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Who plays the awesome Command & Conquer 3?
« on: September 13, 2007, 01:12:02 AM »
^see title.
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Re: Who plays the awesome Command & Conquer 3?
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2007, 12:07:11 PM »
Awsome? you make me laugh

Go play some TS
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Re: Who plays the awesome Command & Conquer 3?
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2007, 03:16:53 PM »
Awsome? you make me laugh

Go play some TS

Agreed, just for the discussion :P :

ok looking back on c&c titles EA fucked up the second Westwood left. c&c games have always been games of logic and story c&c 3 has neither. If you do think so read on.

Tell me, is it logical that when you have tanks you spend years of reasearch and finally develop the biggest mech army in the world, that you throw them all out and take the tanks back in? Also what of Nod's atillery? and their stealth generators that lost the ability to cloack themselves?
Seriously I got nothing against EA but they really screwed it up big time there.

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Re: Who plays the awesome Command & Conquer 3?
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2007, 06:20:44 AM »
In Reply To #3

Apparently GDI dont use mechs anymore because they're "unreliable and expensive" so the 800 credits titans cost in TS is more expensive than the tanks in C&C3?

C&C 3 is a " who can build one unit fastest" rush game.
and why is Kane no longer a charismatic evil doer rather than some sort of religious convert?
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Re: Who plays the awesome Command & Conquer 3?
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2007, 11:42:26 AM »
Agreed, just for the discussion :P :

ok looking back on c&c titles EA fucked up the second Westwood left. c&c games have always been games of logic and story c&c 3 has neither. If you do think so read on.

Sadly, I would have to agree with you on that. When I played C&C3 for the first time I was disappointed as well. The storyline could really be better, considering it's a post-apocalyptic world and all. The videos are simply boring and you would rather skip them, since you won't see any action in them, unlike the cool Tiberian Sun.
And yeah, so sad that even the great Kane is kinda boring in this game. No longer a messiah, he is simply the leader of Nod now, and sure, he is still as mad as ever, helping out the alien race in order to open a gateway to a new world, but he simply isn't as badass as he used to be.

And yet, this game has many pluses. The biggest pluses are the graphics and the gameplay. So many new cool improvements, like being able to construct more than one building or unit at a time, the war factories now can repair units adjacent to them, every unit has useful abilities, upgrades, much more support powers for credits. The armies having very different units, the game is pretty unbalanced, and part of the fun is exploring every side's advantages and disadvantages.

So this is a good strategy game. Not Command & Conquer, but it's still nice as an independent game that brings the goods.
As for Command & Conquer? *sigh* It died along with westwood...
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Re: Who plays the awesome Command & Conquer 3?
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2007, 03:52:50 PM »
As for Command & Conquer? *sigh* It died along with westwood...

So true

Even The first decade had so many bugs in it thanks to EA - RA1 was missing the videos for the soviet side for one/ a lot of people had their tiberian dawn games crash if they went to the top of the screen - thankfully not me. the list of bugs was just unacceptable and bugs that were most certainly not there in the games the first time round. It's down right undignified for one of the greatest series ever.
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Re: Who plays the awesome Command & Conquer 3?
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2007, 03:47:52 AM »
also the most important thing: no walls and/or gates
and the biggest ? I had was the moment kane appeared like he was never gone. The intel database there says that GDI destroyed and dismanteled the last Cabal bunker? Kane was in it so how come he is just back alive in sarajevo?

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Re: Who plays the awesome Command & Conquer 3?
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2007, 12:46:40 AM »
They've explained how Kane always comes back every game, looking not very much aged, despite the huge timelime jumps between games. Not to mention that he normally dies at the end of every game.

I liked C&C3's cutscenes, I also liked the cast. The gameplay did indeed leave something to be desired, but I still liked it better than TS (TS is my least favorite RTS Command and Conquer game, Red Alert 2 is my favorite, followed by Red Alert 1).

What bugged me is that they so largely ignored TS's storyline. All the Tiberium monsters, the strange plant-like Tiberium groth that was forming. It was all simplified down to those little green crystals. Gone were the Tiberian Fiends and the vine monsters. And with no explaination. It was really odd.

I also agree that the jump back to tanks was poor. Why'd they ever use mechs in the first place if they were just going to decide "You know what? Tanks are better."

But my main issue with the game was how modernized it became. The sci-fi aspect was largely eliminated. There were no more cyborgs, guys using advanced weapons (Exploding discs, lasers, etc.) in war. Plus NOD, it became far more of an opposing millitary faction and more of a terrorist organization driven by religion. Kane seemed more like he wanted to be Jesus than he wanted just be a millitary leader and charismatic figure, in C&C3.

On the gameplay side of things, I thought the teams were too similiar. They all had the same bases, the same basic four defensive bases (Anti-Infantry, Anti-Armor, Anti-air, Anti-Everything but really Expensive). They only had a few subtle differences, but the plan for them all was the same. To spam the best unit and crush the enemy with it.

I'm not saying it was a bad game, but it wasn't nearly as good as I had hoped. I still liked the cutscenes and the cast, though, even if it didn't really follow all.

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Re: Who plays the awesome Command & Conquer 3?
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2007, 03:38:02 PM »
Honestly? you liked the cutscenes? I know C&C is supposed to be BMovie cutscene cheesy but theres a difference between that and bad acting - the blond Nod woman being the worst. then the guy from lost - Joe kucan did his best with his script but he just wasn't the Kane we all know and love.

and honestly - im suprised C&C went as sci fi as it did after just the Stealth tank/AGT and Obelisk in the original --- its a big leap to aliens and disruptor tanks and tunnelling flame tanks and cyborgs - yeah they did great for TS's gameplay but maybe they could have toned one or two things down a tiny the unnessecary mutants who only get a cameo in C&C 3 throught he Hovel.

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