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Offline mgfcortez

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hi i know this is a long shot but I'm into Journey to the west Chinese tv show i even started a sub group years ago to sub the 1996 version and got it done well now they got newer ones that look much better anyway back then i made a English dub with pc voices at 1st but as i did new parts i did all the voices myself and it was cool it got better as i did more i put them all together for a 20 minute dub i learned a lot from doing it think i can do a lot better this time anyway I'd like someone to remake the music in the new show they use the same song over and over but i could do another English dub if anybody help me out with this i know there is a lot of you great ppl on here that make cool castlevania songs all the time if anybody would like to help out it be cool here's some youtube links to the show I'd like to dub so you can get a look at it

i can't upload my dub i made before to youtube they deleted it and won't let me upload it again but you free to download it to check it out if you want here's the link
if no one around here wants to help maybe someone would know a forum that might have someone into this thank you for your time
