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« on: November 22, 2007, 12:15:32 PM »
See, a relative of mine was supposed to be joining us for Thanxgiving today--one o' my cousins. Now, he's not an Amerikkkan citizen yet, as he's in the process of getting his citizenship. However, he lives in New York and took a bus to us, so nobody thought there'd be any problems, right? Well, there was. For some reason or another, the bus got stopped along the way and searched by the po-leese.

Now, my cousin didn't bring his immigration papers with him, because like I said, he didn't think he'd need them cuz he wasn't crossing any borders. Unfortunately, he didn't have his drivers license either because he doesn't drive or own a car. So, long story short, he got sent to jail, my folks have to bail him out, and essentially, thanksgiving is canceled this year. D: D: D:

Moral of the story? Even if you don't drive, GET A DRIVER'S LICENSE! I cannot stress how important this is! To go anywhere in Amerikkka without the fuzz giving you trouble virtually necessitates a drivar's license, and that goes double if you're a brown person, since we're naturally under a lot of suspicion at the moment. Not that security is unimportant, or that some degree of suspicion isn't unjustified, but I'm just saying you can avoid a shitload of trouble, regardless of skin color, if you just carry some fucking ID with you, and a drivar's license is typically the best. x_x;;;

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« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2007, 01:01:17 PM »
I'm really sorry for your friend, Gunlord. It's hard to hear every time how your immigration police works, about their policies and strictness.

You know, two of my friends (they're brothers) went on a trip to USA last year; it was mostly for fun on the holidays, but part of it was also for the purpose of receiving a USA citizenship. And so they did. And now they have American citizenship, although they are not going to ever live there. At least not any time soon. They will still have the right to vote on the USA elections (or will they?). Isn't that absurd?
That's ironic to me that your relative, who lives in the USA, gets treated like that, while my friends, because they are the children of a fairly famous person here, who is in good connections with American institutions, get the "oh welcome my good friends, would you like an American citizenship? We are very generous and would be happy for you to receive it" treatment.
Funny that this guy on an Israeli forum I'm a member of, told how he went to the American offices to receive a visa to the USA. Of course he didn't say in the interview that he wanted to go there to work, but it was quite obvious- he was rejected. I don't feel sorry for him though. So many post-army young men in here want to travel to America for a few months to make easy money. How about the American people? Shouldn't they work? Serves them right.
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« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2007, 01:42:19 PM »
In reply to #1

Wow, that sounds like the pits, man...
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« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2007, 02:19:25 PM »
aw I'm sorry man, that's just ridiculous. Yeah I hate the damn      cops, always ruining everything. Not that I don't think they're necessary, it's just stupid to take the law so literally on these small matters like they love to do. Even if you carry a drivers license or Id if you don't have a copy of your insurance on you all the time and you get pulled over your screwed. A warning would have been sufficient in your cousin's case, or taking a note of where he lives and coming back later to make sure he has his papers, hauling him off to jail is just uncalled for, I feel for ya man, it just ain't thanksgiving if your whole families not there and you gotta spend all day trying to help a family member out of jail.   :-[
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« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2007, 03:03:13 PM »
What kind of asshole cop arrests a person for something that stupid on Thanksgiving day? I'm surprised that they didn't taser him.
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« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2007, 05:58:19 PM »
In Reply To #1

Why did you put three ks in American?
Nowadays you are either a graphics whore or a fanboy. BR is Shank not CV. It is ridiculous to think that it is better than CV. If it was CV then it would be what RE4 is to Resi, a series killer. Dumb it down and make it look pretty. Enough idiots will buy it.

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« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2007, 06:36:36 PM »
Thanks for the sympathy, guys, it really means a lot, I appreciate it :) Thankfully, since my cous is a legal resident, it should be easy to get 'im out of jail, he just has to show up before a judge and present his papers (his lawyer faxed 'em over I think :D) Sorry about the 3 ks, I've been hanging around 4chan too much (they spell it like that a lot to troll people). Anyways, thanks again for your support, guys :) That's one thing I'm thankful for, at least, that it's not anything serious and my cousin will get out of jail soon. :D

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« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2007, 10:56:37 PM »
Why did you put three ks in American?

Dude, there's this very popular humor show host in Israel named Eli Yatzpan. Now he has a new show in which he goes to different countries and randomly interviews different people, all the while pranking them. One of his funniest interviews is with a KKK a member. He asks him random questions, and while the guy is talking, he's cursing him in Hebrew. Hilarious!!

Translating the Hebrew bits:

USA is the most free country in the world, that freedom is used to the maximum by the Ku-Klux-Klan organization, the well-known KKK. The extremist organization believes in the supremacy of the white race, in antisemitism and hate to foreigners. The members of the organization are hiding under the cover of white executioners' cloaks, that look very ridiculous to me. After hard investigation work, we managed to convince one of the prime members in Huston to give us an interview. Of course I did not tell him I was Jewish.

