I'd like to have both. I've always thought a database would be cool, especially if it gets updated with each new release (the Metal Gear Database didn't do this after Peace Walker came out). It would be a nice little bonus to an anniversary package.
If this collection thing really does happen to be true, I honestly wonder if it ties in with the Vita through this transfarring crap. Konami will probably push this technology quite a bit (for maybe a year or two at least), so maybe a collection could be made with the PS3 in mind, but also can be played interchangeably with the Vita, and was thus included on the list? This could explain why MGS Rising is on there, too. I don't know, a longshot probably. But to me, it seems silly for Konami to release a compilation of old games that probably won't utilize the technology the Vita has. The thought of this being a Vita-only title seems almost absurd.
Although only a pipe dream, I'd love to see a beta Bloodlines and Resurrection make it into the collection. It would make my black, fanboy heart just melt. (Look at me, I'm getting hyped about a collection that probably doesn't exist.