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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1680 on: February 22, 2019, 07:48:06 PM »
I also recently got a 3DS. Working my way through Link Between Worlds and Ocarina of Time 3D. The latter is arguably better than the N64 version. As for the former, it's like 25% remake and 75% sequel to ALttP. A very weird concept. If it was completely original, I think I'd like it more, because it does have a lot of really strong new ideas in it. As it is, it's very, very good once it gets going (especially after three or four dungeons). It handles non-linearity better than Breath of the Wild, in my opinion. The bosses are surprisingly intense, and the controls and screen transitions are the best in the overhead 2D Zelda pantheon.

I have to back up Abnormal Freak on the greatness of the original N64 Majora's Mask. The game is totally built around the time limit on purpose, and is honestly really fair about it more often than not. It's meant to be challenging and have you manage your time (like, say, Pikmin 1)--which plays right into the themes and mood of the story. You're supposed to feel the stress of a world facing an apocalypse. It and Ocarina are neck and neck. Ocarina has more of the classic "epic" feel, but Majora's has a more fleshed out world and more innovative eccentricities.

From what I've read and seen about Majora's Mask 3D, it really went overboard on some of the changes, and kind of altered what the core experience is supposed to be. I'm going to check it out eventually, but I'm pretty upset at some of the changes--permanent owl statue saves, no momentum for Deku Link's spin move, no speed swimming for Zora Link without magic, bosses have more blatant/corny weak points, etc. I did get a chance to play a demo of the game when it first came out at a store, and I did think it looked great and that the 3D camera control was a nice touch. I just wish it'd been more faithful like the Ocarina of Time remake was. Some of the changes are kind of to the extent of if you got rid of the alert phases from Metal Gear. They're that fundamental, I feel. They're taking away some of the consequences and learning process through exploration and trial and error. Others are a plus/minus situation. Like, once you can control time more, it makes it easier to get to the time when certain events happen. But before, you would go in different increments and multi-task during the time you have to wait between events. It also made finding those events more surprising and rewarding in some ways, because you couldn't just skip ahead to them to find them. I think it'll feel a lot less organic and more like this game is on fast-forward now with these new updates.

Truthfully, I'm still waiting for an overall 3D Zelda experience that tops Ocarina AND Majora's Mask, because they're still the best in the 3D space, in my opinion, and Breath of the Wild really didn't do it for me.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2019, 07:51:17 PM by RichterB »

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1681 on: February 24, 2019, 07:43:40 PM »
Just played Mega Man X3 again...I've always enjoyed this and the first MMX over the years. But then it hit me: is it kind of crappy that a lot of the bosses are super-hard with the Buster, but then a complete cakewalk with the right weapon? Should there be more of a middle ground in terms of boss difficulty? Or am I just becoming old and cranky?
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1682 on: February 25, 2019, 09:36:01 AM »
Just played Mega Man X3 again...I've always enjoyed this and the first MMX over the years. But then it hit me: is it kind of crappy that a lot of the bosses are super-hard with the Buster, but then a complete cakewalk with the right weapon? Should there be more of a middle ground in terms of boss difficulty? Or am I just becoming old and cranky?

Even in the original games the use of certain weapons against boss characters could easily win a fight for you. Not so much now in more recent titles. In MM2 Fireman's weapon on full charge can wipe the floor with Woodman in one shot on easy mode. Two or three on normal mode. Metalman's weapon against metalman will one-hit-kill him too, lol. Personally I miss those early gameplay mechanics. But Capcom thinks that extending boss fights will make for a better MM experience. Personally it kinda defeats the purpose of collecting said weapon in order to defeat a boss character that the player is struggling with otherwise. If there's a boss that's really pissing you off you just want it gone--No struggling.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2019, 09:38:38 AM by X »
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1683 on: March 20, 2019, 09:05:35 AM »
Legend of Zelda Tri-Force Heroes...

