Well normally I would not just make another thread like this for the hack, but in this case since I know I will need to use this things SEVERAL times I figured why not.
My issue is this: I have a very nice looking sprite that was made for the hack for Alucard's katana swords. The problem that me and my talented artist are having is that I cannot seem to describe for him what exactly my issue with it is. All I can say is that the legs seem to look off compared to the rest of the sprite.

I think that everything looks great, except for the legs themselves. They just don't seem to fit in, but I cannot describe why.
Can anyone better describe what might be wrong with it? I am not an artist so I do not know any of the terminology, or how to describe what needs to be done with it.
P.S. Pay no attention to the sword and sheath; they are only placeholders for now.