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« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2010, 10:39:51 PM »
Jorge, just why are you sooo talented?
This music is great!  :)

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« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2010, 12:43:23 AM »
Ugh, I just finished a 60-hour work week. Well, not actually finished, because I still have to work tomorrow and Tuesday. It's nice to get overtime pay, but this also means that I haven't made it to the gym in a week. And last time I broke a personal record on my squats  :-\ . Oh well...back at it tomorrow...same weight as last time.

I'm also trying to figure out which game I'm going to play next. Really want to start on Borderlands, but I doubt I'd be finished with it before Oct.5th.
It's like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, but instead it's Who Wants Fried Chicken? I do.

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« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2010, 01:35:41 AM »
Woo, I forgotedz about dis threadz.

For the past week I've been dealing with what appears to be an ear infection. I hope it's just that. It's been really sensitive to sound. Haven't listened to my headphones for a few days 'cos even low-level sounds hurt it so close to the source. Hoping it's not some kind of damage suffered or the beginnings of tinnitus—one song I was listening to, I kept hearing a high-pitched tinny sound out of it, but I suspect it might be poor audio engineering on the song (there are similar instances on the song), but it could be my ear, so...I can't really say.

Despite this pain and sensitivity, I rather brashly went swimming today, ha. Figured it'd be the last day I could swim, and I barely went under water. Had to go as a sort of last hurrah, as I figured I may not get another chance before the season's end. That and I'd been working for a few hours hauling heavy tree limbs and big packs of shingles around, and was sweating mad balls. Got all burnt from it; didn't wear any sunscreen, and my pale Scandinavian body do not like no sun!

Reading comics. Lots of freaging comics. Been practically binging on them lately. Lots of Batman. Also found a hardcover copy of Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley's Bodycount, a really bloody TMNT tale starring Raphael and Casey Jones, and which was originally a four-issue miniseries. Only 500 copies of this hardcover were printed, and it was a Comic-Con exclusive from two years ago. How'd I get it? Shot an email to Heavy Metal magazine's website asking if they had any copies, and they had one, and sold it to me for $30. CRAM it, dude on eBay trying to sell a copy for $900! This makes four different releases of the miniseries that I own: the individual issues published by Image Comics, the '96 trade paperback by Image, the '08 softcover magazine-sized collection by Heavy Metal, and now the hardcover edition of the same release (which sadly both are missing a page, having printed one page twice—boo); five editions if you include the very first Casey Jones and Raphael comic, which was the name the series was originally to go by, but Mirage Publishing only published the first issue, and then it got canned. Sad. It's the last TMNT comic Eastman ever worked on, and I love it.


Other'n that, just various little trivial things.
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

