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Room Editor for my random classic cv game.
« on: April 09, 2012, 11:45:04 PM »
I worked on this for a few days then yesterday somethin happened and I pretty much started it over from scratch today and now its pretty much finished up for the basic usage

What this is is a 16x14 room editor for use with my randomly generated classic cv maps. You can pick what kind of block to place and then make a layout (basically just a collision map) for a room which can then be saved to a string and used in my map generator (by me adding it to the generator list. Its not like a database of rooms type thing)

Its really easy to use and even works on mobile. Heres the controls and rules. Its almost entirely mouse driven.

Arrow Keys - Scale selected block. Hold Ctrl to set the smallest/biggest possible size for the selected block.
Left Click - Place a block in empty space or select the block under the mouse.
Right Click - Delete the block under the mouse or Select None in empty space.

Thats it pretty much. Theres 5 block types on the left side:
Full Block - Solid block cant be passed thru at all. Basic building block of all rooms.
Half Block - Standard JumpThru size half block. Cant be sized up/down only left/right. Aligns to the top edge of Full block. Is Jumpthru.
Angle Left - 45 degree slope to the left. Standard "metroidvania" style stair block. Solid.
Angle Right - same as Angle Left but facing the other way. Solid.
Point - The red block cant be scaled in any direction and is used to set spawn points or the room. Non Solid.

You can place the blocks in any spot and scale to any size between 1x1 and the full room (up/left shrinks right/down grows).
If the selected blocks touches another block so it would overlap the selected block is deleted.
No block will shrink smaller than the default size when placed or grow larger than the edge of the editable area.

Del - delete selected block
None - select none
Shot - Non mobile only. Take a screenshot of the editable area and open it a new window. I made this mainly for me to make the map backgrounds for the generator. It only saves as 1 filename and overwrites it everytime. If more than 1 person uses it at the same time theres no tellin who will get what pics lol.
Gen - creates a string for the current layout.
Read - paste in one of the created strings to load that layout.

Thats it! If anyones interested in making some generic room layouts with it feel free to paste the string here as well as a screenshot if ya want. If theres enough interest Ill mention some basic guidelines and goals every room should meet to be used in the generator as well as template types of what all needs to be made at the very least (atleast 60-68 rooms minimum)

Later tonight (almost 2am now) Ill try to get a version up with a test player included so you can build a layout hit a button and have a controllable rectangle to try it out with (nothin too fancy) as well as maybe a way to DL the screenshots you take.

Be sure to check out the mobile version too if you have an iphone/android or some kinda tablet. I think the mobile version turned out pretty well. Its kinda small on my iphone tho =/

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Re: Room Editor for my random classic cv game.
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2012, 10:32:34 AM »
Just gave this a try and it looks promising! However the tile placer is a little buggy as I have to yank it away from it previous position in order to put down another block.
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Offline Aridale

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Re: Room Editor for my random classic cv game.
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2012, 10:55:59 AM »
no your just not seein it move the selected cursor you can still place blocks it just wont move off the last one selected until it gets farther away or you unselect it

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Re: Room Editor for my random classic cv game.
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2012, 06:12:58 PM »
Oh, okay  :)
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