The project is going at good pace I'm working on bosses and lesser enemies these days and there is something that I wanted to discuss long time ago, on what to base on the lesser enemies, actually I made proto sprites based on the characters you can see in the image the results are satisfying but the "SNAKE", this enemy doesn't have a proper character to base on and the proto sprite I made is not satisfying to me. Then It is the "DEMON" I've put horns, claws on him an looks good, this character seems to be a "GREMLIM" from RoB and I replaced his ears with horns what do you think all about this?? Do you have better character choices to recommend to me?? Just I have in mind everything I'm touching is in order not to change their original look too much.
EDIT: Sorry if you expected a finished spritesheet, I didn't wanted to post the proto spritesheet I made yet to avoid spoilers expecting to post it when it's finished.