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Produce 48 is misunderstood?
« on: July 12, 2018, 07:11:51 PM »
perhaps I misinterpret the organization, but I dunno why Jpop performers go to Korea to compete/be evaluated. it comes off as naive.
 Jpop is different from Kpop, different cultures and entertainment styles and expectations.
They are not lower level from the Kpop performers,  they are mostly self taught but still talented and special

sure, Kpop are more strict and that can produce more high skilled performers, but Jpop dont need that in Japan to be liked and successful.

I dunno in a way, I think Produce 48 is just bait to discourage japanese performers.  there's always been tension between Japan and Korea, and Produce 48 seems like its related to some agenda to make koreans superior to japanese and ridicule japanese.   I think Jpop performers should steer clear from Korea cause its a whole different league and demands too much and too elitist and strict and have a narrow minded point of view of right and wrong.

 if Japan was strict and nitpicky like Korea in this subject, A LOT less people would be able to achieve their hopes as a Jpop performer and contribute their humble yet priceless qualities and uniqueness to society and the world in the art of Jpop.

seems fishy to me.  I dunno.   I think Jpop is better on their own turf and have fun and be appreciated instead of entering the Korea arena and being belittled and underrated.  I find self taught performers to be more likeable and less likely to be conceited compared to 'top tier' performers that perfected their craft yet a part of their individuality and warmth is lost somewhat.

HOWEVER overall, Produce 48 positive side of things, reflect upon examples and values and things that world needs more of, overall, Produce48 is more of a good thing, especially consider when one considers all the hate its getting from hate groups, so that sheds more light onto the positive side of Produce48, which the evil masses reject and dont want it to succeed, the more can see the good that Produce 48 brings.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2018, 06:36:14 PM by affinity »

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To me music like Jpop and other venues sounded better in the 80's and early 90's. I don't listen to much of the music coming out in today's market nowadays. The best reasons I can give for my feelings on this are best explained in this vid:
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To me music like Jpop and other venues sounded better in the 80's and early 90's. I don't listen to much of the music coming out in today's market nowadays. The best reasons I can give for my feelings on this are best explained in this vid:

I heard some modern Jpop and there's some cool ones.   I rather play games than listen to music on its own, though I been starting to find appreciation to Jpop and Kpop, though I still dont have the patience to sit through one of the latest songs lately, not because of bad songs but Im just busy and not really a music listener unless its from a show, movie, or game

though on subject of Produce 48, in a way it has some positive aspects about it. but I think its competitive side is just too competitive.  Jpop and Kpop are better when they are just entertaining instead of 'eliminating' talent and like comparing Jpop vs. Kpop. 

it just produces unnecessary tears and frustration. like the people are lucky to even qualify to be a Jpop/Kpop performer.   I dont like the measuring stick angle they have with the whole competitive survivor style of stuff.  a lot are into that sort of drama, but it just produces more negative thoughts than positive.
I dont think something like music should be organized like a who is better than who sort of thing, or country vs. country. 
the two cultures really have very different standards, and I dont like to see the talent as levels, but rather as different flavors.

but they make up this whole hierarchy and it just really messes with morale and self esteem of the performers.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2018, 07:57:58 PM by affinity »

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in related news, cyberbullying and witchhunts are terrible.

all it took was one misunderstanding for one girl's fanbase to go all hostile and harrassing on the other girl who simply told her to perform better.
And even despite Sakura herself telling fans its a misunderstanding and its not all Jurina's fault, Sakura's fanatics get all hate crowd on Jurina.

see this industry should have better management, even the 'rival' mentality is something they should discourage, and instead encourage seeing each other as friends or comrades.  rival mindset just produces an edgy competitive mentality, even if its lighthearted, it still causes friction.

even other members of the group side with Jurina and overall the Sakura fanbase just are hateful to the point it even affected Jurina's health and stuff.   
those fanatics wouldnt know what strict really means.  how about getting hit with a cane whenever you do something wrong, during or after a performance?  some places and even parents can be like that.

the performers already endure a lot of stress and pressure that even a strong ego can fatigue at dealing with.

so on the lighter side of the subject,  I dont want to mean things in the industry are all bad, but some things could be better, the culture and the fanbase could be more educated, and the management should be more caring, but business gets in the way of the art and can cause negativity or allow negativity to mess things up.

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>music industry
>management giving a shit

found the problem

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Re: Produce 48 is patriotism in the form of a convenient measuring stick?
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2018, 06:19:16 PM »
well in a way, Produce48 is opportunity for friendships and a chance at stardom for some, though it is tough

what can be really bad though are the toxic fans that want to sabotage things for insane reasons. ok so they feel certain people should go back to their home turf instead of 'wasting' their time in Korea's experimental group, but I dunno, if even a part of the Produce48 and industry's 'fanbase' want it to flop,
and are so negative towards it, like, its causing harm to the entertainers as well.

looking at the negative masses side of things, in some ways I actually think Produce48 can be more of a good thing than bad thing for the participants involved.
but its like even a loud part of the Jpop/Kpop masses dont even want it to succeed. like wtf.

so its kind of funny in a way, cause at first I had a negative opinion about Produce48, but at the sametime, I see the hate crowds and look more at the
talent opportunities and really see that it would be a bad thing for Produce 48 to flop.  I sure wouldnt want the haters to get their way, there a lot at stake here
and there are much much worse groups, organizations and cults out there that make Produce48 look innocent.

its times like these that one has to be reminded that it is a priviledge and actually fortunate for groups like that to even exist and trying to make something positive
happen overall.   how many countries have groups like this in the world? 

 so I take bad some of the things I said, yea even though there's shady management in the industry and stuff, the industry would not be as great without groups like these.   conservatives see it as wrong, but I say if the participants love Produce48, let them have it and get support to prosper.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2018, 03:14:24 PM by affinity »
