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« on: June 25, 2011, 01:17:05 AM »
Anyone here a fan of the series? I bought the original PS2 game way back when after I'd found out the guy responsible for the first Silent Hill had directed it. Fun game, scary as hell, but ho-ly balls, does it get a bit confusing and difficult. If I remember right, picking up items or doing so much as kicking over a stone while playing one character would allow you to progress with another. It's got this whole big convoluted timeline thing going on, and after a while, I think I wound up being forced to replay levels because I'd missed something my first or second time through. It got a little tiring after a while and I didn't really know what to do, so I gave up and never finished it. The British Asian voice acting was a little weird, too.

Was pretty annoyed when the sequel didn't come out in the States. I'd have bought it, despite not having finished the first, just 'cos the first game provided such a unique and creepy experience.

Now, I'm going through Siren: Blood Curse for the PS3, which I imported from the UK two years ago. (I did this to have a disc; in the US, the game was download-only and I believe episodic. Wasn't gonna put up with that...) Pretty darn awesome so far. It's less scary than the original game, this one being an advanced remake of it. I think the only reason I find it less frightening is I can kick more ass in this one. In the PS2 version, if you're not totally stealthy, you get nailed pretty hard and die; in this one, it seems like if I pick up a pretty heavy weapon, it's not a big deal to go toe-to-toe with one of the baddies. ...Unless they're carrying a gun.

Yeah. It kicks ass. I should finish the first game one of these days. I should also import the second one from the UK if it has a 60Hz NTSC mode. (I believe most PAL PS2 games do have such a feature.)
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

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Re: Siren
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2011, 11:56:17 AM »
Generally the first game is the only real one to provide the player with a full meaty experience of fear and terror, and the sequels can't really live up to that kind of status because the players know what to expect on some level or another.
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Re: Siren
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2011, 03:35:45 PM »
I played whatever one came out on psn. I was looking forward to it but ended up hating everything about it almost immediately. My gf and I both have it and we used to constantly joke about how laughably bad everything was from controls, to story, to voice acting. I had more fun in the little place they made on home.
Nowadays you are either a graphics whore or a fanboy. BR is Shank not CV. It is ridiculous to think that it is better than CV. If it was CV then it would be what RE4 is to Resi, a series killer. Dumb it down and make it look pretty. Enough idiots will buy it.

