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Re: Which director in your mind is perfect for the live castlevania movie ?
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2009, 03:18:46 PM »
Mitsuo Fukuda.

Dracula ousts Simon Belmont as the main character halfway through the movie, steamrolls the entire cast in the most unentertaining battle in history, and proceeds to repeatedly say "WHAT IS A MAN?" for the rest of the movie, with the plot treating it as actual, viable logic.

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Re: Which director in your mind is perfect for the live castlevania movie ?
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2009, 11:23:02 PM »
Christophe Gans had my vote for director of Castlevania the moment the final credits rolled on "Silent Hill." The man already has Konami's blessing, he's a competent craftsmen, and he has proven that he can handle both video game and anime adaptations surprisingly well.

Can I just say also that no matter who gets the job, they will not do any worse than Stephen Sommers did. Remember him? Directed his own Castlevania adaptation a while back starring Hugh Jackman? It was called "Van Helsing?" Anyway, I like the Stephen's films and got nothing against him personally, but his take on the epic struggle between Drac and his mortal monster-hunting arch nemesis was just a tad too trendy and not nearly as sharp as it should have been.
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