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Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories keyblade locations
« on: February 07, 2009, 12:49:51 PM »
I own a copy of the PS2 remake of KH: Chain of Memories and I've beaten both Sora's and Riku's stories.  So now I am trying to complete the journal in Sora's story and as of now I'm only missing a few keyblades.  If anyone of you know how to get the following keyblades, please post how you get them:

Star Seeker
Follow the Wind
Hidden Dragon
Photon Debugger
Bond of Flame

I have all the others.  As the ways you obtain these keyblades is posted, I will edit this first post to show what is still needed.  Also, once the ways to get all of these is revealed, I will post them on
Behold my power and tremble