"I'm not gonna tell you my name, you can just call me Ray."
"Shalom and good evening, we are here with a member of the KKK, in Huston, Texas. That son of a bitch looks very nice and very... Ordinary. Except that costume..."

"...He's take his Ni**er-loving lawyers or Jewish layers and sue me."
"I wish you eczema in your eyes. Opra Winpry said..."

"You Jews have too much money, that gives you too much power..."
"I wish for your mother to be ran down by a truck, amen"

"...What would you do about that, would you call the exterminator."
"Yeah, yeah, you son of a whore."

"...You know, he was a sand ni**er himself."
"Yes, do you think we can pour some fuel over him afterwards, and light up his cloak?.. Are people scared from those clothes?"

"It was a real pleasure to meet you, thank you very much indeed. Alright, this piece of shit, the son of a thousand whores that I just interviewed, I hope that the minute he walks out of the door he dies. You have no idea how pissed off I am at him right now, I wish him a quick death by accident, I hope that the road would be slippery, Thank you very much for watching us, shalom and good evening."

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« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2007, 12:09:32 AM »
I'm sorry to hear this, Gunny.  I don't know why the local cops acted the way they did - why arrest somebody just because he doesn't have ID?  That's not a crime, and you can't arrest somebody if no crime or ordinance violation has taken place.  The only thing I can think of is that it could be a local ordinance to carry ID on you at all times or something.  Even so, who would arrest on such a minor charge?

At my department, if a crime had taken place and there was some doubt to the ID the suspect was giving, we might make some quick attempts to identify him with fingerprints, without going into too much detail here.  But we would never arrest somebody just because he can't identify himself.  Seems like a crazy way to do things.  Local departments don't have the authority to enforce immigration issues anyway, so why bother?

If it helps at all, my family left town for the holiday and I was stuck working all day.  :/

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« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2007, 02:27:56 PM »
Thanks, man. It kind of sucks, too, my cousin ALMOST got out of it. My parents talked to him yesterday at the holding center he was at, here's how he says it happened: So after the bus got stopped and searched, he got pulled off for not having an ID and taken to a police station, and here's how the conversation went:

Officer: So you don't have your ID with you? Well, what's your name?
Cousin: (gives name, Asfal or something--don't know how to spell it xD)
Officer: Hmm, okay, let me look you up on the database and ask you a few questions...ahh, there you are! Asfal whatever...hmm, you speak English well enough, no previous arrests, no criminal record, you're here legally, and you'll be taking the citizenship exam soon. You just didn't have any ID on you. No driver's license or anything like that?
Cousin: No sir, I don't even have a car (my cousin is a hardcore environmentalist)
Officer: Ah, okay. You should have brought your immigration papers with you, though.
Cousin: I didn't think I'd need them because I wasn't crossing any state or country borders.
Officer: Okay, that's true. Well, you've been polite and cooperative, you don't have any criminal record at all, so I think we can let you go. Sorry for the trouble, and have a happy Thanksgiving.
Cousin: Really? Great! Thanks!
Officer #2 pops in: Hey, is that the guy from the bus? No ID on him, off to jail he goes!
Officer #1: D:
Cousin: D:!!!!!!

So yeah, he probably could have come to our place for thanksgiving yesterday if it hadn't been for that second officer ~_~ Still, though, he's not being mistreated or anything. The first officer took a liking to him, so he made sure my cousin got to stay at a holding center rather than a real jail or penitentiary with other dangerous inmates. He should also go out of that soon enough, because we got him a really great immigration lawyer. Only problem is that there's no judge available (they're all busy and it's the day after Thanksgiving) and he needs to go to court to clear all this up, but he should manage to solve the problem by the end of this weekend ^^ Thank God he's alright, that's definitely something to be thankful for :D

Anyways, now that we know my cousin's going to be okay, we'll be inviting some friends over and having thanksgiving today, so it all turned out okay in the end. :D :D I also got Dracula Chronicles and Front Mission for the DS today, so yaaaay :D :D

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« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2007, 02:58:20 PM »
Mine was the worst ever too.

My recently divorced dad has some porn actress living with him because her boyfriend was abusing her. She's 2 years younger than me and my dad is 64. I'm pretty sure she's a tweeker too. At the end of the evening she confided in me that she is bored as hell at his house and wants to go out for some fun, then slipped me her phone number. Normally this would be cool, but not if it's my dad's girl... it's just fucking weird.

...Oh yeah, and my good friend's little brother shot his wife then himself, all in the same day!

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« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2007, 04:43:19 PM »
In Reply To #11

My condolences to your friend.  That's just terrible...
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« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2007, 08:25:53 PM »
In Reply To #11

That really is awful, condolences to the bereaved of your friend and his family.

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