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A question about LOS and Pan's principles
« on: September 24, 2015, 07:35:34 PM »
If it could have been done this way would it have been better?

The process goes like this. Making LOS Mirror of Fate a tandem game with LOSII. This is what I mean. Play through a portion of LOS II which brings you to the part where you hear "you'll pay for what you did to me and my mother!" then flashback into LOS Mirror of Fate play through until where Simon says "it can't be" then switch back to LOSII until you get to the surprise surprise Mirror of Fate chapter when you and the leftenant have that touching moment. Then go back into MOF to do more story line and becoming more filled in on whats going on etc. etc.

I often wonder if Star Wars had done this idea with the prequels if it would have been more conducive to story line and given it more build up to the series big shocker. That of course being that Jar Jar is the true Lord of the Sith. Come on he is the most hated character in the series.

All kidding aside I know that this is how it went and that Mirror of Fate was on DS so it could never happen. Even still I just wonder how if may have been.

Second, if Pan served no one then why did he have to do what he did to find redemption?

Remember my name and know this. I have Suffolk Down Syndrome.

Stop me if you've heard this one.
A Belmont falls through a trap door into a square prison with no exits. After hitting three sides he smashes through the last one. Relieved and low on health he looks at the camera, smiles and says......"Pork chop?"
ULTIMATE FOURTH WALL BREAK!!! That just happened!!!

