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Offline theANdROId

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« on: August 28, 2014, 08:49:10 PM »
"Literature, literature. Mr. Bank, come on. You don't need to read no literature. All you need to do is feel it!" ~Frank, Oceans 13~

Yeah...that's kinda where my weird title came from.  Anyways...

I wouldn't be surprised if this has been asked before.  If so, I'm sorry...I tried to look for it and didn't see it, but I also don't know how to effectively use the search function without having to weed through tons of posts...

...I spent most of my day today working on homework and such, playing YouTube lists of CV soundtracks for some background music, and a few times when a track came on, I found myself feeling...I dunno...emotionally(?!?) compelled to stop and just listen to the track.  This made me wonder a few things:

First of all, what are your thoughts at these tracks?  These are the ones that compelled me to stop today.  I've deliberatly tried to set them up so you can't see the title...maybe open in a new tab and don't look?  You'll probably recognize where they're from right away anyway.  Nonetheless, the idea was, if you just hear the song without any other information, what -- if anything -- does it make you feel?

Song 1

Song 2
Slightly modified Song 2
(Just pick one or the other here, unless you wanna hear both.)

Song 3

Do those make you "feel" something?  Do you think that feeling impacted by you knowing what's going on in the game when this music is played (if you do)?

I don't guess I know how she really feels about it, but I ask my wife this stuff fairly often.  She's certainly not the avid gamer that I am, so she almost never has the interference of having played that part of any game.  I may play a track and ask what she thinks/feels about it, or what it makes her think of.  Interestingly enough, most of the time what she thinks/feels is pretty close to what's going on in the game.

What other tracks have an emotional effect on you, and what sort of effect? (And how does knowing that moment in the game impact the effect?)

