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D&D Belmont character help
« on: July 06, 2012, 09:45:47 PM »
So, I want to make a D&D character based off a Belmont and so I thought I would come here and asked what you guys thought. I'm going to be playing 3.5 rules if that helps. I'm thinking some sort of a Paladin since they're holy units who throw holy water and whatnot. But I'm curious to hear what you think.

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Re: D&D Belmont character help
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2012, 10:45:46 AM »
Your DM would really be the one to ask about that. Since the Belmonts are so powerful against the undead you'd probably want to talk with him/her about how powerful they are comfortable with the character being. The most important part of having a good time in tabletop roleplaying is the people you play with, if you don't like or aren't comfortable around them you're not going to have nearly as much fun. See what the others in your group are making, you want your character to work well within and compliment the group dynamic.
Also depending on the specific Belmont/timeline and setting a Belmont might have to be lawful good or chaotic good. I don't think you could ever have a neutral Belmont, much less an evil aligned one. Ask the DM about house rules and the use of flatbooks/expansions and if they're cool with their use you might look for inspiration there. I've heard Pathfinder is an improvement on 3.5 rules by the way.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 10:47:38 AM by Ratty »

Offline GuyStarwind

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Re: D&D Belmont character help
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2012, 01:02:28 PM »
We're playing a quest where we keep our characters but switch DMs every so often. So, I would most likely have to get a mutual vote on how powerful I can be. Moreover, the friends I'm playing with are all Castlevania fans and I believe we're playing a good quest so I'll be some good Belmont. Lastly I've heard of pathfinder but we're too lazy to try.

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Re: D&D Belmont character help
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2012, 03:29:01 PM »
"A chasm looms before you. There is a narrow ledge along wa wall of rock, beyond which is a stairway leading to a door."

"Ok, I'll walk across that ledge."

"Roll a dex check."


"You make your way across the ledge. Unfortunately there is a piece of the ledge crumbled away."

"Is it wide enough that I can jump across?"


"Ok, then I'll jump."



"You come up just short and fall to your death. Unfortunately there are no checkpoints or passwords, since this is not a video game. You are dead, Belmont, and now Dracula will reign over this world!"

"I want a new DM."
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Re: D&D Belmont character help
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2012, 12:03:21 PM »
I'd personally go with second edition system as it is a lot easier to deal with. While 3.5 gives much more control over your stats it gets way too complicated then it really needs to be. I actually made a Simon Belmont character for D&D once. He wasn't of Paladin class but of Warrior class. I find warriors to the most adaptable of characters. We never really got far into the campaign but if we did then my character would have gone from using his leather whip to a morning star whip. This was back in the day before the whip was even called Vampirekiller and way before IGA came onto the scene. Keep in mind we weren't following all the stringent rules of the game as we wanted our imaginations to play a big hand in this as well. A Paladin sounds like a decent character to work with however there might be some limitations on that would interfere with a Belmont character. While Belmonts have a holy power coursing through their veins they are very much just warrior vampire hunters, especially the earlier Belmonts like Trevor, Christopher and Simon.
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Re: D&D Belmont character help
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2012, 12:39:57 PM »
"A chasm looms before you. There is a narrow ledge along wa wall of rock, beyond which is a stairway leading to a door."

"Ok, I'll walk across that ledge."

"Roll a dex check."


"You make your way across the ledge. Unfortunately there is a piece of the ledge crumbled away."

"Is it wide enough that I can jump across?"


"Ok, then I'll jump."



"You come up just short and fall to your death. Unfortunately there are no checkpoints or passwords, since this is not a video game. You are dead, Belmont, and now Dracula will reign over this world!"

"I want a new DM."


*New DM arrives*

"Ok, then I'll jump."



"You come up just short and fall into the catacombs. Now you have to climb all the levels up again."

"Yes, I am on a drug. It's called Charlie Sheen. It's not available, because if you try it you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body."
~Charlie Sheen

