In Reply To #1
Wow, rly nice makings, made me wonder what would it be a SotN for the old nes in my early years. [i would go nuts on it, if that's even possible, bc i was one of the only kids i knew that could play games all night long, lolz]
anyway, all sound rly nice was a great conversion into the 8 bit, that goes specially for The Librarian and Reincarnated.
Dance of Illusions could sound a lil faster to give it's proper aura of "omg the big boss" and excitment. [spelling?]
But i totally give you thumbs up for the Simon's theme bc it was pretty cool, perfect and goes into my cellphone now :p
If you'll keep up the good work plz make me versions for Dance of Pales and Crystal Teardrop...and maybe The beloved one [HoD] would sound major kick assing 8-bit goth.