But I was correct on one thing: that there would be a Belmont Bloodline!

I honestly enjoy the fact that MoF will actually use this time traveler like application, which kinda makes sense with the use of the Frakenstein's time machine in which Gabriel used to go back in time and defeat the Forgotten One. So, we know that MoF is the prologue to the events of LoS2 which will close the game, but I for one am very interested in the actual storyline itself (bringing fresh air to the series as an alternate universe ) and that we finally get to see Dracula in action, slaughtering his old comrades out of the fact that, all he wants is his wife back.
But, I still demand more to the story, personally. It would be nice if they would instead of try to just "end" it, go back and make four more games about the raise of the Dark Lords, an example of this -
Game 1: Crusade against Satan
Game 1: Cornell
Game 2: Carmillia
Game 3: Zobek
As the telling is told, we could get to see how they would tackle Satan, the sealing of the Forgotten One and one last thing... The Necromatic Wars. What did they do to truly fall? Were their tales as tragic? And there is one thing that leaves me to speculation, if Zobek had the mask... Did he truly "fall" and split himself? Or did Zobek keep both sides in tact and just became Death himself while tricking the other two with the mask? Just an interesting thing me thinks... *rubs chin*