I've been quiet these past weeks for 2 reasons;
1) I've been on vacation
2) I've been practicing some of my mapping techniques(hope some stuff looks better now)
I was originally planning to show you guys 4 pics but since my host is being jerky (probably because of my unstable internet connection atm) I can only show you guys one:

A small note: some people might be thinking "hey, what area of the castle is that?" wel that's the tower of science from LOD, I had a small hole in between two maps and drew empty on idea's to fill the gap up (other alternative was the COD tower of eternity) some people like it some people don't. If people have better idea's for maps then please present them

Also to answer the question about when new video's will pop up: most likely not very soon, we are in need of people who can help us model/skin certain assets and I want the next video to feature some enemies other than vamps and skeletons. So if you can either: Model,skin,texture or draw map/menu concepts or arts then your help would be greatly appriciated.