the candles, somehow it resembles from Castlevania 1 NES, I wish it also sounded like that when you hit the enemies or bosses as well, the only thing I don't like with the arrange version is the remix of vampire killer.

I always thought they were trying to get you to help them, like the prisoners shouting for help to Simon in the dungeon stage. Except Simon just pimps on by. That's pretty stone cold of him.

I always thought that those prisoners are not real and just a part of Castle's current incarnation or a creature of chaos IMO.

Also bloodreign-kun, I've both a physical copy of Chronicles and cvx68k emulated, and I've never noticed a difference in difficulty. Though I did notice that the stair-climbing animation is better in the floppy disk version, and of course there's the voices of the dolls.

Even the voices of dolls are present in arrange mode, only in the japanese version of chronicles but it was removed in the US version for unknown reason.

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Re: Castlevania, Vampire Killer, X68K, or Chronicles Arranged Mode?
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2014, 10:51:54 AM »
I guess we Americans weren't ready to handle Japanese voices in our games until that following year in HoD. Only then could we were strong enough in spirit to hear it.

But yeah the prisoners were probably part of the castle itself, like the ones in SotN and PoR. Probably Dracula's past victims who were now forever trapped in the castle. Plus some werewolf-cyclops abomination breaks out of one of the cells to attack you.

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Re: Castlevania, Vampire Killer, X68K, or Chronicles Arranged Mode?
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2014, 08:42:07 PM »
Arranged mode in Castlevania chronicles is a joke. It was designed for newbie players with no skill as an excuse to bring the real game to hardcore fans. The original version of chronicles called simply, Castlevania, was a masterpiece. I love it! It's also the most difficult Castlevania game ever made.

Castlevania nes wins in this thread. We're we talking about the original chronicles and not arranged mode, it may be a different story.

This magic whip could be an example of advanced alien technology.