I'm playing it solo, and it's kinda boring.
Without the multiplayer element and basically no exploration at all, well... it makes the Drablands really earn their name.
The costumes are neat though. Some of the effects used in these costumes would be cool to have in Breath of the Wild.
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1684 on: April 01, 2019, 08:05:19 PM »
Really thinking both Crayon Shinchan games on SFC ( I want those in my collection, the Mega Drive one is $100, fuck that), or a round of Twinbee Rainbow Bell Adventure on the SFC (that one I DO own), the non-linear Japanese version.

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1685 on: April 06, 2019, 10:44:14 AM »
I'm giving a game called Slaine: Back from Hell a try. If anyone loves heavy metal-themed/music games with 2D side-scrolling sprite action then this title is for you. Be warned, it's tough. But what makes it tough is the controller. Whomever programmed the controls I don't believe had any real 2D side-scroller experience. You have to use the analogue stick rather then the D-pad in order to move about and cannot change that. Must have been the same programmer who did the controls for Metroid: Samus Returns. You don't use the analogue stick to move about in a 2D game. *Shake's head*
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1686 on: April 09, 2019, 12:43:35 PM »
Vagrant Story and its CoD Isaac fashion design.
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1687 on: April 21, 2019, 06:29:17 PM »
I've mostly been playing Hollow Knight, Enter the The Gungeon, and Sega Genesis Classics on Switch. On Xbox One I have been playing Ninja Gaiden Black.

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1688 on: April 24, 2019, 06:26:07 PM »
Been having a borderlands kick since the up-coming Borderlands 3 is on the horizon. Over 1 billion guns in that game, sweet Jesus...
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1689 on: May 02, 2019, 11:36:23 PM »
Finally got a modern cellphone this week and I've been catching up on puzzle & dragon, Final Fantasy Record Keeper, and Mobius Final Fantasy.
Are there any good metroidvanias for android?
Maybe something more vania than metroid?
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1690 on: May 06, 2019, 08:15:06 PM »
Touhou Luna Nights. A brilliant decision in mixing Touhou project games and modern Metroidvania style games, though the way that the game designer limits player's attack is a bit TOO much - maybe more than even Order of Ecclesia. The attack meter takes ages to recover to be able to perform an attack which is extra annoying in my view.
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1691 on: May 08, 2019, 04:52:43 AM »
Shakedown: Hawaii

also known as: Running Over People Who Sound Like They Have Maria's Scratchy PC-Engine Voice Samples From Castlevania Rondo Of Blood Simulator 3000

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1692 on: May 13, 2019, 06:01:57 AM »
Playing Darksiders Warmastered edition on Switch. I am playing this game on 3rd platform. It is damn good!
Also playing Castlevania Lords of Shadows on Xbox One X. Night and day difference if playing it on Xbox 360.
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1693 on: May 19, 2019, 11:31:29 AM »
Shakedown: Hawaii

also known as: Running Over People Who Sound Like They Have Maria's Scratchy PC-Engine Voice Samples From Castlevania Rondo Of Blood Simulator 3000

Waiting for the physical copy of that because I'm pro-skub.

Still hammering away at Yakuza 5. Great game but five playable characters might be too many. I got a job with a lot of overtime over a month ago so it's difficult to find time to play it.

Other than that, I have nearly $3 million in Stardew, so I finally decided to spruce up my farm a bit so it doesn't look so bullshitty and cluttered.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2019, 11:34:04 AM by Abnormal Freak »
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1694 on: May 22, 2019, 03:15:31 PM »
100%-ed the current version of Touhou Luna Nights. Return to research scene of Castlevania Chronicles (PS1) as I feel confused why the attack command of Circle button and Square button can't cross-input.
Hell, the Japanese alternate cover just won't work due to the mismatched size in between the cover paper and regular CD case.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2019, 04:12:46 PM by Aceearly1993 »
"Did you know when one's most desperation time is? It's when he was beaten up by someone critically...
And he can't find who caused this."

