Camp can be fun. I'm no fan of a lot of campy movies, like Tokyo Gore Police (the last campy flick I saw), but I love Sukiyaki Western Django. Takashi Miike has some fun campy films and SWDj is one of them. The difference between that and Van Helsing though is SWDj was obvious camp and an obvious homage to spaghetti Westerns. Yet, in defense of the statement that some people just can't handle camp or enjoy camp or whatever, even good movies like SWDj are hated on by most people. Although I did show it to one friend that doesn't care for camp and doesn't like Japanese movies but he said he enjoyed SWDj. But from what I read on Rotten Tomatoes about it, a lot of the criticisms about it were the English language usage and corniness of it [SWDj] (one person even was furious because he thought it was sacrilege for the Japanese to make a Western, which is downright hilarious to read if you know anything about spaghetti Westerns). In other words, the same criticisms are basically used, although in different words, for Van Helsing. People didn't like the hammed-up accents or the corniness because they were probably expecting something serious and when their expectations weren't met, rather than enjoying the film for what it was, they just shut it out completely and didn't bother watching the movie as a form of entertainment from that point on.