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The Dark Flame is still burning...
« on: March 09, 2017, 07:02:37 PM »
Remember that game, Dark Flame, that was in the works awhile back? Well it's still in development and will be finished around October this year!

If you don't know what I'm talking about - it looks like this:

I just wanted to share my work with you and hope to deliver something you all will enjoy! It's been a constant struggle to create this game, but now there's light at the end of the tunnel!

If you want to see more (including videos, etc), I'm pretty active on Twitter:

Thanks for taking the time to check it out!

« Last Edit: March 09, 2017, 07:18:19 PM by BorishDugdum »

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Re: The Dark Flame is still burning...
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2017, 12:21:01 AM »
That HUD's way too dark, bro.

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Re: The Dark Flame is still burning...
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2017, 05:32:09 AM »
That HUD's way too dark, bro.

its because the flame its to dark :3

Offline Dracula9

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Re: The Dark Flame is still burning...
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2017, 06:51:57 AM »
Yeahhhhhh, no. Thematic elements don't outweigh basic necessities of visual readability.

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Re: The Dark Flame is still burning...
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2017, 02:42:09 PM »
Yeahhhhhh, no. Thematic elements don't outweigh basic necessities of visual readability.

Im pretty sure he was making a joke.
Im not going to insult you because I don't want to get banned, but everytime I read a rude comment on these forums it never fails to be you who posted it.

Make of that what you will.

Offline Dracula9

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Re: The Dark Flame is still burning...
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2017, 02:14:24 AM »
Don't really care, mate. I ain't here to please all of you.

And yes, obviously. I was going to continue it with a Souls reference, but didn't want to change gears as to what I was prioritizing.

You can stop making it a point to try and put me in the stocks and tell everyone what a big ol' meanie I am. Or grow thicker skins since there's really loads worse I could be saying and doing but aren't (and really, "yeah no, joke aside it's still an important thing to fix" isn't "rude" nor does it even begin to compare to some of the other shit I've said to some of you before, so good hyperbole there). I could also just as easily say the only ones of you that make it a point to gesture and yell what a rudey galoody I am are the very same ones I've had past arguments with...but I don't.

My brashness is nothing new, and I'm sorry if you're not a fan of it, but following me around and setting up a soapbox and finger-pointing every other time I post something isn't gonna do anything but continue my being annoyed/pissy with/brash towards you or whomever. Hard to take a step back and go "hm, was this one too much or was it justified?" when I'm not given any time to step back. White Knighting is just a surefire way to keep the cycle going. So again, either grow thicker skin or stop meandering about like an angry spouse trying to oust their S.O. in public all the time. If I decide I'm being too brash and choose to reel it in a bit, I'll do so on my time after my own personal reflections. Random passive-aggressive Post-It notes on the fridge and bathroom vanity aren't gonna affect when and if that happens, and are just annoying.

I have nothing to start if you don't, ne? Not rocket science. Get off my ass for more than five minutes and I might just have more time to look at things and decide if I need to make changes.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2017, 04:09:20 AM by Dracula9 »

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Re: The Dark Flame is still burning...
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2017, 06:00:22 AM »
"If I decide I'm being too brash and choose to reel it in a bit, I'll do so on my time after my own personal reflections."

I think you are being a little brash, and as a mod, I'll ask you to turn it down a bit. You've not done anything exceptionally irksome--this is why I'm giving you a verbal warning rather than something more serious--but I think a little more tact on your part would be both appreciated by others and more beneficial to your arguments in the future.

That said, Esteban and others, if you feel someone's out of line, don't call them out on it publicly like this. Send me, Shiroi, or another mod a PM, and we'll look into it :)

Back on topic, Borish, this is looking pretty cool! Glad to see it's on the right path :D You say it'll be released in October, you mean October of this year, right? Early, mid, or late October? :o

Check me out at!

Offline Dracula9

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Re: The Dark Flame is still burning...
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2017, 06:16:21 AM »
"If I decide I'm being too brash and choose to reel it in a bit, I'll do so on my time after my own personal reflections."

I think you are being a little brash, and as a mod, I'll ask you to turn it down a bit. You've not done anything exceptionally irksome--this is why I'm giving you a verbal warning rather than something more serious--but I think a little more tact on your part would be both appreciated by others and more beneficial to your arguments in the future.

Oh, of course. Wasn't meaning to suggest I was above moderation intervention, only that short of that decision that it was ultimately my call to make. Consider it done.

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Re: The Dark Flame is still burning...
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2017, 10:18:01 AM »
The game does looks good! I do agree about it being a bit too dark. There are ways of getting the type of atmosphere you want without sacrificing the current visuals.
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