5. Hail to the Thief - Radiohead

While I really like Kid A and Amnesiac, I am glad that Radiohead decided to go a bit more(if only a bit) traditional with Hail to the Thief. There is a lot of variety in this album, starting off with the blasting 2+ 2 = 5 through to the beautiful,beautiful There There and Sail to the Moon.
Unfortunately, it suffers the worst from the pretentiousness that's been present in every post The Bends album. Ridiculously subtitled songs and the continuous yapping about climate change(just about on every track)can be quite irritating.
4. The Doors - The Doors

This album was a huge influence on Rock and Roll and its not hard to see why. It features everything from the energetically charged Break On Through to the surreal, chaotic "The End".
3. Sgt Pepper's

This album broke all kinds of ground when it was first released, but unfortunately having not been around then I cannot comment on that...
What I will say is that just about every track in the album is a winner. A Day in the Life, in particular, is a fantastic climax.
2. Me Against the World

Back when I was 16 I used to listen to nothing but 2pac. While since then I have embraced different styles of music, 'Pac's stuff still holds a place in my heart. And none more than this masterpiece.
There's something very real about this album, the way each track contrasts with the preceding one. The hope and faith in songs like Young Niggaz and Me Against the World are almost a response to the desperation and paranoia of If I Die Tonight and Death Around the Corner. A lot of people dismiss 2pac as just another braindead hip-hop drone, but if they put their prejudices aside they would discover that few could convey human emotions into music as well as Tupac did.
1. OK Computer

It's quite a credit to the other songs that despite the inclusion of the oh so pretentious "Fitter, Happier" the album still manages to be so awesome.
The sounds on each song differ so much, yet they all compliment each other so bloody brilliantly. Airbag and Paranoid Android are genre defining tracks, I can't even begin to describe them. It's hard to believe that Exit Music was originally made for a movie. And The Tourist is personally my favourite closing song.
If you haven't listened to OK Computer yet you are missing out on the best album EVAR.