Does anyone remember those tiny, possibly fake, screenshot of "Shin Dracula X"?
I used Bing AI to generate some assets that I then proceeded to edit, section and combine in PS to create something somewhat inspired by that long time forgotten hoax.
These are not AI generated screenshot, most elements have been individually prompted and edited to be put together (for instance the whip was made editing and combining together 3 different prompts, for the chain, spiked ball tip and fire effects.) I'm specifying this just because people seems to think all you can do with AI is to write a prompt and get the job done and hating on a, i think, useful tool for a wide range of artists and professionals. Prompting all the elements took maybe one hour and half, most of the work was PS editing, cutting etc for each element and combining them to create a somewhat believable 16bit/32bit lost Dracula game. I think these tools are potentially very useful for independent developers, and i wouldnt mind helping out on a doujin game with creating and editing assets as well as creating concept screenshot if anyone here ever needed to. Anyway, hope you may enjoy and let me know your thoughts