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Offline jgy666

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Re: McDonalds to be rated MATURE?!
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2008, 12:10:02 PM »
In Reply To #14

Nah, throwing food in the playground = vandalism. throwing food at person = assault. It's bad because not only did they rip me off, then I had to go buy more food somewhere else because I had thrown the food... DUMB! But it seemed like a good idea at the time and I can laugh about it now, so maybe it was all for the best, who knows.

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Re: McDonalds to be rated MATURE?!
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2008, 09:25:37 PM »
The moral of the story is: always check the bag before you drive off.

Yeah I don't ever leave any fast food place w/ out checking my food first, one time I was at mcd's they forgot fries, another time I got an order of chicken nuggets instead of a burger. Both times though, I was on the property and looked in the bag and noticed their mistake and they corrected it. Also always keep reciepts and make sure you get one for everything. Just yesterday I bought a zip drive from walmart and it wouldn't work, luckily I had my receipt still in my car so I was able to return it w/ no problems today. After working in customer service I've seen too many people get screwed because of not getting or keeping a receipt, I alway s inform people that it's a good idea and always hold onto mine. Even if it's just for a burger, you never know when you may need it. :)
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Offline jgy666

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Re: McDonalds to be rated MATURE?!
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2008, 01:45:31 PM »
In Reply To #17

Yeah, I know Wal-Mart can give you alot of crap about returns. My wife got alot of bs trying to return a "The Omen" DVD box set. We got it home and opened it and one of the DVDs had been slashed - it almost looked like someone took a razor to it. So, anyway when she goes to exchange it there are no more in stock and the tag is gone... this was back around Halloween so they probably just had it for the holiday. So then she proceeds to try and get a refund and they tell her they can't because it's opened. She, of course went on to say "well, how were we to know it was damaged until we opened it?" and so on and so forth. They did eventually give us a gift card for the amount due to us, but it was just hell trying to get it. Wal-Mart, go figure.

