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Offline Sinis

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Castlevania Projects Thread
« on: December 28, 2018, 07:01:09 AM »
I'm going to combine all of the projects I'm working on (minus CoA) into one thread so nothing will get cluttered on here with multiple threads floating around plus this will help me keep organized in 2019 and beyond.  This will include joint projects with people as they are more than welcome to post up on here as well :)

There is no set time to complete these as this is a hobby for me alongside other things now in my life so don't expect me to be working on said project all the time as I'll be skipping around with all of these once Umbral Genesis is done as that is my main focus right now alongside CoA :)

Super Castlevania Legends

-Hack based on Super Castlevania IV-

This project has gone back and forth on the table between me and bogaabogaa in the past half year or so, maybe a year.  Lost track due to all the stuff that's been going on.  It was shelved due to some stuff going on but after talking with bogaa again it will be worked on in the future.  This was seen on my Discord server multiple times along with one video posted up but took it down due to a lot of errors made in the previous sprite set that I was editing and using from Serio's Castlevania Fighter.  Permission was sought to use the Sonia sprite set.  I'm just editing and making new Sonia 16 bit sprites to fit into Super Castlevania IV which is a very odd placement to what they got set out for Simon's base so I'm making the most plausible outcome to work with Sonia's opposite attack motion (farthest arm instead of  near).  You have to adapt and that's what I'm doing :P

The goal for this is a full on hack with tons of programming done so new bosses and elements can be added to the game.  I'll be doing whatever sprites and other stuff while bogaa does what he can.  There are plans to have other SNES programmers to join in on this but so far its in the early phase of planning between me and bogaa.  Plans are to make this the world's first full on SCIV hack with everything changed within it for a new experience.  It won't be based on the GameBoy version as it will be a fan service thing, like how Legends NES is going to be :)

A new video will come later in the future once Sonia's sprite set is completed.

Super Castlevania

-Hack based on Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse-

Made a suggestion about this years ago but no one wants to do it since its based on Castlevania 3.  A retelling of Castlevania.  I'm hoping that RetroRain gets back with me on seeing if they are interested in making an MMC5 patch for this so I can bring this one step further among the rest.  More info will be gone over in time :)

Castlevania Legends NES

-Hack based on Castlevania 3-
(no longer based on Akumajou Densetsu)

Due to recent issues surrounding Akumajou Densetsu I will be placing this project back onto the U.S version and save me the headache of people always pulling my chain saying "Yeah, I'll help you out with VRC6 blah blah blah" speeches.

So much drama, lies and misinformation has surrounded this project that I can write a book.  Getting tired of looking like a fool when it comes to this project as it should have been done and out by now.

Castlevania: Vengeance on Hell II

-To Be Announced-

Options are being taken towards this project.  Will announce when it is placed on something :)

Castlevania: Resurrection of Darkness

-Hack based on Harmony of Dissonance-

This title was too good to let go so making this a continuation after Umbral Genesis.  A story is worked out along with the character.  I'll reveal more later :)

I will be making full use of LagoLunatic's DSVania editor and do everything from scratch so it will be a new experience.  I'm hoping to drag Sephirous along if he wants to journey into the land of GBA hacking :)

Castlevania: Umbral Genesis

-Hack based on Castlevania 1-

Most people know about this so not much to say.  Its still being MMC5 as Optomon will help with programming especially doing the customized Snake's Revenge sound engine.  There are other goodies planned which will be revealed later once most of the programming is done.  Trying to make this its own type of thing as when this is done I want to talk to the creator of Stake to make an editor specifically for this since it will not be like the other Castlevania ROM hacks.  2019 is going to be a big year for this project as I will be working on this again in January, once the new boss sprite is made for CoA :)

Cutting BoS from my list as I no longer have an interest in making it.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 02:34:50 AM by Sinis »
